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[email protected] W: TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS O/N H-56744 FEDERAL COURT OF AUSTRALIA CEREMONIAL SITTING OF THE FULL COURT FOR THE SWEARING IN AND WELCOME OF THE HONOURABLE JUSTICE GRIFFITHS The Honourable Patrick Keane, Chief Justice The Honourable Justice Emmett The Honourable Justice Downes AM The Honourable Justice Jacobson The Honourable Justice Bennett AO The Honourable Justice Edmonds The Honourable Justice Rares The Honourable Justice Cowdroy OAM The Honourable Justice Buchanan The Honourable Justice Flick The Honourable Justice Perram The Honourable Justice Jagot The Honourable Justice Foster The Honourable Justice Nicholas The Honourable Justice Yates The Honourable Justice Katzmann The Honourable Justice Robertson The Honourable Justice Griffiths SYDNEY 4.16 PM, MONDAY, 23 APRIL 2012 Copyright in Transcript is owned by the Commonwealth of Australia. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 you are not permitted to reproduce, adapt, re-transmit or distribute the Transcript material in any form or by any means without seeking prior written approval from the Federal Court of Australia. 23.4.12 P-1 ©Commonwealth of Australia GRIFFITHS J: Chief Justice, I have the honour to announce that I have received a commission from Her Excellency the Governor-General appointing me a judge of the Federal Court. I present my commission. 5 KEANE CJ: Mr Registrar, please read the commission.