6 - Historic Lineage Genesis to & Babylonian Talmud (also ) GREEN - Hebrew Texts (39 Books) - Oral and written systems of analysis and interpretation. (23 to 28 Authors) BLUE - Antiochian Texts - Mishnah (200 AD) - a written compendium of Rabbinic 's PURPLE - LXX Texts "The Law & Prophets" "Oral " which were legal opinions and debates. 1450 BC to 400 BC RED - Alexandrian Texts - Gemara (500 AD) - Clarification of Mishnah and deeper discussion BROWN - "Best" Texts and legal analysis of the Tanakh. LXX - Septuigant (OT+A) Greek (LXX) HOT - Hebrew Old Testament Apochrypha (A) Hebrew Koine Greek (OT+A) OT - Non-Hebrew Old Testament 15 Books Accepted by Highly Accurate Ptolemy II - 70 Jewish Scribes GNT - Greek Roman Catholics Preservation of Tanakh. 300-200 BC NT - Non- 200 BC to 200 AD (HOT) A - Apochrypha

Samaritan Torah Dead Sea of (HOT+A) "Abisha " LXX Versions (East) Discovered 1946 to 1956 (11 Caves) Sopherim Copies (HOT) Discovered in 1631 Ethiopian - 400 AD 981 & Texts 400 BC to 200 BC 200-100 BC Armenian - 500 AD Hebrew, , Greek and Nabataean Georgian - 500 AD Written by Essenes 200 BC to 70 AD LXX Versions (West) - 200 AD NEW TESTAMENT Coptic - 300 AD Alexandrian Matthew to Revelation Antiochian Zugoth Copies (HOT) Gothic - 400 AD "Western" (27 Books - 12 Authors) "Eastern" 200 BC to 0 Slavonic - 900 AD 44 AD to 96 AD "Spaces" in Esther Additions Uncials Latin Punctuation in Origen, Lucian, Hesychius Old Latin (NT) Old Syriac Tannaim Copies (HOT) (HOT+LXX+NT) Miniscules LXX to HOT Parallel "Vetus Itala" (OT+A+NT) 0 to 200 AD Jerome 200-1500 AD Hexaplar ("6 Languages") Roman Catholic "" Pope Damasus I 240-300 AD 150 AD 300 AD 382 AD Stephen Langton Chapter Divisions 1227 AD Amoraim Copies (HOT) Greek Uncial Codices Aramaic Targums Byzantine Texts 200 AD to 500 AD Explanasions & (LXX+Unknown GNT Source) Amiatinus Vaticanus (300-325 AD) Oldest Vulgate Copy (GNT) Expansions of (HOT) Uncials + Miniscules 500-1000 AD Sinaiticus (330-360 AD) 750 AD Alexandrinus (400-440 AD) 500-1200 AD Savoraim Copies (HOT) Martin Luther 500 AD to 600 AD 1st German Greek/Latin (NT) (HOT) 1522 AD (NT) 1516 AD Spaces & Punctuation Wycliffe 1534 AD (OT) 500 AD to 1100 AD First English Manuscript (OT+A+NT) William Tyndale Robert Estienne (GNT) (HOT) Codices 1384 AD (NT & Most of OT) Geonim Copies (HOT) "Stephanus" Cairo Genizah - 870 AD 1st English Printed 600 AD to 1100 AD Verse #'s & "Apparatus" Aleppo - 900 AD 1526 AD Leningrad - 1008 AD 1551 AD

Bibles (OT+A+NT) Daniel Bomberg Gutenberg (Latin) Coverdale - 1535 AD Rabbinic Bible (HOT) Theodore Beza (GNT) (OT+A+NT) Rishonim Copies (HOT) 1517 AD Great - 1539 AD 1589 AD 1100 AD to 1500 AD First Printed Book Geneva - 1560 AD 1455 AD Bishops - 1568 AD Jacob Ben Chayyim Rabbinic Bible (HOT) 1525 AD Douay-Rheim "Appointed" Critical Texts (GNT) King James Version Greisbach - 1805 AD English (OT+A+NT) Paul Kahle Lachmann - 1850 AD (OT+A+NT) 54 Men (6 Groups) Biblia Hebraica (HOT) (GNT) Tregelles - 1870 AD 1610 AD 1611 AD 1937 AD Elzevir & Bonaventure Tischendorf - 1870 AD 1624 AD Alford - 1872 AD Nestle-Aland Copies & Versions (GNT) 28 Revisions Achoronim Copies (HOT) 1898 AD Newer Translations (OT+NT)* 1500 AD to Present Westcott-Hort (GNT) New American Standard Bible (NASB) - 1971 1881 AD "Fixed?" Wescott-Hort New King James Version (NKJV) - 1982 Apochrypha Removed United Bible Society English Standard Version (ESV) - 2002 (GNT) 4 Revisions KJV + GNT = RV, ERV - 1885 AD * All Available Sources Were Reviewed 1955 AD