Kansas Surface Water Quality Standards
Presented below are water quality standards that are in effect for Clean Water Act purposes. EPA is posting these standards as a convenience to users and has made a reasonable effort to assure their accuracy. Additionally, EPA has made a reasonable effort to identify parts of the standards that are not approved, disapproved, or are otherwise not in effect for Clean Water Act purposes. August 7, 2018 Kansas Water Quality Standards - Tables of Numeric Criteria Effective May 7, 2018 The attached WQS document is in effect for Clean Water Act (CWA) purposes, with the exception of the provisions below. With the latest action, EPA continues not to act on these provisions, on which no action was initially taken in the July 18, 2017 action letter. • Table 1a. Aquatic Life, Agriculture, and Public Health Designated Uses Numeric Criteria. Five new or revised water quality criteria for pollutants: Mercury, 1,2-dichloropropane, 1,2,4- trichlorobenzene, barium, and endrin o Federal water quality criteria currently applicable to Kansas waters remain in effect until the EPA takes federal action to withdraw these NTR criteria. • Table 1g, Footnote 2. Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH Numeric Aquatic Life Criteria. Footnote 2 addressing Dissolved Oxygen o The following text was added to footnote a of Table 1g: (2) Dissolved oxygen concentrations can be lower than 5.0 mg/L when caused by documented natural conditions specified in the "Kansas Implementation Procedures: Surface Water Quality Standards." • Table 1g, Footnote 3. Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH Numeric Aquatic Life Criteria. Footnote 3 addressing Dissolved Oxygen in lakes or reservoirs o The following text was added to footnote a of Table 1g: (3) For lakes or reservoirs experiencing thermal stratification, the dissolved oxygen criterion is only applicable to the top layer or epilimnion of the waterbody.
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