Jim Jordan Congressman, United State House of Representatives

Jim is serving his 5th term representing Ohio’s 4th Congressional District. Jordan previously served three terms as State Representative of Ohio’s 85th District.

Committees Committee on the Judiciary - Member, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet - Member, Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Chairman, Subcommittee on Health Care, Benefits, and Administrative Rules - Member, Subcommittee on Government Operations

House Jim founded and is the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus. Balance” plan get the country’s finances back on

track. As a budget committee member he Mission: The House Freedom Caucus gives a offered more spending cuts than any other voice to countless Americans who feel that Member of Congress, and as Budget and Washington does not represent them. We Spending Task Force Chairman of the support open, accountable and limited Republican Study Committee, offered the only government, the Constitution and the , balanced budget of any member of the House or and policies that promote the liberty, safety and Senate. prosperity of all Americans.

Biography Jordan is a fiscal conservative who believes that families and taxpayers, rather than government, Jim Jordan’s background as a four-time state know best how to make decisions with their champion and two-time NCAA champion in the money. Throughout his career, Jim Jordan has sport of wrestling helped prepare him to take on led the fight against tax hikes, including those some of the toughest political opponents in the proposed by his own political party. He believes country. that cutting taxes and letting families keep more

of what they earn helps build strong As a state legislator, he took on the powerful communities and a vibrant economy. special interests and the leaders from both political parties who wanted to put Ohio on an Much of Jordan’s time and energy is currently unsustainable path of higher taxes and focused on Government Oversight and helping spending. He built a conservative, pro-family lead investigations into the IRS targeting of voting record, authoring an alternative state conservative organizations among other budget that balanced without raising taxes, and important issues. became the only legislator in state history to with both the Defender of Life award from Ohio Right As one of the most conservative members of to Life and the Pro-Life Legislator of the Year Congress, his efforts have earned him award from the United Conservatives of Ohio. recognition from Citizens against Government

Waste, , Americans for In Congress, Jim Jordan continued the fight for Tax Reform’s Friend of the Taxpayer Award and fiscal responsibility, authoring the “Cut, Cap and Jim Jordan Congressman, United State House of Representatives

the 2012 Weyrich Award for “National Legislator Farm Bureau of the Year.” - Friend of Farm Bureau: 112th, th 113 Congress Jordan was raised in rural Champaign County Freedom Works Ohio, graduating the University of Wisconsin - Freedom Fighter Award: 2012, 2013 Healthcare Leadership Council with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. He went - 2012 Champion of Healthcare Innovation on to earn a Master’s degree in Education from Award the Ohio State University and a Law Degree International Foodservice Distributors from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. Association Today, he lives just down the road from where - Thomas Jefferson Award: 2008, 2010, 2012, he and his wife (and childhood sweetheart) Polly 2014 grew up. The Jordans have four children and Jewish Vocational Service and Community two grandchildren. Workshop - Outstanding Service Award National Association of Mutual Insurance Awards Companies The American Conservative Union - Benjamin Franklin Public Policy Award: th - 100% Conservative Score on annual ACU 111 Congress Ratings of Congress: 2007, 2008, 2009, National Clergy Office 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - 2008 Ten Commandments Project - 2007 Best & Brightest Award National Federation of Independent Business - 2008 Defender of Liberty Award - Guardian of Small Business: 2005, 110th, American Family Business Institute 111th, 112th, 113th Congress - 2012 Champion of American Family Businesses Award - Taxpayers’ Friend “A” Rating: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - 2007 Hero of the Taxpayer Award National Tax Limitation Committee Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. - Tax Fighter Award: 110th, 111th, 112th - Champion of the Merit Shop: 110th & National Write Your Congressman th 111 Congress - 2008 Constituent Communication Award Christian Coalition of Ohio Ohio Right to Life Society - 2004 Defender of Christian Values Award - 1998 Defender of Life Award Citizens for Community Values Ohio State Senate - 2011 National Leadership - 2006 Resolution for Outstanding Service Award United Conservatives of Ohio The Club For Growth - Watch Dog of the Treasury: 1996, 2000, - Defender of Economic Freedom Award: 2004, 2006 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - 2004 Outstanding Legislator Award (Lifetime Rating of 98%) - 1996 Outstanding Freshman Legislator Coalitions for America Award - 2012 National Legislator of the Year - 1998 Pro Life Award - Weyrich Award Dinner Keynote Speaker U.S. Chamber of Commerce The Coalition for Choices - Spirit of Enterprise Award: 2007, 2008, - The Medicare Choices Leadership Award 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Competitive Enterprise Institute & U.S. English WorkplaceChoice.org - ‘A’ In English Award: 110th Congress & th - 100% Pro-Worker voting score on the 111 Congress Workplace Choice Congressional Labor 60 Plus Association Scorecard: 2013, 2014 - Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award Family Research Council Action TheTeaParty.net - True Blue Award, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, - Paul Revere Patriot Award 2011, 2013, 2014