Creative Writing: A Faith and Learning Bibliography Prepared by Randall A. Smith, Ph.D., Martha G. Krystaponis, Joy E. Patterson, and Deanna J. Vanderver While compiling the bibliography, the editors attempted to balance general and focused research. On the one hand, we included books related to the broad field of creative writing, from pedagogy to practice. On the other hand, we included many books related specifically to the intersection of a biblical, or Christian, worldview and creativity, composition, and aesthetics. Overall, the bibliography should prove useful to teachers, students, and writers regardless of worldview perspective. If you have suggestions for other works to include, please contact Dr. Randall Smith (Creative Writing Department Chair, Belhaven University, Jackson, MS) at
[email protected]. Parenthetical material at the end of individual bibliographical entries indicates call numbers or holdings for the Belhaven University Warren A. Hood Library. Biblical Worldview / Philosophy of Aesthetics Abrams, Meyer H. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition. Oxford UP, 1971. Barratt, David, Leland Ryken, and Roger Pooley, eds. The Discerning Reader: Essays on Christian Literary Criticism. Baker, 1995. (261.58/D6311) Bass, Alice. The Creative Life: A Workbook for Unearthing the Christian Imagination. InterVarsity, May 2001. (248.4/B293c) Bayles, David and Orland, Ted. Art and Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking. Image Continuum, 2001. (701.15/B343a) Begbie, Jeremy, ed. Beholding the Glory: Incarnation Through the Arts. Baker, 2000. (261.57/B395) ---. Sounding the Depths: Theology Through the Arts. SCM, 2003. (246/So84) ---. Voicing Creation’s Praise: Towards a Theology of the Arts.