S-duality in = 1 orientifold SCFTs N

Iñaki García Etxebarria

1210.7799, 1307.1701 with B. Heidenreich and T. Wrase and 1506.03090, 1612.00853, 17xx.xxxxx with B. Heidenreich 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Montonen-Olive = 4 (S-)duality N Given a 4d = 4 field theory with gauge G and gauge N coupling τ = θ + i/ (*), there is a completely equivalent description with gauge group G and coupling 1/τ (for θ = 0 this ∨ − is g 1/g). Examples: ↔

G G∨ U(1) U(1) U(N) U(N) SU(N) SU(N)/ZN SO(2N) SO(2N) SO(2N + 1) Sp(2N)

Very non-perturbative duality, exchanges electrically charged operators with magnetically charged ones. (*) I will not describe global structure or line operators here. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions


u = 1+iτ j(τ) i+τ | |

In this representation τ 1/τ is u u. → − → − 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

S-duality in < 4 N

Two main ways of generalizing = 4 S-duality: N Trace what relevant susy-breaking deformations do in different duality frames. [Argyres, Intriligator, Leigh, Strassler ’99]... Identify some higher principle behind = 4 S-duality, and find backgrounds with less susy that followN the same principle. (0, 2) 6d theory on T 2 Riemann surfaces. [Gaiotto ’09], ..., [Gaiotto, Razamat→ ’15],... Field theory S-duality from IIB S-duality. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Field theories from solitons

One way to construct four dimensional field theories from theory is to build solitons with a four dimensional core. These can be constructed in type IIB via D3 . 2 We have that g4d = gs. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Field theories from solitons

One way to construct four dimensional field theories from string theory is to build solitons with a four dimensional core. These can be constructed in type IIB string theory via D3 branes. 2 We have that g4d = gs. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Field theories from solitons

Key idea [Witten ’98] Since the resulting theory is determined by the geometry, one can determine robust results without knowing much of the dynamical details of the duality acting on the core of the soliton. One just needs to know how the duality acts at infinity. We then reconstruct the dual theory as that living in the soliton with the right (dual) charge as infinity. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

The duality as seen from string theory 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Montonen-Olive duality from string theory

The charges of the O3 plane are classified by the cohomology on 5 5 the S /Z2 = RP that surrounds the configuration (*). For fields even under the orientifold action, we have:

5 H•(RP , Z) = Z, 0, Z2, 0, Z2, Z , { } while for fields odd under the orientifold action:

5 H•(RP , Z) = 0, Z2, 0, Z2, 0, Z2 . { } 5 This is (co)homology withe local coefficients. Working on the S covering space k C γk γC. For coefficients in Z we have ⊗ ' ⊗ γk = k while for coefficients in Z we have γk = k. Ordinary − (co)homology theory otherwise: H• = ker ∂/ im ∂. (*) Well, not really. [Bergman, Gimon,e Sugimoto ’01] 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Montonen-Olive duality from string theory [Witten ’98]

Under S-duality O3 O3+ : SO(2N + 1) USp(2N) − ←→ ←→ g 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Duality for the SL(2, Z) triplet

Red is SO(2N + 1), blue/purple is USp(2N). New = 1 dualities N 1 Engineer interesting = 1 theories in IIB. N 2 Figure out the charges characterizing the configuration. 3 Read the effect of S-duality on the charges. 4 Reconstruct the dual = 1 theories from the dual charges. N (As an alternative viewpoint, we study the behavior of the holographic dual, as in [Witten ’98].)

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Beyond = 4 N

Montonen-Olive is defined for = 4, but IIB S-duality is believed to hold in general, so repeat theN same program: 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Beyond = 4 N

Montonen-Olive is defined for = 4, but IIB S-duality is believed to hold in general, so repeat theN same program: New = 1 dualities N 1 Engineer interesting = 1 theories in IIB. N 2 Figure out the charges characterizing the configuration. 3 Read the effect of S-duality on the charges. 4 Reconstruct the dual = 1 theories from the dual charges. N (As an alternative viewpoint, we study the behavior of the holographic dual, as in [Witten ’98].) 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Duality engineering And I will cheat. (I will solve the problem in general later.)

O Sp Ai[φ] Bi

Y SU(M) SO(M 4) − i j W = εijA B Y

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Results We have recently completed this program for a vast class of = 1 SCFTs. They are the ones arising from D3 branes probing N orientifolds of singularities. Some simplifying assumptions: The geometry is toric, before and after orientifolding. The singularity is isolated. The orientifold fixed point is isolated. I will first describe the simplest example, given by an orientifold of 3 C /Z3. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Results We have recently completed this program for a vast class of = 1 SCFTs. They are the ones arising from D3 branes probing N orientifolds of singularities. Some simplifying assumptions: The geometry is toric, before and after orientifolding. The singularity is isolated. The orientifold fixed point is isolated. I will first describe the simplest example, given by an orientifold of 3 C /Z3. And I will cheat. (I will solve the problem in general later.)

O Sp Ai[φ] Bi

Y SU(M) SO(M 4) − i j W = εijA B Y H•(X, Z) = Z2, 0, Z2, 0, Z2, 0 { } 22 = 4 choices of torsion =e SL(2, Z) singlet plus triplet. ⇒

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

3 The C /Z3 3 The isolated orientifold of C /Z3 has a horizon

5 5 X = RP /Z3 (S /Z3)/Z2 Y/Z2 . ∼ ≡ It is easier to work in homology and use Poincaréf f duality

i H (X, Z) = Hdim(X) i(X, Z) . −

We are thus looking for elementse of H2(X, Z)e. Can be conveniently computed using a long exact sequence: [Hatcher]

i e p∗ ... Hi(X, Z) Hi(Y, Z) Hi(X, Z) i−1 p∗ Hi−1(X,eZ) Hi−1(Y, Z) Hi−1(X, Z) ...

e 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

3 The C /Z3 orbifold 3 The isolated orientifold of C /Z3 has a horizon manifold

5 5 X = RP /Z3 (S /Z3)/Z2 Y/Z2 . ∼ ≡ It is easier to work in homology and use Poincaréf f duality

i H (X, Z) = Hdim(X) i(X, Z) . −

We are thus looking for elementse of H2(X, Z)e. Can be conveniently computed using a long exact sequence: [Hatcher]

i e p∗ ... Hi(X, Z) Hi(Y, Z) Hi(X, Z) i−1 p∗ Hi−1(X,eZ) Hi−1(Y, Z) Hi−1(X, Z) ...

He•(X, Z) = Z2, 0, Z2, 0, Z2, 0 { } 22 = 4 choices of torsion =e SL(2, Z) singlet plus triplet. ⇒ 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

3 Phases of the (C /Z3)/(Z2) orientifold

f 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

3 Orientifolding C /Z3 Orbifolding N = 4 duality Consider the orientifold action with generators , Ω( 1)FL : {R I − } :(x, y, z) (ωx, ωy, ωz) R −→ :(x, y, z) ( x, y, z) I −→ − − − with ω = exp(2πi/3).


3 2 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

A = 1 duality N

USp(N + 4) SU(N) SU(3) U(1)R Z3 Ai 2 2 1 e e 3 − Ne Bi 1 2 + 4 2 3 Ne −

(here N 2Z) is dual to ∈

SO(N 4) SU(N) SU(3) U(1)R Z3 e − i 2 2 A 3 + N 1 Bi 1 2 4 2 3 − N − 1 i j k in both cases with W = 2 λijkTr A A B . Global anomalies, the moduli spaces, SCIs (*) and the spectrum of operators match if N = N 3 . (* Not Rains.) − e 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Duality for the SL(2, Z) triplet

Red is SO(N 4) SU(N), blue/purple is − × USp(N + 1) SU(N 3). × − 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Physical interpretation

{ { 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Inherited duality

In fact, this situation of having a UV cutoff is familiar from = 1 inherited S-duality [Argyres, Intriligator, Leigh, Strassler ’99]. StartN with = 4 SYM, and give a mass to an adjoint. One ends up with the non-renormalizableN superpotential

W = hTr ([φ1, φ2][φ1, φ2]) . (1)

Note that away from h = 0 we require a cut-off. (In this case there is always a natural UV completion, of course.) The point h = 0 is believed to be interacting. [Intriligator, Seiberg ’94], [Intriligator, Wecht ’03].

By a-maximization, we read that the operator = Tr ([φ1, φ2][φ1, φ2]) is exactly marginal, so it moves us in the conformalO manifold. A RG-invariant parameterization of this motion is by ξ = hN ΛN . So ξ 1 implies Λ h−1, i.e. we have a weakly coupled description for a large range of scales. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Inherited duality

g 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Banks-Zaks fixed point The IR fixed point is typically interacting in our class of constructions, but for large N we have a weakly interacting description of the theory close to W = 0, gSU = 0:

USp(N + 4) SU(N) SU(3) U(1)R Z3 Ai 2 2 1 e e 3 − Ne Bi 1 2 + 4 2 3 Ne −

λe i;a j;b k;mn with W = 2 Ωab ijk Am An B , and

2 2 (N + 4)(N + 5) g1 18(N 1) 2 g2 ∗ = − + (N 1) ∗ , 2 · 8π2 N − 8π2 e e 2 e 2 λ 6(N 6) e g2 N(N + 4)| ∗| = − + (N + 2)(N 1) ∗ . 8π2 Ne − 8π2 e e e e e e e 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Superconformal index matching A very powerful and refined indicator of duality comes from putting the theory on S3 R, and computing the index [Romelsberger ’05], [Kinney, Maldacena,× Minwalla, Raju ’05]:

(t, x, f) = dg Tr ( 1)F e−βHtRx2J 3 fg , (2) I − Z with 2 = Q, Q† . Romelsberger gave a procedure for computing the index fromH weak{ coupling} quantities. Start with the “letter”:

2 −1 (2t t(x + x ))χAdj(g) iT (t, x, g, f) = − (1 tx)(1 tx−1) − − ri 2−ri i t χRi (g) χRi (f) t χRi (g) χRi (f) + G F − G F .  (1 tx)(1 tx−1)  P − − and then take the plethystic exponential:

∞ 1 k k k k T (t, x, f) = dg exp iT (t , x , g , f ) . I k " k=1 # Z X A conjecture about elliptic hypergeometric functions = IUSp ISO

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Superconformal index matching For SO(3) SU(7) USp(8) SU(4) we get: × ↔ × 2 SO/USp(t, x, f) = 1 + t 3 χ0,2(f) + χ4,0(f) I 4 + t 3 2χ0,4(f) + 2χ2,0(f) + χ3,1(f) + 2χ4,2(f) + χ8,0(f) 5 −1 + t 3 (x + x ) χ0,2(f) + χ4,0(f)  2 + t 3χ0,6(f) + χ12,0(f) + χ1,4(f) + 5χ2,2(f) + 3χ3,3(f) + 2χ4,1(f) + 3χ4,4(f) + χ5,2(f) + 4χ6,0(f) + χ6,3(f) + χ7,1(f) + 2χ8,2(f) + 4 + ...  We have checked up to order t11/3 for this value of N, higher orders for other values of N, and to all orders in the large N limit: 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Superconformal index matching For SO(3) SU(7) USp(8) SU(4) we get: × ↔ × 2 SO/USp(t, x, f) = 1 + t 3 χ0,2(f) + χ4,0(f) I 4 + t 3 2χ0,4(f) + 2χ2,0(f) + χ3,1(f) + 2χ4,2(f) + χ8,0(f) 5 −1 + t 3 (x + x ) χ0,2(f) + χ4,0(f)  2 + t 3χ0,6(f) + χ12,0(f) + χ1,4(f) + 5χ2,2(f) + 3χ3,3(f) + 2χ4,1(f) + 3χ4,4(f) + χ5,2(f) + 4χ6,0(f) + χ6,3(f) + χ7,1(f) + 2χ8,2(f) + 4 + ...  We have checked up to order t11/3 for this value of N, higher orders for other values of N, and to all orders in the large N limit: A conjecture about elliptic hypergeometric functions = IUSp ISO What lies beyond susy ?

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Generalization to other orbifolds

3 The proposal generalizes straightforwardly to C /Zn singularities, as long as the singularity is isolated (so n 2Z + 1). Everything works beautifully in these cases too. [Bianchi,Inverso,Morales,Pacifi∈ ’13], [I.G.-E., Heidenreich, Wrase ’13] 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Generalization to other orbifolds

3 The proposal generalizes straightforwardly to C /Zn singularities, as long as the singularity is isolated (so n 2Z + 1). Everything works beautifully in these cases too. [Bianchi,Inverso,Morales,Pacifi∈ ’13], [I.G.-E., Heidenreich, Wrase ’13]

What lies beyond susy orbifolds?

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

General case By a computation in algebraic topology one can see that for a toric O3/O7 orientifold of a toric CY3 cone, with k sides isolated conical singularity of the cone fixed points of the orientifold only at the conical singularity

3 k 2 H (X, Z) = Z2− 2,1 For example, for (dP ) = (Y ) z CC 1 CR e 4 3 2,1 H Y /Z2, Z = Z2 Z2 ⊕ t   z3 2 2 so there are 2 · = 16 orientifolde types: 1 SL(2, Z) singlet, 3 triplets, 1 sextet. z 1 z2 10 different weakly coupled limits. Our task is to map the dots to theories.

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Orientifold phases for dP1 More graphically: 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Orientifold phases for dP1 More graphically:

Our task is to map the dots to theories. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Known orientifolds of dP1

The previously known orientifolds for branes at the dP1 singularity can be obtained via dimer methods [Franco,Hanany,Krefl,Park,Uranga,Vegh ’07]

– + + –

– – + + 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Known orientifolds of dP1 and SCI matching tell us that theories IA and IB are dual to each other iff N is odd (and N = N + 2). Furthermore, 3 3 partially resolving dP1 C /Z3 + C allows us to read where the → type I orientifolds are located in the torsione diagram:

? ? ? ?



? ? ? ?

(Sign = (−1)N ) 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Known orientifolds of dP1 Anomaly and SCI matching tell us that theories IA and IB are dual to each other iff N is odd (and N = N + 2). Furthermore, 3 3 partially resolving dP1 C /Z3 + C allows us to read where the → type I orientifolds are located in the torsione diagram:

? ? ? ?



? ? ? ?

(Sign = (−1)N ) We can construct the theory for a at a singularity by T-dualizing and giving a brane tiling instead: a configuration of NS5, D5 and O5. [. . . , Imamura, Kimura, Yamazaki]. What is the most general brane tiling for branes at the (orientifolded) dP1 singularity?

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

The most general tilings

Let’s take a step back. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

The most general tilings

Let’s take a step back. We can construct the theory for a brane at a singularity by T-dualizing and giving a brane tiling instead: a configuration of NS5, D5 and O5. [. . . , Imamura, Kimura, Yamazaki]. What is the most general brane tiling for branes at the (orientifolded) dP1 singularity? 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

The most general tilings

Let’s take a step back. We can construct the theory for a brane at a singularity by T-dualizing and giving a brane tiling instead: a configuration of NS5, D5 and O5. [. . . , Imamura, Kimura, Yamazaki]. What is the most general brane tiling for branes at the (orientifolded) dP1 singularity? 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

The most general tilings

Let’s take a step back. We can construct the theory for a brane at a singularity by T-dualizing and giving a brane tiling instead: a configuration of NS5, D5 and O5. [. . . , Imamura, Kimura, Yamazaki]. What is the most general brane tiling for branes at the (orientifolded) dP1 singularity? 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

The most general tilings

Let’s take a step back. We can construct the theory for a brane at a singularity by T-dualizing and giving a brane tiling instead: a configuration of NS5, D5 and O5. [. . . , Imamura, Kimura, Yamazaki]. What is the most general brane tiling for branes at the (orientifolded) dP1 singularity? 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

New orientifold phases: physical meaning

The new phases can be interpreted as “stuck” Seiberg dualities, with a gauge factor at infinite coupling, due to the orientifold. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

New orientifold phases: physical meaning

The new phases can be interpreted as “stuck” Seiberg dualities, with a gauge factor at infinite coupling, due to the orientifold. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

New orientifold phases: physical meaning

The new phases can be interpreted as “stuck” Seiberg dualities, with a gauge factor at infinite coupling, due to the orientifold. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

New orientifold phases: physical meaning

The new phases can be interpreted as “stuck” Seiberg dualities, with a gauge factor at infinite coupling, due to the orientifold. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

New orientifold phases: physical meaning

The new phases can be interpreted as “stuck” Seiberg dualities, with a gauge factor at infinite coupling, due to the orientifold. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

New orientifold phases: physical meaning

The new phases can be interpreted as “stuck” Seiberg dualities, with a gauge factor at infinite coupling, due to the orientifold. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Deconfinement We can deform (a generalization of anti-symmetric deconfinement [Berkooz ’95]) the multiple intersection into something in the same universality class:


C B 0 B 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Deconfinement We can deform (a generalization of anti-symmetric deconfinement [Berkooz ’95]) the multiple intersection into something in the same universality class: 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Two new orientifold phases for dP1 Phase II 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Two new orientifold phases for dP1 Phase III Perfect agreement between SCIs, agrees with partial resolution, etc.

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

New orientifolds from deconfinement

+ + IB IB− IB− IB



+;+ ; ;+ +; IA I−A − IA− IA − 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

New orientifolds from deconfinement

+ + IB IB− IB− IB



+;+ ; ;+ +; IA I−A − IA− IA −

Perfect agreement between SCIs, agrees with partial resolution, etc. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Some properties of the conformal matter (Without attempting any proof) The basic building block in this class of = 1 dualities is the N theory living on the intersection of 2k NS5 branes on top of an O5 plane. For instance, for k = 2 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Some properties of the conformal matter (Without attempting any proof)

Denote by TOk the theory on 2k intersecting NS5 branes. We have TO1 = , . The next{ case} is the first non-trivial one. There are two versions of TO2, depending on a global choice of sign for the O5. One has φ qUSp(M), with global symmetry algebra USp(2M) SU(M + 4) U(1)2 and φ = 1 encoding RR torsion data.× × ±

qSO(M), with global symmetry algebra SO(2(N + 4)) SU(M) U(1)2. × × In either case only a SU(M) SU(M + 4) U(1)3 subalgebra is manifest in the tiling/Lagrangian× description.× 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions


SU(M + F ) SU(M + G) Z Z˜ A2 A˜2 R R˜ A1 ˜ SU(M + 4) A1 Φ1 SU(M + 4)

Q SU(M) SU(M) Φ2 Q˜ P P˜ T SU(F ) T˜ SU(G)

2 2 W = A1A2Z + P QR + TQ Z W = A˜1A˜2Z˜ + Φ1A˜1R˜ + Φ2A˜2R˜ + P˜Q˜R˜ + T˜Q˜ Z˜ 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions


SU(M + G)

Z˜ SU(M + F ) A˜2 R˜ Z A˜1 A2 ˜ R Q SU(M + 4) A1 SU(M + 4) Φ˜ 1 Φ2 SU(M) SU(M) Q P˜ P ˜ SU(G) T SU(F ) T

2 ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜2 ˜ W = A1A2Z + Φ˜ 1A1R + P QR + TQ Z W = A1A2Z + Φ2A2R + P QR + T Q Z 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

All duality phases for dP1

SU(N 4) SU(N) SU(N + 4) SU(N) −

Z Ai Bi,X Z e Ai e Bi,X Y Y

i j 1 i j i j 1 i j W = ijB A Y + 2 ijXA ZA W = ijB A Y + 2 ijXA ZA

i O Sp A [φ] Sp O Ai[φ] Bi Bi

Y Y SU(M) SO(M 4) − SU(M) USp(M + 4) i j i j W = εijA B Y W = εijA B Y f f A corollary 3 We were very lucky that we decided to study C /Z3 first ...

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Appearance of conformal matter is very general

An easy theorem For any toric polytope with more than four sides all phases are non-classical. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Appearance of conformal matter is very general

An easy theorem For any toric polytope with more than four sides all phases are non-classical.

A corollary 3 We were very lucky that we decided to study C /Z3 first ... 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

The general solution For (dP ), every duality phase includes TO matter: C 2 2 A1[φ1] A [ ] 1 ±1 Sp O O Sp SO(M 4) SU(M) USp(M) SU(M 4) − B Y 1 Y B1 − f f B2 B2 Z Sp O O Sp Z

A2[φ2] A [ ] 2 ±2 W = Y (B B ) + A A Z W = Y (B B ) + A A Z 1 − 2 1 2 1 − 2 1 2

A2 A2[φ2] Sp O O Sp Zi Zi

A1[φ] A1[φ1]

B2 B2 SU(N 4) SU(N) SU(N + 4) SU(N) − B1 B1

W = A1B1Z1 + A2B2Z2 + B1B2Z3 We = A1B1Z1 + A2B2Z2 + B1B2Z3 e

A1 A1 Sp O O Sp

X Zi Zi A2 X A2 Y Y SU(P 4) SU(P ) − SU(P + 4) SU(P ) W = A1YZ1 + XA2YZ2 W = A1YZ1 + XA2YZ2 e e 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Reading the NSNS torsion from the tiling A basic fact: a torsion class in H3(X, Z) is generated by a choice of signs associated to each corner of the toric diagram e E e d A h i h i

D a h i c h i

B b C h i

up to the equivalences

a + c = b + e = d (3) h i h i h i h i h i A theorem Both objects are the same.

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Reading the NSNS torsion from the tiling On the other hand, at each fixed point of the tiling we have an O5, with local charges jumping as we cross the NS5:


D qUSp

B C 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Reading the NSNS torsion from the tiling On the other hand, at each fixed point of the tiling we have an O5, with local charges jumping as we cross the NS5:


D qUSp


A theorem Both objects are the same. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Reading the RR torsion from the tiling Requires more formalism to state, but the conjecture is also very clean in the right language:

F [F ] i (mod 2) (4) α ≡ · h i i Vα X∈ where

Fα are the parities associated with the TOk theories. [F ] is the RR torsion.

Vα encodes a specific subset of O5 local charges. “ ” is a natural geometric product between torsion classes. · Not proven, but lots of supporting evidence. Intuitively, it encodes the existence of D5 domain walls across which the RR torsion jumps. [Witten ’98] These should not change the geometry of the dual tiling. Branes at singularities are somewhat special, in that step 4 can be done using perturbative ingredients + some universal strongly coupled blocks.

3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions


Our philosophy for finding duals: 1. Build a configuration of branes at singularities. 2. Measure its conserved charges, including torsion. 3. Apply IIB S-duality to the charges. 4. Construct the brane configuration in the same geometry with the dual charges. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions


Our philosophy for finding duals: 1. Build a configuration of branes at singularities. 2. Measure its conserved charges, including torsion. 3. Apply IIB S-duality to the charges. 4. Construct the brane configuration in the same geometry with the dual charges.

Branes at singularities are somewhat special, in that step 4 can be done using perturbative ingredients + some universal strongly coupled blocks. 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions


We find very strong evidence for the existence of a new (in = 1, but closely related to = 4 Montonen-Olive in spirit) N N class of S-dual descriptions for certain interesting = 1 theories: non-conformal, chiral, . . . N The whole idea works thanks to the existence of a class of hitherto unknown = 1 theories for orientifolded singularities, coming from gaugingN flavor symmetries of a class of isolated strongly coupled = 1 SCFTs. N 3 Intro C /Z3 C(dP 1) General Conclusions

Some open questions

M5 brane description? The emerging picture is very reminiscent of what happens for dualities in class theories: S The dual descriptions are built by gauging global symmetries of ( = 1) isolated SCFTs. TheN physics is determined by a toric diagram plus discrete data decorated Riemann surface (via mirror symmetry). ∼ Implications for strong coupling dynamics? [Sugimoto ’12] Global structure of the duality? Extended operators? [Aharony, Seiberg, Tachikawa ’13]