King County Democrats Candidate Questionnaire 2021 SurveyMonkey


COMPLETE Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link) Started: Thursday, March 18, 2021 6:31:04 PM Last Modified: Saturday, March 20, 2021 3:48:48 AM Time Spent: Over a day IP Address:

Page 1: ALL CANDIDATES: Welcome

Q1 Your information

Name Dave Upthegrove

Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number 206-390-3332

Q2 Yes I have read instructions at the top of this page

Page 2: ALL CANDIDATES: Campaign Contact Information

Q3 Campaign contact information

Candidate first name Dave

Candidate last name Upthegrove

Campaign email [email protected]

Campaign website (optional)

Q4 Candidate name pronunciation (optional)

Up - The - Grove :)

Q5 Candidate pronouns (optional) he/him

1 / 15 King County Democrats Candidate Questionnaire 2021 SurveyMonkey

Q6 Campaign Manager information (optional)

Manager first name NA

Q7 Campaign Treasurer information (optional)

Treasurer first name Janet

Treasurer last name Miller

Treasurer email [email protected]

Treasurer phone 206-669-4924

Q8 Campaign Consultant information (optional)

Consultant first name Taemin

Consultant last name Um

Consultant email [email protected]

Consultant phone 425-638-9356

Q9 Respondent skipped this question Other Campaign Contact information (optional)

Q10 Respondent skipped this question Other paid staff or full-time volunteers (optional)

Q11 Additional Campaign contact information (all optional)

Facebook Profile (person)

Facebook Page (campaign)

Instagram Re_elect_Dave_Upthegrove


Q12 Use Facebook Profile Picture URL to Headshot (optional)

Page 3: ALL CANDIDATES: Yes / No Questions

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Q13 Yes Are you a Democrat?

Q14 Yes/No Questions

Yes / No / Qualifie d

Have you ever been a member of another political party? No

Have you ever been found in violation of a Public Disclosure Commission, Federal Election Commission, or Ethics No and Elections Commission regulation?

Do you have a code of conduct for staff and volunteers? Yes

If you have paid campaign staff, would you support them joining a labor union? Yes

Is there anything from your past that might hamper your success as a candidate? No

Do you support employees of your jurisdiction (e.g. your city’s employees, the Port’s employees, etc.) exercising their collective bargaining rights without fear of retaliation; including the right to bargain and strike for better working conditions Yes and pay?

Are you willing to have yourself, your staff and your peers undergo training to understand and combat institutional racism Yes and implicit bias?

Are you willing to have yourself, your staff and your peers undergo training to understand and combat sexual harassment? Yes

Will your campaign be accepting contributions from corporate fossil fuel PACs; including Puget Sound Energy and groups No that provide natural gas to King County residents?

Will your campaign be accepting contributions from corporate pharmaceutical PACs? No

Will your campaign be accepting contributions from corporate health insurance PACs? No

Will your campaign be accepting contributions from corporate building industry PACs; including the Building Industry Qualifie Association of (BIAW) and National Association of Home Builders? d

Will your campaign be accepting contributions from police guilds or sheriffs’ organizations? No

Will you denounce contributions that you don't support from companies who support your campaign anyway? Yes

Have you previously participated or will you be participating in a candidate training program like Institute for a Democratic Yes Future or Emerge?

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Q15 For any yes/no questions you answered "qualified" please explain:

I will not accept contributions from the BIAW or the National Association of Home Builders, but I would accept a donation from the local King-Snohomish County Master Builders should they support my campaign. I have a rock-solid pro-environmental record on land use issues at the county-- protecting our environment and critical areas, preventing sprawl, maintaining the urban growth boundary, etc. I have worked to find common ground with the local organization on issues like appropriately funding our permitting department to reduce permit delays, and streamlining the online permit application process.

Page 4: ALL CANDIDATES: Candidate Background and Free Response

Q16 Please describe your background (education, employment, community and civic activity, labor union affiliation etc.)

I've been immersed in the South King County community my entire life, growing up here and now representing my community on the County Council. I’m the son of a father with a disability and the brother of someone who has been criminal-justice involved and who has overcome addiction. I came out of the closet the year I first ran for office making history as the first out LGBT legislator outside Seattle in the history of our state. After serving the 33rd District in the Legislature for 12 years, where I was a leader of a progressive caucus, my community elected me to the County Council 7 years ago, where I’m completing my 2nd term. I am working in the community every day, listening, collaborating and centering my work in communities of color and immigrant and refugee communities…building authentic relationships and delivering results. I’ve served on boards of many local community nonprofits, and participated in countless organizing campaigns in South King County—including helping lead the $15 minimum wage effort in SeaTac. I’m a former Chair of the 33rd District Democrats and have a BA in Environmental Science & Biology and a Graduate Certificate in Energy Policy.

Q17 Please describe your history of involvement (if any), with particular emphasis on the last five years, in local, regional, and/or state politics.

As Chair of the 33rd District Democrats, later as a State Legislator, and now as County Councilmember, I’ve been extremely engaged politically in my community in South King County-- working to elect progressives to local office and supporting progressive causes through community organizing and campaign work. In particular, I've tried to use my position of privilege and experience to benefit first time candidates who are underrepresented in government, such as LGBT candidates, female candidates, candidates of color, young candidates, and immigrant/refugee candidates-- not just endorsing, but speaking at events, knocking on doors and raising money. I've also helped fund and personally engaged in collaborative organizing efforts such as South King County Democrats (which hired a full- time organizer) and partnerships with UniteHERE Local 8 and the Conservation Voters to collaborate on SeaTac City Council races. I’ve also worked hard to support a pipeline of new diverse talent through my Youth Advisory Council and previously through UpthePAC —a political action committee I created primarily to support progressive candidates to School Boards and City Councils in South King County.

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Q18 Please describe the progress of your campaign and goals. How do you plan to win?

My goal is to build a big diverse grassroots coalition—and I’m proud of the progress we are making. I announced my campaign with early endorsements from more than 50 leaders from communities of color in South King County. The grassroots support continues to grow…including many community activists, local party leaders, progressive religious leaders, leaders in immigrant/refugee communities, small business owners, LGBT community leaders, environmental activists, and local elected officials. The first seven labor unions that have weighed-in have given me their sole endorsement. The Latinx for Upthegrove group is organizing their first event, and a coalition of leaders in the African-American community in South King County are hosting a fundraiser in May. This broad coalition will help communicate to voters my values, record, and our shared vision as a community. I’m relying on leaders from the community to share their stories of how we’ve worked together as a community and share their belief that I’ve been an effective progressive champion for South King County and that we need proven leadership to build on the progress we have made together. I’ve assembled a diverse professional campaign team and have raised more than $150,000 so far—almost entirely from individuals.

Q19 What issues do you think deserve more attention from media or elected officials? How would you seek to remedy that through your campaign or when elected?

The mental health crisis doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. Mental health needs have increased dramatically during the pandemic. We are massively underfunding mental health at the federal, state, and county level. The intersectionality of this issue with others is clear. Lack of adequate mental health services makes worse existing racial disparities in health care, sometimes is a contributing factor to being unhoused, can create barriers to economic mobility, and can contribute to unnecessary criminal legal consequences due to broken systems of policing. In the campaign, I try to break down stigmas by sharing my personal experiences and that of loved ones. Our campaign message leads with health—given COVID—particularly racial disparities—and mental health is part of this message. Looking ahead, I’ll continue to support the county’s Mental Illness & Drug Dependency (MIDD) funding as recommended by the community through the MIDD Advisory Committee. We also will have an opportunity to renew the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services levy. When we put it back on the ballot, I propose we increase the proposed levy to provide additional dedicated funding for mental health services—with specific strategies developed with community input, particularly from those with lived experience.

Q20 How do you plan to involve all residents and engage all communities in the decision making process? How would you work with people who lack trust in our institutions?

Everyone in the community—particularly those who have historically faced systemic barriers—must be part of decision making. Most of my waking hours are spent striving for this goal—particularly given the diversity and needs in my community. I love this part of the job; it is both a science and an art. The “science” is setting up systems to minimize barriers (meeting with any constituent at a time and place convenient for them, sharing my personal cell number, providing translation services, sharing relevant information through traditional channels, meeting consistently with community-based organizations, etc.) The “art” begins by recognizing my privilege and understanding the tendency for people to surround ourselves with like-people—and then focusing on building authentic connections with people who are different from me—especially from communities that face barriers. It involves seeking out new relationships and going to them. It cannot be performative. It needs to be done with kindness, humility and respect. It takes time. It takes showing up and being present. By showing up consistently, listening, and delivering results, trust is built. When trust is built, genuine collaboration is possible. Community leaders in South King County can affirm this is what I do.

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Q21 COVID has increased existing inequities. How will you use your office to support the most vulnerable? How would you promote an equitable recovery and create opportunity for all?

I’ve been working very hard (and successfully) with the community to target county resources to low income and diverse communities in South King County. I’ve challenged existing systems by collaborating with the community to improve equity in the delivery of county services. We need to build on this progress as we come out of the pandemic. This means using the Healthy Housing funds to site new permanent supported housing for chronically unhoused residents in South King County cities. It means expanding the Best Starts for Kids program to include childcare subsidies for struggling families and wage support for childcare workers. It means implementing the green jobs program for BIPOC youth I got funded. It means studying the possibility of a King County universal basic income. It means changing Metro’s service guidelines to better center equity in the allocation of bus service. And it means doing all this work (and much more) using systems that provide community-based leadership from communities that have historically not had access (building on the Equity Cabinet model). I also will continue to partner with the community in state and national movements for campaign finance reform, progressive tax reform, universal health care and more.

Q22 If elected, how will you use your position to address racial inequality, and advance an anti-racist agenda? How specifically would you support the Black Lives Matter movement?

The murder of George Floyd by police elevated an important national movement. This movement is about justice for Black, Indigenous and people of color. Delivering justice means rooting out institutional racism throughout the criminal justice system. It means people are safe and actually feel safe in their community. Delivering justice means listening to the voices of those most impacted by injustice. That’s why staying connected to community has always been so important to me. I’m proud to have led progressive criminal justice reforms, but we need to do more. We must continue to demilitarize the police, further restrict unnecessary use of force, strengthen civilian oversight including independent investigation authority and subpoena power, and try to find savings in traditional police budgets to invest instead in community-based approaches proven effective at delivering justice and keeping us safe. I supported the moms of young black men killed by police by calling for the Sheriff to resign, Captain Taylor to be fired, and the hiring process to be overhauled. We need to continue bold reforms like this throughout all government systems—and I will continue to use my privilege and position to work to dismantle white supremacy and build a more just future.

Page 5: ALL CANDIDATES: Jurisdiction and Position

Q23 County Council Position Sought

Q24 King County Jurisdiction

Q25 5 Position number

Page 6: KING COUNTY OFFICES ONLY: Questions for King County Executive and

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Q26 Yes/No Questions for King County

Yes / No / Qualified

Do you support the Growth Management Act’s goals of focusing development and population growth in existing urban Yes centers in order to protect rural land use in rural King County?

Do you support increased funding for the King County District Court Regional Mental Health Court? Yes

Do you support requiring King County Sheriff’s deputies to wear body cameras? Yes

Do you support the repeal of Tim Eyman’s I-747, which artificially limits property tax increases to 1% per year, Yes regardless of population growth, inflation, or need?

Have you made any non-trivial donations to Democratic candidates or Democratic party organizations since January Yes 2016?

Have you knowingly made any donations to Republican candidates or Republican party organizations since 2000? No

Do you support reduction of police budgets in favor of social services? Yes

Would you advocate for the use of harm reduction models in the County’s criminal legal system? Yes

Q27 Respondent skipped this question For any yes/no questions you answered "qualified" please explain:

Q28 How have you worked to combat climate change and promote climate justice? How would you use your elected office to ensure King County drastically lowers net carbon emissions by 2030 and achieves carbon neutrality by 2050?

Local governments like King County have a moral responsibility to future generations to reduce the pollution causing climate change. And we must do so in a way that recognizes the impacts of actions (and inaction) on historically marginalized communities. Working with the community, I led the successful effort to ban new fossil fuel infrastructure in King County. I supported a Strategic Climate Action Plan (our King County Green New Deal) that was informed by the voices of marginalized communities, and am working to implement those actions. I'm pushing for new policies to address carbon pollution in the aviation sector. I have supported increased transit funding, smart land use, and the development of high-density housing near transit. I have participated in local community-based climate teams, sharing information, strategizing and joining them in successfully advocating for the county to develop climate action toolkits for cities to use, and I’ve supported funding of the King County Cities Climate Collaborative. I have participated actively in coalitions supporting changes at the state level, like a low-carbon fuel standard. In all of my work, I have centered community voices and have tried to ensure that we transition away from fossil fuels in a just manner.

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Q29 King County plays an important role in providing many health and human services, as evidenced in the County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. What has King County done well in its response to COVID? What would you continue, expand, and change? Do you support increased funding for many health and human services? How would you fund those services - even after the pandemic is over?

By following the science and supporting our public health professionals, King County has the lowest COVID rate of any major urban county in the continental US. But COVID has made worse existing racial disparities—nowhere more evident than South King County. We have been intentional in addressing these disparities—translating in more than 70 languages, and investing in trusted community navigators from within cultural communities. We targeted services to communities most impacted—often partnering with organizations led by and serving communities of color and immigrant/refugee communities. Our $200 million rental assistance program is not structured in the most equitable way. We should be driving more money out through smaller organizations with closer relationships in cultural communities; we are missing an opportunity to build capacity within these communities. We need to provide more human services. While we can adjust other areas of spending, that does little, given strings on other funds. Counties only have tax authority granted by the state, so we have VERY limited options. Our only current tool is asking the voters to raise property taxes. We have two human service levies up for renewal, and we should increase both—to invest more in childcare, mental health, etc.

Q30 How would you advocate for alternatives to incarceration in the County’s criminal legal system? How would you make zero youth incarceration a reality in King County?

I’m proud to have led reforms to provide alternatives to incarceration-- including expansion of the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program into South County, establishment of a Pre-Trial Release program in the South end, and major policy changes to divert more than 1,000 individuals into community programs instead of jail. We need to reform policing by the County Sheriff's Office in unincorporated areas-- and we are doing that now through a community-led process that should result in bold helpful changes. King County has one of the lowest juvenile incarceration rates in the nation, but much more work needs to be done—particularly given the disproportionate impact on youth of color. First, we need to keep investing in prevention; the $70 million per year through Best Starts for Kids is a good start and national model, but we need to invest more in underserved communities. Next, we need to reform policing. We should bring the successful Theft 3 pilot project at Southcenter Mall to the rest of the county; Instead of getting locked up for shoplifting, youth are paired up with a counselor onsite who cares about them and their future. This is a model for effective systems change.

Q31 What would you do to ensure that businesses owned by people of color have a fair shot at County contracts?

I support affirmative action and the repeal of I-200. In the meantime, King County needs to do everything possible within state procurement laws to make sure that businesses owned by people of color are given fair opportunities. We need to continue to set goals and measure progress toward those goals. We need to restrict to the greatest extent possible the use of sole-source contracts (that allow administrators to award a contract on a non-competitive basis). For service contracts, we need to make sure that even when we have an established vendor, that we regularly re-bid the services so that we aren't perpetuating inequalities. County agencies could better partner with communities of color to improve the effective promotion and marketing of bid opportunities. King County can also increase our investments in technical assistance and capacity building for minority-owned businesses, so that more businesses owned by people of color are positioned more competitively.

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Q32 "Structural racism is not always caused by racist actors – it is caused by institutional arrangements overlaid on historical policies that continue to perpetuate racialized outcomes." - Stephen Menendian How would you use your position to work to dismantle these arrangements including, but not limited to, exclusionary land use policies?

Dismantling structural racism needs to continue to be a central tenant of our work. Turning activism and values into policy change is our goal. Community activism provides the ability for elected officials to successfully push forward. I will continue to create space and support for those impacted by racism to lead in shaping solutions. I’ve consistently demonstrated the willingness to spend political capital in support of system changes to advance the cause of justice. At the county, our best opportunities are continuing bold reform of the Sheriff’s Department and our criminal legal system. Land use decisions in urban unincorporated areas need more scrutiny from an equity perspective. Well-intentioned zoning laws often have unintended effects of leading to exclusion of people based on income or race. While we may no longer have explicit racist covenants, when we adopt land use policies that promote gentrification and effectively displace residents, cultural communities, and small businesses (often immigrant/refugee owned) it is effectively the same. We should consider mandatory inclusionary zoning for housing affordability, and perhaps model something similar for certain commercial areas. Another tool we have is to use publicly owned property (County, , etc.) strategically with community input to advance inclusive goals.

Page 7: MUNICIPAL CANDIDATES ONLY: Questions for ALL Mayor, City Council, and City Attorney Candidates

Q33 Respondent skipped this question Yes/No Questions for municipal candidates

Q34 Respondent skipped this question For any yes/no questions you answered "qualified" please explain:

Q35 Respondent skipped this question Our region is growing quickly. How will you ensure that existing residents and newcomers alike have equitable access to affordable housing, public transit, and neighborhood amenities such as parks and schools? How will you protect current residents, and especially our most vulnerable communities, from displacement caused by this growth? How will you provide for and protect those displaced?

Q36 Respondent skipped this question How have you worked to combat climate change? How would you use your elected office to ensure your region drastically lowers net carbon emissions by 2030 and achieves carbon neutrality by 2050?

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Q37 Respondent skipped this question What specific actions will you take to address the homelessness crisis in King County, both in the short term and long term? How do you plan to implement these solutions?

Q38 Respondent skipped this question "Structural racism is not always caused by racist actors – it is caused by institutional arrangements overlaid on historical policies that continue to perpetuate racialized outcomes." - Stephen Menendian How would you use your position to work to dismantle these arrangements including, but not limited to, exclusionary land use policies?

Q39 Respondent skipped this question Jurisdiction Check

Page 8: SEATTLE-ONLY: Questions for SEATTLE-ONLY municipal candidates

Q40 Respondent skipped this question Yes/No Questions for Seattle municipal candidates

Q41 Respondent skipped this question For any yes/no questions you answered "qualified" please explain:

Q42 Respondent skipped this question What actions would you take to address homelessness? Please consider addressing land use, revenue, regional collaboration, the role of social services, the role of the police and justice system.

Q43 Respondent skipped this question Seattleites are divided on how to fund and what to fund within police work and public safety. How would you help bring the community together and adjust the Seattle Police Department (SPD) budget as needed? By approximately what % would you adjust the SPD budget?

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Q44 Respondent skipped this question How will you prioritize transportation infrastructure for biking, pedestrians, transit, commercial vehicles, and cars? Which do you view as most important to prioritize funds for?

Q45 Respondent skipped this question Do you support utilizing Seattle's newly granted authority to implement a 1% flat income tax?

Page 9: PORT ONLY: Questions for PORT Candidates

Q46 Respondent skipped this question Yes/No Questions for port candidates

Q47 Respondent skipped this question For any yes/no questions you answered "qualified" please explain:

Q48 Respondent skipped this question As the Port recovers from the economic impact of the pandemic, how will you use your position to ensure that future growth and activity among tenant operations is inline with limiting climate impacts and encourage environmental stewardship to be a good neighbor and steward of our environment? How would help alleviate today’s present and real issues, specifically homelessness?

Q49 Respondent skipped this question Since the pandemic and recent trade tariffs, the Seaport and Airport revenue and user statistics have plummeted. However, their capital investment was based on previous growth trends. As Port Commissioner, how will you help the Port to address these new economic realities?

Q50 Respondent skipped this question The Port has operations and activities on tribal and indigenous land. How would you use your position to elevate indigenous people and encourage more equity and opportunity for BIPOC Communities? Give us some specific examples of your plans in this aspect. How would you handle your approach to women-and minority-owned businesses.

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Q51 Respondent skipped this question Considering the health impacts and socio-economic ramifications of increased airport activity, how would you balance the future growth of SeaTac airport with the interests of the residents of airport-adjacent communities?

Page 10: SCHOOL BOARD ONLY: Questions for SCHOOL BOARD Candidates

Q52 Respondent skipped this question Yes/No Questions for school board candidates

Q53 Respondent skipped this question For any yes/no questions you answered "qualified" please explain:

Q54 Respondent skipped this question How has the pandemic changed your perspective on educational equity? What will you propose to address the educational consequences of the COVID pandemic? What specific policies will you seek to ensure that all staff and students can safely return to in-person school safely during the COVID pandemic? How will you work to bridge the digital divide both now and after return to in-person education?

Q55 Respondent skipped this question What policies or changes will you seek to ensure that all students— regardless of their gender, race, class, disability, or ethnicity—receive an education that enables them to reach their fullest potential? What would you do to advance anti-racist and indigenous curriculum? What do you see as your role in disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline?

Q56 Respondent skipped this question What should schools and school districts do to support the physical and mental health of all students; including LGBTQ+ students and students with disabilities? Please provide specific examples. Also, what actions would you take to remedy student access to and pay inequity among school nurses, paraeducators, and school office staff?

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Q57 Respondent skipped this question What would you do to advocate for ample and equitable funding for k-12 education including special education, school nurses, counselors, mental health professionals, and paraeducators?

Q58 Respondent skipped this question Has the disruption of regular schooling and introduction of distance learning in the last year caused you to re-evaluate any aspect of traditional instruction and the structure of schooling? Are there changes you would like to see implemented?

Page 11: JUDICIAL ONLY: Questions for JUDICIAL Candidates

Q59 Respondent skipped this question Have you served full-time or pro-tem as a judge or justice? What did you learn from that experience and how will you use that learning to help improve equity and fairness in the justice system?

Q60 Respondent skipped this question How have you helped tackle climate change issues from within your courtroom daily activities to an overall sustainable plan?

Q61 Respondent skipped this question How has COVID-19 experience changed your perspective/behavior/actions on access to justice within your courtroom?

Q62 Respondent skipped this question How would you advocate for more equity in our State’s justice system? How can we make it more open, transparent and responsive?

Q63 Respondent skipped this question How are you going to make sure you don't allow bias (including, but not limited to, racial bias) while serving on the bench and/or in the courtroom?

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Q64 Respondent skipped this question Do you believe judges can be biased and if so in what ways, please provide examples?

Q65 Respondent skipped this question Do you see addressing bias and racial disparity in the court system as activism? Why or why not?

Q66 Respondent skipped this question Do you think that judicial training focused on racial competency is activism? Why or why not?

Q67 Respondent skipped this question Do you think racial disparity exists in the court system and more specifically on the bench?

Q68 Respondent skipped this question What will you do as a judge to eliminate and mitigate bias on the bench?

Q69 Respondent skipped this question What committees, commissions, workgroups do you currently or have previously served on?

Q70 Respondent skipped this question Have you received or are you seeking political or financial support from any police officer, police guild/union or elected law enforcement official?

Page 12: ALL CANDIDATES: Submit Questionnaire

Q71 I, candidate, affirm that all the information provided in response to this questionnaire is true, complete and correct, to the best of my ability, and that no relevant matter has been omitted. (Use Prev and Next buttons to review.)

Candidate full name (as signature) Dave Upthegrove

Date March 20, 2021

Q72 Candidate Information in this questionnaire was input by:

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Q73 Respondent skipped this question (If information input by someone other than candidate) I affirm that all responses were reviewed and approved by the candidate. (Use Prev and Next buttons to review.)

Q74 King County Democrats may post this questionnaire to a password-protected folder for access by King County Share with King County Democrats Democrats Endorsements Committee members and Executive Board.

Q75 King County Democrats may share this questionnaire to a password-protected folder for access by members of Share with LD Dems and YD Endorsement Committee members the Endorsements Committees of Legislative District (LD) Democratic organizations and Young Democrats (YD) organizations.

Q76 Please email a copy of my completed submission to the campaign email address Email Copy

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