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THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF PENAL LAWMAKING N. Filtschev. Theoretische Grundzüge der Strafrechtssetzung. CIELA − Soft and Publishing, Sofia, 2005 Н. Филчев. Теоретические основы уголовного законотворчества. CIELA − Soft and Publishing, София, 2005 © Nikola Filchev, author © Christina Terzieva, translation from Bulgarian © Iliana Saraouleva, translation from Bulgarian © Liubomir Penov, cover design © CIELA Soft and Publishing Sofia 2005 ISBN 954-649-823-8 NIKOLA FILCHEV THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF PENAL LAWMAKING Nikola Filchev was born in 1948 in Varna, Bulgaria. He is an alumnus (1972) of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski; following graduation, he was appointed and served as a judge at Varna District Court. Since 1977 Mr Filchev has been a research fellow at the Institute of Legal Science with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He presented his doctoral thesis in criminal law in 1986 and was made a professor in 1990. In January 1991 Mr Filchev was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Bulgaria, Criminal College. Between 1997 and 1999 he served in government as Deputy Minister of Justice. Since 1999 he has been the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Bulgaria. Professor Nikola Filchev teaches the course in criminal law at the Law Department of the University of National and World Economics in Sofia. He has taken post-graduate courses in crimi- nal law in Russia and in Germany. Mr Filchev has authored over sixty papers (monographs, studies, articles) on inter alia criminal complicity, the method (form) of crime perpetration, the criminali- sation of acts, the differentiation of criminal liability, etc. Никола Филчев родился в 1948 г. в городе Варна. Окончил Юридический факультет Софийского университета им. Св. Кли- мента Охридского в 1972 г. После окончания факультета рабо- тает судьей в Варненском районном суде. С 1977 г. он − научный сотрудник в Институте правовых наук при Болгарской академии наук (БАН). В 1986 г. защищает докторскую диссертацию в облас- ти уголовного права. Хабилитирован в 1990 г. С января 1991 г. он − судья в Верховном суде Республики Болгария − уголовная коллегия. В период 1997−1999 гг. занимает должность заместителя минист- ра юстиции. С 1999 г. − Главный прокурор Республики Болгария. Профессор Никола Филчев читает курс лекций по уголовно- му праву на Юридическом факультете Университета националь- ного и мирового хозяйства − София. Он проходил специализации по уголовному праву в России и в Германии. Он является автором свыше шестидесяти публикаций (монографий, студий, статей), посвященных проблемам соучастия в преступлении, способа (формы) совершения преступного деяния, криминализации дея- ний, дифференциации уголовной ответственности и других. CONTENTS Introduction ...........................................................................13 § 1. Conduct. The structure of conduct ................................18 § 2. Crime. Method of committing a crime. Substance and form of a crime ......................................23 § 3. Community danger: a key criterion for the criminalization of acts and the differentiation of criminal liability ...........................34 § 4. Criminalization of acts ..................................................44 § 5. Elements of crime. Functions of the elements of crime ................................58 § 6. Punishment. Grounds, objects, and severity of punishment ................................................................70 § 7. Differentiation of criminal liability ...............................81 § 8. Institutions of the criminal law. The institution of complicity .................................................................120 § 9. Empirical sociological research ..................................190 § 10. Scientific and technical progress and the criminal law ...................................................219 § 11. Organized crime and the criminal law and procedural in the context of transition ......................231 Theoretische Grundzüge der Strafrechtssetzung (Zusammenfassung) .....................................................271 Теоретические основы уголовного законотворчества (Резюме) ......................................................................318 INHALT Einführung ...........................................................................13 § 1. Verhalten. Verhaltensstruktur ........................................18 § 2. Straftat. Tatmittel. Inhalt und Form der Straftat ............23 § 3. Die öffentliche Gefahr – wichtigstes Kriterium für die Kriminalisierung der Taten und Differenzierung der strafrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit ..........................34 § 4. Tatkriminalisierung ........................................................44 § 5. Tatbestand. Funktionen des Tatbestands ........................58 § 6. Strafe. Grund, Ziel und Schwere der Strafe ...................70 § 7. Differenzierung der strafrechtlichen Verantwortung ......81 § 8. Strafrechtliche Institute. Institut der Tatbeteiligung ....120 § 9. Empirische soziologische Untersuchungen ..................190 § 10. Der wissenschaftlich-technische Fortschritt und das Strafrecht .......................................................219 § 11. Die Organisierte Kriminalität und das materielle und prozessuale Strafrecht in der Transformationszeit ...................................................231 Theoretische Grundzüge der Strafrechtssetzung (Zusammenfassung) .....................................................271 Теоретические основы уголовного законотворчества (Резюме) ......................................................................318 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Введение ...............................................................................13 § 1. Поведение. Структура поведения ................................18 § 2. Преступление. Способ совершения преступления. Содержание и форма преступления ...............................................................23 § 3. Общественная опасность − основной критерий для криминализации деяний и дифференциации уголовной ответственности ........................................34 § 4. Криминализация деяний ..............................................44 § 5. Состав преступления. Функции состава преступления ...............................................................58 § 6. Наказание. Основание, цели и тяжесть наказания ....70 § 7. Дифференциация уголовной ответственности ...........81 § 8. Уголовно-правовые институты. Институт соучастия ...................................................................120 § 9. Эмпирические социологические исследования ........190 § 10. Научно-технический прогресс и уголовный закон ....................................................219 § 11. Организованная преступность и уголовный (материальный и процессуальный) закон в условиях перехода .................................................231 Theoretische Grundzüge der Strafrechtssetzung (Zusammenfassung) ....................................................271 Теоретические основы уголовного законотворчества (Резюме) ......................................................................318 To my mother Introduction The transition from a centralised state-run economy and authori- tarian political rule to a market economy and democracy is essen- tially a social revolution. It is characterised by a change of produc- tion relations based on public ownership of the means of production. In the transition, public (state and co-operative) ownership in Bulgaria has been replaced by private ownership. State assets have been privatized, passing into the hands of a small group of people. Society has split into rich and poor. The change of the economic foundation (material relations) has led to a change in the superstructure (ideological relations). All ele- ments of the superstructure, including political, legal, moral, philo- sophical and the corresponding ideological relations; the depart- ments and organizations − political (the state, the parties), legal (the judicial authorities), have undergone transformations and are still in a process of mutation. In the transition period the single state property was parceled out among a number of physical and legal persons. This has entailed a redistribution of political power among a number of subjects. By virtue of the principle of separation of powers, state power in this country was divided into legislative, executive and judicial (Art. 8 of the Constitution). Further down the line, the ruling parties continue to redistribute power among the government authorities depending on their temporary interest, by changes in the legislation. The transition in Bulgaria has had a number of positive impacts: more effective management of assets, greater economic ini- tiative, democratization of public and political life and greater per- sonal liberties. Alongside this, there have been some negative 14 THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF PENAL LAWMAKING aspects of the transition: weakening of public and legal control and proliferation of crime. 1. Crime is not a fixed or immutable phenomenon that has been the same in all times and for all peoples. It has been changing in the course of history. The substance and forms of crime ultimately depend on the social and economic context. However, it is partly up to the legislator to decide what acts to make illegal. The legislator makes the criminal statute by responding to the objective public needs, while also taking into account the interests of the ruling class. Historically, criminal law has for a long time been created empirically. Intuition