Klezmer Syllabus Spring 2014
Syllabus MUEN 3640: UVA Klezmer Ensemble Class number 21122 Spring 2014 Prof.: Joel Rubin e-mail: joelerubin@virginia.edu phone: (434) 882-3161 Time and location: Mondays and Wednesdays 7:30-9:30 pm, Old Cabell Hall Room 113 Office: 207 Old Cabell Hall, office hours M 12:30-1:30 pm or by appointment Prerequisite: Intermediate to advanced skill on an instrument or voice (admission by audition at first class, Mon., Jan. 13, 2014 or by appointment) Special events this semester: Klezmer Workshop with Alan Bern, Sunday, Mar. 23, 11 am - 2 pm, Old Cabell room 107 Extra rehearsals Sun. Mar. 23, 6-9 pm, Old Cabell room 113 and Tues. Mar. 25, 7-10 pm, Old Cabell 113. Concert Thurs. Mar. 27, 8 pm in Old Cabell (sound check: 6 pm) Recording sessions in conjunction with Mead Endowment: in April, tba Description: Under the direction of Director of Music Performance and acclaimed clarinetist and ethnomusicologist Joel Rubin, the UVA Klezmer Ensemble focuses on the music of the klezmorim, the Jewish professional instrumentalists of Eastern Europe, as well as related eastern European traditions. The ensemble is made up of both undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, alumni, and other members of the greater Central Virginia community. The UVA Klezmer Ensemble is committed to ethnic, racial, cultural and religious diversity. Current and recent members have backgrounds from the US, Russia, Israel, Lebanon, Armenia, Iran, and India, with religious backgrounds ranging from Jewish to Christian, Hindu and Muslim. It is dedicated to exploring klezmer and other Jewish musical traditions from the 18th century to the present.
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