STATION ROAD · DORRIDGE · · WEST · B93 8EU TELEPHONE : 01564 772836 E-mail : [email protected] Head Teacher : Mrs R Ashe

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Dorridge Primary School.

We pride ourselves on providing a nurturing environment, where children can develop into confident young people with a real thirst for learning. We strive to give them the necessary building blocks on which to progress in their future learning. This is accomplished by creating a wealth of exciting experiences to help children achieve academically and personally.

This is a happy school. Visitors often remark on the positive atmosphere, the caring attitudes and excellent manners of the children.

An important factor in our success is a close partnership between home and school. Parents are involved in the life of the school in many ways, such as termly meetings, helping in class, PTA and Parent Council. We are grateful to parents for their active support and encourage you to become as involved as you can.

All staff and Governors at DPS are highly committed to provide the very best education for all children.

Mrs R Ashe Head Teacher

Mrs A Fisher Chair of Governors


Dorridge Primary School Station Road Dorridge Solihull B93 8EU Tel: 01564 772836 E-mail: [email protected]

Age Range in School: 3-11 years

Number on Roll: The school has places for 80 pupils (40 am/pm) in the Nursery and 654 pupils Reception to Year 6

Head Teacher: Mrs R Ashe

Deputy Head Teachers: Mrs D Mallin Mrs J Hales (Part time) Mrs M Green (Part time) Mrs G Thelwell (Part time)

Chair of Governors: Mrs A Fisher c/o Dorridge Primary School Station Road Dorridge Solihull West Midlands B93 8EU

Dorridge Nursery and Infant and Dorridge Junior Schools amalgamated in September 2014 to become Dorridge Primary School. The school is a community school situated on an attractive and spacious site near to the centre of Dorridge village.

The information provided gives an overall view of the school, including our aims, the curriculum we offer and more general information. We hope you find it useful.

Should you require any additional information or wish to visit our school, please contact either Mrs Mansfield for Nursery and Key Stage 1 admissions or Mrs Cooper for Key Stage 2 admissions who will arrange an appointment.


Our Principles and Aims

We aim to provide a happy and secure environment for our children, in which their individual needs are recognised and provided for. We design a rich and varied curriculum to equip children with a breadth of knowledge, skills and understanding, as well as a real thirst for learning, now and in the future.

While at Dorridge Primary School we aim for all pupils:

 To develop lively, enquiring minds with the ability to question, reason, think creatively and show initiative and independence.  To be self-motivated and take responsibility for their own learning and to strive for the best they can achieve.  To communicate and work well with others.  To develop responsible attitudes in order to become active and caring members of the community.  To develop self-discipline, responsibility for their own actions and aware of the rights of others.  To acquire and effectively apply essential skills in language, including speaking, listening, reading and writing, through a range of contexts.  To acquire and effectively apply essential skills in mathematics, through a range of contexts.  To develop Science and ICT skills and understanding in a range of contexts.  To foster a keen interest and awareness in the environment and how they can play a part in caring for it.  To develop their knowledge and understanding of, as well as respect for, religious beliefs and practices in a multi-cultural society and begin to appreciate a variety of different languages.  To develop their skills and understanding across a range of other subject areas through stimulating cross curricular themes, including art, design, history and geography.  To develop their appreciation of music through listening and taking part in a variety of contexts.  To improve their physical skills and an awareness of the need for a healthy lifestyle.


Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time. Parents wishing to discuss a specific concern are asked to make an appointment with one of the Deputy Head Teachers or the Executive Head Teacher, via the school secretaries.

Home School Organiser

The Home School Organiser is the vehicle for recording reading at school and at home and all homework tasks, providing the opportunity for dialogue between home and school. We hope that parents and children will use this to good effect to encourage good communication.

Parents’ Evening

These are held during the Autumn and Spring terms to discuss your child’s progress.

Open Mornings

During the Autumn Term, parents are invited to attend our open morning to observe the children ‘at work’.


Parents are invited to join us for assemblies throughout the year. We have special assemblies at Harvest, Christmas and to celebrate our annual Charitable appeal. Assembly dates and times are detailed in the Termly Newsletter. .


Walkabouts are held termly, when parents are invited to come into school at the end of the day, with their children, to look at displays of work throughout the school.

Parental Help

There are many areas of school life in which we encourage parents to become involved. Many parents join in Reading time at the start of each day, by helping with a reading group. Other activities include art and craft, library and other general classroom activities. We are very grateful for all the help we receive from our parents. If you have a particular skill or talent, please volunteer!



We try to keep letters home to a minimum. At the beginning of each term, parents will receive via email a very informative newsletter with all the important dates for the term. Keep this for reference please. Most letters and school information is sent home via Schoolcomms email system. Each Friday sees the Weekly News emailed to parents which holds further information about the week ahead.

Parent Teacher Association

We benefit enormously from the efforts of a very active and supportive Parent Teacher Association. We have a lively and enthusiastic PTA that raises substantial funds for school resources. An annual general meeting is held in the Autumn Term at which a new committee is elected. All parents are automatically PTA members.

KS2 Library

We have an extensive range of literature in our library. Our school librarian and volunteer parents ensure the library is open each day. Parents and children are encouraged to use this facility and withdraw books and other materials regularly to read at home. Children are allocated a library card and given a set day for the change of books which includes access before, after school and at lunch and break times. On Wednesdays, school resources are on sale in the library. A stock list is shared with the children by our librarian.

KS1 School Book Club

The School Book Club is open on Thursday afternoons from 2.00 pm to 3.15pm. Children can save each week or, if they wish, they may buy a book outright.

KS1 DVD Club

The School DVD Club is open on Friday afternoons. Children can rent a DVD for the weekend for a small donation.


We believe good behaviour is very important, not only for the smooth running of the school, but as part of the child’s education for adult life. Parental support is necessary in achieving our aim to be a happy, caring, well-

5 disciplined school. The children are encouraged to be sensible, well behaved and caring. We believe self-discipline is the best form of discipline. We acknowledge and emphasise the positive achievements made by children, through praise and encouragement.

Good lessons, where children learn well, need to have clear behaviour management systems. Across the school, if a class or school rule is broken the procedure followed will be:

 Verbal warning (e.g. child’s name, stop poking your partner!)  If the child continues to break the rules they will be sent for 2 minutes of thinking time (each class will have a designated area for this and a sand timer). The aim of thinking time is to reflect on the mistake and to calm down. At the end of the time, the teacher will ask for an apology and talk through the incident. All children make mistakes, but we would like them to identify what went wrong and what they could do better next time.  If the child still continues to break the rules they will be sent for 5 minutes of thinking time.  If problems persist after this, the child will be sent to a member of Senior Management and a letter will be sent home. In Reception and Nursery this system will be adjusted to fit the child’s developmental stage and all children will re-start with a clean slate in Reception after lunch. We may also amend the system for children for whom this system will not work, e.g. a child with Asperger’s or ADHD. At lunch time and break times a similar system will be used. In the playground there will be a ‘calm down zone’ where children can go who have broken a playtime rule, e.g. by hitting somebody. To help the children to calm down and re-focus there will be a mundane activity there for them to focus on, such as sorting out lego bricks. After approximately 5 minutes, children will be invited to rejoin their peers after talking through the incident. At KS2 we expect greater self-control to be evident in the playground, therefore children who break play rules will be sent to lunchtime thinking time either that day or the following day. There they will be expected to complete a reflection sheet regarding their behaviour. Similary KS2 children may be sent to lunchtime thinking time for very poor behaviour in assembly. If children present problems, then discussion, loss of privileges, detention or additional tasks are used where necessary. If the problems are persistent, parents are consulted.

Child Protection

Should there be, through our daily contact with children, any reason to suspect possible child abuse, then our duty is clear. We have to report the suspicion to Social Services who will then assume the responsibility for all necessary investigations.

6 School Fund

Parents are asked to give a voluntary contribution of £25.00 per family, per year, to School Fund (which enjoys charitable status), on the understanding that all money so collected will be used in the genuine educational interests of the children.

Charges for Educational Activities

Sections 449-462 of the Education Act 1996 set out the law on charging for school activities in schools maintained by local authorities in . Please refer to our Charging and Remissions Policy for School Activities, found on our school website, for full details and relevant implications.

Complaints Procedure

Under the terms of the Education Act 1996 there is a statutory procedure to deal with complaints by parents who feel that in relation to a school's curriculum the LA or governing body is failing to discharge its duties. The arrangements are not intended to deal with complaints about the actions of Heads or individual teachers, but specifically the curriculum, including Religious Education and worship, exemptions from National Curriculum and the provision of information and charging policies. It is hoped that any matter of concern could be dealt with informally at the school through the Executive Head Teacher or Governors before proceeding to formal arrangements.


Admission Arrangements 2014/15 The coordinated scheme and admission arrangements for the academic year 2014/15 for Solihull community and voluntary-controlled schools can be viewed on Solihull Local Authority’s website.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Admissions Team on 0121 704 6693 or email [email protected]., alternatively write to Solihull School Admissions Team, PO Box 20, Council House, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 9QU

Nursery to Reception Transfer

Reception application information is available from the School Admissions Team 12 months before the child is due to start Reception. Attendance in a School Nursery will not give any priority for a place in the Reception class at the same school. A Reception application form must be completed.

7 KS1 to KS2 Transition

As part of our Transition Policy at the end of Year 2 and Year 4 the classes will be mixed up.


Key Stage 1 has nine registration groups, three in each year group, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Children are taught in classes of 30 or less.

Nursery, which operates for two sessions morning and afternoon, with a limit of 40 children at each session.

The School Day at KS1 9:00 am – 3:25 pm Pupil access to the school is only by way of the Key Stage 1 Arch between Year 1 and Year 2. From 8:50am two members of the School team will be on duty to welcome your child as they enter school. At 3:25pm all children must be collected from the school playground. No child is allowed to leave the school premises without an adult. (This excludes collective worship, registration and breaks).

Free Milk for Under 5s

Milk is completely free for any child under five and your child will be offered a carton of milk each day together with a piece of fruit at snack time, the best way is to register at KS2

The school has twelve registration groups, three in each year group, Years 3 to 6. Children are taught in classes of 32 or less. Details of the structure of your child’s working week are sent to parents annually.

Children in all year groups are taught in ability groups for Literacy and Numeracy each morning, whilst Year 6 children are taught in four groups.

The School Day at KS2 8:50am – 3:30pm Pupil access to the school is only by way of the path at the Station Road side of school. From 8.40am, the doors near Year 3 are opened for children to come into school. A teacher will welcome them at the door and their class teachers are on hand in their classroom. A bell rings at 8.50am to signal the start of the day and the gate and door are closed by the teacher on duty. Pupils should not arrive at school before 8.40am

At 3.30pm, children in Year 3 must be collected from the school playground. No child in this year group will be allowed to leave school premises without an adult. Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be allowed to walk home unaccompanied if a letter from parents is received by the Executive Head Teacher. The children’s working week is 23.5 hours (This excludes collective worship, registration and breaks).


House System

All children are allocated to a house on entry to the school.

Red – Warwick Green – Yellow – Ludlow Blue – Tamworth

The House system is used for a variety of purposes including Teams in P.E. and Sports Day, competitions with House points, the school’s annual quiz and fundraising in Charity Fortnight.

Wraparound (soon to be named DARBY’S)

We offer a wraparound service which is staffed by qualified professionals. There are a range of services within the school environment, which provide education and childcare.

Breakfast Club 8.00am - 8.50am Supervised Lunchtimes (Nursery) 11.30am - 12.50pm Wraparound (Nursery) School Hours around Nursery provision Teatime Club 3.30pm - 6.00pm

All meals are prepared on the premises by Solihull Catering Service.

Bookings are taken on a half termly basis, additional Wraparound can be booked providing we have availability however 48 hours notice is required. For further information and availability contact:

Miss F Brittain or Mrs A Tinkler 01564 772836 (Option 4) [email protected]


When a child has passed the Cycling Skills Test, they may cycle to school with permission from the parents and Mrs Mallin. Whilst we would wish to encourage proficient cyclists to ride to School, we are aware of the significant traffic hazards. Parents should consider carefully the risks involved in allowing a child to cycle to School and should choose their route carefully. Children who are not in Year 6 should always be accompanied by an adult. No cycling, or scooting, is allowed in the school grounds. Scooters should be named and parked in the scooter shed. Children are required to wear a safety helmet.

9 Car Parking

The roads around School can become very congested, particularly near the beginning and end of School sessions. In the interests of everyone’s safety, especially the children’s, it is vital that cars are parked legally and considerately. Therefore, do :  walk or cycle (subject to the conditions of the “Bicycles” section above) to and from School with your child. If you must use your car :  park in designated parking areas only, although these do not include the school car park;  encourage car sharing;  park on the School playground for evening and weekend functions.  observe the voluntary one-way system on Hanbury Road. do not :  park on yellow lines or “Keep Clear” areas;  park across driveways;  park half on and half off kerbs;  park or stop to drop off on Station Road.

People who drive and park inconsiderately endanger the lives of the children and other pedestrians. Inconsiderate parking causes difficulty for the School with local residents and has prevented emergency vehicle access. Please be considerate.

KS1 School Meals

From Reception to Year 2 children are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.

KS2School Meals

A cooked meal or baguette choice is available at School. Meals are cooked in our own kitchen and the choice of dishes offers good value. Parents are notified of the cost of these meals well before the start of each term. Payment should be made through the ‘Parentpay’ system. For further information, please refer to the School office. Please contact the school cook should your child have any special dietary requirements (as opposed to simple preferences).

Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch each day. This should be in a small, clearly named container. A drink of water is available at lunchtime for children bringing packed meals.

Free School Meals

If you feel your child may be eligible for Free School meals, please contact the

10 school office for information

Healthy Snacks

Children may bring a healthy snack, biscuit or fruit to eat at morning break. We discourage the eating of chocolate bars and crisps. At KS2 there is a tuck shop run by the school kitchen. The items available and prices are on view via the school website. Water bottles are kept in classrooms and children are encouraged to drink regularly. Plain water rather than flavoured water or squash is preferred. Milk can be ordered for children in Years 3 to 6 to drink at morning break via the ‘Cool Milk Scheme’. This is kept refrigerated in the school hall. Information regarding the milk scheme is available via the school office.

Head Lice

Head lice are a constant problem in all schools these days. Please check your child’s hair and scalp weekly. Medication, available from chemists, should be applied thoroughly to your child’s hair and scalp. Children’s hair should be clear of lice before they return to school. Please inform the school if your child has been infected. If lice are found in your child’s hair we will ring to ask you remove your child until their hair has been treated.


In KS1 medicines are not held for children therefore Parents must make arrangements for medication to be given to their child. At KS2 medicines which a child needs during school hours should be given to the school office for safe keeping. A consent to administer medicines form is available from the school office for occasional administration of medicine. Your child will have to remember to visit the school office to be administered with their medication. If medicines are required to be held in school for the school year, a care plan is required to be completed. A School Nurse will call you to discuss a care plan which is held in the school office. However, no responsibility for the administration of medicines can be accepted. Parents are asked to inform the School of any significant medical history, allergies, etc. of which we should be aware.

Absence and Illness

Please remember that you should contact the school between 8.15 am and 9.00 am on the first day of any absence from school. This saves our having to investigate absences for which we have received no explanation. If your child could bring in an explanatory note when he or she returns to school, then we will have written confirmation for our records.

When a child is away from School because of an infectious or contagious

11 disease, it is important that the School is informed at once. Under no circumstances should a child return to School until a doctor's approval has been given. Details of the exclusion periods for different diseases are available from School.

In cases where we suspect illness, parents are contacted. Please inform us of any change of telephone number of place to contact in the event of any emergency. Minor cuts and grazes occurring during break time are dealt with at school. In cases where the child has been sick or had diarrhoea, please keep him/her at home for 24 hours after the last bout of sickness. It is so easy in school for infection to spread unless we are all prepared to take care.

Infectious Disease Below are suggested times for keeping your child away from school if he/she has any of these illnesses. Infectious Disease Keep at home for Chickenpox 5 days from appearance of rash German Measles 4 days from appearance of rash Scarlet Fever 7 days (appropriate treatment must be given) Whooping Cough 21 days from the beginning of the cough Impetigo Until sores are crusted or healed or can be reliably dressed Scabies, Ringworm, Verrucae - Until adequate treatment has been carried out

The school is required annually to publish information relating to authorised and unauthorised absences.

Number on roll Attendance Authorised absences Unauthorised absences

Government legislation demands that we must keep careful records of all absences which have to be categorised as either authorised or unauthorised. In order to help us keep accurate records, please ask for and complete a Request for Leave of Absence form for each occasion (such as doctors' appointments etc.) when you know your child will be missing school, even if it is for only part of the day. Failure to complete the form and return it to school before the absence begins will probably result in the absence being recorded as unauthorised.

A letter from the Chairman of Governors in on Page 16

If your request is refused but the child will still be absent from School, then the matter will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer and will be noted on the child's school record.

Should a child’s attendance fall below 90% over a period of one term, then a standard letter informing the parents of the situation will be sent home. The

12 Education Welfare Officer will be informed if the level of absenteeism for that child continues.

Mobile Phones

If there is a valid reason why your child needs to have a mobile phone in school, please send a written explanation to Mrs Mallin. Your child’s mobile phone will then be held in the school safe for security during the school day and collected by your child at 3.30pm. In all other circumstances the school rule is that children should not bring mobile phones into school.

Fire Drill

A fire drill is held once a term. Every child is made aware of the procedure in the event of fire and we regularly evacuate the building in less than two minutes. All fire appliances are checked regularly by qualified personnel.

School Trips Plus+

This service was developed in consultation with the National Confederation of PTAs and the National Association of Head Teachers. It is designed to help keep pupils safe and parents informed during school trips. It is also a very useful service for listening to emergency announcements (for example school closures due to bad weather).

To use the service and listen to messages regarding a school trip or emergency announcements, the telephone number to call is: 08447 70 75 76 and our school ID is: 45209

Fair Processing Notice : Data Protection Act

Schools, Local Authorities and the Department for Children, Schools and Families (the government department which deals with education) all hold information on pupils in order to run the education system, and in doing so have to follow the Data Protection Act 1998. This means, among other things, that the data held about pupils must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. The following, therefore, tells you about the types of data held, why that data is held, and to whom it may be passed on.

The school holds information on pupils in order to support their teaching and learning, to monitor and report on their progress, to provide appropriate pastoral care, and to assess how well the school as whole is doing. This information includes contact details, National Curriculum assessment results, attendance information, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.

From time to time we are required to pass on some of this data to the Local Authority (LA), to another school to which the pupil is transferring, to the Department for Education (DFE), and to Qualifications and Curriculum

13 Development Authority (QCDA) which is responsible for the National Curriculum and associated assessment arrangements.

The Local Authority uses information about pupils to carry out specific functions for which it is responsible, such as the assessment of any special educational needs the pupil may have. It also uses the information to derive statistics to inform decisions on (for example) the funding of schools, and to assess the performance of schools and set targets for them. Any statistics in the public domain are used in such a way that individual pupils cannot be identified from them.

The Qualifications and Curriculum Development Authority uses information about pupils to administer the National Curriculum tests and assessments for Key Stages 1 to 3. The results of these are passed on to DFE in order for it to compile statistics on trends and patterns in levels of achievement. The QCDA uses the information to evaluate the effectiveness of the National Curriculum and the associated assessment arrangements, and to ensure that these are continually improved.

The Department for Education uses information about pupils for statistical purposes, to evaluate and develop education policy and to monitor the performance of the education service as a whole. The statistics (including those based on information provided by the QCDA) are used in such a way that individual pupils cannot be identified from them. The DFE will feed back to Local Authorities and schools information about their pupils where they are lacking this information because it was not passed on by a former school. On occasion, information may be shared with other Government departments or agencies strictly for statistical or research purposes only.

Pupils, as data subjects, have certain rights under the Data Protection Act, including a general right of access to personal data held on them, with parents exercising this right on their behalf if they are too young to do so themselves. If you wish to access the personal data held about your child, then please contact the relevant organisation in writing : the school; the LA Data Protection Officer at SMBC Council House Solihull B91 3QU; the QCDA Data Protection Officer at QCDA 83 Piccadilly LONDON W1J 8QA; the DFE Data Protection Officer at DFE Caxton House Tothill Street LONDON SW1H 9NA.

Use of Photographs and Children’s work

Your child will do various items of work during their time at Dorridge Junior School. We regularly display some of these items on boards throughout school to celebrate the children’s work and to give visitors a chance to see the range of work done in the school. In addition, the work carried out forms part of your child’s education record and is kept in a file for your child during each term. Most of this work will be sent home with your child at the end of each term or at the end of the year. Occasionally, members of staff may wish to

14 keep certain items of work as exemplars for their files and for future years.

During the school year, we will sometimes take photographs of your children during the school day. Obvious examples are the yearly individual and class portraits that are taken by the school photographer, but it may also happen on other occasions either for particular work projects or to form part of the child’s record of achievement.

We also have a school website. We would like to use some examples of children’s work in photographs to add interest to the site. In such a case, we will always remove any name so that an individual child cannot be identified. Any other use of your child’s name, image or work would only ever be done with your express permission in each case, for example, in small articles in the local press concerning visitors; you will always be made aware of these events on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any objections or concerns over the above uses of your child’s work or photographs, please contact Mrs Mallin.

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we must be clear and proactive about the information we can make public. Hence, we have produced a Publication Scheme (a copy of which is available from School) which outlines the classes of information, how they will be published and whether this information is available free of charge or not.

Validity of Publication

This brochure is updated regularly and parents are reminded that although the information is accurate at the time of printing, it cannot be assumed that changes in the information will not occur either before the start of or during the school year.

15 A letter from the Chair of Governors

Dear Parent,

Authorised Absences

There appears to be an increasing trend to take family holidays during term time. There are obviously some advantages, namely:  the holidays tend to be cheaper; and  holiday destinations are less crowded with other people’s children

There are however some severe disadvantages:  your child’s education suffers;  lessons are missed;  continuity of project work is lost;  there is no opportunity for teachers to set additional work or assist a child in catching up on their return from holiday;  the class is generally disrupted;  you are in breach of your legal obligation to send your child to school.

There is a common misconception that any child is allowed to take 10 days holiday per year in term time. This is not true. Any absence of up to 10 days (in addition to absence through sickness) may be authorised by the Executive Head Teacher.

The School Governors wish to stress that with effect from September 2013, requests for holiday absence will be unauthorised. If you are unable to avoid requesting absence during school term, an application must be made to Mrs Mallin on the application form available from the school office ,not less than six weeks before the absence is due to start.

If your request is refused but the child will still be absent from school, the matter will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer and will be noted on the child’s school record.

Any unauthorised absences reflect badly on the school, as well as damaging your child’s education. Please consider this matter very carefully before making a request for absence during term time.


Dorridge Primary School Governing Body

The Chair of the Governing Body is Mrs A Fisher, contact with whom can be made through the School. Parent Governors are elected by parents and can make representation on their behalf but they are not delegates and have no obligation to report back to parents as a body.

LA Governors

Mrs A Fisher (Chair Of Governors) Mrs I Sethu

Parent Governors

Mr S Bryan Mrs T Langford Dr A Burtenshaw Ms A Bather

Community Governors

Mrs A Doyle Mr M Fortune Mr R P Hughes Mr R Purser

Staff Governors Mrs M Green Mrs J Hales

Head Teacher Governor Mrs R Ashe

All Governors may be contacted via the School Office

17 Dorridge Primary School Staffing 2014/2015

Senior Management Team

Head Teacher Mrs R Ashe Deputy Head Teacher Mrs D Mallin Deputy Head Teacher Mrs M Green Deputy Head Teacher Mrs J Hales Deputy Head Teacher Mrs G Thelwell

KS1 Qualified Teachers with Management and/or Curriculum Responsibilities

Miss A Farrington Miss R Blayney Mrs C Mannion Miss E Baker Miss L Greenwood Miss H Gill Mrs D Norris Mrs S Courts Miss E Footman Mrs C Walker Mrs M Norman

KS2 Qualified Teachers with Management and/or Curriculum Responsibilities

Mrs J Horswill Miss L MacInnes Mrs N Shackley Miss S Copeman Mrs C Guevara Mrs C Davies Mr A Tolman Mr A Poole Mrs S Goulding Mrs K Davis Mrs S Watson Mrs A Brookson Miss N Jenkins Miss E Benton Mrs K Davis Miss G Lloyd Mrs L Webb

KS1 Teaching and Learning Support Assistants Mrs S Taylor Miss C Bamber Mrs F Dunlevy Mrs K Halliday Miss K Jones Mrs T Bullock Mrs S Russell Miss S Hewitt Miss A Phillips Mrs K Hunt Mrs A Ibbitson Mrs J Harden Mrs K Hough Mrs C Eden Mrs J Boles Mrs D Taylor

KS2 Teaching and Learning Support Assistants Mrs Y Bayliss Mrs L Williams Mrs T Fenton Mrs A Doyle Mrs K Moment Mrs K Coe Mrs E Sukkersudha Mrs N Smith Mrs L LaVigna Mrs C Kirk Mrs K Rimmington Mrs V Pritchard Mrs A Lloyd Miss S Quinn Mrs S Hewitt Mrs A Felton Mrs J Boles

18 Wraparound Team

Manager Miss F Brittain Administrator Mrs A Tinkler

Play Workers Mr D Brookson, Mrs D Eades, Miss I Hudson, Mr J Bird, Miss B Sankey, Mrs A Sharp, Miss K Weaver, Miss S Quinn

Administration Team

Mrs J Cooper Ms S Curgenven Mrs S Grant Mrs J Emeny Mrs J Houghton Mrs C Mansfield Mrs S Weatherhead

Librarian ICT Technician Family Support Mrs J Train Mr P Egan Mrs H Fantham

Dining Supervisors Mrs S Jutla, Mrs F Robins, Mrs J Griffiths, Mrs R Gunn, Mrs J Panesar, Miss S Quinn, Mrs V Bagley, Mrs S Taylor, Mrs S Lyons, Mrs D Taylor, Mrs K Drew, Mrs K Foster, Mrs A Anderton, Mrs R Byrne

Cooks in Charge Mrs K Coughlan, Mrs A Hancox

Site Manager Mr R Stevens School Allotment Mr M P Rocky

19 School Holiday Dates 2014-2015

Autumn Term 2014

Inset Day Monday 1st September 2014* Inset day Tuesday 2nd September 2014* Term Starts Wednesday 3rd September 2014 Half Term Monday 27th October 2014 - Friday 31st October 2014 Term Ends Friday 19th December 2014

Spring Term 2015

Inset Day Monday 5th January 2015* Term Starts Tuesday 6th January 2015 Half Term Monday 16th February 2015 - Friday 20th February 2015 Term Ends Friday 27th March 2015

Summer Term 2015

Term Starts Monday 13th April 2015 Inset Day Thursday 7th May 2015* Half Term Monday 25th May 2015 - Friday 29th May 2015 Term Ends Friday 17th July 2015 Inset Day Monday 20th July 2015*

* Children will not attend on these dates

20 School Uniform and Equipment

The amalgamation of Dorridge Junior and Infant Schools will result in a new uniform being designed. However, this will not be available until at least Easter 2015. After this we will allow a transition time for uniform when children will be able to wear either uniform during the academic year 2015-2016. This means there will be a phasing in period ensuring no extra costs to families. For this reason the uniform for children starting in September 2014 is as follows:

The wearing of School uniform accords with the ethos of the School in that it enhances the appearance and reputation of the children and their School. We also think of sensible and considerate behaviour as an integral part of the School uniform. We are proud of our uniform and expect all children to wear it. All clothing and belongings, including shoes, pumps and watches, should be clearly marked with the child's name.


NURSERY UNIFORM Boys and Girls Royal blue sweatshirt and sky blue short-sleeved polo shirt with embroidered School logo* A pair of black pumps with Velcro fastening, kept in School in a drawstring pump bag.*

KEY STAGE 1 UNIFORM Boys Red sweatshirt with embroidered School logo.* Red short-sleeved polo shirt with embroidered School logo.* Grey shorts. (In the Winter jogging bottoms may be worn outside to play). Grey ¾ length socks. Black shoes (no boots).

Girls - Winter Red sweatshirt with embroidered School logo.* Red short-sleeved polo shirt with embroidered School logo.* Grey box pleated skirt. Grey ¾ length socks or grey cotton knit tights. Black shoes (no boots).

Girls - Summer Red and white check gingham dress (short sleeved) no white collar. White ankle socks. Black shoes or red sandals (no open toes). Sweatshirt may be worn over the dress on cooler days.

21 Hair Accessories - Any ribbons, slides, hair bands etc., should be red or white.

Boys and Girls School waterproof reversible coat/fleece with embroidered School logo optional.*

PE Kit A pair of black pumps with a velcro fastening, white t-shirt and white shorts. These are to be kept in School in a drawstring pump bag.*

Hair Accessories - Any ribbons, slides, hair bands etc should be red or white

Jewellery - No jewellery may be worn in school. Children may, however, wear a watch when they can tell the time.

The items marked in the KS1 uniform with * can be bought in School please see Mrs Mansfield


Boys—Winter Blue V Neck Sweatshirt with school logo White long sleeved shirt School Tie Grey 3/4 length socks Grey Trousers—short or long Black Shoes—no boots or trainers Fleece—optional—Navy Blue with school logo

Girls—Winter Blue V Neck Sweatshirt with school logo White long sleeved shirt School Tie Grey 3/4 length socks or grey cotton knit tights Grey Box Pleated Skirt—(Knee length) or GreyTrousers Black Shoes—no boots or trainers Fleece—optional—Navy Blue with school logo

Boys– Summer Blue V Neck Sweatshirt with school logo White polo shirt with school logo Grey 3/4 length socks Grey Trousers—short or long Black Shoes—no boots or trainers

Girls—Summer Blue V Neck Sweatshirt with school logo Navy Blue and White checked dress—Year 3 and 4

22 White ankle socks (not trainer socks) Black Shoes—no boots or trainers

In Years 5 and 6 girls may wear Grey Box Pleated Skirt—(Knee length) or GreyTrousers and a white open neck short sleeve shirt and 3/4 length white socks or white ankle socks (not trainer socks)

Hair Accessories - Any ribbons, slides, hair bands etc should be black, navy or white

Jewellery - No jewellery may be worn in school. Children may, however, wear a watch. Children with pierced ears may wear plain studs which must not be worn on PE days

PE Kit

Boys and Girls Navy Shorts ‘T’ Shirt in house colour Black Pumps

Games Kit

Boys and Girls Navy Shorts Navy Tracksuit bottoms in cold weather Rugby Shirt in house colour Stout trainers/Football boots In very cold weather children are permitted to wear base layers under outdoor PE kits.

School Uniform with school logo is available from Palmers of Knowle Early Years, Shirley

Other items (not bearing a school logo) are available from other High Street stockists

An overall or old shirt should be provided for Art and Design lessons.

Children will need bags to carry their books and equipment but we would urge that these bags be kept to a sensible size. Large bags can be both cumbersome and dangerous.