Faith and Freedom October 1956

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Faith and Freedom October 1956 THE GHOST REVOLTS WILLIAM JOHNSON AMONG us What happened to us? Why are we differ­ keep our contributors informed about our ent? We don't mean "us" editors at F & F, needs. but us Americans. Bill Johnson's story, The If .\ve can catch John between shake­ Ghost Revolts, asks: vVhat would happen down cruises, we'll pry some articles from to a politician who told people the truth? his fecund brain. You remember his recent Thad Ashby attacks the big change from a i'vly Alinister Called "Ale A Leftist, but prob­ different angle in You Can't Get That Kyne ablv vou didn't know he used to write With No More. Interviewing one of the most the"Opinion !vIakers, one of our keenly pen­ popular ,vriters of the 20's, Peter B. Kyne, etrating, shre\vd analyses of current hap­ Ashby contrasts the ideals in Kyne's novels penings in the news. with the ideals in the novels on the current John served tin1e at Pomona College, best' seller list. Claremont, where (less time off for good The quiz, Who Said That? answers the behavior) he got a\vay \vith a Phi Beta above question pessimistically. Accord~ng Kappa key. The University of Cincinatti to speeches by Ike and Adlai, America has gave him a Masters in Government and changed to the point that voters would Public Administration, and he has been try­ defeat anybody who made "self reliance" ing to forget what he learned ever since. a serious plank. But there's a note of hope: _;\ big £e11o\v, with a football frame and in the spiritual hunger which Bill Johnson a broken nose, he has an ideal build for reports on, in the non-fiction self-help this type job; trying to keep a non-profit books and in the revival of interest in the libertarian organization with at least one 20's-which may, Ashby hopes, revive an snorkel above \vater. interest in the ideals of Kyne's America. John's pretty \vHe, Jan, \vas our first art :0 :0 :0 director. She and John have been building Jim Ingebretsen found himself working their o\vn Frank Lloyd Wright style house 19 hours a day, 472 days a year, expanding in the hills of San Dimas. They're both all our activities. So he hired John Payne young, creative, dynan1ic people, and we're to help hirn keep a cleaner desk and to glad to get them. FAITH AND FREEDOM is published by Spiritual would appreciate a contribution to cover the cost Mobilization, a national nonprofit, nonpartisan, of nlailing. nonsectarian organization founded in 1935. James GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS: sent with an appropriate C. Ingebretsen, President. James W. Fifield, Jr., card telling the recipient of your thoughtfulness. Chairman. Just send us the names and addresses with an appropriate contribution. SUBSCRIPTIONS: sent without charge to those who ask for it. If you wish to pay for your sub­ CHANGE OF ADDRESS: be sure to give your scription, a $5 contribution covers a little more complete former address (print or type, please). than cost; a contribution over $5 pays for subscrip­ STAFF: William Johnson, Editor. Thaddeus Ashby, tions for libraries, clergymen, students and those Associate Editor. Doreen Riley, Digest Editor. Tom not able to pay for their subscriptions. Van Sant, Art Director. Beulah Roth, Circulation EXTRA COPIES: 25c each up to ten; 20c each over Manager. ten. Introductory copies will be sent free to those Published September 15th to June 15th at 1521 'You suggest. Should you suggest one or more, we Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 17, California. 2 FAITH AND FREEDOM THE GHOST REVOLTS WILLIAM JOHNSON Matthew Frankenstein, ghost writer for a politician, forgot to tell us what his candi­ date is running for. Maybe it will be the Mexican border. Whatever it is, the moral of this fable asks: do P.R. men dare tell the public the truth? And if one did, what would happen? Political suicide? Landslide? My name is Matthew J. Frankenstein. My I'm talking about unless I tell you that I'm neighbors call me Matt, the monster-maker. an idea man and speech writer for political But I tell them, "'You created Frankenstein's candidates. monster, not Inc." My boss is climbing all over me. Nobody's Of course, you'll never understand what turning up at the rallies. The TV sets are OCTOBER 1956 3 turned on but, when the boss plants his answer here's \vhat I did last week. "Matt," face in front of the camera, the viewers I said to myself, "Matt, boy, you're never cross his channel faster than a Bell X-2. going to figure this thing out just mumbling Nobody seems to give a hoot about politics at your type\vriter. Get out and talk to Joe this year. and ~1amie and Blanche. If you ask 'em "Matt," the boss says, "you're supposed point blank what they want from your can­ to come up with the smart ideas. Why don't didate, they'll read your own speeches back you write what the voters want to hear?" at you. No, you've got to catch them off What can I say? He couhts the empty guard. Find out what moves them; what seats in the auditoriulus. The Nielsen rat­ they're trying to get out of life; what they ings tell him his programs draw no more don't like about things as they are. A Gal­ viewers than reruns of Milton Berle's 1948 lup poll with its IBM tabulations and mech­ kineoscopes. anical questions isn't going to help you. Put the ole brain to ,,'ark. Watch and listen People Ignore Both Candidates to all kinds of Americans. Maybe there'll be "Our competition isn't doing any better," a clue somewhere." I tell him. But he's right. That tired excuse That's ,vhat I told myself and, since I is carrying too many has-been hacks. And always take my own advice, I went out and it doesn't get me off the hook to blame began dropping eaves. IIere, let me get the voting custolller. I kno\v-and so do you my notebook out. I'll read you some of the -the guy holding the vote will spend it dialogue I overheard. See if you can make willingly if we come up with something anything out of it. near what he likes. Personally, I don't be­ Place: Economy Drug Store; lunch coun­ lieve the guy knows what he wants any ter. Sound: hamburger spitting on the grill; more. Look at the primaries; they've had a nlotor grinding painfully as it whips an the lowest turnouts in years. Everybody was extra thick chocolate malt. disappointed with thE, way the audience "Did you see the State Department post­ ignored both conventions. Despite all of ers on the bulletin board?" the get-out-the-vote appeals, it looks like "Yeh, but what are you worked up about? we'll have the weakest vote in years. Buddy, you got a two-year hitch in the Why? Army after you graduate. You won't be You probably have your own ideas. ready for a civilian job until '59." Me, I feel the pinch of one answer stronger "I know, but I can dream, can't I?" than all the rest because it is my job to "You sure are dreaming different than write the pitch for our candidate. The old ,,,hen you first landed at college. If you'd coffee pot really gets a working over these had a wJ:1ite horse, you'd have set out eJ\rly morning hours as I try to make our to conquer the world. Let's see. It was stuff sound different than that of our op­ gouna be a quiGk four years through college ponent. But when you really boil it all down and then Joe Trimble in his own business, a -which I'nl sure you do- we and our wor­ millionaire before he was 30. What a thy opposition us·e the same formula. Like dreamer you ,vere!" soap. Different containers maybe, but the "O.K., so I \vised up. Meetin' Marg had san1e formula. I'm a packager now. I'm sup­ sOInething to do with it. I'll be 26 when I posed to get the soap off the shelves. I'm get out of uniform. We'll want to get mar­ paid to luake our words more appealing ried and fn need a steady job. We figure than the other guy's and, this year, I admit on a couple of kids, a small house, second­ I'm falling flat on my face. hand station wagon, a trailer maybe, a That's why I'm talking my problem over boat, and a pair of skiis. fd rather settle for with you. I asked myself: Why aren't the a quick $8,000 a year than shoot for $100,­ customers buying our product? To find the 000 a year eventually. None of this ulcer 4 FAITH AND FREEDOM stuff for me. U~1aybe I could apply for a commission in the Navy. You can retire after twenty years. Boy, that would be livin'! A pension at 44!" Place: Broadway at 12th. "... so I went into Bergdorf-Goodman and told them I just had to have a dress with a holy look for my trip to Rome .. ." Place: cashier line in supermarket. "Didn't I see you drive up in a new Buick, Catherine?" "That's right.
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