Kwai-Cheung LO 羅貴祥 CURRICULUM VITAE Kwai-Cheung LO 羅貴祥 Department of Humanities and Creative Writing Hong Kong Baptist University Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong e-mail:
[email protected] Tel. 852-3411-5984 Cell phone 852-9837-8385 I. QUALIFICATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 1.1 Academic Degrees Attained Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature, Stanford University Master of Arts in Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota Master of Philosophy in Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts, University of Hong Kong 1.2 Professional Development 2007 Sept-Dec Sabbatical Leave as Visiting Scholar at the Department of East Asia Studies, New York University, U.S.A. 2002 June NSC International Institute of Cultural Studies (Theme: Visual Culture and Critical Theory), National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan 1.3 Prizes and Awards ● President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work 2012, HKBU ● Book Prize:《他地在地:訪尋文學的評論》(The Foreign and the Local: Literary Criticism) 第十屆香港中文文學雙年獎文學評論組推薦獎 2009 (the 10th Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature in 2009), organized by Leisure and Cultural Service Department of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Arts Development Council. ● Poetry Award: 大拇指詩獎 1985, organized by Da Mu Zi (Big Thumb) Literary Magazine. ● Literary Award: 市政局第五屆中文文學獎小說組 (Fiction Competition) 第二名 (First Runner-up) 1985, organized by Hong Kong Urban Council ● Poetry Award:「新詩推薦獎」(Poetry Prize) 1984, organized by Writing Workshop, University of Hong Kong. ● Literary Award: 市政局第四屆中文文學創作獎散文組 (Prose Competition) 第三名 (Second Runner-up) 1984, organized by Hong Kong Urban Council. 1 Kwai-Cheung LO 羅貴祥 II. WORK EXPERIENCE Professor, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing; Director, B.A.