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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-28-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-28-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-28-1915." (1915). abq_mj_news/1493

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION rHIRTY-fttXt- VKAI! TWELVE PAGES b WWt III w. SECTION ONE-P- ages 1 to 8. Daft nrrter aiv Voi. ., Month single. Cpta,A(. PI HQ U IVQ CDQ THE WEATHER TKIC ' 'sT, w V OS MOCHIS COLONY Afi;'- RE N ULUU TTrPT - -j F ROM RANI GREECE ? liO : WaithiMton. i I'll. I.inlt GIG MEMBEnSH!D WBMWBP CAUSES ANXIETY laaao from rTanciaco laal Thurs iav (o M, al .hi .i mm - have dlaap CAMPAIGN HIKE pi it.! ti i th wn a m t.i the ! CAPITALS OF Uochia colon) i over, ai m - . oeKi,'.- i mi 'i i.i m 4w m i .iwx r !"'- si ar!c ta tb.. .late ot laday, 'mJKbm nearch lor the raiding p,irix the di BEEN PREPARED patch aatd. fni d veal la wba ENTENTE POWERS tr thej " dlraetlon had wQhdrawn. Tti CONSUL GENERAL IS i k'' Ran . - lic; m to n at h Topi j i ,., ,. en mill s r i m RETURNING TO LONDON : M A MMJfWZ' r ibis, in vi WedneMda) rn,. gunboNi :ils of Most Important Annapolis all .ul is .u iiepattment advlcea today ids,, re- Athens Government Makes ported the departure ol (leaeral f'sr-nana- a ovement Ever Undertaken from Moaterej for Itatamoroa Statement Which Indicates and the DCCUMltloM of Jiimiut, t'hl- - i Organization Formulated boahua, b) Carranaa troope. Upera- - Tumble for Allies May Yet . Ready tlott of a i .hi. .n. i .ti-- r, rohlbttinji Rr id Leaders for Work eaportatton "f i owhldi s from Maxli .. Contemplated, proonalgated for I, has been poatpined until JanUar) I. the DRIVE TO BEGIN ONE SERBIANS CONTINUE FROM WEDNESDAY FLIGHT BEFORE ENEMY WEEK LEAGUE FAVORS

Methods Used in j Russia Mobilizes 350,000 Campaigns to Be Employed PREPAREDNESS Men fm Attack on Bulgaria; Dis- in Effort to Raise Enroll- Rumania's Attitude Not - of 500. closed. ment to Standard ON ROGE SCALE

11 NU,NiN, JUUMNAL IMl'IIL 11 plans have iirm formulated and the London, Vo :r p, la unchlng of the big iin iiai'a eel for the hei rful lea .,t ihe Ureeg alt- - campaign which is to !" membership lion h.ts been by - in the life of ,i Administration1 succeeded sotne- the fiiM Important event ;it - Ml,ur;' Ing in tin- id a reaction, of Com- hoops Air Posted Nosaie MmMFM,',- Vk ' nature and i). reorganized Chamber K.t,, M tb p duo, Miiiiieii :u nrem-n-t (Hwnmerclal Everj ' adeq i,i, the merce and club. Bordei Where Bat- - gram late IUI tlini is thai the preaa and publki necessary a lueceaaful cam-Mlc- n l JtV detail tn & J Jumped mo ,,ui, kl i,, the itarceahln arranged for, aa it is mtOaUBm Nreds lilt I v and hag been With will, eon. lualon that flreeee wnithi concede by of the lined fully realieed the officer mentH uny.u.l II readl ill lh.' allied demand. . success or failure of attch Sufftc lab thai the night for N. w Vol k preparatorj lo AlthoiOih all the eaata and snec. Ilea In lha preparation put i Centura TRE PRESIDENT takina pass.iK. I he pence ship us-- j JERSEY FARM IS illation rerardlai Oraece'a reply to the upon it. II. ni vi month. entente ministers' now note, - Desjember 8, occur ear early Wednesday. will Mine HehwIfVimer would no give .i,uornini Miiowntl ing the lte;t,d demands of their gV-- to bring the ,V MORHiftl JOURNAL ' ' .! ,h,, drive .. th rural concerted name of the European i blcago, No l'T. The prepared- - ernmenta that Qreaoe Kuarantee ae-.- up to re- Nogalea, Nov S7. Maj. Qttt, I'n d the neutral membarahtp of the club the ( Kiildj program prealdeni curlty and liberty of PVnaton here tottai am tiuntrlea she nhferred to, bul she ol Wllaon and ..ction to tb quired point, five hundred. One .click arrived OF n a In tk L'nli IS ANXIOUS TO till oi tin foeelun mlulHters abroad SCENE AWFUL eablnet waa endnraod as step franco Btitiah iroape on Oreek toll, day campaign will aaaUmed command of the . i , re-- fmiii thai another !,6a upon whom she called iis-ii- iin.-- nun in cemmHtoe 1 t'ontlnue t.. be optialatlr, ed Stab s soldiers on duly here Hi bad had been the iiust held to rover whatever proapecti very anxious tb learn what the Am on the .irim nAV in, militia, informal Ion from Athens clearly indl- - t. first 'a superseded lirig. Gen. George Hell, Jr. its muy be overlooked in the lay i rlciin position would lie, li had ,,i before a conference ,,i the that Oreece haa not vat definite n to he .who had earlier in the da wink and on still Inter date arrived been Indicated, she said, various in ,iial Security league here today, on ly uliandoned the dilatory turtles ounty will be from Douglas with the Twentieth rei thai let, the farmers of the AID MOVEMENT pein e plans had been rejected hi TRAGEDY; ENTIRE each aspeci ,,f tin. problen hoa aver, Which Caused the alius such unensl-nes- s to Irrter-i-- t iment visited by aaeial commlttaaa cause oi the fear i t partition inflii-- i in, committee finding we that the It is now reported Horn Ath- - nt Fupaton the sol liiem in becoming General nrderad ence might be kunpeeted. thought had nol itidi ited a de- - ' ma thai the tirc.-- govarrimant proba- diets of nt she admlnlatraton memberg ami active wortten In the the Twentieth ukum. the present movement, nri;ed the! ire in no far enoiiah to mak, the bly will propovt thai military experta CtUb Will out mak, camp near the program which the entry interna i he World, tree oi ragtrOMntlng the entente powers shall aoMtei women of would be country safe from attahk, tn further the agricultural interests border, where American Misplcion Knd indtcatad the The propoaed atmv Increases lie empowered to dlNcusH with the 'gaged army v FOR WORLD PEACE thai thai FAMILHILLED ot the Bio Grande valley. snipers of Villa's European neutrals believed the Unit- was pointed out, should I,, la ,.ti net tlreoV general staff the demamta which had i The men who are to conduct the day after the main forces .should lake lh,. Initiative lo provide ext. aalva un.i nit inn it bas heretofore been aaaumed were hI- - gonora. He ed fm Oral two campaigns win he pledged ated Nogalea, also Important of the and for col- - sntisfactorlly regi both .is the most mis education of officers iead nnawered. tomorrow to give a few hours of their firmed reports thai the Heventh neutral powers and because Us lion of large reaorve stocks ot sup the lliilKiuwin operatiniis tn the 8 18 to the im ni would reach here from D oiKia lime nn December and great dlatuttca from the scene of ih '1 plli-- of all kinds. neighborhood ,,t Ifonaatlr apparently up of new mambara. One later In the day Tells Mrs. Phillip Snowden (or purt ial Quintuple Murder and Suicide navy plan was the hopes of a union sisnins a siiuKeii made im action The ertUcltad is hoe rruatrated nf the city's best workers will Mexican Nogales today presented The Ware over too long a poflod fW id ami allied troops ip south- hundred podlaa ol neutral ministers here Serbian participate three hours on each of the deaolate appearance. The and Mine. Schwimmer That told loday, Mno rtohwlmmer aaidj Committed Tuesday Nisht cnii.leli ii, , I in.ikiiia no urovle- - ern Herbls: hence Ihe "sm of the rall-roud- a where ,, two days, visiting pfOapectl who will many Villi soldiers remained lenii whether a formal iil' Ht 11 II. Slllpb territory to effect that regard of Not - lo,, a,lllU.,l oil in Orneh such r aaaigned to them by a committee they fell In yesterday's fighting, killed Everything Possible Shall Be conference of neuiral Kovefnmrntal and Bodies Are Discov- built, bul.dtna and propoaed, a union haa beeonir ot the uiiiiuni im it an sol- which is WOrltiBJ on the list ol names h, by die fire of Amerli was called, n popular congreaa wouldJ Metpej)) ns na) step. pori fighting Car- nfrb-jail- uf those who are not members of the diers ar in the aith the Done, be held In sonic neutral Karopeanl The project fur ii continental Thi i;.,i.ian an.. be. ranaa troopa who occupied the town capital which Mould a ping for morou as a "firm fin lull but should buildings draft prmy" was endoraed Yesterday return postal mids went Many stores and Othef in peace and formally pfaaenl ft In each step' mid the miggaatlmi imis made - looted :i ill I out io every member uf the club, ask- the town Which hafl been of the iielllg .'.. Tlui Miimsteis that all men batwvt'p the ages of , dell, oil hj Dm vtllti FARM HAND i im !. "": '.. i HOPES TO INFLUENCE showed Mm iT.'u- iiiienn. iha, r0L!Si and 21 Hhtftlld B enrolled and hay :is possible bt who are not iiiem-bar- i soldiers, were ckiaad. ankf, and promised to do everjthlng military those authori-tie- s education. I'Mi might be Induced to Join an Report that the Carranaa OPINION TO THAT END noHKlble to aid the peace hi. CREDITED WITH DEED Delegate ware preearn from inure aetiva public organ laation. The gen- bad shm several lootefn arriated let- - than hall hundred clUa when ha if they hale n t gained a ultghi .- eral manager of the club asks that after the occupation of Mexican N"- - til, eonfemnce opened, Including gnvafa- - vantage in tin .,f attacks and those who receive the urds fill them galcs, were confirmed today. The pan lew on ,.rs, icceral city eXOl titlves, educalors, counter attacks wh(bh have given Ihe to - iu and return at once, as the com- bodies of three men, said have Resents Suggestion That eo- - palgn to in, busiiies- men and editor, fhthtlna here Ihe character nf an al- caBMK be made robbed a woman, were visible from Illative for i were landing to continual battle for several days plete 'ists of prospects l rlgure quoted most up until these curds are in. the American side pie of United States Would to ih.' atali ,i pai Kneeling in Prayer; ive siu.w thai the navy is wort between Notwithstanding the peislstence of The city and telephone directorlei Villa currency left In tim town night issued M)090 ami 51,1100 men of Ihe number the Bulgarian advance. Ihe Serbian are serving fur research purposes and confiscated by deneral i ii. i agon a ml Have War Continue on Ac- - anggeattonji fm Crime Not Fathom by required to man the ships already oniiniir then slroiig defensive south art giving up the names of a great binned in the streets. celve "the bull, or building, and It was stated ami west of Prllep, ami, according to Nogales. ! many men in AlbUquerque who should Carranza officials at coi of Profits, merit." ire ran that because of the Impossibility of a late unconfirmed Athena dispatch, - re reived repo in- nrtmbara f the club and eould af- nora, said they had The ntfttei mabnini present reeerv ships, eleven they have retaken Kruslievn. lord to be members, men whose inter- thai Mukdulcna. on the railroad 'Tile iPp. destroyers wer,- unable to participate Itussia Is now said lo huve 3.", 0.000 ing HonnoalllOi bad bed n capt in An - in ests are ull In this city and who will to MORN.Na .IOUSNAL tPlrlAL Lf AtlD WISH in ihe uar maneuVera of October. troop near the Rumanian frontier, pro- by forces Tills repo - on liui-ga- t proa per (,r the reverse as the City today their New York, Nov Mr- - Phillip ilbei slatemeiil was that four battle- preparation lor an attack of Could not be Ct infirmed, have sen, BOt gresses or goes backward. Many however wife ,,f a me bar of i lie is werr found shot to death ships ot the Atlantic fleet would la bv land ot but lliii ha Oeneral Funaton said thai oso with othei neutral go arnment in next declariilli il ihtm are professional men. phyaiclana, Hritish parliament, win with Mad-- I i l,o us, on ii country road to be placed reserve winter precipitated ativ definite formerly a general In Villa calling a c 'f super- - lawyers and dentists who are absolutel- Acostu. atne Koaika rjchwlmmei of (Hungary. nferen neutral es south oi here tonight to get crews lo man Ihe new of Rumania' intentloag. army, bordei Thurs- v. a mild const H ate vol y dependent upon the growth of the who crossed the Interviewed Pi ealderd Wilson last lion, inch he ,i them had been murdered. dreadnaught Nevada and (Mtlahom1 expressed a desire to tary ol ContlDUOU medial r city activities of the day lllght, had pro-- 1 court i bile SIXII ppurenlly illume ii on Oongreea. BVLQAR1 TO and therefore the was night to gain hia auppori of the the committed ws club, business Every reaide in the United states. He inl- - invite siiuKc.'stiona for settler Slllei.le s iin othera, "To correct a popular misapprehen- ansBta for their future to posed confer, nee uf neutrals to nfler .linn invade one of these men will be expected to given his liberty after promising today from warring nation A and bis family Were killed sion it mic t be i, i, id,, clear that this part the tiuhtum tlate peace, quoted the prealdeni farmer join as soon as invited. take no further in as hai ing said While tWO larm ham is, apparently shoring, of men Is not due tu diffi Copenhagen, Nov. :7 (via London. fori i s .tu, i In report I There are two other classes of against the CatTanM "You need not plead with me I foreignero, also were to death culty recruiting," said tiie 1:00 p in The Herlin Ubal to whteh the club officiate The cam of Carlos liamlall, acting One of the emploj'ei according to "I ha sole trouble lies in t ic fact that aaya it larne from a reliahlo it tOOR am anxious, rpoat AH S II ti oe. de- ' own- governor oi ionot iinlll he It nsslbl the (tale congress the source the Ihtlgiirlnns have .ill attention. The one, property Villa i earnestly the authorltiea did tb hooting bile bis limited thai hefon last, will be thai can for io shall pai in, in I,, ply to nil tins, letter Into ers who. because they are not engaged refuge here nUhl ti iff! Inl and unof- - the others were ash- P llisl TllCHllu men lo 51,(00," cided not to puisne Ihe Serbian between .mil t. legrat mi i, ii. i II il desires IK retail business, assert that considered at a confer, nee in killed It wic added ibat the p qi ftreek territory This decision ha to a (icn,. ml and 0. Pa, Ires. Cal I,, make general liiiowb ilulllelit of aecretary ol tic be. n made, it Is fltnted, In order t" have no interest in belonging 111, lh. Dead. ommendntlnn the re, iip! and hal I node-qual- e point- consul, today oi their V : navy IU. onn more men was offending he (Ireeks. pttbtlc promotion body, yet, as ran.a late Inn's peace party, gave out a type-- 1 KIT.M for unlit upon Villa lugces de- auggeat Ion 'ontainei was a short- - ed OUt, these men are depending The status of statement of the Interview be--1 and that there also states mllltat v written cell,, the iltentlon legil nun l III 1(1 IM LSI community growth to increase the tained by the United iteamahlp A K A WICITZM aga of at I officers The si s 'for., her departure mi the ment." I I value of ami dispose ol guthorltle When Ihcj croaaad mini ,1,1 proposed increase of 350 mtdahtpmen l,l, II.IW VITACKS their property at tbp Ityndam today for Kngland, whore it fur them. The clam is Ohl Ol Mexico will also be eonalderod to Mr. was criilcised adversely on tin ground other lahe said ahe was going ask and v, well-pai- d Ml r biipdiiii; program II 27 (b Wireless lo employes who have before meeting. I.Mr- - Ueorge Bernard Bhaw ami other thai lb, l I officers." Tic official report than in this city a future as manager! prominent Bnttttuhmen ami women lo IN !! .us old, his wife. alone et) additional i.ll.l NET SCHMIDT tin- bulla - ; from the Aiistn M nngarlan ir proprietors of business concerns. AEROPLANE nn et The Hague the pacifists who TWi FARM HAND! Tb immltter endoraed received JUMPS FROM ai il the ho. i.hpuii under Their prosperity is also 4, on Henry Ford's ,1'sb, mimes mil, nowi ram "so far as follows lets ciirrei future and Mill December general out today: liuuiid up with future of the club, IN THE AIR H, i ll...- i omnittod ,ndutlon of the given her,, the FEET I "peace ship,'' Ihe 0car - o manager, and 10,000 Ho- w i b bul said that since m cm "The Italians attacked declares the general M'lahcs I'ni- World I'inec. Thai mill, bis uninltl they should out $1 worth Of bus- fUaKdu) ttlghl ami Mil. disclosed bind any Rtiecsedlng jlaonan from without success. Near take "Proaldeni Wllaon i abaolutal TIGHTENS twenty-secon- iness monthly by joining the av mosnino jeussi WK,i I.IAfllO WISH li CASE ml, I, .night ttas due nm plated s). Dalavll Ihe Dalmatian insurance i lull, In work IS l 111.) symp nf YVell'.mniin I regiment repulse. ill Italian attack taking an active part its I..ind,,n, Nov. V less 'lie con- them- or royal naval the s Wi nn, With beau losses The Italians and plans and thus be doing for Colonel Ifalttand tht Itatlla a prtiap - ' llghl. loiibt he wants 1,1 (lorivaa An Austro- expect M Ii n para, but iliat ol en ui'i li h milk BJtd naval res tinue shilling selves whut they evidently air serviee iuiiilied b,- It llstiim.'il liver - bmethim ion heattati - ii tan down an itui- others tO do. today (mm an aeroplane which as illy in New Brunawlck Nona hav- f neat airman ahot lie II.. In led mie.lit :u ai the wrong lime UN rian biplane near Sail Lorenzo ill Mos- - Next week Will appear in the i in, onn feel In ig been delivered sine iONSPIRACY there I d hal it was regi stole or office window of every mem- aafely. Uggel 101 nine., up fly Haul ion of tin - ihnrllah oeoole had UtHI i,e Auatro-la- n ber to m expert- thai idnv remillcd h Balkan theater of the club an announcement Colonel Mait I IN EGYPT IS DENIED be 1,1 l thai America Wished llungar troops on Kusa Piunina. the effect that the general public may mentlng w it h projectile de elopmbnU ice trrlved at tu go oi for ihe take ,,f the nnirn nn 1M"I of Mltrovltaa, drovd the Herbians know is not a mem- of tile aerial sen and - Itama who is and who ht- IV lit aj h a MPgr , ber is it necessary to made nt of ii. said corneal III III! I' ppnrentl) 'V IRNIN, ,I"NM 11 1. 1 ID lii Hie Montenegrin frontier The of the organization. The club the point whi re wais ,!, - u was v Nov. 87. re, number of prisoners taken In Mltro- determined to cryetailse public senti- detei mine m h tljer an airman could lb, slept, bee bedroon wa Washington, Dertlal of re lo d I t.Ofln soldiers and .1.500 ment to every man land safely by oarachui fl urn such a point tile bin Mr. Klgner ports published in th.. United Htntei vltan the point where .Had, across tin bay rr, I In, arc to military hi upon height. .preset Km: land. fort,. ad been shot in the hi .ol of ii revolutionary oonaplraey bound Albuquerque will tie Judged ' j '.' 11 expect in .San Kranei identified Matin i mm. t em-- tbe not is a "Someone ints t it," he laid. canned falfneat in siiu another room Egyp wis mole bi the ISiltish basis of whether or he I I '." reminded him Schmidt, today, ai I i "There is only on pei son care to w .i trial her miles of th lee men the ossy le today ell mstriicllons fruit booster and a worker in the elub'l my- - ers., ti, ai with him man ' a her lii use five tlTIOVs UtE Program I will mak Hi. ..tieinpt "In our com who hands and Kianer, the London rorcign office. SI'IIUMTI for the advancement at the ask A I .li you either Mm, Schwimmer or uk he six mo ui lis iioil.tng lor Anli of the farm hand had The embaw) issued ibis Rtatemenl HKPORTr.D ritoM r.xitis city and county. Are you, or are self, - - pleai He spoke moat sincere- hannien, n nrgantaer of tin- si ne Willi evidently In reports In ih "ol a member? is going to be made it tOOh the colonel fifteen minutes word he was kneeling "flerman circulated he ins y, saying foil need ,,,i plead With ibulldlna irades .lolianiisen, she said. pra on was shot In Btii(es announce thai a great Harm. Nov 27 (11:50 p. m.i The an issue that no citizen can dodg.- Ol to It ike the descent, but solicit bis bed lie I'niie.i latiafactoriiy. mi am inxutiis, moat attxloue, to paid the hill Ihe ,'k ol Hie bead llll Hie floor conspiracy bul been disco ered n following official communication was avaa. and depending upon DOW the I II ib I hal I in do for peace sha Nehmidt is on trial for numb lav Hie body of KiKliei, by p' in he el, I, '111 tied b Ho war office tonight: question is answered, the citizen will Cairo headed t'sons .rnesile pndeavor to mill, official connection nub tin- dynamittn ,,i th another bed was the body of line ol the new .sultan "Rather spirited artillery actions he classified. n iCZAR UNDER FIRE; :and unofficial opinion lo thai end.' Los AngeliK Times and Ihe slat, other farm bind win,, the fovea- - "The eonapiratora are alleged to hai.- occurred In Belgium, In the 'Wo live committees will set to bo-- 1 a Hneslnghe, Madame Bchwimmet ami seeks to show thill ibis was pari of lorn believed, did all i have plotted iii Mil thi ruler and nt Loinbai ri.'yd. and work tomorrow morning at IU o'clock Both the ENJOYS SENSATION was all that COUld possibly Hide cOnaplracy in which influential In right was a re- liberate Egypt from the ami to the smith of Somme, in the "n the membership program the teg- ilieve that his band minister and 'bo expected of the head of a ureal i labor leaders took part. voly el- This man had been employ-Ij- Hritish yoke, forty persons are said section of Pouqueopoufi ular to I weekly committee appointed Johannaen, oiaf a. Tvletmoe, sec Weltgmattn only twenty-fiv- e To the north of St. Mihn our have IOU.-.- L WIS. overnment." id one month to hac been arr'sl'd and charg,. IMCI.L retary-troaiur- of the club work for th l pnaeagc. er of .state Building Hid Ho ,,r foreign demollahed an enemy battery at bak, Nov. 27 (via Wifeless ord iiooks the motive ihe murders and already executed, The Britten and a special committee of ten Herlin. Henry council; Uric H. Morton, a la-- J (Il t,, C'fflCHM Cote Marie, nur long N-- Ag Definite announcement tied Trades unknown Hie ant hoi dies. ofi'lc has issued .in contra- the Sainte man in the .SaWille. I Tlie Overseas who will be interested obtained accommodation - bm lead, r ol s'an Kriincisco, and diction In a hleh there range guns took under their fire a Warn barehtp alone. Those Icy naya: Ford had of thi rumoi campaign i.'i..i nth, ib.. entire first and second cabins Bcbmldl frequently were together a' ,ll of strong enemy detachment at who compose issued to the ,, :SS TELEPHONY the regular committee "An order Kmnornrlfor ills "DBC( part aboard the Hie hotel, Ml Boohma said. and dispersed It. ;"e I,. C. Joseph Clpes, army states that j Bennett, Dr. Ruwlan n or li made tonrghl .iirs. Boehme was preceded on i!u "ti la confirmed that tin attempt at f;- A. I!. deeply grieved at the hot iteamahlp TO CIRCLE W0RI D NTHS AT HARD Gertig, W. I.. Hawkins. 0. Nicholas is n by M .1. a aaleiman Ic of suffocating Jaffa, committed by Ruaalanlby the rioandinavutn-America- stand Morebar'. Hoi Benjamin, James Beaemek, riblc deeds uiv.-- ,, of ea pi oalve from Portland, hub, In Ihe section of country This or-T- thini cabin will be B0R FOR AMERICAN I). 0. Brooks. Council, Arthur troons in their own B. McMan-- 1 as a complete Walter has beard regular traveiai i Morehart identified Ortle BVeritt, Those composing the s ial jder says. 'Th" enq iKiil man bought Throe siieces- - i Ill-- i . 1.,., in eoiirl is the who II - ...... ll - mill. C. Wll- i i i ...... i'llll ...... a i "unmittee Cuahman, iiiiih. I r, i projected, art. mi i.iri tu" I I IIIIIT 11 l I li II in gll cc from him in Aufttllt, phoni wdi soon eictend around the in Man-del- l, me ...... TWO Knoth, Judge t'raig, Mike tary persons who !l iitpic the nam, of J, W. Mi - Danielal rnl b of I bv t HI world. Secretary of the Navy destroy propertle WILL .IOl DMT i James lJnolittle, George Klnek, Uoa, stehl and mlgal, win. turned itate'i told at n ban. pi. gin n in In His of a rt n ii J- tnat gueati Hoss Merrill, Don K. 'lire. The emperor recommend! '. I a Hie Rankin, cue-- PtTaahington. , Will testify later Loius club tonigl In honor of John prevented Kt nttg, O. A. commandera give heed t., these Nov. to from Matson. already con-- ! urn tiotl with the plot, said J, Cart y i who recently itiooecded in laavbii Immediately in the armi.' European countries ire after the metnbershii turns, neneral fi have been h id. ,i in J, McNamara extending the uses ,,f the wireless 111, s by General sidfrim; calllna a irmal onventkm ''anipalKna holiday feel-i- order is sinned l! i, and while the "The to menus of eliding! and J. M .Vamara. u phone. a nulling communion Ivanotf. 'brinan of neutral discuss i in the air, a jubilee luncheon Alexieff and f.eneral Deorgi L New York il W. thOQghl rc-nll- SI It, ial our aviators prool is ihe Karonean war mil llllee otlll Hulls, Hie until that doctor Will lie held in of the new mem-'- " Mwapaper say no further yesterday iiaaapnrti itonment at honor "f have emu uMurance that they Willi iron worker. who testified wireless telegraph as Ih, la.'t of bad Vmerlcan whenlbomhi ts it which they will he Initiat- ncceaaary for the veracltj G,Jro"H III In i recently E iTercken. lime participate In auch a convention, ai neltinii a Sellei r,f explosions tile moibi,, miracles that hat le de ith Ik eaioe to Kngland Plyp, ed into and reporta concerning fiuaglan Dun-id- s ,11 l ,1 II II II III I, Vi'ntimefl as well HH ll the activities of the club to iiosikn tjchwimnier east, Ho n wis i Called to the stand communication," sail gueNlary Hodgi lllll g. lib. Sell., ike and to cording Mine. i M6e know that its future depends and was under eroae examination "He. i i,;,;. world Was atnu.- - the m num. win, was alleged to be in e.mvov setting out I'mm dxmude. Mission 10 Itaawna, liuncary, one oi the women who call the "gon work Frencli at t oon a passport TodBJ the Herman artillery feebly their and 1 r, yesterday to when court idjonrne.! until ed when from WaahlngtoMi without possession of false I'nris, Nov. 27 l 7 p. . OjJJ ed at the White House (Hodirion bonibanied posts. We I lll- - ite Monday. voice was In magistrate he as our advance I ,1,. t' ('"' PMSlrianl Wilson to lake the Mins, the human heard The told Mild sopiH.ri foe Hnffrage, ...IIhI. r.iln ef.llll. was a danger- Ihe trenches and farms BjOtM Ii Mine. S' lUUIllllli l Ran Kriinclsen. When fully perfected satisfied that Hodgson shelled Corpm Chrlati, Nov. 27. The ...... ,.t iiinuln arrived in I'aris diutive for enemy dispersed di- Tex, Norwegian, gwedbrh. SH I ike ottos Inventoi im may talk to oar from ous person and brought the woman ppd In the and rexaa Stal. In ...,tv aneamaainied be Cencral'A. O. 'visited the Kwlss groups south Teachers' association army ministers here to Berne, S'oi. 27 (via I'.irls, 4:40 Greenland' Icj mountain u India's In i for purposes ot Ins own. vers of workers to Ihe convention i r,. today overwhelmingly L Dll "Amade of the Preach lind Netherlands was Issued in Dlxmnde n day laid before them the infor- m.) The government has ordered coral strands. The man whose genius Th mans passport of "ted aown a pledging 'he Henernl Do 'Amade h id be char and Hie women' ,n v ,,r ihe east: On November resolution a given president as to Ihu Inventoi i ..I all Hie raw cotton Ii making this miracle poeelble is Mr. Washington last March, mild support" t lie lo ,e,t bv the French government with mation the .Inly. "'. our aeroplanes dropped flftv shells ... of association European neutral govern Re Kaermi in Bertln last '".in surrragi;. anlsMon In nusslii. feeling of ' TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1915.

PRESIDE!IT VILLA OFFICERS L .5tu Caulul ma.v Hi fgArk mM-- ilxix X.'. . Santa Claus at our Store Iff aidctw UnnUfM, --fe is -- ' w e htc mmmrn. i . . - jr PARTY WITNESS CANNOT SERVE Fa faiitfi n mm ARMY-NAV- Y CAME WITH (WON

BaSftsjfaiftM Chief Executive Takes Keen Interest in Contest and Ex- nnesiy to plains Plays to Fiancee Who seders but Will Give No Is With Him in Box. Commission!

Aft IIUIO Mntl Children We Have for You a Real Nw York. m ! 7. President Mrs. Norman 1 fired rnited hin various points along the in itio Armv-Xuv- y foothall game. Tr OF TOYS will return tn WiiHhitiKtnii Mnml.iv EMPORIUM After the Kami' Hi. president tn t till the gl it part nf Maj sassssi-- , iSsw1" - i IPEDE Mr. Unit to tin iiimrtinc tils ..f M L .r tsl' I lift look Hertriulo Onrdnn. her friend: M derlck Punat. is time tndav. i VI, A l ,1. il :IPEDES, ROCKERS, MORRIS CHAIRS garct Wilson to the home nf In. ll to K in ln nis nf iin- Wilson family nmt thisn ill II in- - pending InVestl-oifcraii- (mrvv rvniuiA'? I himself tn li f i 'oi. Iv ' aatti authorities ivculit vtty yeuX' Arty. of and SgbstSgtisI th.' TV large r best selected variety useful louse, whi ri. In- dinner Mrs. Mtere three Villa captalpa, Antonio -- PTorea ,,l will hr Bwonerlv nul aw av and deiresejed " Miss Wilson, M,ss Cordon, Mr.1 .a. ncttendo and Pederlcti ele tiol re- HO.V DID HE LEAVE HER?" YOU .ml Mis. hiilli j Fe 1. Malmm and lUVMt SeventJ kfexicaaai were HEAR THIS Mb. II i" mis were nests at dinner nf leased ami allowed in return In Mex FREQUENTLY ASKED w Wilson, n cousin nf the nn ufeM promlaea thai thay would ac-- lent's, ami Mn- Wilson Tonight1 ' pi the anneafy extended by Qatieral SOMETIMES SHE HAD LITTLE CHILDREN, TOO. resident, Mrs. Oatt anil other Ubrean, by gwetirina allegiance in WHAT BECOMES OF THEM? I Qeti. members nf t b party win. the am-si- Venuatbtno Carranaa. t.rant- - al Mr. and Mrs. Wiisnn al a theater j Oterenua UBatatir. OH, THEY DIDN'T HAVE A DOLLAR IN THE BANK part Althouab QeMrai Otrafron AND THEY HAD TO GO TO WORK. HE WAS ONE OF BROS. Tin' party here ihorti) at-t- er thai be would araoi amnests STRONG arrived to on the same terms, let it THOSE CARELESS MEN WHO SPENT ALL HE EARNED O'clock nn a spin ial train Al j nil he he PHONE v known thai hi would accept no for- strong lln stall. in lie person;' ll saw tn the YOU DOING A pl.i mer Villa officers within his own ARE THAT? START BANK ACCOUNT THE QUALITY STORE ii. of numbers nf his party In j lank.-- BLOCK WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS 75 five automobiles and responded Minll- - ' NOW WHETHER YOU ARE MARRIED OR NOT. i ugly In the iheeriiiK frnm a crowd Pollowina tin release nt the acventy Colonel ami Mis. House vvers there tn Mexicans, Major tteneral Knnsinn sent BANK WITH US. I welcome the president. Tim prores-- word tn Qeneral Qbregon throuah si' in nf anli.innliil.'s tlirertly In afexlcan ConaaJ Padrso thai if any of 6ALLUP LUMP Summary War the Pnlo grounds for 111" football the prisoners releasrd n joim d Ihe WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST.. oi I gam j Villa forces ami eventually were rap- OF by Dnked troops' News of Yesterday Cheering jffeeted ihe chief esecu-- 1 tured the BtaieS I they GALLUP STOVE thff as hi' Mopped from hie autnmn- - would i. summarily dealt with hid iii fi'ont nt his box, Secretary Heaidea prim tiers released ami (hose Thn Mtrip of tcrrttori held bl ins Daniels, .vh.' occupied the next hex held for the Immigration authorities LUMP Serbians along tiin western edge of - welcomed the presiilenl and Mr Halt rsranineo lonmnt more than one SU6ARITE . I hnnsli d V'llin thelf national domain hag i:town not (Ml in tin- navy sum. imriiu, i hi ev, ii . wounded Roldiera who iibly thin under tin stead) prsssuri ink peii.. ds in the game, ihe president ire ho used ill a si In h house Maj 1.. W. ( O'MERA LUMP nf tlm Teutonic allien. All along tin StOOd iii gnd esgerly leaned forward Mix. nf the ail: VND TRVST COMPANY end nf tin the Austrian to furies, headed a eommiti. e of iiimrn the ii.. costlnuaily nxplnined ihe piny , NT. M. i i ' Kim; and solicited Hinds in Bonor fi Albuque ue i claarrd the melon nf DEEPLY RESENTED Mrs. Halt. rid. v. W Harteg, mili- rq Peter's troops for got Ilstancs to the tary aide "i ihe president, ami Dr lestimonial of apprei latlon of the KINDS WOOD (iiiitiiw.Ni ..r Mttrovltsa, whit th" Ciuy T. Orayson, navsl aide, both left "gallant defense made m behalf nfl , Mogales, Sormra," yesterday by t'nit-- Hermans havs ndvsnoed acrosg tin i lie prealdsui's bog early and c nt t" ' troops, Hitiilm rlvr and, necupled the heights j t he side lines 'd Slates The remainder nf ihe rami thus ami Arthur 1. Si, upe, hnlh Of Wbot ,ss It was decided a meeting mi Hi., left hank lln' Kosso Naval t uiii - salute. ai later raised will he us., i for the purchase Wei., reported tn he doing as Well a a proceeds plain front rnstlna Ainiiassadoi von Beinstorff t' Al Ihe end nf tin- first half Ike thai portloa ..i ihe wi.uid nf dellctacles fi r tin- - wounded Ameri- Could he expected considering lh I no used to pin. has.' a hi Tn the snulh s ale president stood up. ami accompanied wreath can soldlersi Private dterberi L, C'ntes nature ..f their wounds AZTEC FUEL CO. the placed I. in They i eporteil Make Rcproseiitntions Re by Mrs, rest pal- mi ihe bier "f Privatb Still furt i neat. are llalt ami the nf the being hy It. rlln us liuvlriR crossed a line ly, Walked across Hie Held. As lie win. died after shOI In lli PHONE 251 I s change nf fire by United states through mi i m i in anil IJubelen. gafcRng Utterances of reached tlm Navy side ihe hand! nine fnntrymen ami CArranss ne latter piacs helns ai i twenty played Ihe "Klar Spangled llniin i .' eavalr audi r I'nhnii 'ardemis ii'lles i ant nf l'rlsri ml, Which lies District Attorney. The prealdant Immediately stopped Cklnsje in the fronUar. ilmls yini dl- - ami fared the navy Stand. The entire Listen to Our . i 1) ty 1F0E BALE i not lh "f I. Illl" ten. Tile BUl regiment of cadets from Annapolis! Read It in HtMIHI at saluted, ami tin l.ttnO Kilns. tartan drive .ems throntsn tits lV H.1HNINI MlriAL OIIO stood attention and mpl' le nfi' nf a Hernia n presiilenl waved his hat to them r hearern. ii. shulilnu Washington, Kov, 'il. The Herman in a loutherli direction, excepl embassy, according to to- 'I'll, he. Ted until he leaehed lln Purity and Goodness 4tr,oo Rwes, information Write on It Xmas Suggestions thr. ugh Albanian mtory, day in. in unauthoritative sources, re 'center nf the field whi le lln- Armv Ca- die. Hem, (5..'. up w lr south Rulhia than are rsiK iih of ants the a. ngsaitons whloh are me dets luok it and continued until Ml 1. 5(1(1 i i Osr-- I Kwe n m Wod Ul'liVltJ "II he part nf III.' dersi I., hue l made against in ai hed his scai. Secretary 13.60. fnri rdxtslns ihe Bulgarians, Ac- - 'm star) llny-IC- I lerinan naval at- - risnn met him holf wav across the bleep in It LOO dry t.'nv i . i'ii, in i. a . unofficial report the iin he hei e. in nn- trial in federal .field and escorted liiui in his box. Sarblans lievi recaptured Krushevo, a, Ken fork nf offb lals nf the The president smiled al the enthusi- ONE OF THE MOST UNIQUE i i - army Ihe end nf A V01BIS w i ml lea sesl r riiii. p ami some Hnmhurtr- Vmerlean line, it was said asm nf Ihe inlets pt il nBUM I piny. Whlli fiv. ! I' H mnhwesi nf Mnii AmluiNMidor mi lernstni l t was pie the Me remained standing AND SERVICEABLE Mieslni k ( oiiiluNsioii Co, ii Tin f Heiiila may he pallllK In lllr vlfttornua eiim inl 'the future officer", lieailed Pv Ih.'ii The al. I,. In ibstantlnl help in W illi lie dspmrtmeat ai eon-ban- d, msrehed cheering arouitd tin I GIFTS TO BE I niii lb TaBed Albuquerque i Ontrai Ave, j sides this an . is reported thai M'liismn nf lln ii ial. uakiiiK "I least for field and then rushed from all oen- - si.n.c I'll Inn e all a ly ih leomethlng in He nature nf a retrnc-- 1 toward their flim ael up in the HAD larked nt Salnnlkl and thai mil. I tmn ami possllih r.o III ap, Inky. ter, fSJH I .tees ale UOnttOUlng In be land i I The II mini is undgi The memhers nf Mr. Wilson's part) i Miss Boil- , bars in h p iiumberp, stood, h is not vet dei Ided Just what in, hided Mrs. Hall, Berths THE MORE YOU THINK On the f Inlarn rin n em impmsnlS near ' oopy ing, Secretary ami Mn Mo- - III ' that ctlve) I form the. protest will take. a her sister. turiiiniiiii ami bombarded isiip jnf tin stenogrsphia report nf tlm Aden, Miss Mai'Knret Wiisnn, Mrs. ABOUT IT THE BETTER "in view of the present situation nf minks of counsel for ihe government Anne Howe, ihe president's cousin, isrblan .Inse-phln- e the armlss out troops which ., i i I kIm-i- i Mrs. his niece, I ll , , ii the testimony al the trial Anne Cothran, YOU'LL LIKE IT had opmipled Ihe ef( bank "I i L mi is Mis? In ls,iP - understood in have bean ordered Cnthian. his grandniece, hav bssa withdrawn to the right Hi Khali mi,, onfoj mlty Hones, cousin, A ,.,,. i fr New V.. Hi so thai officials nl' Ihe (Helen WoodroW his hnnk nf Hun river 'I he nriovemeni the pf mint. POUSln, Hor- - i'i i ss) muj kii"w exactly unai nas Jnhn W. WilSOn, his Miss IN us mi riled nut without difficulty, si, lal is Oonstantlne i'ih Tumulty, COME AND GET OUR a hi l.el'll sal. iii the courtroom. Idon, aeretari mid Mrs. "Rxpsdltlonsry rorpa Ihi Durdii-neiies- ; uni' ft niui cabi Btoy-F- Thomas W Pnee, aelliu, secretary nf iappy in. i in p resents tlon, tl Badly Treuiisl STORY OF THE TABLE November -- i ami 16 were the democratic national committee, healthy. How e yuur family? The) use e embasg) - puwilor ha., anarsvetsrisad bj activity nn ihe part hi peninsuls, th particularly anxious Colonel ami Mrs. B, M, House, th that boua irunouncd best In ( 'it iii liny- - by expert chtimiHta. A. substantial, handsome THAT WENT TO BED of our srtltlen whb h su reeded In Tui ki lun he offenslvO nn ih tlnr in ii lal Kartes ami Dr. Orayson. 1 takinic under its fire several Turkish III ami (ninai ihe III. d fofces on iv as Included by Inference or other - president will visil Lib .try Table by day - Tomorrow the Pure Best Baking Powder j THAT HAVE ON II i, i by 'wise In hy Asslst- WE suns of large caliber An apprecia- r. iMiinlltiOi inlms IhM ihe reference made qutetl) wiih friends and relatives nt pi sec-nea- r am States District Attorney ble weakening of the fire '.r ih em nnslderablr I'nited will dn some Work nn his next annual " The Name TtUi the Story" DISPLAY IN toy n Burnu V' I,, Hie ill the ease .is OUR artillery reaulted tint An defendants address to CongTSSS which he bfOtlghl Manufaotured in a sanitary factory-alwu- ys y battleships "riding roughshod over the laws nf "Wounded Tuik'i in an large mini i with him and wishes to complgta hy unifurm liavina his heat leuvenina WINDOWS liera have arrlw-i- l riientlj li nn H'ld naiurts was iii- tlm United Stats trsatlng them us if Monday. He also will dls. uss Ihe power. The bakintre are delirious and On Uiwi ' rre. Wi re scraps nf paper." alwaya aatinfartory Real health eomea November a lhJ Biiropean situation with Colaael Bent' in nryernl i P was said M a person In dogs from Pure Food. Uc "i'ure were onftagemenli with are. I'l'll iii.nse, who went abroad several your baking. , -- . tou i' of smbasgy nades; nn the litb sploabiu Ither I'i with officials ihe ago to Investigate ihe proa-pac-ts Boy-Ifi- months off hy us deetroyed the sups pushed In pi Hi 'i ii was feii that Captain d peace. Is possible that he The Kapple very harshly lu Uss for forward hy Hie enemj toward tin een .si an front had been treated will see firand WWttoch, American ter nf mir front." II - t I npel 'ireumstanoss and thai Ida much had minlstei to IP istt m. SPpAl ntu ruflng ih a made .nil nf Ills COnrWCtlOTl Willi 1 I I 10c, He. Mit TKIV (.III i 'iim rase, The embssaj whs furthei Anr) a sanllarv, Furniture Co. I n s ii i llny-- 1 WANTS REGULATION 25c ia KM. Kl'l I, s (ill IN desi ribed Unit that Captain comfortable Bed SHIIATION CHINA lal ... done nothing that under the Sanitary V at night SOLE AGENTS OF SHIPPING RATES London. Nov. 2k (ilt'JH u. in.) 'Iin1 REGARDED CRITICAL he did nnl have a perfect light Tin.. Hrpfk situation is again disquieting .in ami that, all thiiiKs considered, The Athens correspondent nf item, in mn at- - Economizes Space lir-- l nn ngfl Cent nil. 'BV HORNINI IOL'N- - peeit LBVaftO Wlt Telocratn company - j m hassles lite ; w tayi artth refer- Washington. Nov. JT- - President in ,rrm;ri en. e In lln- new en- - Saves Housework Joint unle nt Ihe Washington, N.c 27. The situs Wilson is expected to recommend i", ha.-- kp-- i Resqnta (iithisi taata mlalstera that optimism tlon oi Chins is considered of enough congress in connection with the new aaasaaaaaSftaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa an u tn skrptti iin- govern- uaai ism. Importance hy American the form of thi ship purchase 1,111 that power he vest- Alheim ws I An dispatch in Lloyd's mini to keep Rrlggdlcr Hein ral John ll il ih sun much ed in ihe proposed shlpplnj hoard to eavs that the note ilemanded a r Uorrbiofi, who bow ooantnnnds iin llle olll time of the trial. Should an regulate ihe ratea and practices of , p. .. reply ni the p,,Hsl.e mn- - American troops si Tien Tsln, al hi acquittal result, the embassy might ill stettuiMhlp lines which ply to and mem. i . It The m lew of Pi emlei ststion until spring, till thai In making .nuplalnt front Amen, in ports in mm h the Rkouiadsl with the kins lasted an Qeneral Morrison following his re Would siand up. hi much firmer same Way as the rates and practices liour, after which hi ablncl couneil . out promotion ordinarily would glv round, nt ll could point nut, inciden- of railroads now are regulated hy the discussed the various iiieallotia at Is wai in a cotonel, Until Qeneral Mor-riso- n tally, thai iim defendants had them Interstate t'otnineree coninilssieii. i i p. sue for several hours and held is 11 ansfei e.l 1.. cummainl the n freed of the charges made Plana for ihe m w h klslatli.ti prn-- 1 Satisfact on Convenience Several of the mnnls fnrinilluteil n,- Philippine department next gBTlng.he iin government. Whether they pose thai the .shipping noara siuni acceptable t . be-- to :i win remain In nhina that the Ameri uuitted or not, howevgr, the . .insist nf llie secretary nl tne navy. The situation, tin . dispatch ndils, an (.'ices may tie. I cpl'csellleil In all prcvails in (lerman circles that the secretary of commerce and three, regarded lioy-Kd'- needless-r.niu- hl - la as grave officer nl high rank. lam S name was snipping commissioners. Tin- rate III. ami that needless tllliiKH making power in he asked lor will Comfort et . said ..h.,111 linn. OOVSr Hie rates nl foreign as well as 11 is known that Secretary banging domestic steamship lines ami apply hum I! has fur several days consid-1- 1 in shipments which originate in for- in slioppinR only to be experienced by shopping THE LAND , n il nne able thai ihe Herman am- - eign coanfrtsg but are destined t OF THE IllilUnlitV early, 1 ou ran I hop best r rush of last few - ad-.- Would make a protest. The points in the (halted States. Advisers tale depsrtmenl lakes the position of Ihe president ate convinced that1 days. - thai H e ile Inn sink of I n Oi not such legislation v 0 nl, he nllstitU- BIG RED APPLE mean 'hai ihe naval attache had done Nopal anything lllejral The Interstate ominerce com Buy thai Electrical gift or household necessity dur I anrlng - nm.ved. sum ii,s keen ocean In the I at ing Elcclncal Ptosperity Week, November 29th to Decem- Fertile ll has even been hinted thai the freight rates for v ml eeks Ihe ll is i.ii. d. parlmi nt officials are-- al a suggestion of the nresidenl ami ber 4lh, when llie stock is large and complete, and when you understood in li. , e collected much I Ions I., understand Whj the Herman sales-peoplr- vv III in may pet ymir full share of the 's lime Pecos Valley-Rosw- ell, N. M. naval attache was brought into the Information adMett he used the ease unless there Wgg evidence that he expected fish! ovi on. ii alleged falslfloaUofl of measure. ,1. the And addition, manifests ami il. ariin. e papers liv of- n io this. Electrical Prosperity Week is I I n, Into Itlver ficials 01 ih.- rlamhurs-Anierkia- u iim. nt the loRlcal lime lo Irarn more about electricity and electrical ll undl lh.- ill Her- Ouincy, III Sov. 2". The engine . is is helief ..I hards proaparit) iil always he assure man is if of a passenger train pluriged through how lliey will help to make life better wotlli m p, American circles that there en thrill, mil, ttiii invatraut heeauas tin prl any n mn it an open draw in the bridge oVt r the bit was falsll nl of papers, and Ihe terms are . These orchard tracts the mUSt have In n llle result of an 'l Mississippi river here tin av (engi- est 1111 ill , ,. ,, f( . no tWO .. nil llacts in. veals tn preienl Ihe enemies of del-man- y neer C, S. t'oncannon nnd Fireman I., kinds nf tins 1. . nil tWont) acres W take care securing mfonnatiog Hermnn Atkins were killed. The bearing, srlih nxpi us,- buyer. sup pi) from A fine, large stock with attractive prices makes this itu in The water whiiii mlkht .nuse harm In come to stern of s dredgeboal had insi elenrsd U, l e ed. Rajlta I'. 1. nil. nl through nr. hards; mill s inns her fo'-ce- and ships Ihe end of thi' bridge when the sa- universal week of boost and prosperily the logical time to pur- tabled! il. Kiihw.II, ih, sec. p. . tt v ..r New Mexico, with a pop eighty-fiv- rins fell. Illllnn .f e hutuli "pi. fine si nun1 climate Me al W m m SJ lay W mm chase things electrical for yourself, and for Christmas-givin- , IN PETROGRAD - il In inc S.'Sfl feel, .nn si. MEAT i SCARCE. SAYJ ERLIN, Tuberculosis Is Helped u Pi t it ''I I I I VM) 111 ts EXPLAIN ult CAM, Is lt I'lliiM 11 WIIIIIM. s n fOl' PON I.y vvlial may he ealliil Ihe "natural" treat-tni-i- it if 1 aSSSIAft t l l ll N (it 1. 1 wiati Tlila la bais'.t on plenty of freak Nov. 27 to llerlin, tVta Wireless air, a aufftcltael of pur.-- f,""1 Tn. i.ei ton, N .11 vmona'! items the hii. I a larue incisure of real ;ia OSS t'e SOUTH i' ' n out today by tne Overseas News Koiitb SPRINGS ORCHARD SJg ncv was the ration Ing sprlnas "ItUSSlStl newspapers StatS for that r, the rte- - On ll illl, twn days there Has llo meat In Pet- - lift is. 2nd si 115 SOUTH SECOND mgiad, The police believed Hull the ilreil reaulla. Seinetlmea there AT YOUR SERVICE ubwsjneniuc. V. 1111 I'. n in to In 1. up lo rs ban hidden the meat but .Ileal .inter Ins htgSlSMa li.slv lesiftanee. PleON- - 1,1. 1. M'lld me ALBUQUERQUE Thi president .f MOSCOW unlver 111 akek raaea K.'kman'a Alterat pgre ntvtiard with a luiKe ,'l mi row ally Communicated t) ,.i',n uxr.l measuie has that the ladesd. in many instan.ea, ISSSffSS Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. bS (fggSf NEW MEXICO i'l class d la S short time poiently kaa yielded t.. thta prssaei lieciuse of lack of fusl, which Is all no .mm', it ii woriti a trial, and. p ftfj ii vein, smes Ihoussnds of students Bo eplaiea naroowea or li IONF, 08. Addrc- - I'll! I ll ruaiatai I'I CORNER CENTRAL AND FIFTH. who sie. p in the railroad stations and miiis diusa Its uae a. aafe. Vreir barracks for fugitives, must stay in draggtst at ittresg, th. onl oridty during the day." Kikm.m l.sborator), rhllndelpli ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1915. THREE without the "t" that is to bo fomul in CORONA MERCHANT SNAPPY PHRASE "ol. R. K. Twitchell's autograph is PORT ARTHUR MAN ooeoooooooooooooooooooooooooouoooooooooeoooooeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnaann nevertheless oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo c a distant cousin of the. PURCHASES A IS vw Santa FV attorney. Dr. Tsrichcll said BUICK FINDS GOOD HEALTH o 00 00 2o oo 00 oo OF LATEST MODEL 2o 00 oo go oo HOUSE-KEP- 00 00 o oo THE T oo 00 INVENTOR ft 1 - go oo sufferer HoMoretl and Make. Re- go oo 00 Mr. Moult, a, ai i -. -. CO - ntnrkaMc in Weight ou E nrr is w nat lit- liml to say about' and suppb coaapa o0 oo oo lh:s i low o oo uty and the "Sunshine State:" who Was in tbe post days !sei .- .- 00 "'To anyon,. cit the few DOLLAR tt who has worked among1 interviewing the .'.1 automobile 0 00 the a fioo 00 MOTTO FOR tObWCUhmq fur period of vears dealers, finallv ,1. V bur. go OO CITY to many oo 00 end of those who are afflict-- j Bulck machine, out from atomach s oo 00 ed with this there is n dis- his home in new v oo 00 hi Uaat He fell rf in og i t ihe house It" , tinct feeling clinicall oo slav m long. O l Ul oo thai from a secured a I'm.. del. hout 00 OO 00 bta&dpoiat i oo 00 there no bottom to the 'Winder. Dili; Buick Mi clan go Oo when vou have it at hind It's easy going oo oo tuberculosis problem due to the re-- 1 proprietor ut the Al pnysu he loai go go G, Palin His la (Minx alter and when il starts il gone You've hied a lot of oo Herb Sets Genius nature of the disease The companv. also mailt BOB. og oo oo present methods of treatment are! terday. K times lo hold me House-kep- t r o, ta He at las derful 20 o onto dollar haven't you? oo 00 to Work on Albuquerque's rather like trying to carry water in1 the keek put chasei sc. ut ing a Hcmedy, oo 00 a sieve. tin 2o in not bank ii in get it oo 00 The regime of fresh air,) l:nfi Hub I. dster. Mi ' go oo whenever good food, I have ts IB lei fill go oo 00 00 Possibilities as Health and graduated exercise, tuber-- ' Cudsha Mated last a that he has remedy ou waas when you don't 00 oo culin and artificial several prosper tomach and got good remits go oo 00 oo live haaers for from it. I gained in weight since go oo to do Business Center, treatment stop up some of the holes; both Bulck and Dod rothers cai hae go oo waul oo 00 in the sieve. In Washington starting on ir remedy twenty-on- e oo in llu'S. this Week pounds go oo We heard Robert Koch say that the. so far. was under the tare go oo 00oo prevention campaign as now carried' of five doctors tor about six nths go oo BORAX AND ot your en- - oo 00 00 Material wealth j out would ultimately solve pro-- j POTASH IN la lore median. go the tirely well now. go oo 00 00 sn't In it with health; blem of human tuberculosis. Later,! Oo oo CITIZENS oo 00 I THE SACRAMENTO W BANK Albuquerque has both. ! in conversation with Pr. Trudeau, he MOUNTAINS Remedy Rives go oo 00 00 results for stomach liver 00 00 aid that he took exception to Koch's rermni'iit go oo p. II the iti.I aliments. ns much go oo Hours it a bl to I w 00 00 re is motto suggested for this statement and that in his judgment TO intestinal Rat l.P.CIAL COR.t.PONDIMCI MONNlM. JOUttNALI dis-ires- 00 00 i ity by the writer ,,f the catchy line, problem and whatever von like. No more s go oo the could not be solved until; No. 1 00 00 s Santa ft, t.or.ix and eating, pressure of gas in go oo We pay per In Marlnga 'Then a reason and other similar a means of artificial immunization salts have bi after oo I eiit Inlcrral one lietwannil - 00 00 ash in the th- - around the 0o fr- 00 00 phrases. The mmto was entrusted to was discovered. region between stomach and beat:. OX oo Uflcates nt Dci- -i C. th Sacramento tm'1 Get one bottle of your dmggtst ndw 00 IL 00 f)r. David Twitehell, who divulged "Putting aside the whole question San Andreas moun tains, at Dotal o2 00 00 it for the first time yesterday to a Of prevention, let us only and try It on on absolute uiiiirantee Q Q consider the where Lincoln, S. .irro and Detta Aaaj money 00 committee of the Commercial club, clinical aspects of t he problem as If not satisfactory will be ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o county boundarb b come toCathei -- wvvwvvvwuvwuvuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuguuuuuuuuuuuuuuoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when willingness was evinced to re-- I they stand at present, and it is of Soda and granu! of these aspect ited licve him the restrictions under that irel it can be that section In lafra nun nt it as. which the writer gave it to him. Dr said, is no m t i pro- - there b the Th. third car of ore told of how he happened i blem. this int TwicheU to was shipped day Into, possession of the motto. It is time for movement Thankaait ing conic a from the South Irginia by .lob, ii in the eonsideratioi i s problem, How Motto t ame Out, of th D. U To put It in a words, to the re- - Moffitl ami "A year or so ago, while I was f is in the San Hi giinc Of rest. fiesb good food and making the trip from t'hioaiio to A- air. county, on the w iiu I graduated exercise should be added, We lbuquerque, fell in with a very Inter- Pelpuclllo range The n l i.. & Commwice Our Annihil Itill Otwdnu 1 occupation, mental and physical, witlu esting man, (J. Herb Palin. was sit- COpper sil i t They list hlppet emphasis mental, con- and 1 W ting In smoking compartment on the la the ol A hifKfk1111 Ilml the a car of ore from the Queen laim young sideration of each and every case. All 11 oi Women s Mills at Miking to a man. when he these placo' the ir. Hamilton group, six miles 11 lailored $19.75 factors have their proper llyrt cam into the compartment and at the and time for each case. I southeast of Steins. break in our conversation, ad- A survey is being run an cxtcn-- ! first "One other clement is also certain-- ; for dressed us, saying: sion of a mile on brant h ' 01 great importance, permanent. the Jarllta " 'I'm a poet.' Shortly be added, the BI Paso C Southwestern in Ott u Formerly $20.00, .$22.r,o. $25,00 paid rcssueoce m a favorable climate Triers "I'm the highest writer In the is no doubt incipient tuberculo- county. The sion win tap the Iron went on to say: '1 that In canyon, world.' He must sis can be cured under practically any depoelts the Daltuule iiv $27.50, $30.00 and $32.50 prove my assertions.' He handed us ce is shippias from climatic conditions by a proper re--j reguMrtj each his card. Un the caul was gillie, but when once the disease has Jar 11 la at the rate ol rive cars a sret k printed: The Delusion Is shipplag fifteen become advanced or iscmi-chronl- mine "G. HERB PALIN. the question of a permanent resilience cars of copper ore monthly. TheQar--l "Highest Writer in the World. Ini-- net and Providence groups arc also! raid in a Is a most j i Mm il FaH favorable climate .1 vetj made the aawtal and Wneii "Journalist Special Correspondent, portent factor. regular shippers now. Col. !' ' explor- "Advertising Specialist. New Mexico is unique for health .Hutchinson Is donif; extensive Fabric! ia an infinite niunbcr of ttylei in .ill BH "N'cvv York and Los Angeles." conditions, A which is ation work and has just installed SI combination aOO-fw- new aMoaj ami pretties! elicits ol ilus unusual "Highest I'nid Writer" piTfSSal here altitude (the lowest, new gasoline hoist ami a rt steel cable. J. H. Is opening Up tin ly '1 am the highest paid writer In point in tbe slate is 3,0110 feet), lovv Parker artistic laaion. here an pwnty ol navy and I humidity, a iron despoeits on the Iron Duke Hie olid.' he said. have been paid maximum of sunshine Inatk .imi'tr.', l',ni in tiunmcil .rnl without lui higher than Mark Twain or Kudyard t"e year rouno. proouccs uiese ennui- - Kipling were ever paid 1 wrote for fions. I lie educational tucilitles oc the Post um company. ' There's a reas- the state are to be mentioned, The on." 1 received a check for $"'.n per University at Albuquerque. With clas- FEEL FINE! TAKE word, neither Mark Twain nor flud-var- d sical and scientific departments, aiidj Kipling was ever paid as much.' the College of Agriculture and Me- The 'Eleventh Hour Shopper lie then produced an album with ihe chanic Arts at Truces, with a bus- various advertisements and letters iness college at Albuquerque, offer! from companies, expressing their sat- chances of education to young people! GASGARETS' FOR Is Dis- isfaction with the advertisements that of impaired health. Doomed to he had written for them. "One Of these points mentioned "After, some conversation. 1 asked bears discussion. The early history, him if he ever wrote mottoes or slo- of medicine has shown un age-lon- appointment gans for cities. He said he did. I controversy as to the value of altitude (la-- LIVER, then proceeded to tell him about in the treatment of tuberculosis. ! BOWELS len, ill L'OO A. 1).. advocated life In and also outlined the tu- I cousump-tiv- e heretore w advise oui l usiomcis to do ihcn berculosis problem as it afflicts the the higher altitudes for his human race, telling him among other patients, Ir. Theodore Williams, ChruUnai shpppiai - eady an circtarnttaacti will things that among Mllzed peoples who for forty years was at the h' ad allow. Ihe cail l nut only Im s t lion every Is by of the lirompton Road hospital for! dol( el r seventh death caused England Spend 10 Cents! Don't Stay; and often bringing in its the consumptives in London. ol .11 floik.s, hill also has best scrvne. and can story tragedy said in Philadelphia in 1 90S: Bilious, truin I of and economic my consump-- Sick, Headachy, make leisurely selection ol gilts I finished, he lit u "'of all statistics of l mote than if her waste. After had jtive patients the high altitude cases fresh cigar and after a few puffs, yield Constipated, UI an. im,ioiu( until tin 'eleventh hour" me said: got you." most favorable results and What turned to and "I've is more important, the fewest rc- - .see- - Chance to Aid. lapses." "I asked him what he would "Albuquerque has the makings of tOr Can't Harm You! Best Cathar- eharfe the motto for Albuquerque a unique health resort. Its savant-age- s and he said: '1 always charge S2;,n v are: A favorable Climate all the tic Men, those who arc hcic to you, we re(U'st you to m r for my advertisements, but if this for Women year round; a strategic position on arrange buy motto was for n charitable purpose the main lino of the railroad; good to your Christmas present as early as 1 you and Children, 'Bto'ly. would give it te for hotels: well equipped snnatortuins: Possible in Decemoer V nothing, under the circumstances, as moderate cost of Hying as compared there is an element of social with other health resorts, good tiul-ley- , in this proposition, l will give it jitney and taxi service, allowing Enjoy life: Your system Is tillea to you for $100!' jthe easy spreading out of the popu- with mi accumulation of iiic .m,i bow- "1 told him that he had better not lation and preventing congestion of el poison which keeps you blltOUS, tall me what the motto was as 1 could health seekers In the center of tow n, headachy, diaay, tons'iie coated, breath not guarantee the $10n. He said, 'and largo business interests outside bad and stomach - why don't I I Phone 3I3-3I- Well. I'll tell you, anyway, and the interests connected with the care you Ret it ni-ce- box of Caeca reU at trust you not to tell It to a human of healthaeekefSi the rtrii); store nnil feel luiliy. Take being except your you have 283 wife until "AJbUqUe,rqUt' immediate needs as Caiearets toniuht and enjoy the nicest, W. Central 1 the money to send met' He then said, a health resort would seem to be a getiti"Ht liver nnti bowel cleansing ou I Here It Is:' beautifying of the city, as Captain j ever experienced. You'll wake up with " 'Material wealth Iteld so dearly pointed out at the a clear head, clean tongue, lively step, Isn't in it with health; Com terctal club banquet, a free bu- rosy skin looking mi l feeling fit. " , and Albuquerque has both.' reau of Information-- small, attractive, Mothers can give n whole Caacarej to T well equipped furnished bungalows ii nick, cross, bilious, feverish child i MEXICO IS I H1 I roll designed (or the healthaeeker, and a any time they are harmless never lit M i ll i ONDITIONS, III SAYS modem furnished apartment house gripe or sicken. ' with Cafe attachment designed for the Because of his position as .'i i expert healthaeeker of means who does not on tuberculosis I jr. Twichell'f opinion need 6roaM to be ill a sanatorium. upon AlbuQUmue and New Mexico "The greatest asset a health resort carries weight The fact that he can have in the way of advertising is ciime to New Mexico after spending Ihe reputation of the community for several years at other famous welt fair dealing from commercial li'its gave Home hint thai he thought anil a social .standpoint with t lit- Vafl "f this state. An interview yea-- licallhhceker. mnlay ssceaaained that this suspicion i "The modern treatment of tubercu- - "as v lou loeu. I...... i Iwoil.l include (lie recline nf Dr. TwicheU who spells hi" nariM rest, fresh air. nood food, graduated i m, occupation, mental ami physical and residence In a lavOrabli climate, each of these elemenla to faces As As being applied fair SUCCesaful treatment at iillinuiiiitiiimiliii'i . ' wmm mmm the proper time and placo and suited A Day to the individual case. As Dr. John Summer's 1J. Ilawes Oi Boston has wi ll pointed lout, it is a malter of treating a tu Beginning Electrical Prosperity Week, November 2), berculoua human being, not merely a Vit i If Stuari s " ii disease , Be j Wafers Are I'sed for n Slnnl Valuable Appliances Will Given Away Free to Time ARC KM Meal. COMMISSIONERS MEET Our Customers. Many people have been hcurd to SS that they uaed creams and lo- TO HEAR REPORTS OF tions for years without effect, vet af- ter five or six days oi Stuarts Cal- SAN DIEGO OFFICIALS $25.00 FrantZ'Premi&r Vacuum Cleaner cium Wafers their complexions were perfectly clear. liriCKL OltMTCM TO MOHNIMB JOUU 1 $15.00 Electric Chafing Dish . Santa Ke, N'ov. 27. The board of. New Mexico exposition commissioners met this afternoon at tbe office of 1 $5.00 Electric Percolator Governor McDonald and heard the re ports of officers and custodian of lh New Mexico building ut San incgo. I $3.00 Electric Iron These were so gratifying that there was only one sentiment ami that is 1 that the New Mexico 'building must $2.00 Electric Toaster Stove " -- be kept open during 118, for il is. 1 next year that New Mexico will reap J its Invest- U'erwwasasajr-gyas- the greatest benefit from Customers Paying Their Bills Prom November 29 to ' ment and profitable as the returns it e A 4 naV aV 4 aat's da k have been this year, they will be ten- - 24, by Be ' fold so next year. December Either Mail or in Person, Will IliaiaVflVanaiaaal It was the consensus of opinion that, the amount needed should be contrib- - Presented With a Ticket on the Above Appliances. uted by the oountlcs in accordance with their taxable valuation, or five Buying an Electric Appliance During This cents on each thousand dollars worth Customers law t't ( f HlHckheiids In a .llffv ou. 1.1 ant ami Efl 1 J slag Stuart's OalchUSS Wafers." Colfax will be asked for an appropria Period Will Be Given 2 Tickets on Above Appliances. They Ot tion of Si.ilau, iikc nanus re ioi contain no poisonoug driiK $ 1 2 r. " htnti, are perfectly harmless mid and like Taos for The Lucky Numbers Will Be Announced December 24. Ban he freedom, smallsix ajcaeo In El Mao. taken with absolute 2". health au and they work almost like magic, Santn Fe, Nov. The thorltieH have been Informed that lil Watch Our Ads in the Journal for Particulars. aiclum Kulihiile, their principal extraordinary precau- bluod-cleun-- Paso is taking i the greatest smallpox. Not only are I known to nclencc. tion! against A I VOL JERVK E No school children vaccinated but matter how bad your skin may all i i n . r " even racetrack people who tome ks l h& .luart'K Calcium Wafers will the I'lickly Juarez races, as well as all work wonders with it. It's for the undergo! 00dby to blackheads, pimple.i, acne, refugees from Mexico must Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light and Power Co. j "IIII-''-up- h,ms. '' vaccination. a m rash, ecaema and a dirty JSrf..Mirrj. itJtiL-- J complexion. You e,t, g( ; n - pmoni; m ) ( I.N HAL a ", '111"'i''1'"1' TT '"'X of Stuart's Calcium Waters at majestTcTcafe is ffBrnmammammBs- okm.k mi hi any drug store at H cents a box, and VWt arlU be positively delighted wi'h GOOD PLACE TO EAT 1 'hen- tr wonderful effect. iff tTte Majesiic cafe, the Savov ho- I'HKK OOUVOK. The at TltlAI, tel, of First street and Ki.ver corner along - Stuart Co.. :m5 .Stuart Illdg.. avenue, is forcing ahead rlRht Marshall, Mich. Send me at once under the new management, and a) af return mail a free trial package gaining in popularity with every meal of Stuart's served. The new proprietors know Calcium Wafers. to all,, their business, are courteous , N'snit and are building up a good, substan-- Street .... tlal patronage. They will serve an, sxceptlonallv t ine meal today JO Ptrr . frr State. cents. Try Ihe Majestic cafe and he I nnvinced. NOVEMBER 28. 1915. FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SUNDAY. HIGCINS WINS 1.000 OLIPHANT IS A Nebraska Puts Forth an End ToiTM. YARD RUN IN SLOWER 5 5 9 5 9 9 J LOSES BY BIG SCORE TIME THAN KIVIA Candidate for All American 2. Thi A Few Words SHELL FOR All Thi aentieman has a inn ft u ortls to ttll you. He says when vou huy Horse CRUSHING NAVY Bianketa or Lap Robes, insKr on :he .amous 5A. ll h long-of-ve- ar HI f .111' I Hit if thi- They are II UK II.. s III ii .ti .... and will give you the best Midshipmen Gu Down With ill h satisfaction. i(!ii wu. adjourned antM Kunttoy Little Things i We Sell Th I'lifimi naa-a-p w nii'i nitti; Their i t 1111,1 Marrtll; rialu nw That Count Desperate! eht tu, M, JMMj Urkl NOTRE DAME CLOSES rtig thing of II. li lt KUaiii, Fi ilrn. grow out i I, 1 hMJ ft Mtllrt ,i SEASON BY WINNING O Day 1 all h it half, r.r. ami riwlit half ,1 th. mil pack, nil.1.- - . lltltlll FROM RICE INSTITUTE SPECIAL SALE Thi- ItBa-u- p a( ftomc littk (Irtatl ol IptWl IT MIGHT HAVE HELPED m UeAtena; r kms .mil rndking means .1 saving tht limp, rig hi tuckk'. Bun , un be applinl to ttMliry. IF HALFBACK WERE OUT uUivrfora; iftt guard, II null-ml- tr u row In you 11 1. Off the clothes men tu, Hoffmai ft Sin 30 Ah truly in our iim-k- Phillips Ii R tir. js iiiitci- :h SEE Ot LFGE STOCK atchrft .it.i) lUlf. ItiHihitid thi dutomoUre5. Kie n t ihe I die T&K6S AlmOSl Lutiic Antiupu-li- s QUICK ory mcthods ell, hftVf given you more real orlh and value thdn your RusIh-- s SUMMER BASEBALL IS Eleven (0 Stop outplayed 'he catl fatheni could buy. 111, tits ami tin- ,H)I Sev-ei- al DISCUSSED BRIEFLY a agaiaal Notre We dealers know th Of ei on tar w'.is tafety ored J..K0RBER&C0. that lame arhi n lark I.,, kl ,1 I'ol'all m.ikers of ("loiht raff Clothes Occasions, AT I. A. A. MEETING Mad ins own goal line lifter IM 11 1, 208 NORTH SECOND ST. rtfl the firsr to put sctenccr reeov, red bad as.-- from a center into clothes building. Kot fctKty fll years they have A fort.v-tlve-y- ai tun from the HUININH teCIM ,MII kepi true toone goal build- llD klckoff tin- ginning "f the third -t 1011 ai -. ChlcUfO, Nov. Z' 'I'll,' "f ing the best possible medium f B,( ,in whii-- ,li,i not run !.. Deriod in Oofall pitted clothes (or men tnd New Yorh. Nov IT, The Army liether tin- playing of "eummer t,ui Ihe Itiee ,(' t through, uinl entire young men. tin- I ;i laebalt" ahopld itandlni five-yard Fool but eleven, liuiltK heltet Mule affc eli ven, and I turlnt W r on df i pi iradnaM tlMii Iif Navj tea athletea placet uollefe You can'r apprectate the il Bergman foi triumphed ovai thelt Annapolit rivaii it m was dropped after a brief the mult wthout aeetng ii. " ut tin- meeting ,'f thi' feature. Hotel Combs Come in and "4130" tier.- toda) bj .i Boore i'f H i" annua! try on aaaoctaton Serge Special JO, i ' t InM tlx- I el itercqllegtate thletli Blue It ItI Twi. fivl inliiiili ' -- i ii- di- - INTO LEAD IN ir the lighter weight il,. ii. i ii t hi- m idi inn to4ay. About thirty athletic BL0UIN SU0" iw at $15 00. lh- POSsttOI h d I ' i hi inn ii i ton ami from tin- confer hni ALL-EVENT- - c.illegei were preaent. A. A S BOWLING Ml in I hi- iMTMin i if Klroei 9 Oil itoe SPECIAL SUNDAY the- protective nrmui lai: ,,f tin- Unlvertlti ,.t Chicago pluiiii, tltrooah AT OMAHA of tin- Pallori' tittlenhli null III tin CONGRESS DINNER glut iliink j lltalillK .illi'llllilill, tin' fflie Cloihcwfi Storr "11 Ilk Willi I'VI ullegiate bate ball aboiiKlied t I IJoM Ot) TO s V. M. midship im ift HID Wild TOWN) iiu tin- tIN VOCa gun a rH saifereteti i.Hi futtlel) auraj with amateur rub 7, Iimi " CLOTH CJlAJT AIL WOOL CLOTtlUr again I Hi U1M rlor i iiilHiniii of 'hi im, r haatl nil." sta (a taid, PRICE 50 CENTS 4ftn) nan- li iBatractt ii thiit those Although Die HUddl IMIW fought Wishes anil will .1. a. Cordil Ml'Kk TO h IIOOSIKU iiw, 1. ft, cmpt. with unfflrtrhlM eoufata ""' OK(TII.STI Jwfii e tu opening xlii't until Hin iiik al aendem) uentiiint Hiink from lit Hi. Itltlgfli C B CHA M&f PL.f I N rt (u M .StftvrCi As it was nut within the power of mailed ii nothing edpttaM the ever the dlrectort and coachet to change MENU whelming puwci of Ih eadete' the rule or itbiillah It. that OOWCr f'St-- j Tin- chtrgei ni th 11111,'H II Kl'l lim with tln coiunilttei" ot delegate! i n v t college governing foriiH-- Purdue nirivi mm1 could ,i,,th t from the facultlei tad II,. 11 on,. ,,i Hi,- s'lirth-s- runneni ever I"- ii -- iiii'i." iimi the itur, in s. dltcuaaion waa dropped. not itopped iii oah 11 it i., ml,, ,i in. hi. M "i mean on ;i prldlron and Uaen lafRoly the iiueii tin- premier in th again pieteed Dlrectoi Oeorke of tin- Univer-ilt- ) Went Pointed lithe and football pin. 'sivarait) ol th- - the hiu MlKI ""' s,i" arm to per. Huff t in- find iiml ' Md llnta ol defenee, of lilinuiM. Mils appointed a com' had m had, otiilBi in im- taction 11, ha playad year at (cat until the niivy WU Bent ;inil cxIiiiuhIch io he- mittce of one to tJttggeil mod If lont, All-An- n n n .i; nil mil 'ha mix r Ni 11 nil luta another year - It In i k il. fi .it briuikii adjuatmentt changet in th, rules, hv nllnrtM li - and Tartar lulu 1.1 unUiiuntrdl) ilnoreu tun htm. He the beai defenaiv! in- e Iimi Oliphanl i ii Injured In the in si nt to tin- National IntercoHcg-kit- Dutchcaa Potatoei 11 a bj .i larW player at In Ihe Miaaouri valley thia . for the a iiiciicnii learn en Athh-ti- 1 i ning minute nf tin conflict, tin gaapciatlon. of in hla ,irk thin full and the lariraal factor In mldahipiiu ii might hat had a hi number eprt, i , , M.iM I,,-- 11 ISnd nu n. bringing vallaj chantploitahlp to n bet-ttri- nun eloui the "NATIONALS inn tin- middle atei tiioiball , 11 mi- - ii,, aror vti"J ottan, whi.Tt won .ill IkIii Ktitm-- BOSTON raw rafeaee' tu heed the Mmintc aa not Neliriiakn mud hui Ohamberktln hai made iimiiBt sii 1 tm-- mi; thiii carcely bitted hh MUST BE GOOD, SAYS riHdics Through tin- UM mul round -- ti t ir imii. in- erashvd 01 tprlnted( oourar and ai huh ihr FOOTBALL'S TOLL IS PRESIDENT GAFFNEY nit hurling ..if taoktei aftei laekler until wiih ihrtia iiiiiiiih-- eilnaii ihi- middle found thai it rerjuln tH. P Itf. T in ill' t lit- IiimI, in- ltd' 16 DEATHS. SAYS A entire eleven tu atop him m time, cii th u'iui and the Navj fofltbi tlnra it wet not ah" i. uoetiM r.ift lieian to fomtdaf SPORT STATISTICIAN concentrate thi whole miunil In hit Tim lallora a tuck .. Iht! lis. whose kicking tactlca on Ih nsii.i; path hi Mlna tonatttuted about t it rou ii houl tha malhdet ,.1 hull field during the past scasin par n-- ot tin diaun rerel to .lllil 1,11,1 pcllii, in. Without llltlll Hi. a mi rharifn. lutniiai-- tmi HIi tin lit Ih M. MANDELL Preetdanl Wileon mi Hinna Jnrd mutrter npiiiini n. aara Foundry ,1 1. , tonight to Albuquerque and ether gpectntora watt ii tha ni, hi nad looai on t h Nav) and fot th in letter mailed u( in- m ,. on, of the IWfivcl eon-tb- e batwi n tin rival i nt rt hi ml lime run m II illiu rttbl pi, in under Machine Works j .ia- -. Uir'" ni huniiiHit) th lip nil put ia djefenaf Am in Ih club e.,",iti.- onnouncesl e Qncraft tore Jv)H;Wtun. ,1 in tha I cniiiiiin urn) mint "in1 th, .', IIHI..IHI wore th. Ini Mil termination thai ihe cdndnrl of - , , lii'l aiiOM' eritlclam," M I,n ,i ..I 11111 hi' Ii in cil nil "I mill unaspactedrj im shall he Fiiilnoeri I'oiiiulers Tki Live Clothier. ... i t 1.1 1. lw fought ujff halting ts a thing of tha rr,,n, lirnsn, Alum-- i w In "ii The aoldieri kh ked an C ipln THR MIA I Mix CO,, IVC. CastmKsJn Bronte, .1 t t H iiitiing out In - MttilUI if I M before a8r flldaiea' k, run the It g ih r im n to the DeaeJral Dlalrlbatora Inum, lOTectri,- Motors. Oil Engines, iii.- the iiuarierbai "Every il 111 thi- hint or "t Arms doa-nwt- l I inanta," he eontinued. . Pumps and Irrigation. iiuhki ,n back before he waa I) ll.t an Alhiniiieriiiic, l. 1 Improvlaed - by an umpire next AlbuqUertJUe MftV)'iiii Mrtaa The m Ini, 111 It,' n. il .1 111- win, is lined Works and Office - Ihe .inn, ntti fur. tile 11 hj iicinui- H! pay his own fine; mul tin grliliri.ii 1. kurruundi'd u il 1, 111 Vli an final iniisl in n;i" lanlei auapcaaton will llful ailll II IUlKmr Minium. woirn up to full kteni a hi under recelvo dlatltn raaehtd the ing period " houaad fm leu houw nix feel two m hui apua t ,l il. Hoi, hi h din that mi .1 id lnh Ohffnc) the play-- ; fUlahad im of itovernment, nrinj imii in 11. Immediate! under t innitli ddent aaeured THE WM. FARR COMPANY well miaalr, "buck them to tin- M nfflvfa, at iu iirominettl all, l ,.sse at he would DRUMMER ALLEYS I city wet-,- uaa Retail Healers in ..... 1.11 leaderi front' alinoal ever) pu lied if they riant and th Hudson for Signs Wholesale and lie- - MEATS in tin- union int,;., imt he aaprawacd the ron EXERCIHB FKEm AMI SALT Hi. u Sausage a Specialty In tin- let nr aallj W """ III fa Il It as git ell III Hie briiUam Ii For ami Hj;s MlWit tin.,iiK apota of tnniaualls ad iittpplng through a hob) Try a figiriT of Ten I 'ins utile i,i I've two bnnal-Imt- f Prlccg Are Paid hiu 11 atoud out When ,,f ihe line he dodged Wall Market ware uuat entei 20.1 West (.old Paper from the academlw hi ked his uu for Ihi Arm) tatad in lb aido line nlitttd md ton. hiionn fro which he MARY BROWNE LOSES tHaaa point nl vuttUMl it" indetaunil 1,1 HUDSON tha mlddlaa hurlpd eongii and TO M0LLA BJURSTE0T for Picture DUKE CITY nl LEATHER AND etuta tin- m lad bj ihe blare FINDINGS tin- ttiMi it hi inn hanrta w ,,1. Frames Cleaners-Hatte- rs rival hi ia mum pluy h in uhlpmi alior. IN TENNIS TOURNEY llai-tii"- saddles, lien,,- Palllta, Roof Tin' vocal aproa wa terrific and ii th,- exiHiltenl aupporl af- - Of Palntm Blc. 4,6 lUaUUtted. Thru waanot monienl I 'mirth SI. and upper Ave. no Weal GoM w.iIiiuk do tii'- i in ,,1 Ithvatr the ,HIM .OURN1L HIIUl II1HIIII1II TH0S. F. KELEHER NO IT. M k IjEOATj ra in I'rom ihe minute I. Heach. ihf.. v Ntrnrrc tin lailora T h' riioM; ihi ma t i sutxi, thi Mnlla Bjtiratedti tmiinual aomaua -- ihr two atavana wunf into action 1 iK-- i 1. f i 1111 M'Hh Mary A mi) iiic. I HI mi t.'H or nr to wriM M mil, ii to mldfleld whon tennis chtimplon, defeated si I i Hound Itcdfleld ,1 11 sin- h t nu n ot id th, titleholder, r they craNhril oor tin of Joitea, ludi Browne, formerl) lll'flKAH t'rink "f Hernatllll MtruBKlbiK pla ln 1.4, here todny, eiosing an invitation; S PILLS n- Ni Mo '" Hi iftli rtv 'Hen in CHICHESTER fought ,,11 uppurfiitl: nblli loua Ih, lentils lout tnim, ni. Earl) the ,. . BRAND, a 1, 11, 11 mall, igteatf and Hi Kwan :i it , l.,ll.-- A"U ,h-,- l t M rled he day Mrs Mh Button Bunday defeat-- LUMBER rimp ,ir I'ruiijl., .1 certain tf trunt M 4 l,l.rh,'ai'f II(H, MKlTlrni, in hah N. .h rs, Taints, t v' trilKl.-e- nf loanty of Bef Th, break in the game came at at ad h,r itater, miss Morence Sutton, oils. fJtggt, Mallhoid Roo( us Ihn We ealr.l villi III ,a .. .N, iv Mexico, bearing date "f tli th,- II ii i, t-- u ui an exhibition match. iiiic ami BuUtUng Paper, I'u.Fi. sli immediate) after klckoff ami I'ttLi, ..,! - III nf Un r'M"i N, Inn, w - tin llur nf .,r Ihe nffiro w , Miss ill meet Mrs Bun- I I ltd r.crdcl the si Point team thai profit BJumtedl r( III. Ui I UH 1 , s er.unlY. "t irai Oerhardt J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER l,(rll. - Iimi still' After tlo iipciung plai tin t, I ,iv he ,' Dei ember for a deciding niVMiivn ii pfUA i", a Intereperaed illli; II sollK match Bach haa beaten the other yeJiknovni', Alvnv;. kfl, mi aachang'' of puntt -- trophea for o, ,. . ,,iid th,- COMPANY SO! D BY PRI Or'iSTS EVIRYWHf Rf u. tew drlvei ut ih,1 lln but ni taiiiii in tourna with it) v mi with a doaen won r team tppeared 0 a mom wj,je, today, each stnt,. of California. sil,l dfcl ,"iiic)l"t neither hv Sellle la e iodl I aounuing raad for mnrki'd advantagi until Crala muffed vali twu matahea ami hut on, the rial proaerty bartnafur deorlld tii puraoM of aicurlaa th paymaat ,,f ,rl" a liirh. luiatlng kick from the toe of date Itieie- - vTiil' Ihi lltgllg Beat I lulu pr..iiitniniry n,it "f "ven tlx. Army tullliut k, Coffin. Klghl End I'ol liih loK sum .,r m payaMii oej led "charge." on a fkikt with for the tt.ew Niayland ae toll, .hiu- - thi 111 and CltiVIa M.. Nov. II. Athlete Duffy's day nati with lotiriil t the rat In-i- the game the j of Praises atir thi vers 1loppy hy the mow cant, annum ficni itu" when Craig droppad plgakln - rendered liiilii per pir phani ' ' heel- , IllClt-- , ,1 h( ,, Hie field. fnrellooll. Which hail i Lbr-rf- I,, n"u through tin- mini and oluh InloW n ' ,.st,.,,,u Read what Duffy'i did for Mi. pirtble lh first tfattontl Hoals from tout iongregBted , , , . Q sim-tin- game, Beraallllo ih,' apherohj on thi Navy'a ten yard im. me of tin- ,,f Alliiiitui-niu- of ihr coupiy t Hutiatltutci inu) It h , 1 " I'" se, iimi whn ,,1M,. s nigh kclnxd defeated tin- Kilroy New Mialao, um party el tin third iir hue t'.ifflll gad I'olil Ih hulled I:, ,11 fid; Knight for .lone any which tinwii th,- is,, than at high achool nt football here saiil dud "f triicl. all ,f thameelvea into Mlddiaa' line, unl Mi ,n m rovle "Last winter I had siomach troubl,; as iit"i'p tol B Holm, ui ah, r time afternoon and ymterda) t,, n lnory ni'ic and hiteieit to 1, ni lead with, mi gain. Weyand It sii bad that all I could Hilid unpaid. l Parkei foi Tuii t i'o Intel's fol eat was milk remain Then Quarterback Oerhardn mi, ,0 land Mil, hell for .',n,l toast for two months straight. I tried And whtretl It irai arovtdld In and v. .111,1 una ke danci Yak liaea Bouoer iame. red his maaked hull' ry fired OH n ,u.i dend of trust thai iii mm of ihe dealt Hug with ,. Haven, Not I'nl-- 1 all kinds of medicines and they all failed r pliant into aaUort' hit Mile of tin yon ureal t'onn., ,,r Klmimoy the tlnn acllns Hhrltf lb' ll Itlodnell for 11, iw ami grey, Poanaylvagta Vab to do me any good. I ail acrtmraagf lim player Pui reratt) if defealod went to several BtraaliltB New Mexico, should from field football 4 to 0. Wcss-- t doctors, and datiei 'l hlM a. of the n sue cr here. but got no results, until I was ceed to all the lights, patron due riiied evert thing nut of , v 1,1, rat, , b) th man Inatda left for raauaylvanlt was advised to get a dollar bottle of Duffy's ,,f Hid truitM and aahl lands Ihollld Pure Malt Whiskey. After using hi mild new trttxtee: MM. I Kill Is n Kl l I one And "lierfBH the aahl If. W. Flournny bottle I found great relief and got So I ia the du.jr . M I I I I'ol I l.lii H N 11 lead and the aaid Jei: Hoiuetu could cat a hearty meal of meat, pota- elect oil. qunlltlcd and actiog iherlff toes, bread tiernaUlle county. and tea, and now, believe ma'le in mc, I would And ahareai default haa l.een . not be without a bottle of t aad Iverson 'a to Golf Title i it I ha pajmi-n- of aald pr, mlaiory j Right irmnn tinit, "t Mm .in,; Duffy's in the house. Since using it I denttod haa btet m.ide uis.n Ihe at"! have gained many riiitids. Before I Jeiui lloim ro aa truatee by the aahl t irat ,.C N' Is Beyond Question weighed but 125 pounds and today I Nttlonal liana AlPUtJOBmlW, Established of said euro the p,iV'""! weigh 154, am strong aa a bull tola t" , and do a of niii. li ih.- Oftd ot nmt mori i que Country Albuquerque woe rapreaented W 1 tfertfeM bard day's work. I want to say that 1 aacsflttd, to pi id lo mil the ieai letaji h tin-1- gives j ut Id Ihr i.i Ro) McDonald. I'mfesHur Mitchell aim Hid deed of truat to aatleey - H 1; owe all my thanks to Duffy's Pure Malt dKrllMd ai raoh, of Uuw- T. B. Woolaey, .it. lamlaon. the auid Indcbtednesi. , Whiskey, and want the world to know hmnplonahlp, perhapa on,, of the best playerg In N,,-- therefore, I, the at Id Jesua Romn gained on the the .slate. Has unable to take part 111 what it has done for me it's a wonder- .s ni. h trustee as af'.reaald. In poiaaania LliUW. (Signed) ,, demand, , ll dited by golf th, tournament, olirfng to his being ful medicine." James J. Kilroy, I.. laid do, d trust und In aahl allii,t until snth tM Iral of thi own the beat Incapacitated typhoid fever, in MBS J. 1732 Lurrabec St., Chicago, 111. do hereby .K.i,. notice that on the halt .,f I'M'., ut eleven o elrn-- i m it i 111 nam, Hit an, ilu round at pla) lb tovfttlDor. and Mi s iall ihrotighout tin nrst match ,.f that (tu. at the irwtoffice In the ellt i new j o,.H,C(l mi o, ntall) in hung a record ,i.h, Dawaon; Profeaeoi Mitchell. .,f AlbattuertfiM Boratllllo county. N , QallUp, Dupont I III, tllsl hail kne huh s. his of Ihlrty nine Albuquerque; Mr. Hlrkvood, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Mul," t will aeli at public auction, f- ta i, in- !"i s being the loll ilr mi mul Mr Woolsei. ,lhu,Hei,U wen lilulieal bidder for cash, fold coin of part) "tr o II I'M' I h United Statea of America, all thu piece! inldinlpmi rtaldered defeated i Btad to met! the demand for a high grade tonic stimulant, a food in liquid ot part-el- l the, county for Ducks Ilk, I.I, in senil-tiiiui- s McDonald m"1 of land iltuate In the form, free ft nm the Injurious' contained In beverage whiskies, ami California, daoerlbed n n ,1-.- b) ami Htanitdaus. slate of iiu, k aetann's here he i.rnuti HolelHoran wera defeated Iverann suitable for Use r fi- the of the delicate, those who are not entirely well, and the aged follows, 1. Dr. Brady, whll rveraon won tin- nt Till', are black with lb, ail fit who require a tonic good health. It is The north half of the nortn-a- I ... Brady stimulant to maintain truly a medicine t) atrokei No strokes: No nals aguinsi his teammate, Dr of er.ctlon lev. Ugithmmc Inriln Tin r, 1 for all mankind, which feel young and keeps quarter eleven Oil. giune I St I ok, N, holeg up to play. makes the old the young strong . t and four iix aoBth, range nine (t) easi. for all. tii-- UB and vigorous. ill lilenty your sll In the second ilght the first prill You, ioo, can B. M to the fniled stales If accordlnt ready! your tun ii true ami pruy ion is Has won by A. II. Sim me, Albuquer- - Covcrnnii nt sinrvev. c.ntaliilnt eighty i"! your load f, Jeprndalilo you'll grt que, with Dr. BHer; second "Get Duffy's Keep Well." aerea of lund. more or leaa. and And the estate. clihn your ibarc II 111 in Wedneadai evening, m an In- - also all Interett. Ul tin Sold in SEALED and damand aa well In lair as In equity Alvarado, ud-la- BOTTLES ONLY. Beware of imitations. niurnaon "i formal dinner at the att which the said party of the fnit part. h .,1 la ycur by twenty members, a com- - ai poui Ariz Haled club Get Duffy's heirs and asalgns may have or may here , from your local druggist, grocer or dialer picked ui one f the trong golfers mlttee. c, insisting if .Colonel Wiilson after acquire of in r to the said prenu .' Kv- - NOTE $1.00 pir aortli. II ha cannot supply you, write buio-i- SMOKELESS SHOTGUN POWDERS Iltl, .1 llll'g, Hint lie aouthft eat i,h yean to RoaweBj T. s. woolagjr, and Dr, at, with thu appurtenances thereunto will tell you where te her aaiet as , 0111 ins. Km-- il. waa appninteil la draw wi oil it. Mwbcal booklet fm. Inir. tale- In gold r.oin of Dull"! lllttltt , hlda Nuak I 111 at ,thei 1.1 h son up oonatltutou und fm- a stute Termi of cash te lr i'l. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., N. Y. United states; ten per cent, payable to Ibo Hie coMteated i the AH,u-- : golf association It Is expected Rochester, on al lkpodil lilt Ha. built ,,r ,IrDM Proni linn (olfar, undersign. d M tat day of sale; balance -- Cil IN tKUil poitU Uj kCil fall nit,, ihe .1 lauriiiiiiieiii is eputed to be WlthlU the next year. In addition to lh eo paid, unlesl firld luaruuf , delivery of died: and If not IU fniud h.nui until darkra ut nn h, longest drB N, w Mi n 11 Ae- - ir,,if .'iiiii-i- k at UbtMgeerque, iis for want of tille, ten days being allow- - J Pa Pnot PiJlr It l.,u, of ajt I, hi ., , , 1,1 rrrdlng t,, In .1 1 elsh pi estdelll t'iniaiinn and i) from date, then said ten per cent, to be ,n , Sit'1 if JUMnwi lauolrii. ir l.,.ir.i ill .,111 pile) i it Ho- Bawaoii nib. Hi llrndy has golf courses will giabiished at lies- Glass-Pai- nt forfeited and the sale to be void. amiikril aliUj or K,ki ,n bulk it rout carry City sale shall be made subject ta all accrued del In r,.ll, ,1 ha, 1. mil f eg tin well. tJullup, Cutter) ttlKer and 'i ' and accruing tax"., tnd assessments. Act mul ..lion 111 the minds of stMiu.i Kt und pinbaMy m other Cement-Plaste- jot hookltl. agin LUMBER r of sale at pur haser s expense. Ifnit I h,, s:, t 111 i in Hit The stnt, nil. will, h II. hi nam, that .ants state neit Dated ot Albuquerque, county nf Bern j be K.I. On PmIIi Nimiuria Cimani Sli irtl) aftei d Hie vicruy lu the loiirnament will held under the ii Ha 11. mc Noventber tltti ! Wltalailia OiIimv a, which the beat jiiapicea of this assuclitt ion ..l ., Albuquerque Lumber Company JB.1TS ROMERO. I 411 NOKTH I IHST 8THKKT - it, ,1 entn petit on tin aeieited hj the executive coin-- Mierlff of Brnalillo Count and 8e- toto , w ift Idea play fm the silvei BJMMet to M. W Klournoy as Tiustee ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1915. FIVE ptddp rnoprn vniinn nniTnur lnrliilirliinl oriro 0LnDi) runbLU mm mm lu ftdRNuUN 0 ib will mm w THE GOLDEN RULE GUNS IN HETREAT DRAFT ISTRIED DRY GOODS COMPANY .niv.miiniiMtioii Wit r )iii:177.i i .ini7nli blOWIIlil THIS INSTITUTION HANDLES TIIK ACCOUNTS ok IT9 patrons Is Established Where Sup- - J These NOT MKltKLY IN' ACCORDANCE plies for Army May Be Against Rather Than WITH GENERAL CUSTOMS HIT M THE MANNER THAT CONSERVES Exceptional Values This THE REST INTERESTS OF EACH Presents for Week DEPOSITOR. WHETHER HIS AC- COUNT IS LARGE OR SMALL -- H (a a, in. I enihtll. '2H a. in i - DEPOSITS SUHJECT TO CHECK rniiiii. ov Nil. at h ! Lloyd's new from tu,ns man the l.lutki al inlet, tile ARK INVITED AND 4 PER CENT issued, untie dated Tmirnla i lad say mblem INTEREST IS PAID ON TIME CER- die Pari f . dir lc ri) TIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. "Til Serbian feivefnnwnl and nm lii men who aire n . i at ri.s la arrive t:n t dm ) bul w ho ha Silks and Dress Goods Scutari Hie in. i. ii Berblau from m rx it e of art vaituiK to army retiring acrow Albaafau railed m. made ftii flrai 'i itrnntn int toiluj bee led to ln--I on the street of London Tht frontier hns ernHf Is Dispatch, referring ihi- - don Hi,' in avx artitler) uwing lu lack Week ti at uinaportatton end htid rand. Thr in a fresh Serbian; art eoncentrntln - witlmiit one'.' His lol wnl net bi mi- A Very Special paaitton parallel to the Albanian fron- w , a an They hav established viable. He ill lie huwed out' tier. Vet four hundred nun men w ith Duraaao, ihu aeeur-- I e:ii who had pletUted I he in selves to make int; a I'i'v ieiiuiiiin.: baa, any sacrifice i. uher than enllal met in j til.- BwicarfcMa tatlonarj but art convention In London . si rday. the German art movln toward Mon-- I Offering Vn Yard the at proinale 95c between astir. Friction it reported lndi Qerinnn Bubjariana regard-- I Ion tat agitation, bul realls lo the and on cortaclen-lion- s oceapatiou f Monuatlr," ate their rikht to shirk First National Bank ins the ground. Man; wore member of ihe fellowfh!i -- I I i R( I s MM KIR to have brunehes In all ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. in i n in tow mo mm which claim hi parts of tile eniintry tint it was Indl to $2 Values, Your Choice, Yard would be off' red $1.35 AND SURPLUS UALK A j to Hay-vttt- ). dated thai resistance CAPITAL MILLION DOLLARS Berlin, Nov. it (via Wtteleaa law," Diapatehe from the Balkan to conacriptlon if it becamt t A report of the met ting aj letter theater "i war to the Caltung colon w .lann s ,'lem Thomil (state thai Serbian army la non re ere rtnd from ih gtacOonsld, I harli UO.OOQ and I W.OOO i. unes Ramaay timed i" between Trtvalyn and Philip BnowUen ill rifle, according to .in Item n u out proteattng It I memhara of parHament, by the Ovaraeaa News afency. Cllf- - BATTLES Bcrblap ao'dlert " In hot aaalnst eonsi rlptlon Chairman FIERCE HIGH TR BUTE aatd thai tii' ,i In represent the nanae defensive power for.l All, is ouoletl si in; in lai prevlou ly, sine.- new entire iroupa s with officers la cat kei plug m surrender their ml file 0( In and better times of the nmk which fomer .mil we are n positi OH j Serbian army would not have bean mm tmenl PAID 10 FRANCE tht i lid no tldered hopeleM. lit thai nsislanee i an mil- - r.. j "Further; the Serbian are mi long- confined er dofendlna their native soil." con- - I Hon fellowship I "sinee the majorlt II 1 ITALIAN FRONT B N Of the troops lr, u lid have GOVERNMENT RESTS Inst their lallatl Ism and after a feeble defense ot their posilions. con- - IN TRIAL OF WATSON tlnut to ratri 't. The number of pria-iffice- is increaaing oners among the ,mv MIM Also prisoners formcri) numerous Nov With the Auslnaii Reports Claim All; Exposition Managers at Frisco lulu,., I.- tli.. Seliians. have lieen let Augunta, Ha, ii ' of eoiirl hid today, the behind which la characterletlc of h adjourn mtnl Ex- - il in the dial Attacks by General Cador-- ; Hold Meeting in Which erciisiliK !' adines.s for liattle." governmeni reeled fas in federal court of Thomai '. Watson, - charged na's Forces Are Bloodily, hibits of Two Countries tin- Thornton, In., edit ,r, CROWLEY INVOLVED w iih aendlna obscene mni r through Repulsed. Are Lauded, Ihe mails In his publi ns. IN GIGANTIC PLOT The governmeni had Instructed wit- nesses who testified thai copies Off the publication containing the alleged Im- 1 1ST JOUKNOL MtC'AL 40-inc- values MOHNINa JOUflNAL FfCIAL LIAflID Wlll MONIN jOURHtL picil wist) MOlN ,tl sent h Silk Poplins, in all new shades, to $ .50 a yard. aiiin nVaahlngton, .ID dlaolo-sitrc- s proper lannag had been Vienna. Nov. i!7 (via London, 11:48 Ban Pranolaco, Nov. 17. Panama Nov. It. Near Watson In thoaa through the malla, and that p. m l The rolliiwlnn official state-- I rivaling Importanct statements Pacific exposition offieials of Hob-er- t had sinned the circulation 40-inc- all shades, mi'tit general was. whieh led to th proseeution h Select Quality Crepe de Chines, values to from heudtiuurtera n.-l- i tin- publications mentioned thousands of Ihe Kn and Belgian New were expected of three insii'-i- today: I'iiy in York Trtimony aleo colonies in San Krau' iseo of justice, it be- in the Indictment. "Russia ii war theater: No events of residents of by the department ii. L Pulllam of today, as sequel to Un- was given by l'rof. iaiBortance occurred. and urrouoding towns paid tribute came known a at Macon he $l .75 a yard. c, Crowley In Ban Kren-e-sc- o Mercer univeralt that 'ilaliiin (heater: Infantry ar- today to these two nations whieh par- arrest of c. certain parte and yeatarday in oonneollon with al- translated Into Brjgllsh ' tillery by extend-- 1 the exposi- alleged matter which 36-inc- attack tht Italians ticipated prominently in attains! munitions factor-it-s. of the obacene h Finest Satin Messalines, assorted shades, values $1.50 eii in j leged plots in Latin. yeaetrday over the whole front tion despite the European war. offieials of the department. had been publiahad thi- eoaat dlatrlcta Attack agnlnat guests Crowley The article coflNilulned of, which' The ceremonial began bi the However, refused to diseuss 36-inc- or pntitlona In Mrzlivrb aouth (ien-er- wen- on it an Catholic shades, values and aaeembltng near the statu, of or to what it inifcht lead, attack the h Special Taffeta Silks, assorted part -- to predict plai.i-,1- ' record. "i ilu muiuiiuin were reiuilKed. Lafayette n the eolonnde ot the Crowley, accordion to Infoririatloii Church, were in the ly In hand-to-ha- fighting and part-l- The tjrlal will be eaumed Monday ' Palace Of Fine Arts, when wreathes here, did not devote his attention to 36-inc- ty our tntanslement, th enemy h Select Plain Black Taffetas and Satin Messaiin, of flowers were plaeed upon the the Pacific i oust alone, inn traveled attaining heavy losses. atatue baje. Hxtemdvely throughout the country in MRS. JOHN L DONOVAN "Before the To 1 mine bridgehead Although il ha eustiitnary at the past tew months. The ramifica- yard. mry attack rake down under the exposition exercises to avoid mention- tion of his undertaking! are expected PLACED IN CHARGE OF to $1.50 a Brt of our artillery. Near Plava an ing the war, there were several refer-ei- ii to be revealed when the trap whieh ii attack also w as uniueceaaful. was madi 42-inc- es today. The first the department has set has been THE WURLITZER STORE h Chiffons and Georgette Crepes, values to $1.50. The most viol, nt engagement tnoU by Prosidenl Charles a. prune. Figured Mate at the Qorlaia bridgehead. Moore, in his addrea of welcome, He tot tin- - pr the department's "Near Oalavia detaohmtnt i the paid tribute to lranra- - for participa- bureau of investigation is iisIhk ever DkttHbtttor Hyiw. nf the I'amous iu Twenty uond lalmatian Infantry tion ill the exposition, eylttg he de- to keep its next move slcal llistriimeiil-- . UVUOUItCOS dpeii precaution Uvceui sancuii atUy repulsed six attaok. sired to qttOte a speaker at the tret, but it was apparent today that Ins of New Store I'i'lilay. Itrong attack again! the I'avinax luncheon to the exposition commla-lone-r other arrests are looked for within her 1, and P i'dora helyhts met Ihe sunn which preceded the exercise, lun- - hav- - EXTRAORDINARY fate. Quoting the speaker at the j riie Wurlltatr Piano corhpanj ALSO AN SPECIAL VALUE "In he taction of tie- Dobt cheon, President Moore said: ling moved into their Hew location ill a battle on t he northern si "As the people of Belgium were 2ol South Second rtreet, will haw hi soon after opening of their new stoi oil te Shu Michele resulted forced fro'" their homes FREQUENT POINTS tinir 44-inc- trt oiiinleiilv iiiaiiitainiim tl ir the beginning of the war, ao they Pi Idas December I, fr 'J III) to Consisting of 200 pieces of fine Wool Dress Goods, in h wtlc front. On the southern slopes were forced Into th hearts Of the nf tin- mountain the enemy' attack people nearly evert v. in The Wurlitzci Piano company have Novelties, all are allowing much less vigor oaring to i ittinulna he slid furnished up be lutlful parlor; for th Poplins, Crepes, Plaids, Broadcloths and Fancy U uki ffeciive artillery fire. ihe most stgnlftaani facl Ih TO LAND NEEDED benefit of i nt Ir patron anil ladle Ul'-l- "On tin Tyrolean front various iso- lion with ibis exposition is de I isit, ,ind for them lo make all lated attempt in attack In the Dolo- - ll.,o,,,- ,,f drill, r And the headauaftei ,nl lime while in do shades and designs to be found; values to $2.00 a yard; next mites wife foiled. isl part Ol the Kren, h pavuton is, city. Southeastern theater: In the I'aj- - bi Belgian adction." W. J, Plynn, the distributor for the ffnnjlffi ' e ;ind Amen-- i player-pian- o, week will sell of the above Dress Goods ink duitrii'i .mil in the tf of Hnouklnn on Fram FOB AVIATORS Wurlltaei pianos and we any (he situation is unchanged, ca " w. is. Bourn of sun ftraautaco, takes plcaaure in announoing to the fin siis.i Pianlha. west of Mlttovttau, pTealdeni of the .spiinn Valley Wat- public that In ha wcured the er-- iir iroopt repulsed ihe Berbiani In er company, asked "Is America nctt-tral'.- '" vices ill Mr. Joiin i,. uvnnrui, oi tht direction of Montenegrin Ihla city, who needs no introduction the man- frontier, Tin- number of prisoners is Immediately there wen- hundred to the public, to take the Mill Yard NW JOUIIN.L I.WSID Your Choice at 95c ;ill purls of th HaU .LII agement of his Albuquerque store. bWNUinc hourly. Sinee Ihe occupat- of "noes" from Antonio,.I,. Tex., Not ion of thuiisiund made up largely of Kr.ench Sun Mrs. Donovan Is n.muslewn of rare UitrouttM eleven nt landing stations una tpeoiHi Sorbin thirty-liv- e , the ol America iin ability, having had year of axperl ii aoldler and people. "Feel bean military maps an- necessary for e you will know tin people are not m this line in selecting pianos liable for military servil have and highest efficiency h the army's iv nice bMR brought Into town Another neutral," said BOUm, ''Peel the for schools and colleges ,,f which she the v, corps. Them two points eicht pulse people us u hob- and lion ha been lhatructor, hundred men wen- captured; of the ti i fly Silks, desirable for Christ Fur can m bo tin- (act that lint Were able The WUrlitSer glVe yOU the exper- 50 Pieces of Fancy very behind the army fronts ummlly you will know America most Im- - as a (ingle unit were the fifty-nin- e years the man- wniriderabic number of acattered Benjamin ience of in portant finding of Capt. of muaical Inatrument. wur-liizc- r troops Inn,- been captured.'' rs of the first aero ufacture Big Hui U Kniilols and ode does not buy or manufacture Laton Kills U. a., w ho, Friday, com- Fancy Work, values to Ph, ith squadron, s. merely for one store, bul for a great mas $1.50 Kin;i,K ii,,. iraiM(. f rliambcr-Iain'- s Santa Nov. 27. A buck flight In biplanes killed ill pleted a six from chain of stores, si retelling from New fgiMgffa. II double set of horns was Houston, W Fort Sill, Okla., to Fort Sam 10 Francisco and by being "Ever slave I Chamberlain's, the Black range by prank Katon York San used t a report here. able to sell through this tremendous Tablets indigestion, living of Fori Bayard, according In a yard, on sale at per yard for when T, C, "Landing itation the bigger outlet, nf instruments in Pulton, N. years tgO, received iv Same Warden do thousands I 69c Y., .... about five pounds. towns and cities would be of immense year, Wurlltaer1 operating expenses and they 1 Baca. The buck weighed 200 to- tlld me so ggtlOh Rood have benefit," captain Coulol declared lo Ihe minimum, it is been (Juinlnn and James Bushman ' are reduced singhix their praise in the earsi John night. Tor army aviators crosling express of manage- of neighbor Mrs. killed a buck With twelve purpose the intention the and friends," writes Bay the country fOt whatever to ment of this store to render to the Krnest C'rookes, N. Y. Ob-- 1 prongi nine nubs north of Fori to depend on Camillus, be compelled motor public at all t lines the best of service talnubip ard. sim- everywhere. truck for repair and supplies and to be courteous to niie and all. - Of y ply un a ns ii vast amount unto'i Tin- public is eofdiauly Invited lo Novelties delay. Motor trucks accom- cine ami Igllpecl the stock. Music Xmas furs and Maribou panying an aerial equadron can n"1 will be rendered during afternoon and make anywhere near the speed of the evening nt the opening of die lieu air machines, ihey are left far In hind, store. Friday, lie ember I. of even In a country of fine roads. We We are showing a large and complete assortment Stylish the tOV-rat- le trip could have made LATH TO CLASSIFY, from Fort SHI In tWO days without for the Xmas trouble had there been two nr three flood wasln r and it oner; Furs and Maribou Novelties, very appropriate department lias been very largely binding atatlon where we could have one who win take clothe borne obtained supplies, food and (jiuartere." Mrs. J. B, rrernUon, il:':' w.-s- t ti- - By making a EVERY in preparation for ihe Christmas Captain Poulohj MM ho hud W Jer.ts Gift Season, on sale at 20 Per Cent Reduction. whieh be would Season, whic!) promises to be the largest mind a tentative 'dan LtlST lllitek hog on BOUth recommend to the war department Broadway Saturday afternoon; con- small have Christmas Furs laid aside. in our history. for obtaining landing stations In the Jour- deposit you can your country. tained keys. Reward, Return cities and towns of the The nal office. JEWELRY plan is to have the niunii'lpalit jet DIAMOND PLATINUM construct and own the stations, such See Special Window Display. COLD JEWELRY a place would COlUM! ot u big field tor landing and starting, some sort SILVER TEA AND DINNER WARE of hangars, quarter for the flyer Rid of the Torment SILVER NOVELTIES and g tool ami supply house for mak- ing repairs. With such an equipment, of Rheumatism LEATHER COODS aviator COUld make four or five bun-dre- mile a day, Captain Pouloi AND CLOCKS I On Coats WATCHES "Hemi me Pel? Kidney Pllla. am 20 Reduction Children's haillv done up with rheumatism and Christmas is fast approaching, and in favor- i Lev art do- only thing dial ludn FELIX DIAZ PLOTS me." A. J, Walsh, Bneffela, :lo, ing visit it will repay you 14, complete as- us with a in securing r.beiimstl.'im la stubborn as a mule Our entire lint' of Children's New Fall Coats, sizes 2 to a suggestions. ANOTHER REVOLUTION II hangs on Ilk a leech wears out your strength- - worries yqu With pain sortment of styles and colors, over 200 to select from, on sale this week at -- drugs on your vitality depresse V HORNINt JOUHNAL tPIOIAk llAttD WIMf on, mind alfecti your health! "The Home of Qualit)" IT, Uovern-ment BI Paso, Tex., Not. Don'l It hang on you! Don't Kvc or- let agents here today received up 10 It! Don't overlook Foley Kid- der.- lo he on guurd against any activ-it- t ney I'llls! for thty wink dlrectlv on along the border, on the part of tl.e kldneya ton" up and atrengthen 20 REDUCTION Coles & Company PeNk I'iaz or persons allied with the tl em to tna perfect action that keeps old rluerta-DI- a regime it is report- urb seh out of the blood, and cleara the past dire, weeks away the eauM rheumatism, lum-liog- o Central ed that during Phone 583. 223 West Kellx Diaz and General MondraKoo. ami stiff, swollen. Cl lug Joint. of war, Ilegln now, today, and soon ymi will tormerly lluertu's secielar.v from pain. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M have been In Monreal. Canada, con- .igaln be aedvii and free Mr. Walsh wind up his letter tj us ferring with persons formerly otiv Foley Kidney The Golden Rule Dry Goods Company m MegiCan polltlCa II i" likewise re- hv laying: "I onMtr Pill the best I have ever use,!, and I 1,(49 rlflt-s- purnhawed ui rm-ediss- ." ported hat ( have tried eevtral iJlrtetent Montreal, hav,. bB MMM to ancou-ve- r Your drugrl "ells thorn. iwswoEtagj for shipmenl to the Mexican west faxagl Bold everywhere. SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1915.

heads off. a rvrrTDvT stwnpii in. il In lniil.v He the Meanest By would .mi their ( Ain't Man? Bushnell Hlbngucrqa? hitiK a vrrnmvnt conducted GftS. HEARTBURN tlx kivi n free aeeeaa to dumaaed al-- u hay and fodder. It coat Mr n.hlll a dollar a month per head morning journal at the name lino furnished an in or raKu would M Maltl in ,i. mt t" 'he farmers in the deal INDIGESTION OR the protection of American intrwil n their land iii the winter and JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. due la nrarnr (,f American territory.' 'turned worthless hrty bate eaak. It Hut no onr claim lh;it thi- - Monroe (was 1 iiamp for the farmer who O A PTaaMaat . --a I Tl . received hi money irrespective of MATHCIlOX ,. . - I.eVoiid llmlta of I t I Wn'-'.- t W T. MeCniClOHT ..touiar '.,.- thr II" Hl what happened to Mr Tanm hili Th. A SICK STOMACH ft. U O McAl.l.HTBR Naar M"'Wliol ihe iv. stern and, with experiment proved very profitable. MouQAN 4. it. Thi- - gfaW steadily d the rox IgMt jimllcr, Juimn claim it Monro do steers .irina u - put a j tunc M her own In ih- laf Rail. whiter and on little eltra flesh everyhody is teyiag hand If thi- - Ktliplao official am Now their "Pape's Diapepsin" at It. Mr TannehMI has ala.ut three Ends All m. -- BU4la. Chlra, (,, lint:. thy era1 teInie from nil hundred load east ..f Koswell this full-M- Her-for- d Stomach Distress in K,,..f-.I'H- . plno. If they are turning criminal year, in. luditiK fifty d All II R MIUKIM, looae. It la the Filipino who will mif-fc-r l,.;!l calves John r I', k, an- m Five Minutes, from own If they are other oldtimer has somethiim like rt thilr .pi. three hundred rows and cnlv. a nn prmarvlriK tlx- Putt! it auaom AU)v.riw. ft Ha Art pastuie. Nearly every farm visited el Arin-r- i - Time Dtapepeln I. l hrahh; if Hoy hate yesterday vvas fully live"- it: Pape' will st .1 Centra f MarcO lITt their stocked with you l aaytbiag eat and overcome "tha ppar uina, that Ihfir 0W bwMMaVi and jriw riniilatlon man ar,i sour, gasay or ItOBiatfh is ! Halle Th Mir PAP' if thi-- arc ilrlMnt; .uiiitnl out of the surely within five minutes. avarr 4 I Mexico laauad rar iland, thi't HVt r mviU'd fotfin NEW BOTTLING WORKS If your me.ils Jon't fit comfortabh TERMS Of t BSClUPTIU.N. capital to rorhf to thf tiland.i and Of what you eat lies lik.- u lump of OaOH, FOR DEMING ANNOUNCED lead In your tomach, or If you Dajlr bf rrta r ' thrr l pUnt) of room for It ut kMH have heartburn, that la g algn of IndiKeslioaV NUTICB TO il'SHrRlllBRl. when-M- it horrid May Get from your phsrmaclat b arrtllee a'tc.AL coaaaaPONDBNca to joubnal, fifty, sbeerlbara lo ih J.uro' Any will tilvi thniaflvea an cent cas,, of Pape'g Dl U'cpsin t.ik.-- U N M IT. B. r.ard-- 1 and 4i Ibalr papar onnd I'eminK. Nov. 1 , dose as soon you t.a aura to ! olO Addf 1 (mi Kot i riuro hi f thai aatitMl Just can Theri ln nut in of Bl paaOi who was in Dentin will be no sour risings, no . t,.. it battel belchta af ha A atree-..- Bn4 tan not ftvc ihnn Tho H...rnlne J,urnJ Mfhat the first of the areek. anaoaneetl ilia indigested food mixed with achi, 111, IbBO acr-rH- ed M M ralln la otbf he will open iii a bottlins works it itotnai h gag or heartburn, fullnees p.p.t i. n. ui."-- n' Dentins" as soon as the buildliiK can hi r heavy feeling in the stomach, gait eoaatructed for He has alread? MM, debilitating flHMM Villa ii who had heal him. headaches, di.zines ordered ,nou worth of bottler, will ir Intestinal irrip'ng. Thi will all go. HpollInK 11 hati'.'f tfl "tleun up' fat the name of Dentlnaj ,,11 them. Al md. besides, there will he n,, snip Ihr Alio in hi patrol lound, when th thoUfh he has not siKned .1 lease, h" Il food left over in the stomach to poison JOI R.SAL likN priata opliorlunilv Cavma, thai the AmrrUan of Ibe oiiinioii that he will with th, your breath with nauseous odors. Till, I la-- Realty company boura iM thlrtf Bnjoyfd iliinif to do n lit If rlran ugh and w Pape's Diapepsin is a certain ctta ol irlmlo Aaanflalinl I'raaae Wltten for thirty fool frontage 01 for stomachs, be. it waa-- use I -- 1 nn up, and oould do Hie Joh pretty tin wlra frb avenue, near boulevard of your digeaU ) pm,llaba4 Hlher railroad 'akes hold food and Ma olbar napnirr la wall. expect to ere. t a modem preaaeti as If your Nam too takea m ora Hia lie iust the saniu Itomtch Mn it with a! t ant four hMir .il Aaalala brick buildiim and eipnp vasn there. aervlra) Uia ihe latent bottling machinery. liellef in five from all sp, aurllul IIMI Mm h I AKI.M.. minutes lull Mr. tlardner has CoCOa l oin Hghtl mach misery is traKlttg for you at gy for the three BOUthWrattrfl Mexlcai Jriii; store LnjoSina n, mini, n ,,! felMOd hM counties. The invlgoriitlng "coke' These large flfll'-CC- nl c;:ses contata luted traiKiullity unions Iba kkmiI na l'-- l II I V Sm T kA k will he made liirlit here in Ucmins 'BOUgh "Pape's Diapepsin'' to keep 'J I ill'f A V DeMtag'a famous pure vva he family free from NOVKMBBH Ji, llonH of Hie "orld thi OnHM Stalin nd with entire stomach : - r. The purity of the water Is wha Usorders and indigestion for many - il upportunty to ha nn iiim x.iioph ttravted the factorv to Deming. nontbg. It belongs in your home im it ii n to i in wkmwM. laki atock of Itxi lf, to make u com-plet- e inventory of ii racial, wcla i of It now tppHUtU ill. mi thai otir and material MaaMi and lo Indulae In - Hal imaraatlW iopi- for t?ona4ara I delllienite ainl well ordered bOVM-- i ion in ihv iwmlni actaton of 'n-hi.'- leunlnif. to rhiiippunH. - win rttftta ihf Thire Ih h.iiill i Iraiifh of en- ClialltHiliaa Miliar of Mlntmaoiii. I'eavor or a rln- - of vlllieiiry in this )) Maiillu Is I rrlurnril from ifffntly, i ouiilry Unit in not iflVrteil. mentall nuir in WMMagtOH with .1 hill knllo and malerlallv, by Ihe unforeseen and out for ktM adii'.liilHtriitlon. Ha atettm yet treiaendoua upheaval In other to Inur madi' ' Invrnl Igution oontinanta. The tnlatakM and of loiidltiotiH in our Inmilar ollini il of other natloiiH, tiilatiike and ttMy laid. poawi ARiott. ami Huya ura MMMMea ii t ikim" baan half n The alU'KcHofiH arr Utl In vet ompli.ihini'llt, how ItaDJl I. Thai antlAtiirl(iin lovlliiK; leveahd to U, iiilKrelt. Hallilit, epi .unonM tho native hna lno-- waiim M4 nnd loyalty dimoiiraKeil b) tMj In oheeklMB off nnd iln.nilfnng otirj I'levatloft of dlUirl""i ill own oast lenlurv of nitloliul Hie. ine rlfiie ix in If cerv nature a nation hsorver she suddenly seems to ilisap- - intereata in afftcaj commercial lent lo poortal ii well an the moat proer- of egotiam, pear, as the wavy lines blend perfect-- ! States and to create a Wl Iv t a Um with th,. ripples waves on the standing in of chu , Thil lat eMavamaiita ofjoua uie foaMMPorn hh trail No one llvln under a republican and America 1 surface of the ocean. Krench women's activities Aini'i it huh have I'erli dim rediied aa4 native ciltaen. the arttua and the fi form of novernment can chtriab any Ihe MltlVM now have m .iiit - ,,, ..,. icaeher and the toiler, thin,, hill ,'intiiL'onisin Im' a liiiiniii'i H.Vl) that ti. lu PACEt) THINKERS, FOUR INCHES OF SNOW npi'ot for Amerlean p opli mil l'i"U- - thi- - politli laii and itie ehun hman. ad-- 1 ruled bjf mlUMrian. The PriBCrplei (Newark MfWa.) A i hi ion. viw4ly may ii.ntii ipaie in the timely. ,,f i n- ana are ootnplataly opporjad to patron of Mr. Dana's library FALLS IN CURRY COUNTY 'Wfr IgarVes people 111 J. That ran H ampag bUflncM of rindllM mil in what nn nn- tin. principles ,,f the other. Yet We that the who browse rtfl the fiction department look happy and who or o ihe native ofin ahoMaM ure they have contributed to in Germany an intense love for peaceful and contented, while people IMCl.t COBBIBBONOBNCB ID MOBNINO JOUBNLI With Last Month's Salary? Mi, I, n pulilii i. ii, 'i ami tilled 111 tarda the constructive advanoeMent j court try such as m inikllt he DrOUd who frequent the technical room look 'lovis, X. M Nov, ;7. The laces coiiriiv inn Mm. at their country if If this nation were (0 it 11 upon its Jills, rable. The phenomenon may he of Currj farmer are wrcnihed thus The people In in smiles to. lav. and there is rejoicing, 4. That the Kieul u it ih neobabl Unit all of th 111 to give their eaergy, their tuba bxntainad. the technical room are engaged In think-ItiK- . to... among the town people, for Curry i n .iinl of have of Ainei laana haa undone now in the turmoil war done stanci their lives for its inainlenance. and thinking Is the most violent county vvas yesterday v isited hy a YOU ever figure it up! How much did you I nl oeMUttona meaaotni to ealth thr mine of Ihe wise things and Home of Work thut the human being does. A heavy snowstorm. The mow com DiOspend for clothing, food and rent? Did you spend paoptt uinl of farm ai Ihe UliwlHe things that have mat lied Iryan lav. football player plunging through the no n. i d falling early in the morning line doesn't look happy. A runner and continued uninterruptedly until it wisely? ' aaJaf, ,wn voiiiik iiuiionai career; ami pn a ith htm, j winning ,( rgCf w, ars u look of an- noon. At bast four inches of snow 6. Thai w ipde.-al- i- p udons, BMUfad now they ar. paying the price ol .11, louymoits guish A man thinking is engaged in lell hire, and ill the northern pail of "'fnTtHlfrl pnlltli nl influence, have iMrb J'thitr error or gaining the advatttat 111 more strenuous undertaking than the county, In the wheat belt.i the BECAMF, of the rest? How much have MOW haa, ixparlarient, ,.r Ho w I foothull or foot r uing. if course he was from siv to eight in, ad ihe papal colony their tOiaaUtil timt a have litory man ill tell you hat it WHAT y looks wretched. The inoW arm worth thousands of 1I0I-lnr- s in your pocket? Not much! The Thai news. speclnlly 11. on lbeH,.t ,,,, baton us, n a vast and epoch-- ; is fine strategy ti to I'urrv county, ns it insures dollar has a habil of spending itself. It ue. ,, Of I Mot,, country, oanaorad and Miale, ,1 deinoiislratlon Uie vital Without runiilnc. .1 Wll s li Mills H ( KM Plenty of moisture for the wheat for op. II ions on. on ed h Ihe govern- - experience of those older countries An Intensive search for revolution- the time being, nnd will go far toward I OUfl insuring wheat crop next year. ;nelit. Which the parent binds of VIII lloW ary war relies Is being conducted in the for 10 salary week me becom k-- r",l(il.'KF. OUT ner cent of vour rath bgi upper and Is proving fruit- The Clovta 'realm ry Produce 7. Thiit Klllplnos have 11 put lamtty of slates. lo avoid getting under the nl, gollltc Manhattan ful, one of the most Inter, sting of the company, on Tuegdej and Wednesday T and put it in Tl IE STATE NATIONAL BANK W o v i I M 01 w pi it eatad he os. In. hive How many of their blunder hnw control of a president ently heing hu.-k- of this week, shipped 1,700 dreaeerl le toiind articles a before you spend a cent. ou can do it if you will. In uln thai they want i.nlv white we cominltted Of are we committing, with th- - inscription, "G. It. ftleorgi . turkeys, besides a large number of I nickcns, (tucks geese, poul- - small men In authority nver Ihem. how many of their oxccII.ii.oh h,ye Mrmana are leiiorted abort f '. th reglmeni Honghlv and tills You can't be checked if you mean to win. A On were Wu.i all punhascd locally and th I. liiiHlneHK s slauiiant md we or we achlevlngT The sausage, dogs BCrttchfd Ihe reverse the will Resolve to save you will need it. Thai achieved tra il they unloosed the iti als .1. investigation fflicov- - nroney paid therefor repreaenu a snug amount start you. la at 1." bus ipllitl Is Inn kM the islands. opportunity toi ronparison of war. rod the prohahlc owner In the person "um naliad by tin farmeri of CVMry I'or this aliened condition the nd- - hand, lime for stock-liikitiK- , tor go- of First Lieutenant .lames Bdwgrdn county, 1,1,'llir., Of 11,1. I II V...U K.'An r... BUaMrMMb of the iovernor ganeral vernmental nnd industrial Inventory Politic il parties should make a list In Km NATIONAL BANK II bt droducad the md nUbWtLL THE STATE is blamed, mg aaafrted ihat Mr. making. pi patty planks that are contraband. Navy Journal. UlblILl Harrison, u congressman li.nn Within few rtnv h coimreHs will GOING IN STRONG FOR .Ne Voik, w,i eattined to thi poal meet In rCtUlW sesHlon. anil more Mr. Bryan s at peace Willi spoil 1 n OH hi ut lit 11 ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. hw uiiso he was iinbio .1 "ilh the than Ovf hundred men. aaeb with .1 except the I'nlted Statci (Loudon Dally Mull. ) LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY nation Central Second iiryun idea thai lh phllrpainei rommlaalon t have a voice In Ho As inui be imagined many of the Corner of Avenue and Street. j l territorials w ho came out to shnuld .Hilled Inlo an lndeien-.len- t maklni of laws and the ahaplHi the front IBBICIAC COBBBBBrNOINCB 00 MOBS.NO JOUBN were, speaking generally, drawn from N M., United DtpQiitor) Santa Fc Railway Depository pus to i Koswell, Nov. z'. A striking Stala itoMllimciil al the earliest govrrnment, win b titttt parti. With Scissors and Paste 11 higher somewhat a ph. le than change haM collie over the fanning atbM inoatanl MM tbal the Awierlcan pate Mniiv of them will pgtrOtk'U wore the members of the average bat-- 1 dtelrjet (.1 arouad Roswidl the laal tew U THE ltUK tallon of wag flag should hi hauled down Within try to do the licet they can for their hush regulars. This fact weeks The lat ins were as 11 rub 10 Rhouldi r. vight brought forcl-Ibl- ) few year ul tbl furthest, oountry, ami many of them will de- ilder im homo lo me somewhat of livestock and now there are thous- once 1 B - when happened lo inter of cattle, Bheep, horses mule In vote 1 abtlltlea to the maaufuc- ands and That the present gdmtnlatraMon bait wayside cafe. Healed In a backroom grazing alfalfa nnd atlng damaged Df toi In 01 the laland bus turned iha kovarn lUJre trampalan thunder life wart a couple territorial rooruiis, hay and treat fields of Indian coin. t a v K .standing feel hn.M.i they were obviously 11 in. nl ovii to Ihe unlives too lupldly next yeur's election. t'olllpa six ihc rnej of superior kaffu guru aiul othei rodder in shock. war; stamp, and as Uie partition was very Hueliii is believing s is aitdoubtadly true, and that thefts lew of Ihem j well c. pupped for Ihe and an hour "Dlvil 11 Wan" is afraid of a foe. thin I could hear them talking. Pres- drive esterdaj throilSh the farms east Home of thew 1 ., mi araheiali nenta ara ommon la work battf thaw. iff to the front liav a the darlin'a been ently aiuriit this scrap of converaa-- ,,f Koswell verified the statements lucky all nnrts of the islands among the un- are totally without Informatio sent lion heard in town about the stock being Thank your Courage, and hpuayty live in inch "YoU nuiv btttavO H or not, my e live nfft , h.,1,1, in. s also truft any measure ot lejiislaiioii dear Inti ad on the (arm. braaaC fellow," otic of thWin obieivcd to the ('. (!, may v Is side to it ink The Iwst thill we can hop.- for TannVhlll be si led as the Put there another Kverv last one of the laddies is bent other, "but I givo von my word wns Of winleVing la people w h. father of this method stars was a mis- from congress that the 111 1 nig over Ihe PhlHPblnea moving that Ireland has given intended for Ihe church, In fact. stock A year ago he brought In 'ti v. take. Those islands are so reMete iindetstand something of the neatti her belt vviin on the point of helm; ordained about three hundred steers to last August." that whatevi r (heir government of the country will keep Ho n repre arbtlnd Dexter. The wise ones g s our ayaa uanncrs oi ' 'What stopped yon. then?" if you feel that way seriously In- senators advised as to "M nil ai IM shook their bends, predicting Unit his miahl he. it could not antatlve and cjira, his comrade, sympathetically. good tel fere with Ainciicon intciests, pro- what should he done, ana mat ine 1,, ,1 Ann uo hnun imil Tiriini "This wnr, of courac." about it when you get vided such government was imi our lawmaker! will have patriotism1 Mayo and I.lmerlck, fork and Klldare, your but there adVlCC Wave a our IV service from tires, own Ail III .1 Dewcv s ..I.JccU've gll to lake good. when fareftall, and hearts Puii.osopiiK not'iir- llll turn tb stone. I UMMOXrj was Of the Spanish Heel is a deeper and more under- destruction All look to Ireland when men big and (Chhatlan Science Monitor. I For Piles Thai ltd! d. Iv h lid Mr. lliltoiir's recent statement In standable reason. to uphold the he, II Are needed in battle the house of commons, in Ihe course Pyramid Pile Treatment, It Uaed At I of which once Ins ai ges nl tillllljioll, lid ti" he again defended Ihe Home Rtid .11 Irishmen fought against policy government In pub- Hu Savei! a Vait The tire that you and every other Then-necessit- W hive of the not The (pallet null -- lishing statistics of tiirman ubma-rine Number from tho Honor motorist undoubtedly want most is not W lattci needed those Islands for the for thi And carried the harp to the front losses, had an exqulalte piquuney of Operation. I, of our Bommeree, The of tho fiitht. nil its own as coming from the author the result of hit or miss efforts. in!.. Don't permit n d oper flag win, isM of "The Defense of Philosophy ingfirous ulm ihat ITtdl follows the .dim iwrmoi ' ui d afelv keep the dear laddies In Doubt Mr. P.alfoiir was filled with for piles until you have What to almost ItfJ nnd the Inst for green, Pyramid Pile Treatment can do for Some great factory has gone .i.iv philosophic doubt on the matter, and in privacy homo. ffl , 11 only jou the of your own I omul, Hi "ran Invoked by is a narrow man who tee their Ion fs mothers and wives the house with that quickneM to giiisp, the limit in giving you the best that c Whp wished 10 see tjMM ihe and none of the virtues of "i t the a unncctlon, which is characteristic human ingenuity can produce, and Lloyd-Qeor- Unit are and Unit la i under Uie American Tunic his opponent David p Hearts tender aits nettled itself down to supreme enjoy flat are keen rheni as first lord reasoned he u., flag. follow) is a man of breadth the stakes its reputation on the result. dot follow the but prevail litmselt Must not in- vanuulahed ou land or way through "every gradation, trom, III! Ion ( pi ices urrcnl fallow the and inresiaht by uiaciua u proper val- - on sen. abaolute certainty, hy practical assur- That's how Diamond Tires are built lines of I, 1st featoM uce, as the trade uo ami appieeiation upon uermeny Ihnvelv they're striving Ihe light to ance, dow n lo faint possibility." Were defend; and the great factory behind thexn is the larg- in-- , the admiralty to confine Itself to 0 .11 a, 1, wiili lie liilted tatea i litdomlUblo stunt in the oml '.on rd for nld Krin each glorious enumerating eases of absolute Certain-- , est rubber factory in the world. dan oil- - opera rlth En iland, hi is bet mlllbiiv (Jona bov tv It would undoubtedly b understat- Il is not that Herman patnoiisin in Vti-- war is v then back to send, ing the truth: If It were to Include all; The horse-sho- e was all right to nail ihe sens, of love of country deepj our lads, and you'll irlvc us unpur-enttmen- l the eases of reasonable possibility it "r bani-doo- r, four , J05 eMiggerating A fa- over the but for the garage lint.-- Slates 10 h, consider, d. The for national Ideals Is great-- 'Ulelfd would be ihe truth. miliar dissolving view of the stales Diamond Tires on the wheels of your car con- nearest port ol Ihe Philippines I 11 or more profound than the pa-- 1 . man and th, philo.soplur. stitute the best omen of good luck ve know mote ih. in iy thousand miles from Irtotlatll of other belligerents 01 ROU I III .rim i rPi USED. I S. I I N M . anything about. thO west ,s! ,,t tin tinted SI ilea, trals. but that the Teuton Im thi Popular lofiec.l III II IMKlttt iIMsent 4 tdk v., Thayer, a prominent Amer- women who than SIX miles capa It) lot- show (ng bis patriotism '..dl The same Trench a lie hlllldl,,! ican artist, has devoted many y ear to tu,. collection of totta and toya to Remanvber Prramid Farttt Pila. "FAIR-LISTED- " PRICES: l in it at 1 he most untj DIAMOND or th which tin- - of He eXI OOlttOn mil sale, un- sttidv of eh is animal. a.meHea for No case can be Bailed hpelee un- BUM- - I'latS&l thai each inlmal Is colored by der the auspice of La Vie l". minlno. less Pyramid Pile Troattnenl hn hmoi fi Diamond . to prV I u-- against Its own ure publlehhi; a monthly review for tried and has fiile-t- LetteCO by tbl 3- Srxe Squeeee nnlure people their A - E$& Is The cor from v.ho believed us-li- pkrtloUikr enemy The coat circulation in the united Stales Nagasaki It will not do lo paplkla thi am libra's In Wee. They to eonfuae the enemy most new monthly is culled Pandora. The casoa hopelean are our ilttli ' 30 x 3 $ 9.45 34 x 4 taOvlOWO ot deoifned fairly breathe the Jov of the Japan is pot mil, I,, the CnUedjed and mental state the to l in and in writers dang, roils the .ehr.i. review half French half Test Pyramid Pile Treatment Jour-self- . 30x3V4 12.20 28.70 I'n. I'.ei by phraaM tti.-s- Mr Knglish pho- on, Mx4j itr Thru inteiesls m the man iople superficial Working ou same lines. and is illustrated with 111 her got a box price 33.90 cou-,,,- , 14.00 07x5 dash and .en between im,, The popiilui f ishtou is to account for Thaver ay thai it is a great mistake tographs and drawing. It Is primar- from vour druggist or mail the 32x3'z to our battleships a plain grav. ily for women. The, literary urlichs , l,,w right ear a; for a perfectly 33 x 4 20.00 38 x 5 46.00 at later, is certain it by snymg h is a produa of th wa, paint Altnougn tin war paint is mucn raw are In French, and the fashion news. fr trlul . II of nl of the Philippine, mm him of that is a esult suitable than the w hite ialnl used I?- - society Item and stories about trench nevei could defend natlomil egotism that . rentes the he for., tb, Spanish-America- n war, even activity in doll and tov manufacture FREE SAMPLE COUPON ills-'ar- I Is Kngllsh to COMPANV. ag Hist t le HI and Ihe ftrW p .int .llel that l)ei in.iliy ,s populated l,y a Ihc grav col.u visible at a great in The contiibutora PYRAMID nitl'ii To prov, his point are Kugcne P.rleuv. M rj I Wa 111 Bide.. Marshall. Mich. wool, ck. ol supermen taper. the artist the first number th) r.ic obtained permission from the war de- Trletan BorMrd, Deo CMrotie, Mich- Kin. Il,- semi ine Kr) sample of - - . (iovetnor lb toi.,! Il.iiri.-o-n ha Theae e(lanations an- not suffl- partment to paint the mrpedoboat de- - ael CordaVS', J, in Ahard. Marcel r. PjramiaPilaTraatmamt, m plalu wrappt been trying 1, all.w th. Kihpino to cient. No machine, tin .miaul or.ytrnyer Patterson accordltig to hi Mar. ellv lenavrc, Mnic. 11a-mo- n aray Alme. Name theniK loam Ihlna uracil, al nrnduCeB ih,- snlrlt whare. IdeUB. Long, wavv lines on the Kernandet, Krneet Charles. uo et n war much Julia Bartet and the editor. Mile. Val- Street e of to born. No elP paint attract Mtcntion by dolna: 'hen er teacher patrloiiam when the slim hp la eloe at hand entin" Thoniinn Th aim of the City RUt bnoWO Mini ib HI I M can can teach uel for but In n he stofims away from iln-- mimmiiie w ill 1,0 to proniot ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, SEVEN MORNING SUNDAY,rst NOVEMBER 28. 1915. CREAMERY TO OPEN 5TOCK EXCHAN9 IN DEMING TUESDAY K Toi life Wnt rt fkM in DRH CLASSIFIED COLOMH n.. The Mini- - i J M T) will open up SESSION BRIEF ly. All the lab a) uiipment hn beer, rt r- - under the supi , RAHCEQ P. rlunmleigh. inan- - II, TOO frame, mod-- Owi A II W. th.' V!- Raid mat no is reauv AMD ern; corner lot. laghth St. iter, who annouiuea LIFELESS North i'i sr. mii a big so.'U- as mo ii COO 100U4-- wn in imu sj . 11. frame: lot. ; lent milk ha loon ren-ived- highlands, near shops. announces that RENT to bUT econd hint fi rnltnre. Wa The namiWHI r,00 dwell-- ! ! 12. frame cream will received Tuesdays, ana pay the highest cash p rice for used U up ins, moUern. S, St., cloee In. three-roo- m four-roo- modtrti ! .if each wci to I o'clock Arno MMCMIEi alfalfa and has good K: Banks Report Increased Busi- ; port furniture, or exchange new for old. ilternoon. $3.000 frame dwelling, mod-- bungalow, coun- ricit with tteeplM in if"' - owner has to leave , , Seo u befoic buying m are aiii'iu tiireo nunureu i ern. tir, (,'..u t, lino shade, good out- ii.i Itai Coi r. eaal Ther ty will year or on M I ... 111. II ". ness Activity and Reserves and lease lor sell lout, fourth wan) ii eOWS "H u " '. I',.' building. 3rd ward, close in. Quite a number' of easy payments. Will also sell ten in, mi ill price and terms nreseni time Decrease About $10,000,-000- : $1,250 frame, bath, electric' ,e throo of the batM run heS have been shipped in lights, Kighth St.; Wtlgoil and harness Jiliv rattle lot. North Uy listed for ale. If the canvass w. in.ul.- Tin fa. Some Loan Expansion terms. IFliPall, C "'. ,m have atiout five hundred $1,800 modern, shade ivant .,ii. h it will pi TOMTON & CO. it run full tone. The frarre. am i iim, w before M and fruit trees, good the ate i.uvinc. Qetd 'iiir Phone 482. 123 South Scctiml street. , i egpecls. to 211 West Avenue. v.,4 hat ho turn fine location. 4th ward. KOI pound of buttor T MOkHlhl JOUlM. liC,, lOIID .. l t iboul aj $2.000 frame, modern, cloee present , ohditions. Now 27. k t,.,,. Oi' York, Nov. Today' brief in; 4th ward. i bo readily absorbed session of the stock represent oooooooooooooooooooooooooo This amount market $3,000 stucco bungalow, mod I FOR SMJS market. There is no ed llttlo more than the caprices of th ..I f.As""i' "s"noiT. ki'sT a ;ik., .o i:. m i i kvi r (tin o.i .. the I""' ern, nigh. .mux i lose in mm l" .",i'i ,'aaml avenue ,ii tho faet that the faetory is. professional 'lenient. Msl Bargain Mouses and loll Eight, 1(H HI NT. 1 Li hul,:.niils hTiTilvinJ! a!Tt, manner to to only 224,010 t.i)T lh model 1,$N p 'I ! ',,.,.0.1' m amounted j loom l, hi., rooms com- Co. tm t ll-'- with hath, - i fold iiilina speetaele l r :. i to- buttar, ind of which metal contriloi Pll thret best llio '1fltf PorterfieU 1 . loom buck. eoinei plete oeurooms; line location, tn waru orlli Wslier ,loiif : I rmio.l Neatly rurnlihed; sleep- ot management Si i ,t ,i hi ks from and V,,.,.,,,,, uii.n the to uisualty large proportion, We I.old. two Central ing Borchea, TTTST I l 1. :.s tl',1 Kla doable plumbing, "czsitrtt I - will II build 01' :' reputation that mak There were tentative gains of Ileal F.state. 1'lre ,,,ans. near tea-- nn,l perfectly aanltary, 1624 Kast , A. FLB8CHU .n.e 'i,nn ,ell,.'ii r,in- - ' inter sought after in the to three points in the usual varety Of plaater ,n bw; i, w.ii,! HI', Wt i',,,i r I . I. MMUR Central avenue Phone SSI. imery will go nt-- c semi-wa- r tnuthwt-t- . 'I'll war and descriptions, theae Heal rotate and Insurances 211 West 0414. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo OlllM.IO lust as soon as being offset by irreRiil In cop. ; 111 South ter m irities Fourth stitft. 'Tl:l j volume of prod- - I pers prodttoe and petroleum. ' WANTKl) i 1, ii u KuMkneWK ls 6 7- I . I K.M.R Ponltrv Shares of the Investin' nl class werej Modern and oom flat, ,1.. I'll lie SJ Uveetork nod PROFESSIONAL A K I the week shows they hold $IS3.-477,34- 0 0 8 dull. that steam heal; houses, i,, WANTKIV is, uiun Uy mrrte4 man, caajl I reserve in ss of legal PIONEER OF COLFAX Tn ding in I'nitod State Steel was e.v modern, some turnishe,! ratal, bora od delivery Irogon. AO I This Is a decrease of A eomparatively light, the stock record-- ! ' '' '' '' '"tl' Mil' Park. a. r.. Kit tT $10,l;7,rt20 from last ear The st.iti leoil'-ifia- . COUNTY AWAY ilng a small tract!OBJ loss. VN"TKIl Pnltiit l exiterl'-iue- Uaatal giifKeon. jASSES ment lollows; o r, I i Htht urlvte family; i, . :' I, 111 if, 1'V.o Local bank reserves contracted by, 211 WeBt Cold. I narneli Actual Condition. RwMtl teiivry, A i a04m Pflffr, I "1! I.I .ino.ienla Made hy Mall. TO MOSNINI JOUIN-- !a little over $10,000,000 with a cash 2 irrl UeClM, 01tftCM Loans, etc., $;i,ri.:. 1.",.ii"0: increase, i i -- : , i n , M-- 'loss of about the anil a $ s m .( in, r Iss; N. Nov. 47. Robert hum nominal! 1,772, 000. tTASTRU ! ilil, lennp man N., III KI. elilll t toHngtr, j t .," j increase in mans. Hanks report an 9511.-330,oo- Hipping in 1 hares onnn. Neil, u i IIMDN 1 M, irwin a welUknown citizen of tho Iteserve in own vaults mewl alll Y 'NTS Orpingtun an,t sill m ION. E increased business activity. i!, I RoaWelL N. M., N" 27.- - Seveuty-jeigh- t r,,lV. ir i. Ill, Ithnhas rot MyaMaa ,i district f CoUax ounty, decrease, 16,MI, itiaek Mlneeoaa; n.i baal chick a,i ik,' trad-- j head ol fMblle 1,1 itti oi' .1. J Clarke, lh,,n HIT. anaJ m" BpHnRI r at 0 oYlo. k this Honds were firm with small Iteserve In federal reserve hanks, thousand i.itll, ei. In araaen. U II. M ran saia. suHi narnett Bld. ,1 dipptd fall in part of Chaves 2411 nai tl: advam ed age. Ing. Total sales, par value, amounted $14iMo2.000: increase, $4,21o,Oon. this thai Am,, l'h.ine t'UI IRM. Tl I t. ItAKKN BOrnlltg I a of Colfax to $2,72S,HOO. COUnly east of tho llagerman pasture I , ( I Mr irwin was a pioneer Reserve in other depoaltnrtea, RENT DwcHtnaa ill s ll.K l,h PtaetMM itnllrd la Kr, Nnaa nd south of the railroad, a district ixm , , , n having lived here for forty United States regular 2's advanced 007,000; increase, $127,000. land I'll (In etleni Thrnat. less than of i county s,.ruT 1st. r.I.,1 tncli Id, and having contributed much, to U per cmt and the regular 4's de- Net demand deposits, $3, 216. 020, half haves Stata Natl, nal Hank ttlilg. Mare - being . inl0r,n It I'll New M the ,1- - , Thenc figures are official, the l IIE.VI iFour-r- , ,,,n i.. ,1 upbuilding of northern clined S per cent on call during 000; re.ise. $s ,i5'l.000. ull fiiini UK. I , the count of the in- t.At, thy ln. ih. par, Main. Ill, I'ARTWatUUT deposits, $14: de. actual I'mt.d Stales ui Norfti Heeond aire, TIIKt ihata l week. Not lime an,, It I'r i. ll. e lo IVinnen'a and Chi' , supervising (he lipping. ugh to H Navaji Hda. Stock Closing prices: l ease, $10,000. spectors ron r r own in l, PlMeaaea. rbn and rysa. I. K. Tkewiai I' "i y Tarda, 71, dre' 26 Those figures tell a remarkable story aieepins porek. Wi .i.-t- Alaska (lold tt Circulation, $3,',, 101, no CIS' with ill Rait ttsaeldlna avanua. Altm rnu N M State II, 1!P, Weal Central. 34 j $S0,00o. of increase in cattle i ii Chavea county tvOaa. Phon 43. Phone 1,1 AliiU'iuerque. N. t. HI i.i: a ,n, of Eteel Sugar Is under the newer methods "l I'll Ml IUhIi. d Notes Interest American (b) Of which $170,490,000 ' ' H UK. S. VON AI.MKN &ii4 Utile jin the rang, and in pastui. klaeptna aorta uli 0. American Can speeio. taaael4; 1 In other words, as bettei methods are baaVa tea N'Mii Sf.ena im I'mell.e onlle.l In l e, f ar. Now From State Museum American 1.", oinotive 71 AggreKat,. reserve. $139,44 4,000. and Throat ue-- , followed a larger Inimbor n e.iitle laotw t ,V I reserve, 10 ; 4. Amer. Smell. Hefn II hxeess $is;i,4. ...i40; li.'iiiM,. Office lloura: lo I to may be grown Ihun m the day fn e Ken RKItT rarnlaktd. t,- - ,lni llaml,-ilil,- N"v- - Amer. smelt. ,i RefM 110 reaaa, $io,i7,C20. ft Kim SAl.R Kama Large Weal (Vniral ATen Ph' III fenta fa pfd.... rang i larm. porek, tly annltarv , ?IS niiislc, taken by defining 117 Summary of and no wlnu teed or cure. It leealaf mo IA, ranae rulaad. words "I Indian Ameriean SuKar slate banks and trust - N "lh Second ino-c- L101 s IN o to the 111 Vj jshows another thing. Mitch of this! Itreet champloiiahlp at Ariioim atat fair. Send MtKI'MIA were todiiv presented Tel. Tel companies in New York not i ,r Itiilo. tn ( Hi- American k (Heater phone tnveat-men- hiiiis'll IhroUgh particular seeto m the early daya t..nd further Informali-a- (o Auhrey in lol - I', ad nn. "f New MexlcO American Tobacco 2) included in i house statement: fr City Wall Museum Thur-l,- lack water S..UU1 Co. Praacott, Arii. Hunch d,lrr. nfrice llita Central Aeenue by i ; iwas of little value for of judK'' John U McFie, PWfi Anaconda Copper Loans, etc., $61 a, Sit,094 ibcreusc, Nala.n. Otfiaa lloura n lo II a. m.j 3 to 4 p. m. Now wul. i has been developed overt vit Ulfuranca, the fanimis authority Atchison . 107 $i,7liV,M0. KOR IIKNT Kur r .m uouaa. modern. rkoa itl: anatoHam Phn til. r, every I land composer, who 1 1 $248,-.',0- 'this whole area alnl foot 4H Waal W. T. Murphey, M tk. Medical Director nn Indian mns'C and pahiwtn Lbcomotlw SpoUe, 52,r..O0O; increase. groatntt, Anyway, lad. IX)H SAI.rr Ml ellnns,u. rteently lectured m the ot the A 4V may be utiiDed f.,r foil iTtSNT Buiali n bimgsliw, wsvyv tftnee haltlmore ohio by SA1.K 11,4. W Tho rocords are for the 4t'i Legal tenders, $9,,ri32.40o; this ihereaaa in cattle shown the aiili HaaatMi laMn porah, furnlahtd, W. M, SHERIDAN, M, D, Onvernors. ilethlobem Steel Increase. - nil, I, , Include love and 0 dipping ii crds Is siirprlMllM. It3 par ru.iinl,. C14 Wai Coal lull SlI.K- Hreaainu halv. bed IhObOfTaph and the Brooklyn Rapid Transit $64, $0" , ItRNT- - Tkraa-roor- n apart-meri- t refi Igeratoi I?? North Fourth Practice Limited gate songs of the Ptiebl,, Indiartf:. p. California Petroleum l!6Vi Total deposits, IS2,lvl,lM; in- - PiiR fuiiuahed , t with Ifaplng porch, modern. 14 Piifi JxTS Troh.raood lypewrlter. gia.d set arc also u Hloux lov'e aoltg and Pacific ISC crea.-e- $2,U5C.7ao. Promlru-n- Gallop Cotapte WihI. Genito Urinary Diseases and the are Canadian Houih Hixth ttrpft Impurx ( Ho. 'y hotel otdir lltl IH Second itren phr Tt Cheyenne flute sotig which 51 '4 Banks' cash to Oallup, N. M . Nov. 'ii One i the - Central Leather cart; BrirVSess is impossliile to dtiiill- o iim tii,i,al.'W wiln Full Svl.K llai.y cllapaltdf puah f"t it ChesapeaK,. A Ohio 63 31,:oo. weddings of iinportatii atnong ihe . Diseases of the Skin. C'naaml .. ln l r.h, Im i, niie, I. unlit ,,! ,ia new, heaap. 011 7:'J Welt gib them and they are the themes Chicago colnptVnl' Spanish-America- n peoirte or (IntTOp riW ilreat Western UH Trillt nnd water put, I. 1 C. pt r mohlh. 414 Wcat vrr avenue Tha Waaiermann and Nonchl Teat; Rah of two "f Mr. l.lournn, e's best known Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul vault, $r,0,fi02,iO0. took place at tho Sm led Heart iliun ti "fliH" Coal. Fult s.M.l: fi io, io h4n hio-- i varstin Admlnlatered. I'ompoaUtona, Tn muwa Chicago A 131 Thursday morning when Miss Vene-rand- o Cltlaaaa nank Indian Northwestern HlahUMa i i,i nr.a. one laundt) agn. M3i nidg l,e in a spei ial i.ieuraiico" 1. . . I 1 mar- 1. New will kept Chitaso. K. & Pacific ity. I LOIN in II it MMtlvl (lonzales was niiiled in W. a, i e II 1,1 Alhiiqucroite. llexleo at spe' iai formerly HUNT I, I, 4 and hnuaaa nace and will be used Chlno Copper riage to j. it t. iierrera. -- kUnuaen) pi new landion. tiul South Kdlth for s i i.i: arl D," tertalnnients. Colorado I'uel Iron Elgin. 111.. :7. r- High-,'.- 1 of Albuquerque, but ol recent years of , iia,, iii flaa ahap,,, caaii or leiine. raa E, E, HOYER, M, Via-Ho-rn and Nov. Butle- two foreign ,n Tin-,.- ' i no 'lel 4 p. Tin- ifiiiseum but Crucible Btael 100 lit 3t lobs at 32c CHllluP, where he is enflama 'be ItENT itabh I'le ,ii,. It, after in. Ma of tubs LiuiiKal'iM ehltdh I'liona J, IIOMKII TIIK I'll VHH IAN yesterday: Aeneas kenr.e general goods Miss n- -, . Denver C Km C.rande pfd dry business. i, mi ,m t to. " Whttinn llulldln. Phone III Mary . , Off0 Queenstown, South Africa, and Securities 4S Oanaalaa ia one of the Uw Hpanbih- - FOB ItENT Three room liillilali,1 d en itaa ,., i, .. it, i.iii ii, i. loom wet. l.nia.,. York, Distiller's M.W Hilv MKTAL M M!M 1 BiMping pemh, Ho lllati K. Lee i,i ll. nby ill Whariidale, . 43: American high school Kiaduatis of ltt( heater t0, 1110 Walt Hint. t.ANH AT I'OII MAS AMI glRVaVIIKS Erie uliaal. flu no 40Q.I dr!, Knglutid. .17C city . aWMUItfia fti d I ' Ut -' I.R Roll lop Willi revolvlll- - Oenernl Electric 2 this Th. ,,1' hrit' PITT Ituss, l' otiity surveyor; Kdrnund mus- New York. Nov. Firm. leaplHK I The following registered at the rit i.l HI NT Thraa l,,r ehalr, it heaiiiia itovl, lion hed and Rom. F. H. lurveyor. 110 Weal pfd 12C at high muss f o'clock. After Ihe . tlreat Northern Electrolytic 20c. por.-ii- fin niaheil : li", and old wnter. eum- C. -. Ulaham, Colorado o Rprlagii ii'oi haai mky Hail avian (told Alttii'iucriiua. M. M. tlteat Northern (ire ctfs ceremony wedriim; M.aklasi was paid. Sain h i.d avitue Boratow, S. B. Hklld-iiiu- ', Iron I'n, hanged. Iif.4 n in nth, water and Mulherrv airccl PkaO not. .spring, s W. iliiRgenhelm Exploration served at tho hiime of I lie bride' Waller. New York; Aeneas Mackenzie, couple left In tho even- FUR SAt.E ,'?;. BaleM Ml model i.nd-lle- i 'II! INAI. Illinois Central ION, mother. The linn iiinl or rmiii as"n (South Africa; J. K, 21 M Mth MOM A MAIlkKT. a aaaaeat :iii onni i ,, tm ck Mrlhdiiy Interborouch Consol. Corp.... . a ing for a wedding nip of about two aaata; liotlt good a naw. Tills II' E. Lee, with tt In In Mm Ki Tex.; Mary Cali- 4 l o low unit fur "f .vi'iit' Paso, Inspiration Copper tfi's month's duration t" points in FOR RENT Modern on Ionian "f II i.e. s'lllOllill Shop. IU Witt Copper. Mtlri Ynrk, England; Maui,, Blpugh, lar-ile- n New York, Nov. 27. r for aale; i lu call, :'t per no, nth. Phniie ho i'i.,t. Raphael, l.rxlnjtin uvrhiif. International Harvester, N. 1"D' fornia, FulTuAI.K -- Flue Clileketln piano In eii- - City, Kan.; Marcella l?alhoun. J.. ' 2"i to 3 per cent, i:'HiW. New Yolk. Kansas City Southern . 3t ocilcnt eaadltlon, nl,, liemlnii,, a ivpe Denver, Colo.; .Mire Devlin, Dawson, j I'.ar silver riii Vic. iTllNT- - Tin,' mom modern brisk, Lehigh Valley . lis IIKLP WANTl'.H. rou wilier and kitchen range, cheap, enah oi LADIES M Mo.; Mexii 12 Hrepl .Ilnl s.eepillg porch, US. Cornlel Kggteatoa, Hlater, LbkitAille & Nashville l t'i ii an dollars leriKC pavnieiita. 201 North Bdltll trid Cily, Mo.: (lovern ment Steady. Male I Innie i$!J !UI)!I. Vfh.n Irrcaiilur or d Elloabeth Burton, Kansas . 9i is bonds Fitzhen-Lo- x Mexican Petroleum a RENT- - h. at, I'llla. .'life and atwtr 1!. II Allen, Chicago: J. O. Railroad botttfk stronu. WANTED Jdexioaa I Ub.u-ar- 11.71 par I'.iH six rooai flni. hot water afiami Copper laO in) per wntor paid. In,iilra old ut atorea. Angoles: Miss Hhulor. Miss 17 day. Employment Aganoy, 111 iouih nionlh: WANTun WMrriiaanntgg dins t, Missouri. Kansas & Texas pld ,t- Co, will, othira, auve dliarii Cole, Katon; M. Barber, AHnuiuei- - K M, Third treet. riiolla 164. Fliat Sa.liiKa liinik 'fratt c. Paclfi, UVRSTtH MP.M W A N K ' OralB aacka Phon to. i:. w pm i' I Missouri ill for "RlUlt" and oho Ii II. Alb n, Chicago; Jennie RAM line o( ob open 1 (ue: National Biscuit iMh f.NCI.E ,. dreaa National Madloal 1 Cbx, HriHtol, Va.; and I. till year. 1 will .help yu set UB. Write HKVT IbxiniH Frank c'urroon . 4M Chicago hillock fH done cheap khd kee Wla National llnp-klii- HL'If.liIN'H nnd repairing Mrs. Camion, East Um Vegas. Leil for my Idg Kre lt'k, HX13ii. Eurl VNnrtiT Copper . Chicago, Nov. 27. Cattle --ReoelPtii C. well. Phone till, Nevada IVaahliiBloii, I' V fi, ' MOM IO 102'-- 00. Market steady. .Native beat FOR RENT M, ttol II e.i in haul. WA N'l : ' 44tmp and collection ll New York Central l l NT Ell M .I,.. oi.e I"- " nolo- rnni v., & . 7$ steers, 18,90(1 10.55; western steers,! Oram hulldhii; 3 OS Wiat antral, caah. bouli bajio Boa city. .".00. Ill) m t FRANCE RECOGNIZES N. N. H. Hartford. tnol'll mahal hi Sy, We make y,u it LOAN He at par Norfolk & Western I S 's. $.20tiX.3O; cows, $2,7048.00; calves, expert In Weak" ny mall. Pay ua irfter VOU IIENT Nicely fill nulled rs fur WA.NTF.lJ Dundla vfaahinal it miflt cent V. X.. HAITI E N PRESIDENT Northern Pacific 117 $ii.2i,fl 10.00. we Neciire p - n Ciiiiio Ant iitio- KtnUcutnn, 14. 140 .Noiili He ind hireat. ant I, no south s, i BC-- 1 Angele. Calif, Pacific Mall 32 Hogs Receipts 20,000. Market Idle Inlltlit,', Phon,, IIMW, .AKt ll.1 . tun, llu, e ,n,,l eloe JjCeJI Pacific . Tel 4 2 V, live, 5c above yesterday's average. MEN, good eyealsht, for VOh KENT Sleiini hcaie.l ruont, "inhtlil" repairiu. w. A. doff Phanetll C H I. I OR llllis. wiari on m a, jousnal aaiciAL lcaied Pennsylvania "9 Hulk $0 00 H 4.4.1; heavy. ftXtsftLVBi (irunaa aid trkmen ratlrpadi f,,r on two indiea or ma and 4nS FOR cuuntil loin,'! aad hultirnnl" ft lid hid will he rereived hy the clerk 4 p. The vicinity: UOO-II'.'- monthly no Noith Third nr.ot. N M Tor-ran- Talis, Nov. 27 4:10 m.) .167Vi pigs, $3.7,", ft' f. 50. Alhuiiuerque alck. apnlv I., n I. I.ev. ,a Alhuqurruiie. of Ol dlalrlcl No. Thirteen fill, Pullman Palace Car..... Experience unnouomury. Ansiver in EliK-ll- French government has recognised the Hlleep 2,000. OR ItRNT Einnlahed (or llmiKi keeplii. W. l.miK-,rt- Bounty, New Mexico, up to ten n'clook Uiiy Consolidated Copper 26 ltecelpts Market Itiillwoy Aanoclatlon, cam Journal. HPIRNM.A iMRHKTS. Ml. Haltlen govern Oar- - three yi i sleepo.s Boicll, Id private In the forenoon of Wedneaday the rirat day m4i of PreaWent Heading , wpnk Wethers Jfl 00fii.50: lambs.! fellow, pi lie I' v. KM Walter It A .put you may no lok, 1WI NortB Ivlfi. of Uttlehave, having received a satisfne-tOr- j 17.141 9 :iu. '"' YOP WANT when lioune: Second. etreetv f hccnihcr, for tint ercntlon a Republic Iron and Steel. II Ill tlw Navy your ach.,,,1 hnttftl In M'oititalnalr. New Mexico. reaponM to protest against the leiun useful trade'.' ' nl, i.i it Southern Pacific .10$ Vi pay continue,, whelhar alck ,r Wall. No wTn'tho ."ii Plana and apeciricatlons can he aeon at tha tNfttmvnl of citizens in Haiti. pound, " "hi. Apply Kxc , I'rench Southern Railway 23i Kansas t'iiv l.lvostis'k. hard tinien: Bavar laid ofl If you Behave POH BRNT Mod, ill '(Kline, Itlttftl heut; no ore "f W. It. mine after Novemhir U. The pa i tli the Re- . ' laahdry protest city in ular Studebakor Co .104 Kansas City, Nov. t7. Cattle yoorMlt N'uvy life la heulthy and ho It. :.ns U Weal ' nl nil, .iu lltl, The lucceaaful bidder will ha requir- Violation of legation MM and Inieaiigate .it Nov tie- - WAnTBU Yimni 'hirlns tha betid iiitlafnctory t" ihe lioaril the French Tennessee Copper u$iU ceipts 100. Market steady. Prima fod ''all I OK BB.NT -- bllaKiint furnllhi-- room, bath fd ed to ilvi , El HI wlni, C r ire ami quaallty "t faith-tu- July, when OtnWfal Oulllaume, then gtear 10.00; Irecf Htatl S04H l'a" ti"t. 7111 l'i"i fed of ichooi dlraotera coadllloa,! lor the l T'xas Company .212 $.25f dreiwed a, II,, Inlna Welt lead. II. president 1 anal nt, c,l u. 'lailie, io Ilti?,l pmturman f iha eagtraat, The board of Haiti, was removed from Pacific 14054 steers, $7.00(fr. .(J0; west'Tn steers, "" " o Uhlbn mil KENT T. well IMrnuha WANTKl) Ti a good farm (aim. the right to reject ny or all the legation by a mob and 9 50. i Had. building I'nlon Pacific pfd . 3vi, $0. 251ft N.25; calves, $ti.00Ji hath adjoining, W, t l.iad, S EN III CH I I Ml WllBllt ' "l pour la naih, i'T lee, ,r hide . Hogs 2,000. ll.KSM I'llll Pnltod States Steel If Receipts Market s l ull II Fiirnlaheil ,,', ma for mitt will a,!l Shiifflcharaer'rt It. U It ANTON, ,, 0 Co M oltlv SKIKI IIOI I'M .lo oah. I I atrontt, Hull ;fi heavv. TM Knulh T avenue, ( Ity. of I'nlted States Kteel pfd. lo handle 19 IK iiumto - a I, lioliaekeepiug. Second. rn o,.f er Llni Will Ooht ner Bond. Hits a High Opinion Chaintx . 80 "f Utah Copper $.tf.70; from i, line i t ahoui III Heat run' li K.N r 'Thr.e niodetn furnliliad W.i.NI'F.U jialr at good hrood ItemtMlv. si) , let ( Cough Western I'nlon $r..25.25. that have Iieen pro, lined lo'iiaekccploa rMOiaa 507 I.i 111UI, '. Ilil .r fiirm work. irtUNt t',' ai.i. ron Bita "I hud a severe cold on my lungs Wesllnghotise Kleotrie ,. Bheeu R celpts Market this cnilns aon. Llheral cmmla-lo- avflfiua. on ml ntni in IglH l"i' eaall. It II. Ni iv Mexico Slab l'i nltcntlary, Santa .. nn 1 paid. Ogly yrao luue an p- - A ,, o II nn u. in, i' N. M. for weeks. coughed and coughed Total sales for tho lay 234,000 steady, iimh $s 153 I 14; yenrllngs. thoae lull rtfc.Nl -- Twrt larse ir, .ut. houa, lo e ll.ii.lio i" re, t nolo will he cnnairirl, and would bo In my res'. ' $8.J wethers, $5.50 ',i 4.11 atabU4 i nu rooine. ulau t., ,i Ick. 411 I' tn sup p lie; to be furnishcl to tho disturbed shares. Full details in mat latter, rtitcililor ''"UKliinx nights. rocommpn-datlo- n Weal Hold. VOn IlI'VT Apiinmoiiis Nt w Mexico state in nil, ntlary nt On the Skirt 'M-16- 1 Wee, 'I hlrly h 0,, N y Va, M, tor months end- of tt friend I begun taking CIIICAOfc TRADE, Denver Idvcstisk. New York. Villi IlKNT lei fmnliihed FOR lliiuieaeeplng fur-Il- l Panto v six iihauii or Itr, i. pre. ramny, RBNT roooii ul Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It re- D' nver, Nov. 2 7. Cattle-Recei- pt.' adjolhlmt n nie nlihed rottigii iliaptn porcha ing Muv .1", 1(14, lieved me .it ,,ncw," writes Mrs. Oeorge Chicago, Nov. 27. C ngestlon of 300. Market steady. Hoof steers Phone 10IC. Wear -- oat Huppllea consist of grocerleii, meats, I emair. gram. MeCiManan, Huntington, Ind. When railroad facilities for MP iris appeared if) 7.50; cows and heifers, $.r,.ni"'i ilUnranai euii ,tt,j,N r al,ajwi'ii tiirae-ruon- i apart- diygooda, laathai and .von have a cough or cold give .stockers feeders, $0.00 ft WANTED- - fllrl tor 't,e I'd ion, no ment, light and water paid, III. Specification! nnd blank proposals this to b,. chiefly rospollslbb for the; and .11,1 F,)R RMNT Furnlihed tooma, 111 gouth eleilrlo 111. a im ni,, n to th, u- - remejy a trial. We are confident that appearance of an early that 7. 26; calves, O 8.60. Walt, r Phone 2UI. tflll Nr,h Flrat atreet ran be had on ,1; D- TTri 7 KelOTu: hoU. work. p. win pleased with it. price .Sheep Receipts 300. WANTl- IioiihI-Kdlth- . rlntondont. yl i, much took place today in the ten FOR RENT Uoomi furnlahad for everywhere. ..toady. No Phone i:: v,7 0raAdAvinu. WOK REJtT Office Honms. nids will i, opened at Uiii- - wheat, Tho market closed weak uiiotationH. it keiplng. IKiplng p.oili till Mouth c WANTKIV "fTotxl nnd houaigei p, r In day, l)e emhei ii, 1911, the same as yesterday's finish to l mn home. email family; s vnges. ?34 s, inn Arhv Fun RENT Furnlihed fi Ii ill s 11 McMANI'S, lower, with Dee am and TO Bleeping pneh, 110 S. Walnut. bar 11.014 CROWDS CONTINUE W.lNTBD per cute for KMtUt: May a k Houeeki rmil Iii Woodmen build Hnpel ililelldelll. $l.or,. Corn underwent FOR RENT - Ht earn heated furnlahed roomi, TOR RHNT Offll ulle childieu. Appl) lit! Mhuniain ftoad - V, M . 1c to ('antral. Ing, lat. Inquire D A. fdio- Santa fit, Novoinher .', in of 7s to net nnd oats of It VISIT STATE BUILDING Pin, lie IfllW with iieepms p,,, hea Hi1. Knit after Jum range provisions nheraoe On, net ifflee 14,.'. The final in WANT5f 'iltl for dining roapi, amerleuri Full RKNTTwo-- l o furnlcbed M ling TI .Ml ; OAItm. from 7 We decline to a rise of preferred, rhon P'.lu. Mil. V ii Raid, with iieiplni poroh, Mouth Mitll tieioai. coaailenNOIsti to Moasma joumnali ' IIKNT OH SAMv ISe, ll Kin F.ffiewfllU-Camios- Lookhaet ranch ilrot. e Mania fe, Nov. 27. Despite the tilaiU Unt It was not until news came of an I'KI) general roaue-- I kicNi ,ii light houuk III III FOR ftALIO UK nENT 'heap, aaveral ,,f WAN Bund slil foi fur iu Dally leaving lloawiU embargo having Iieen put n export lateneag the season the crowds con work, fnirllly ,,( two, Appl) mdrnlgjp), ,,1'ooiai, alecping p,,rch; no children no hoiiaea In good location. Klmon (bin 'a. pan(r nrvlce ,1 and i.irruor... at R;oo n, nu Of by tlnuo pouring into the New Mexico j ltd, Kant (Antral Prion 117 I Ml North Arno alt, shipments grain from Buffald Nortli Twelftti. IhroAigh "Me way f 11.11 building at Diego, following of fmc way of DHltlmOre that the hulls kWl San The WANTBD Ulrl foi general housework. So FOR FtBNT Two nice r Otnl tO polntg per mile 10 Mr. I t W ,1 , 004 far tnlrmdite of llenrish New Mexicans registered: and wn.hlnir Appl. Mia. S"l WllfllT, HI I'etlllelncll, alio nstii ks CO frw-Kx- cei control the whent market - nrsiM niwci'H Iha. hamnm,' carried. Belle HurM, Dexter; 1". R. l:y- - VVeai Tljerna nod, rn r,n s oith Brd- sentiment was given further Imaettt Mis. n.eime WANTFU ROfWKlt AITO CO., lata in the session as a feaull 01 erts, Socorro; Mr. and Mrs. Francis WANTKIr Apprviilio Sinn. We do accor- an old Owncra a Oprtotl Phona 111 that a lino to New York, which Stroma, AlhiKitierque ; Hoarard K dion. I.ox, aide phililn. .,'riitie drraainnii-Ini- c O, II,. .'' Schneider, ('arlabad; Mary A C'd, parlor a, North Hew-nt- atreei. ph,,ii of was rhokttd wiyt loaded freight cars lit Full RENT Nlc.l lurnlahcl i, nt i tn fOR BALD Oft RKNT iioomlrig houa 81 In- Mr, Mrs. Roy 1). Htroma, uk- new llouae as far hack as Hcrunton, had also Attcsia: and - n fier month ph,,i,', i:il 17 n.unie all furniture. Whit pr.s-,,'i- t Howard Mann, Alhuhtterqiio; Mr. :;nd WRITK motion pi, lure pinya til) luch; III!, Soolh Flra, DA1I.T APTOMOniLtO HTAOE. formed agents to refuse tor the RKJty-T- "" room furnlihed rottafd hotel N- aperiiiir:e iinneceaaary . free to Full Six h. ur Paaaenger Rirvlc. ICurOpe. Mrs U. Hulkoley, Mr. and Mrs. ah- - ping porch; 111, wuler paid. Ap ma want, pan all business destined for baglDCUtr. so , Willi ron i.i: i Hllver riiy 1:10 p. m. Otto Malm and children, tlallup; Mr. PMUr Uaoe. pie 111 Weal (lold avenue. ? 16,000 pun hu ir Inlu I,,i. The canfeqtirni downward swing left St. bonis. baava M,,olin 1:00 a. ra. on,! T lletlou' Arthurs eat ire 4 III II aouthwci tho market in the ut nearly the hard ("lira no, 0 all train 1. argent and end - "'. IP,', III New Ml halt Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Waring and child no i IN THK sTAOK - Kion ItDNT llooms Willi rtonrd. Irtaa box 'it" In lowest level of, the m ason. weekly: lamp for partlcalan mil qulppfd 'into livery the aouthweab , ren, Silver ity; .Mr. anil Mrs i; r DINNVrT CO., 'urn was bearish even more than Tlo :,i Co., I'Mhi. e Theater H III I RXTIKO, ai:to Moss- - ileal Inairu. linn "",11 F.NT- Rooma and hoard Kalei II API ItlTMMi Mil IRE THEY WEAK OR PAINFUL by ('haptnan. Uelen: Wllliiim R ' Hllver City, New Mexico wheal the embargo at Battimore. liulldlpg. day Ml South Broadway , advertla-rnrt- i t I, I1, . H , I l Totd. lp n In u I, iii It IMI'I.K'I'K line Do relatively ' ' your itais was steady In " WANTKP Klve irlghl, kUlla v i I i. voard; roinfortaMa 111,1. lung aver bleed? Mrs. S. D Uen ,all,lc IvI.i.i.n ial, on noviiiiii of bliylna; Clayton; lllttson, ,mv,., ,,,.,,,,,, .,., ....r Im i Do you have night aweat? free of fei einhor .i,.ir,.. f- III. ii. MatiMfaci ,1 el a i I., rano. ,,, r,n r a;:alnsl export sales at Moinea; it. Aiitcneii. ntanca. pm weak; railroad ue puo oood i i Have you pain options hero Voitng i in chet and aide? K. Hyerts declared Socorro eempatrr, Dipt 44u, Omaka T!0 W Do th' seaboard II. that rich finis In pylval fiinilly. Tl I'l ItlTMItK you tplt yellow and black matter? and aiirrouodlhjta hart profltBd consld- - Nebr. you Provisions mad, a strong atari nnd not koulh iiiuii new couo nana fv continually hawblnt and eotirfiiai? by by -i- KINHS i,th and In, rou have paina your boulder a weak finish. torahiy tho publicity gtvaBafthem TTTNT- Nfi fti, n!. ansa no lapaira aiuu under bladr ( wttlftMvmi!ti "li hoiiihi aetd. nntid A IIAIL-(- vxposiii.m. ii,- inatau thut n On i.HO; ATCHISON, TOI'KKA a HANT IK Thaaa arc Ragarded Symptom Closing prices: 'im, JtUJlT I per V e. li I" tuarque Typewriter Kiohanie Phone af open Us building n.-x- ' WAV Wheal May, $1.01 Mexico must "'"" ',,","pa, In. I.I South Kdlth. Uec. 1.MI Ulialneaa neceaait,. ll'l. Ill It e. ii, ,iii, i ' exola-Josep- -- modern Corn Uec, 4fjLC; May, 87 lie. enormnua pruflia; no rolnpaUUoo; h f ult RICNT lloom and board in No. Clnaa. Arrlvea Hepari LUNG A. .Stephens, Ii, Dii -- TROUBLE Qftt Dec, May, of New iolkinp free .ainpl. s. Hayen Co., home. ale. piiiK ,,,ii h,,t wuter heal. W TI.It Oallfoenla Uxpr.aa f lop iZi: territou. firaaainaklng. 400 l:3ft Ton should take Immediate ateoa to chock the Pork Jun., $17. K7; May, $17. H2. City, one ol the Carlsbad pioneers, and 0,, tValnwrlght, Bl bodia. oi wen Coal arena. WsTkT" I. California Limited li ooa 11:30a jwsre.i XI of thes aymptom. The tor. nor you Lard Jan.. $9.52; May, $9.77. his niece, is:. Mary l.adenpurg, also ,' M.KHMAN For xinerul mercantile lrd I'FAIT RANi'll Quill .iiol .ill no lo,' South Seventh 7. Faat Kipreaa 1:46 10:11 Jikiw t icm to advance develop, mor among n I,, ,,f peat-mil- f.op end th $9.62; May, $'j.77. of New York, wire the visitors. In Now Meileo, lo it'll new propoali heallh tw,,inlleX nit I I, Faat Mall 11.5 l!:2a vtp seated RlbaJon., "O- - I andBcrioueyourcondltlon becomat. Mr, Stephens HUld: "1 Lliess I went t or merit! ygaaoe now; mnactiie coianil' offioo; freah tgaa. Jeraev ll"' t IMI.O oui lit. In bine iThnradayi) ... IllOa 1:00a Stand Ready to Prove tkBt t f unit Hheplna por'h "t COttag, Phone s, ,n hi,,, n New Mexico thirty yours too goon Py aloii coutr' of letlaii vein illi vejance, WaVtkij i ' ' "' ''"'1 taVoDa'rLun Oarmir.e, CITY HflMtD Of TRADE. expeOaea, F. Illxler ir.oow. - nd d. Kxpiea 10:Mp 7 t 1 Judge IIS w.oklv for Mllfa f i r Hand 'd,.""' Ut, KI Pino completely nnd KSs your exhibits here, should irm "'ornnan'l'reataiorit.hascured l!,(-l- al Wh ilcaale Jeweler i ilarlln I.Ot!KHART RANi:ll- - The rnot ttracllvl arrlpil'.n. D V fhuh, M ,, ti". Mlnu IU, II Pnao Fxpreaa I lia Hfmu'ieatly case after cn ot Cunsumiitlon 2 7. Nn. Nov. Mexico has fak' n the place i'. , i, ,., Kans City Nov. Wheat that niilldlinr. ('leveUnd, u. On mile of town. Baatkaaftk- irabaeuloala i,r,,i i.i, r i oo health reaort. north -i JIiroilcr.HH.V. .Iim $ 4 belonging lo her. - 99c 4l 1.0 No. 2 red, rightfully I,IV WTrfti SI'K'TAI.'I'V - VI.KS.Vn T All milk, cream and igga produced on place in. Atlantic lapnw 4t44a I lia tliBronchirtlTubfsandother hfJ. JjMg New Mex- UgbM, I 2:40p lotil troubles, MnvuffrrB who had lout all. J Dec, May, $ An earthquake shook the loindlo our ,,,I,l,,cle Mat ol high grade Fro carriage lor gueata I'l, i trie 1. Haalein Kxpr, Iftft I 4 IslOg 7:00p jopaand who hud been given up by phyik iane Corn No. 2 mixed, 01 '. fi 42 No. ico btiiMint so that cracks appeared art calendar!. Ill o s i rri.l aaiia, leuth.i Blty mall air. ha. Rooiua nr ciittagn. I'hore FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS California Limited W II, At Cklaago Tttip f lop W... b'fnPmianentlyenrdbvLiiogGimh!e. 2 white, 414)4Ir; Deft, 60 tt. ifi He; in the chimney from the fir, place to Xooda. H'nclla. falla and Other plixtloitl ad 111 Mra Reed k c. Ka. ... -'- nw virtlajna bdVoltln, A long eitaMMbed and Lux,) , l oop l:lop ""' iii,iiiiiiMii aaat inn ma May. the main wall. Tho pictures on thj BtOBMCh Trou- in. li fWadna4Ur. W maniiested vott can prevent It IIC, hoe. liutp'ral rontraal, egehudva ter- - Tat lllieuinatiHin, I rum Smith. rl ltlf, 2 3S1 No. walls were joggieu oui in pia hou nrlahl MeilhlllO. "jnopment, you can build tip your tang and (hits No. white, rttiiry, aeaaon Opea January lat it. ut l'uiorlli" t'oiigli bles Kidney Ailment..,, Inflamma- Ill, Kanaaa Cily A Chlca f :00a yneni to jthe in the glass cases danced Win-lod- Clinm-berlal- n i - their normal atrenirth nd cpacity. 2 mixed, .IfiifiaTc. mineral! b.ileamni" earn ;:. '" II ," per week. There are good rensons why tion!, Arterial Hardening, III. Kanaaa (,'"y Chicago... lop orie ' .errnlnehasccredadvaiicod Conaum ption . up anil iiown. nowivor, no seinum M,,k,i AiU.ula- m the pnuaata f..r "pen lernioiy a Cough Rdtnedy Is preferred motor Ataxia. Nervous breaking. remain troug and la apwodia I Mo. I M V YORK u U dafnaefe done. ln Inc Joplln, many of ,,i Treatment, Perfect "ith today. nineteen-year-ol- to any other by mothers Parted t koitherlne Btlmaon, a SAI.KSWKN II, a moBey, hi line all lie- - young Head one of OUnuite, Health. Pleasure. Uirge n send You the Proof-Pr- oof that wiU loop seven children. what AUTO LIVERY Nov, cotton avlntrees. turned the riro, nrli paint, nil, atooa "1-i- Booklet, New York, 27. The says about it: st winter my Modern KotaL Convince any Judge or Jury cn Earth New building food;ritielell wholesale; good tad MM) them market closed very steady today, witli times above the Mexico at croup and t h a mil We Will Treat re-- nationally Immenee cropa daughter had an attack of Otfa "will gladly lend vmi the. woof of many 20 days ago, surpassing the feats known lnur Item-edy- . prices to 27 polnti. net higher. a few home ttiii-lor- I gave i.'hambei Iain's (,'ough T. C. M'DERMOTT You Itllttlt "rxihle cure, alio n TRIAL pi, kago of l.img Lincoln Beachey and of net trade Quit i .id itay In her waui'iie, of the lalo a My ex- CONt-TnC- toxeihrr with our new u lag book Cell-fomi- n build holme and lank aecoentl It ralievnd her at onto. HA CHINE, A I 'TO A 1 K.MK.VT. She flew around tho lajuooil, If, M. "0 cilor,) on the trealmi-- it nod rate of WKKKT.Y IIAXK ST Art Smith. llutidndi do. Regular trad, qulihl perience and of my friends ir Unit - si cod biplane , that TION CO. and lunit troiihlc if you "id a. i,d (our ,f,e. ond her tly rAvried: no e.plui - fie, in, filing this medicine will do all that Ih claim- "" and 10 lilvcr) help glides, swooped tnio l;,o to monthly eaay; wiiia Magdaknta - N. M. ceuU (aUuipa or la Now York, Nov. 27 The atattment on end. did spiral l.elpa; I IJ00 ed for It," writes Mrs. V. II. H'nod, i.i-en- t Si II 1,1 lay. vrhi.leai tin ,,f ,1... a,.,,,:, conflllion ..f ciounna fhn I'ollilei !in,l ill' toe John Setyh V Ohio, ever, why' BimmiIIi troui Jourmil Wuul Aria. Inr MO Weat laikD oic.,ao, III Lima. obtainable tieratlaa CWtMWkhttommM, rroose anks and trust companlea for'diuna almost to death. 'Uteri, EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1915.


MC eg Met m rti TODAY AND TOMORROW PRESERVES of the prese nt CANNED FRUIT PIONEER mj fa IS i ll T.wn MU f hi: DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS Mr I' n v nuraa Ii In do pK arhh vviniam THE NEW PACK IS NOW IN CATSUP tiir. Captain Ferbei Regarded by; hp utt. . I ljffnl.1 .:- - llir.ll j HfiLnnW aafl Smaaw that lri tluil Ii. ;ini mint were i r Rnma u, Mr. P BR' Military Experts Much as, wiling a tlur city from form K W'tlMI th, bmbI caajaalftkma they met i:ih. rtrtvtas. aortl Bona i k i ni th ii 'BVBBBBBBBBafiBSr WBBBBBBbB leeatTaaaaKkH&tl VHf aaja Ui be driving '11 a Wild' arho RmV. f'll.,il his 4 SaaK. SSP' BOND-CONNEL- Langley and Wrichts Are; L SHEEP AND WOOL COMPANY liiet i -- .1 ,1 In i' drunk. mora than aaanaaal and icnti Considered in America, denies this Thin in ii eh i. ( th. maantr in iiih hat SHEEP AND WOOL, HIDES AND PELTS riM wajfon ind f.ixi collided. h mis-i- ajnttl in According to "l ftord lh- - tuxi was Th- - nil, hvri Tea k tm Md around in h r,,ail. fine wh'"l Dr. i am, will Office and Wareti.ine, TIJerae ami Itnllmnd . I . Ulrfl I'reaa I ..rTa.p.nlBr.l tnUltfbed :iliU h.dy dam d M Th' Slain. il.-- . NOV. 11 ''aptulll Kerber. 'if , ...;, ,1,,.,, , nr, M a vuKil In. William IkjHi He l'i m h : i ni. who waa kilb-- ".ni" v. :,, w ,.,jkl., in tun.- - b) ih. Fall ..f hit ...mpiane. (,,, u ,.,,, wheel. that ' Hi!- - wonderfi 'till AJ the pintle I nf I'lrlnh i,i..,tft stiff..!.,! th-- ' COMMISSION military aviation, And the Preach mil-Itar- jr Widow L- - rxpertt of today look upon Pr-i-" ARTIST, CHARGED WITH i; PeeT? wtM r much aa in America ProftaeMil unrnv a ihrlilln ind atartllna nweaneld-ere- d tangley and the VVrUthta DRUNKENNESS. IS FINED la l Is. Tun. f -- ll'.us Z:M. 4, 1:11, HAVE JUST RECEIVED as th. peoaeera ..I flight. Tfcaf ', iai admit- - Ii ttraac chapter relating la Ff MAKE BIG DENT ii a i 'in ..I and whkIuh, whit will J. ,. Payne, who (act JndJT' gtl llltn III'' maturi nf uvi itinn rthril yeaterday afternoon n th churjie M i IN ARM ii in th, lor 1'iiit "f how rtilhin Iho drunk ii ness, said he hint u,t taker la dm ade mac flrtl rone in the air mora than a half doai ii drlnka alnei ,1 - JONES & I. X. awl) lo l fot thnu- . , . CO.'S N COUNTY DEB after imim liia i i i patrolman M. It BAZAAR I aenda ,,f mi - rh ttu ts nf th,. stiry Ishlltt Kt.iteil lhal Payne had .inn h a p:il .1 - L. JAMS art given one Hi parti, in than ih.'it punther t,, hia krmv. b dg Tin- ladies i f the Preabyterian I va- - THE WIDOW ih in inlay night Payne did not Includi hutch will Kive i IMI in th "WHO KILLED LEROUGE?" ten in twelve yeuis: ago hi- - in- II i K I "HiK- - Ml! .1 11 -- Sinn that niaht in total, nl ant building n. 'XI ist ler I1S UI p,l.ll n- i H'., nf Chicago, i iv was fined :, anil c ter'a. '.' and It. I in your nwhig I'll t Ieemlni fliimr in ill' 1097 tin ni a of flyliiK In lie iml'th pole Shutt. who ,,ir sled Payne, In ChrVrtmna imw. I 'res ill s III ill, Millllilllllls IHIllll l,v iiu' ihn nr H ilirnrini' on had seen him ill a anloon "ti1 later IntfroWt balues to zr. ndmni hera Lunch FREDERICK PERRY, in ,v.:s U. ary I which llii' (Ml la Bftewn Funding Bonds With Acr.u- - .t- )' h una tllp. and 11" a ri'Kiuiirfint reKtiiiK liis head mi the: will lie wrvod from 11:10 to I. 1 n wniure gait aUflMwM nnrth pole iu th' irnal of counter Payne is un arti nMtMw and BCleBtlfli kchlavment, Wellmim NOTICE TO I si lts oi AMERH VN "THE FAMILY STAIN" melon mul glimii unit bad aeen i reach dlrlgthlea make ''ik A ahd ablaze in the roar nf Mrs. liMaf'K )l- - rilltisTis ii himI smiKbt npinlnn of li-l- in h'fh'in. fllKhts, and he the A. U Peoraon'a home, Til Baal IIm PRESIWT TO Ui Will l lb. Thriltlnn and Start Una Ike ploneera "i fiiKin M t" the feael- - eiditie avehue, called out the hkjh-laiid- a prospe. live ClWtomj bllHy hi plan, and later had IiIh Customers and 15c PER CAN "I fir,, company lasi night. The I I ! 11 o MM . Mil l built heie. Captain Kerb)' rn of "American Rloak" Coal callUut Mil Uil lultV III diriKihie i - fin was comnaunlcatnd ij another OT l)e'eni-- ' win .ni.- nf thoia whoae .minimi waa at rny coal nfftce in after i I I ItOI (.1 , hed. The bUlldlnRa were partly l put a l build ; w ill be presented with One " imp KullKht. al- her II i Peamon laat s 4 ) , I'd ' Ion "i hiiii waa chlel of Mr. anni' an dW" IIMI til' S ami nid.'i'tr'liii captain Perbar then falfa, eoal and wood, I'hict Klein those beautiful 111! calendar! till nun Alfred fin I' aaennilltd bylih. irn.n, ii ...rnnaiilK neni 'e with play my show CM nn Vs--i Central ' tin- loea ai ten. in i r I park s.' '" iad.ii.,rteiH at a nilliliiry nar nvenUo, next door to Thonutp P. Kele-hcr'- SPECIAL ADMISSION of tin i V'7 fund were l iken ,,,,.. n',.,,, hd ereeted it tail' I'll,, ih ,'Me Nnt Kiven to nbildren. WARD'S STORE n,i rnonf retire ma!tl nom whuh ImnB a CZAR GRIEVED OVER s. ADULTS 15 CENTS CHILDREN 10 CENTS 111 III nl Hi.".,- h 'llii- - ' ' MR fmm tha I to miniature aeroplane. No joiin beavkn, attached 1 S. Mgr. ( I Ml K i uern-lunul- a Phones and nOMEM II BAUD II v' H ii UK fund inn,, had keen tble to make an RUSSIAN ATROCITIES nm i.i ni Ihk f ndlna until pi,,,,, ,,M. .,, the air, but Captain Per- - 81.1 Marble Ate I'lmina IM-'M- . tll II, ltllMIIII, ",i,iniu. a .pr gnu axuerimeatlna conttanth i rress C'eereaaeaMlenet Henry hauls baggage and I Jul) the iinnilNHlon '""'null tiiis anchored neroplnnc whb b leaeeleta, lOndon, 10. It .linn swiiiik round In a wide Irda from ita Nov. Iiurinn the other things. Phone 939. pivot the np ill th.' Bteel tll.'IMt. si. in ifai's rccnt visit to the (r MADELINE LEE TO BE le iiitli INde. near Minsk, the Mold lart generally lusi-i- l to believe ihnt W.IK . u hen Perber't opinion was aaked thi'ir vi.sitm I i au( Hadilb linii-- mmble' i really the emperm fnr he ware only CRYSTAL i it- t oblUtWfb THEATER SEEN AT THE CRYSTAL .ni nnrtli pole pr,ij' he ltal lUirn. Strong Brothers ii anlBler'a tnva f. wrltlni earafal tummary of private rivercoat, without piisalliilitii'M. hut on decoration nf au sort, and the only Undertaken THEATER WEDNESDAY lb' dan Rem and itaunlly LAST APPEARANCE TODAY OF ii,. whole appravlhl tile p'nn aal precautloiw tnken were ihwM by n- - I'iiomit m:hvi r i'iiom: within of poaalblllty. Hav taken a atalf m linn nfflear the mint'' wh n hit in Hi, ts. fTtlONa in i. . oen it iiui" ihiH npmton he atked tome work take him ftveu hes. A b in oi COMING AMI M i OND. .Mi sci ll In return, a few 4aB Intel' Iri'in ,'"i r'vpiit! the lliinit and Rxottange Talonrnpb eo SUZANN CARTER iih ih, l,HH maul in '"The leaii-in- u TIM' ii li'ltei was iiieiveii mini nun. - Cunni Mi the. HiiliHtatitinlly like from Mm- this "On one Ih emperor went AND HER MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY JN t'rVHial Hi "i hart been much inttraited in oei'iminri i i i into advaneed trenches at a lime lulu tha Unerloan project .ii rati iinn the the Crystal Theater Mis I. ', is u ''ii inn suine nWell Hut la when H roliHWter.ible Infantry fire was ninth p"le by dirmible. there on. He to enjoy the lownii this M HI "ii and th will win nmathlna which Intereata tip eVan KoiliK sieni'd ,1 of under GRAFTER" LOCAL IH'I l sensation beiri! fire. ITEMS III In iiiIh th lie. iris nt tltOM inure (hal (hat, and 1 would b' RbiJ "THE Mho Ktl 'Ilia mnloatM rpoke to n veteran Wednesday, Dec. 1st have Man her. while thnne if yon could Kive ma aoma halb on it. I , i pfovlncea asked AN or ifTEHEsr A en In ha, e mil furuot reporta ihm two from the Oral' and HOUR OF LAUGHTER akne reach nia him how liKbts h aeen, niillied have Rlaht hud Aiuiv RaMnaoit yoati ivininis men Wrmht " 'Soven.' tha anawer. tol-- U M I rftumed . rbien without the aid The III AMI from ' alifiii ii hi, wh re lie Kpani In the "lr dii bad fniiyhttti at I'ori Arthur and balloon in beavler-tliiin-iii- r t Ml. VT i.iat month ot a mid in war Inob in t hi- Ills M They Miiid In live lit the nail Ten dayi Npaiiiil nal inUl8hin ur' ll;, til s of Loda and C.orllce. II pi Dayton, 0 t'liiild ii pti( in in r P. LEE ADULTS 15 CENTS CHILDREN .1 K "'How iniin children have vooT' JAS. 10 CENTS "fi Antu Ronm llatlon with them, preferably throuah in Ninth Mtcond naked the emp ror. eome one who wrltea Preneh?" " i i l A. H I launjii i Kl 'Seven, en pta in,' mild tli' aoktler sr ..i.i ii IIMI'IX aim uk ai i .ii was then known "f the youni , - still tilnainK tp l.elleve lllill it Wet '.I In' Iuki feu k HI IlUK iiii'n referred and in uraer t meet or. II', ll k t, tile eippcrnr. Captain rerber'a raaueai Inanlry wua "Ami ban mgny wounda?' mg, ni,. ,.f the Alliani rranoaiae, the in " Heven, uls". PEOPLE- Tbi " i ni at our. cWIup if prganlaatlOJI In Annul a which hat " 'Then you atmii have seven head,' 20 -20 ' inaetad t" ni foi unothar w a liumbae nf branchea throughout anld the visitor. THEATER f promptl) re- - .Kida, ItuynnldN and nfflcart The aecrelar I ills was an , u reli'iclne in nidi ni noi fat urn until rourl . spniiiieii win, ine name nun apuuii whk-- tnow in coutl I JL vM nuaMan prov. rli ivf th BTATK lourna, Thwy have bNn ai Qallui once 10 - y TBI u." Ml& ft r I'erner ai wime iwim eergeanl bat v n lie. ids. It meant lilt. Ill s, B t s CWANUI rt-- riioitl Pin ui TODAY weak. mW French iiNkniK for details "f the .,,.,, ,,. aoMler was by bn aac Bt promoted I V IN 1. i. i.uv n.iv - fttaVaaaatJS.. i StSTED BAin Mr- 0 N T.him'V and Mis ported performancea of the wtlgma Dorinl fiat Ui the rank of aerceant." TlioniMK, of Kanaaa City, Mo "' in .md to nr put in iir. i t communication mi a viaii in ih, ii parnnta, Mi wlib them Tin ppinccrs who eerc i win on both tldcal mis norji c hi m Tin aaktng tin tame and i to-- mm. mi. i. Y nmln m veral waaka,i rturMRf in I of the ocean were thua brouvhl MAKE YOUR OWN ,i THE DRAB SISTER DREAMY mm Ciiv ni." H Chrlatmna gather, and from that time forward ugtinhie Parci in at ii. o Parte. t'onudi t'nrloon. WVIghta wara Or .illi. ri M Dai rail, nf Hun I' Captain l"erbi and tha THE SHADOW OF FEAR 111 I pro THE RIVER OF ROMANCE lae'i, MM was nisi liiklai a Vety clnse relation ovei hi a was inukinH "THE FUNNY MOON" Vital ph. s. and .. Two Parti. Knduata oouNm In "". ( the i(reh eiuh HQME ii , (H'lli'l'i.lls WMgnta, klinwii madlMl nil i;. m. wan in LIOUQRSAT mini ii remain d im Perbai lo ayknowl'l Haral hour vaaurdn j Mi l nmiilii tdgt hlmaoM vannulahod by lha Anu hi! ua hum' ltn i ill Mglil. I g0 and g;ll niialn, mat Mm at th d pul Icana, and he waa on' of the flrat in iv TOMORROW ROMANCE OF ELAINE Kurope to itvt aenerou and oonv I A alnil and barn Ii" ii I Now laimht plete credit t ail lha vtuima fit at Anyone Can Make Their M nf a in tin- I ml ld,i J Adults 25c. Children 10c ar Rauaa mailt t'j the Wl'lRhtH as to theil prl- - j i ' iut- - yaalerdii Ml I'litrnl Vrnue vate fltgnta, before wmu was Own Liquors a Home anc i, A WaTi burnad liu their in.inn. WMOfl publicly made known to the world. 11 wm anld, rotnl 'lanume. us of tin- military uvialbm Save Money, b l..itcl, head piuhahly li'd Itiorr than IS. aarvtoa of Prat)' ba was Inatrumeatal m il iid in Ml bt Mcertalned In bringing them to Kurope, whore APPLES APPLES c, t, Him Uh Cincinnati, O., Nov. !7. a wall Mm Tiii'i and iiieir first Aemonatratluua were maot .'.(mki of A MoDurM, itoppad known dlatlller of tins city lias Juat Brana Winter onto. ORPHtUM SKATING RINK C nf ah. mtn. r.i, in French aero lelda, leading to toll Patany, Mr Imix Nik' n. v y from lb produced n concentrated extract, with i, "ii their iim. aereal ocknowledanient that they bad . 70c Uulla-lii- a which anyone now make right al Choeca, la'r i"x California pXMMtlona t.i mkii in fact uonuuered the air, Tula took mi CORNER AVENUE I In y home, any whiskey. Ilquot or Cordial, SOUTH SECOND AND COAL limpei'tnr and Mr. Morgan. form In a national tribute, i huge ail-v- LA SALLE RANCH like n, an troll thai Om m-- t at a saving of over fifty per cent ot ah. pier. pi, gtatue "f the "Victory of the Air," liquor ver, ItritN M il IO. V M. mi t.. return later an Indeflnlia winged victory support- the dealers pi ices. It's t"t showimt the simple easy. A few minutes Beginning Sunday. November 28, no boy? under 16 years K'.o at "idiiiK I,. Mi . Tempi by and ed an aeroplane instead of her does the Wink, requiting no appal- - ni ..I Hi Knlan- - Captain Pferbar gw o( ace will lie permitted to skate on Ihe to owing nmlil Will Bl4n, pi. traditional wlnnt titns, no bulling, no experience what-neve- r, bank, anchored at-i- . .'iii Hiivmiii. iprni Tbnkagvlif mounted ina matt and It is enld thai the liquort LET US SEND A MAN Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday nights there day with Mr and Mra. Pence, par .plan,, and thereafter uad Ihe made an far uperi"i in thoae thai four-piec- r n. l will be dancing. e orchestra, the dance nth nf Mrs Rlatln lie lafl tha American device, until Preach lnvan enn he piirchnsed al moot liquor To Itcplace Tint Broken Wlndina cents Paill lu, Hlopplna at development of mon- 1 tnomlhi for toia lieitan their ttOrea and as g result ot this dlacOV-er- Gtaaa hursday nights will be designated "Couples Night.' WlMdow, Aria., m Msit mih Klai n't oplane mid other devb ea. thousands of people all over the AIiBCOl'I'ltOI'l' I,rIBKK hiHlir. .Mil. Hi if mul The French aviation txperta huh country are iilrcaily making their own COMPANY when husband: r an bring their wives, young men their i He hi ipiii bei brother, Kiranj l'i ni i. retain in thill nn'hi.H biter which liipiors ai The legality of Phone 41 4t If. Plrel expnaitlnna ",i an home, bis sweetheails and o ihei couples of respectability, and enjoy will Mit ilia nm iiu called a "document bletorlque." method ban been carefully Invent!-gate- d I., WMhlturton, iiremm .m lilnhu In ii is algned by IPIibur and orvllla by the highest nuthorltloa and sevetal hours of excellent skating. vMK hu ralntlva" UPrlghi dated at Dayton, December round i" comply with the Iuwh in fiis-m- .18, IIH, before their public i very rtepeet. No one now need be TAXI SERVICE Lhad beep made, giving .some of ADMISSION 10 CENTS. LADIES FREE DEATHS AND FUNERALS. and wliluuit their favorite liquor, as it Cutlet 25c Madeline ll the information Captain ewbar hmi can be made right M home nr any tin i ten aeeking "The nays, in Snai'lnl Itatca hy Hour or Trip letter where, in ii jiffy, Just when wanted SKATES Frank aeaipbrll, 4.. in The news .if this tmaziUg LARGE, COMFORTABLE CAR 25c you floor. Prank Campbell, lb ri ats old, fm I we 'it' glad to give the names has startled the country and he hu New Music from famous $3,300 Wurlitzer musical instrii people will, were pretWM saw I'AMI KOVS TAXI HKRVICB nip a eonductoi In the employ "i et is young ami has rieen of and a reads rncnlvad tbouenndi of letters I Mgln. .11). meut Open Bkcry day from to 3, and from 7 to 10 p. m. the Moulhera lUlltrhj company, died r profeaalon, until now mm i, miiis earl) in October! but we Of praise. Anyone can try a quart Day ami Pbotaa - .it in o'eJoek I'ixt iin-ii- i ii hit hotm ,i rat oi it' t ni . oaat lo prefer thai you thoutd not make ihia of hi favorite liquor free hy writing f- ree instructions every afternoon for ladies. in the htaThknda. He fame hen kllng and aelntlllatlM public i"i tear thai theae people win to M. vv. Prioktitt, ; . iTntveraal N'n in i be Importuned inforgaatton. But bnUdlhg, trow Knoxvllle, Tenn inlntlvei ,,in, audb nee watch for Claotnaatl, o., nnd ask for -- n.1. i Your ii in IV here 'lie l.ii ni movement she amllea you in at llbertj to write to them Ina Interesting booklet "S, i jets of Siroms nib she lii ik Ii k. ihey The rituhu were a ratefy regketafed Making UquOM at Home " which he ICE I III HI VMHKK W. S. MELVIN, Manager Itelauvei in en md in u aii iiiks, Ihey hang upon hi "i anemometer, one of the flights will send free to anyone tend Ina ihelr 1,1: XI III Nad and Whan tb. las! tiott of thlt kllometerg being in name and addieaa. die He .lie as she laaVM tweaty-nia- e clrculta on n tevt . GRIMSHAW'S ii - Tin- ell- - radlua the field. The Iiidlgeslbm anil t iiii ni I II M. s .ii ill teals "f stssmd and ( oiilral. upporiina M Ii i e ara BBaad was nbOMI same for nil the "Knr tome lime prior to taking Mi i i in. tha All Mis T ini is and fam. I ami mi rualnting around fliKiitt, iieim; aiiout one kilometer per Chaniberlain's Tabids waa troubled i v. at with Ki and i nl s, ,, ,1. . ton her th flighi 3 In, nn,.....1 i ' , -, antral orb. minute. In Ihe nf October nun Mr, Mis it s Ov. . ll.- w ihIi to .U.ll.. and anil 4. the airoplaile waa kept at a lacked ambition, and felt tired ah'l LOOK!! s ii vr I hall ih. ink-1- 1 tn tli.- many wiiat NAVAJO INDIAN RUGS tentl height nt twenty -- Ova materg above warn ngt Chamberlain 'i TaMata We Preen Cktthea for I.m wt lends loi il" ii kindi t'oar the mound, bul In oui prevlout fllgbtt me qutng relief, and eventually Month I Charge for lU')HlrliisT Direct e yog ii , rheu bill, vim from our Indian Trading stn iii withoui ihe dealer "ii we tvtvi gone mite mile withoui toned Up my BpMktm (t nprally and VI yon pea vcr rida enliiL Kovei atiir llii MW profit. MvtitK i nun i in in ivnt. Our Itusis lire the mounting mora ihtu three or four me to toad health," writes Mrs. i grade nf wool warn gootta, id i',i iaii tor retail trade, FATHER M'NULTY TO nn let s When ,, f) low the spe d 8, J. It ther. Kden Center, N. Y. Ob- PANITORIAM If kiii like tin hard twiKt. Ilftttl) woven aootta, we have them. - ems graatoa." tainable everywhere. ani at I'M" Ctly tf faaaOa Laatt iieyaty, m, muck :l let N. Till It l ST, i i m o l ll it K, I B 1. gevontecn o.Mr uroK in sroi rimt J t'tirl D'.trl lbl Mill. A The nanus ,l cltmeiiH of M A. af .!, BEGIN COURSE OF rlione W. Cainbol Prop I'ttUvr ot ibr uiu. t i ',.. a UaytOn are given m ihe tetter, a a per-.-"l- TmiiuIcs. made in ordkar, nag dc- - I 111' T, I UllllK-- IL III. f iriki CiHiutr iul saw bhmey, atau atucMltl. iiei nut mi3 Arm will ,ijr SERMONS HERE TODAY wh" ih. fllfhtt. Photic tun. spanit.ii Kltclicn. tM nm at OKI III Mdti ll taJU-A- fur Bennett Indian Trading Company 1 t,f litili i 10-l- ihd rtrrt tat t DUKE CITY V extracted he ap, h, cans . ly tbr ui ut Itali a Oatt. RIFLEMEN i tiiliili fin-l- l I I H a.J ai MeNultv. t'hiciiKo. loda) 11; IH; t 60-l- BUT THIS BRAND OP ot Ki ll VND GOLD tGROM I'ltoM Till'. I'osTol 1 her "f eana, vo con I HANK OMR, - will beain ni th' Church of the Im- WILL HOLD THEIR LAST in one case, $S; f. o. b, Albuquerque I,. tfterc air aod ml rii.l In my iti,. il ii. fToneep! "0 a , nurse of ter n A l MM W. 1. Allen It.e tmpaay. Mtern I i'i ll) v' le.ill. iii. iiis iii preparation for th PnM QUALIFICATION w. TODAY building, 1 3 1 . erat a oimaaoK. i Decern-iie- rhone Nutirj lobllr. ihe in in n n1. ii Ooneeptlon r S "TELMO" nil. McNultl will urMcb Mali a alatet ura ! tetaa lataeMUf ael :iMx:ta -- I liealn-h,- loch mx mai- - oi nvtlntto a la ,11 u Iir mi tW every evening ill to o'cloch, s The Imke Clt Itifle I'luti will end ti' MM ml I. - fa raa ul Hit I'li'iv a"u, f.r leal la....! la. , v iiniL' l.i'foi'e the aodiilllb s Ita qualification conrae today al the in- nawoetetl ta4atn to gaaaeh am CANNED GOODS AND TOP AUCTION SALE Pat range, ipxir cavgetag; cn, m cggggi to a ,,f ma men ."in.a aomOB, iinn and national guard smilh nf the each Kappb' HAVr: TOE BEST. 't.i.. women, who win highland Tins win the last chance I'm ill I ill.- fll -- I MOM MONDAY. NOV. P. M. S. BROADWAY avid ail Piatalatt. 7v attend the I'nmuu, nil 29.2:30 400 tr in bod) r enlng ibis year for member of ihia aaaocia nl l al a Willie llalll i .ilj I'.l a f r nalliallua. Ihm 1.1a tion t" sipini for the war depart-n- n HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS H M mm t l Mm i : - medala. will be bronae .each I iMiatullaa - Inllnw-- Be- rangw, la in : One Kaiice. One iHnitat aefved ai th as to i 1 filanatoe, im ad Dining Table, Dining CTaatra, Rackera. 3. Itulldtng n su ia and Whltlna v.i mi all day. It Met nnd hiiiiiiuiii-llo- Ituu-man- y Springer Transfer Co. Second Hold (.all nn Stove Beda, tlpttwai' "ii MaUreeaeal one Bet it. One CtttffotUer, 'r',. anil will be ni the tiring point. CerHcjTamn 1 Ohnn,. Nn ttt Hahll COal CO. Cerrllloa Sot mul nolonni, ami miter ai'Ueleg mo aajaanreMe In meation. BETTER SERVICE at M.I, (.OOliS MIK S1MHI1V, BENT SAiftn, PHONE 17. PHOlfl mit Hoom. fating COAL nil, , tni-lii- ANmiRACTTE. Ml SI7.ES; STEAM v for In HtH ilon, amliaMe foa iVCI A I TAXI AND At TO pin ni til n or tin ahop. or alnra.T" Cnke, ItUI ll .1 I a t r il Coed Wood, Native Kindling. Uim L. GOBER, I N J. Auctioneer 1 tND Mi. MONEY ' and wale, Appl? tlila Ill IFSS 'rrtaaa i mm QMUCGO SOCIETY MORNING SOCIETY SECTION ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL. SECTION UERQUE, NEW )VEMBFH 28, 1915,

? J LO! Hi-LE- - rV Id f fliH November 28, 1915 "" I 'Snv 'mm n SB - rr''-'- " . The Original Katzenjammer Kids V ( W' M,NJD V. V WMtS FotST DER S I MME YOU A PfMNT ING COME OUT UF m DLK( M 1 ' ' L ATM05PHERE iMDEP ' LJ v uf DER Desert wt i 4 VHY UNt U N tFR II I .. 1 I BET MOUNT LlOMSV'f, ' ' " " ill U,,,....r.. vouldgk" Der monausa AIN ' o yy 1ST 11 . Hsvtt m in I GlFs I UIVU Olvwivut der UEEPAWftf FROM THAT l A WIN MU JEM0U5Ne.$5' J (WE! There's A MOUN Pain1 UHA H( LtON OT :1 1 rMN uves 4 HUM v s IN THERE! ;r x i Is..

, 7 fry. TOW VI ! L 4i 5 1

HW who - A '5 1 n Dot vot 55DER FOOLISH An G CfUA)0D-GtoTE- A- - ERD0TTINE? s.ooz ; FINE MTERPiECt M f A VOT? 03

(f VT INSPECTOR , - HY! OWITCH !!! GAH z-- z- lKtUPWDGtf ft HfsND r L 7(T'

r A . A - - - . . IT" El QVliCW! CHUMP W UNO I ,. i TOU oHOOT DDI HOOR, l?11111111 l PUNCTURE SHOM YOU How A I CUNNING, EH! K PU55EY' V01 J A DOD-GA'oTEl- MOUNTAIN V AH-2-Z-- AH-2-- a V; ZWEfc2-- Z ! I Uooz z'J

" , 'v V. I' v . f I

10 -r--- !! z DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWOOOBOOOOOrOOOOwwuwwawO.o TWO Albuquerque morning journal, Sunday. November 28. 1915.

patents of th. bride and tr mother. Ml. Lester, who from Hainbrtdge. ''.a., for Reliable Laxative "Tie privilege of announcing this wedding, which has been a close secret since Saturday, was Riven to ve Kilu-ell- . harm-ingt- y This On-vi-- Relieved Mi at a i Baby appointed whist partv glweu yes- terday afternoon ;.t the Karr home.

were tramps all 1 Hearts afternoon lo 1.1 vv ullv constipated and the eager company anticipated mil v 7 ( kl aLV the announcement of n coming wed- - M r I nod Minplc ding gate, not of one already pajat, RaMAr, Miss- Kim ell held the hiKh.-s- t s. and was pre tented with an armful of: in spite of every care and atten-fragran- t Km h.intress carnations, tied tion to diet, children are very apt with a shower of pink ribbons. At- - 10 become constipated, a condition tached to one ribbon was a little card responsible tor many ills in after w hich bore the names of the bride ami life unless prnmptiv relieved, groom and the date of tbehr wedding Mrs C W Wilson, of Shelby-Th- e surprise was complele. Mrs. vide. Tenn , had trouble with her l.i-t- ci .1 ml her husband being fairlv bain boy, Woodrow, until .she heard I Overwhelmed with the congratula- - j of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. She tiotis and Rood wishes of the guests, writes. can s.ifeb snv I r Calit- - Iinnu diately after the announcement Wi H'a Byrup I psln is the best rem- - Mr. and Mrs. Lester left in a veritable cdv of its kin. II earth. It acts so ROMANCE I shower of rice on their wedding trip. gently t so surely. Little beiiur motored by the bride brother. Woodrow a ha'!l constipated we con nothing gave rail, in cuiiiiii. w oere in' i ihuk and Id nut that the limited for Nogales. After relief u mil re tried your Syrup Pep-gav- e usiting for several days at their new sin. which immediate relief." Ar bright flu they were Dr. Caldwell a Byrup Pepsin Is a Ka ivv (In In In vision, home with the groom's mother. Mr. in mum' COBB pond of .simple laxative herbs, Am lovely throat of her. Lester, they will leave for New York. There they will take the boat for) free from opiates or narcotic drug's, Havana, going to Mexico .'it, where mild in action, positive in affect and All Lester has business Interests." pteai Ml to the taste. It has been UN r bad wrought prescribe, by Dr i 'a Id well for more Tin y him ai exqulalte an a "My didn't Mem than a niiarter of a century and can can be obtaii to worry you much." said the famous! now be had for fifty cents a bottle charge, by writing to Dr. w R lawyer to the witness after the trial. n any d drug store. A well, 4 Washington St expert-- trial bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Svrup Illinois. r t "Have you had any previous ! more i rowded Into th. first Kuiror than flowers. ' " once '"' Good-by- et , Teachers .thro.- duvs of Ilii-- week than can ordl My vv 1.1 its. It wan the iln hi-l- i "Just a little," replied the witness inirllv In ii yen, Ah. innki them ourH." Kath-erin- tmonl I ner. Miss Coiisuela Chaves, Miss e - sarcastically. "I have six children."! M4 i n hml 1111 In 1 h bnr- Chaves; .Messrs. Hope- - n Ladlea' Home Journal. Kobert tfuln. She lovoil the flowers flay. The a a well, Lyman Putney, Qenrge White, ,Vu ..mi purpose would liefm t li.. Ml ' Once hastily no more. next for I OR Dentster Murphy, I'.ordon Hussey, In How she M' iph Miss SKIXKCX, i i'il bv an 11 nalvsls of tl in it look i a If tin re might beautiful looked!" the 'aid. Harold Perry, O'Rtelly, i. Miss Sadye gave a sewing Prank Charles thMt On a flivvei. The men hml gone out What well too she ore! Morris form thiil led to rcaull. Tuesday i A view selling enough lit IOWARD, bee afternoon. Inviting lluulinued nn I'sge 1'lirrf.j mm terns an- - not In my line with to kti to assure a crowd that would r th iH Republic number of her friends to ipeet her I'llKct li .1. SHOD possible no guest. Miss ul big hall in tin armoi i and thi i hid Helen Sellcck. of Denver. for the bflM next vcar. i'i rh anything but conspicuous A social hour was followed by Lin-- j Ranta fe wanted in eonvantlon ana success. Asking Hun a thousand lieon served at a large tab,, deco- 1,1 Bergman) I Wanted II hard ll seemed that she ho man-- I Dr. Cook and Mr. were present .nsH Katharine O'RleUi rated with pink carnations, smilax and tickets pgrahMtd, thej had Be- - ' x Al- - ttpoup Miss i.oma Lester, Miss Beatrice quaint sliver illl l be hupp! till she Kot It. Utd lo dispose of 11 nnas. I) little candlMttCka that have I a The was a Irene Fee, I blKtuerque ha had It for four onsec-ntlv- 20k. it is wo nun things looked last number iaiitomomic iigman, of Santa I'e, Miss been in no moiti lamiiy for mnny only tow Interpretation of Carrie J ace lis Doml s Miss Ksther Howdeii. Miss uebmt generations "77" and nritumenl 'ai.i the dark Just at thai time. I I Perfect Day." Mia was or Vegae; .Miss Lillian or Seventy-seve- n )ie w pat dp for keeping It was Thou mi appeal wan made to four Oanrett the n raenclay, Laa iieside the gtiest honor and the Humphreys' singer - - - t -- 111 I llied, Courteen young ladies of St. Kempenlch; Messrs. Dentster hostess present Ker- lint be was colli ally bu Albuquerque woiiH ii. leaderi In ofM there Wore Miss Grip, Influenza, would turn nut biKKer crowd and gave prominent Vincent a academ) and the city hlgn phy and Gordon HtkBey, of Roaweli; nico Hesselden. Mis Eleanor Vaughey, For jlations that taken Her-th- '. school living pictures ot ong. WKas; Mis Tier-ne- would da awre to make the conven part ,11 elVlC activities. Thi wore n"ve the Heriiiuii Mncarac. of Lai Aline Stern. Miss ijenevieve in tableau, Hlckay, Jr., tion a sin cess than was possliile 101 asked to save tin. lav. ami I hoy it'll oulmlnated a wkanlbart Amado Cliajea, Miss JtlUa Kelejter, Miss Laureen an angel (a spirit N. M. E. A ) I Oeorge Doolittle, citv ii tlif iinto II KoihtiNV iliil It. Aiivl.ndv win. saw of the Charlie lleyn, Asseiin, Miss Alma llaldrldge, .Mis unit With clus- - d Hint this aMunent ai noil flu. 'i .VI. oiMioli- - win. win- present nl appeared, three little tots prank O'Rwly, lloh Hopewell and Maybelle Lovelace Miss Myri Hope any ono tho general meatliujpl of ti led about her offering flowen while ; tlaaton Mandril. nnd Mrs. Oscar lllueher. of 1 COLDS Is , igel It 11 the i:iris knelt, hi Throwing iv......,... Ill I.iuurul n.i carried i a a a ' . iu I K . 11 ...... ,11 , bannei N M. In paper. tO the effect that after the ap i.'.i. 1.. k. Insirlbed. "The "Any fashlona thai DANCTOG PAItTV. Tll,. iuectgiJu use if "Seventy-convert- s I d Kte.nuy ' polntm m of jauies it UarflaM u told some od wo,u had fcrChUd and Paddy?" Mr. Amado Chaves gave a dancing seven" has madi ma n v ti that (who settb Money Away relui v f tha Interior aomebod convention began. "V"' Dadd) has party for the younger society set fri I Homeopathy especially when th. done before the ,uu"' J"1' Hi IIHkeil K was and dreaanuvk bill I: Y Ut j I to do youT own baking. tin Voverliser, who Tb. I..,,, woman to whom ehh , fra. day evening at her home at Roma av following suggeatlon s been ob W lson .serving ft you. W'St. tin n pieslilent v ii..- appointment credit la due Mr the success of the directed aquadi ol of no use to dear Hi enue and Eleventh street, the honor served. Counting the cost of the ma- s i in 11 ally ...... r. I... .Inn, no ,.f ,1 commit lei and despite the sire of papal lu an ' terials, fuel ami labor you had m The reply, 'vpe fr guest neing .viish lientrice ,,. re.-ul-ts , till "II present were serve, Wig a .viismiui, To m best take possibly Rooaevelttan as "J in 111 wanted are Mrs. John w Wtlaoh, rowd a oi .sariui re, wno mis neon visiting m m ib,, cannot bake your tendance response b SCO entv.s.a first leeling parcnt-teacher- a' - Mil tulid res of ladles pAimr, own bread, cake or yjes for It." praaldefli of the us- niii Albiliileriue during the lust wool PI - to the call foi cake, nnd cordial In or Miss as we methlng or the pane eorl ((cured oi i: n; Mrs. Anna Wilde Struin- the Another cent honor At o'clock refreshments were serv-- 1 little as sell them at. assist, of the reception a moving And if you baking In llf Santa I'e wanted iiulst, secreiary of the an mi organi- nice commit- Weiller's anniversary was ed m individual lables prettily deco- - . think our fnl hit. tees, p a. by mother, long- - good yours It, mill sin What von please, when ymi sation; Mrs. A. H, M. Mill' n, prcsl-Uel- it with the t, picture party given her rated with carnations. Isn't as as Just made for h,. Sa of a really brll try ours and you will change Waal 11 thins atroni enoucn there is of be Tuesday club, and Mrs. iuci Mrs. Sol Weiller. The guests Included, besides Miss mart than even cimnie thnt you win Margaret Medler, preekleni or the limit affair The gin sis were Mrs. Julius Man-del- l, seiigman, Miss Lorna Laatar, Miss your mind. deieotlons by high or- Hot It. Woman club They nil worked hard, the school Miss tiuidya Mandell. Miss l.ornn Knlborin.. McMillen llsu k'ulberln.. chestra, f Miss Mbul tl'ltlelly, Miss Then iiKitln. there was undoubtedly ami Ml h has a lot or liloiv coining to under the dlrectl Lester, Katlurlne O'Rlelry, Mis Rather Howden, Miss leniiie Troll, proved to g the Kempenloh Mia Bather liow- - Bakery ii fei Hm 111 rVlbuquerque that we were bar Lillian 'ir.tce stor:z, Mis Florence Weiller. mailed. Pioneer most on oj a bla foutiiri most ol teptnl Hie con eutloii at too IiIkIi ,.n MISS ellatrlce S..g,min, samul MiHH trl,;l (',)nn,.r, Miss Leon,, Creen-Ee- ; inn n s' H. C'l. Mel 6. N. BALLING), lrop. Wo vea uis- - iieiightr ui afternoon Miss Nora llcr.deis Miss Orace ,.nv M Vegns; Miss - price, were uettinK 0ureal mm i L iti s - 0 Rebecca llor- 150 Willim Sire. New Yi 07 Sooth Plrat Ntreea. Hkad becauaa we were enterprlalnu ii:n a Stortt, Miss i.eoni ureenclay, oi ma While It was a highbrow affair. It me,, Margaret eiiouiih 10 v In n we had a aood More have bet ilom Vi'Kiix; Miss Irene Fee, Miss reallie supposed Dial high- s"ll'-in- and were to must not b" the than hit e been thiim haaian enough brow real arcs were allowed to ab- .ejBHHmmnggHggHaaBBWBi want to keep It, tin b.llaiii'lnit the a a a le short. sorb the attention or the visitors to THIIM II s A Kit I I books we found that on one side of A escl)isloli of all trivollty teacher Thai I the ledger tb re wii a big sum in d'd-la- the ih Thirty club has arrived, it DANCE CHH1, Is a tin inn ii being after all at bust with nil flags rlylUK and with rings The tea dance given Thanksgiving and cents rind a still hlKger ram It only of them me and was i in improvement the in- - most nn Its Hug. is and bells on Its lues, aften between t and :S0 at the! the general ti thnt should have been by! tallectUaJ and moral atmosphere, but natural there was amply demonstrated ul the for- Country club was largely attended n and hearty pal th ipmion In thnt on the other nle was loss senerai mal Thanksgiving damo given al odd members The patronesses were Mrs. there social events hml been ar af- of iinoil will and positive iinliiuonisni the that FellOWa' hull Thursday night. The T. S. Woolsev. Jr., chairman: Mrs. Noa Hinged the enjoymi lit of the lb ! on the part of other cities of tha slate. tor fair wiik by tar Hie must successful llfeld, Mrs. Charles White, Mrs. Sum-- gates. given by any I ml e, line here some I bun' this season social mere, Mr. Barth. Mrs. J. U Clarke, iii lie High tide was reach g - mure to be desired Ihiin oi thei nlh.n in the lily, ami It is doubt- mis. Herndon, Mr. Merritt, Mrs.l w Ith t ii Utomoblle i n le id' thliiKs, Albuquerque, good iilil soul, let be till if vanity 'atr Iris ever been u Hopewell and Miss Wllley. The teal night. loo r HAi-- noon and the dance at more thoroughly enjoyublc dance III by nne fc U; il.'Uuil dance was attended at least oioib ii, chairman of the committee Albuquerque, and fifty, which taxed to the) thai unto ride, did hundred 1 inni charge of tin The ev.m WSJ Hie fifth Tbanksglv-- ! ojuh v TO 11 i i t hi:. utmost the capai ty of the house.. f his wori thoroughly mnl well. He ing given by In- - f wni wo c r Bet ths conventlhri dance the club, and the if the membership of the dub was probably the only one ii bai a mit- - himself original ci that nit iat. d oreasce, undoubtedly an nddition toi nm not aaaetmtal by I led with In llf nil Hint dl lilt v existence, w dur- - ! IBCliaatlOB, but I confers to ne .'iiio hen the Thlrtbs came into the club bouse ill he necessary I ! hi !lll u giniil 1 saw him about Z G.OING-- mtagtvinga an ubjeci, Illll .insisting of Will McMlllln, W. J. Ing I he coining year, but the directors' GOING GONE !!! tha I HFP.PICIDEWILL SAVF IT HERPICIDE WILL SAVE o elm k in silav afternoon and In was VS'hile cm-- : ex- - P IT TOC LATE FOR HERP!C!0E S.i Is 11 11I1I and Kelt Skinner, were are adverse to making any furl her in I'e Hood town and luis of Mlt , b .teal lug whole handfuls ha'r phAtlcally among those present. The pendlturea until the small remain-- Hun to offer the VllltQI The hmi because ther. were pltnllty of her people Is ns blond ns bis rolffura full membership of the club was on ing debt on the present house is fully tiling like automobile own-- j a sprinkling the shores of tune, mnl if figure on' thrae hand, with of invited paid. You Can't Lose Your Hair and Keep It Too thnt or In Albuquerque who did nol tend' guests. a. of speech Is not cxpressh'0 enough The comiilittee in charge was a a Ho ii i for ride and beOI made up H, v. ju-- t thiiiKk of eomethlng a little als the of Charles Lemblte, nvi: HVNRRED PARTV, Don't wait until you become chronically bald but get rid of that inwo teachers couldn't! be V. dandrufl broader and I'll atand for the rnm-- thousand fJordon Hass and Ira Itoldl, and, A HVe hundred party given b) MlM same time In1 I urison. iier cltlaeai are prograaatve taken out all :! the the lomplete succeaa or their effortal Edith Haharam at her home on West now and save your hair while you have hair to save something like bundreil enrs. Hut is by ai- - mnl to date, and urn coming fur-ttt- attested the fact that, ns Central avenue Wednesday afternoon a good or high-wate- ahead With every sun rises. whether Joe had time Kadj stnled, the social r Wag one of the eniiivahlc affairs of the that no gainsaying the fact that Santa Fe volunlarlly glvo up the then is mark oi the season was reached, Basis week. i w .i convention next the teachers did. white mnl Charles Ijembke The guests Included Miss Bertha iar? Tuesday night was great toiin-In- Now let'a don't talk foolishness! Tin. dahce bud harge of the grand march, Weinman, Miss Stella Copelnnd, Miss NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE a a ttftei the crowd had thinned out Prior Hi. figures and seeing to it that Juliet tetSCher, Miss Frances Leeds, It something to be f , (41HK1 s t ss In thai lime lofl matters wiic started in the approved Mis- - Dora Roberts. Miss Arllne Bin- - si (i Is to V. desired. It an easy matter sell. fashion, Ire itoidi, with Miss Mar 111. Miss Alice Herndon. Miss Helen For the Busy Man or Woman nm ragardlaaa or t in election, and ins, .:.ui Ule on the floor of the arm feral i ', I.. I'd With the possible ex-- l Miss Alice Miss (".race ff wlint the future ma in atnre, it Dnvls. ilonld. hue orv but when thnt number tnki ceniion if the Monteauma ball there Winfrey, Miss (lla.lys CaVanaUgh, Miss Just a few moments daily devoted lo massaging the scalp and brushing there Is no RettlnR around the fact upon themselves to dance in the lame has not ici ii ,i function this season ut Helen Pe. Miss Mildred Harris, Miss the hair that tbis ear's com cnl was nm i together with frequent applications of Newbro's Herpicide the spine Hie attempt apt to be which lore handsome gowns were rain,. Lung Mr- - and o the mosi auperiative , and Miss Julia sin esses thai bv main difflciilll' s. Along so. n. ln results will surprise you. Herpicide is a delightful hair dressing, lias ever been achieved hv any set of Outre. claimed by about midnight, however, the mull! Ai OCk ilinuer was served Miss lilies lioiild was the winner of mo,, and women nlivwhere We . many to be the most valuable scalp prophylactic known itnl tude began to melt, ami Hit fittest in tho banquet room, which was dei'-- j the lirst irlie. to science. It is a if their who Survived had tin time orated with ThanksKlvlug ormimeuts germ remedy designed lo destroy the contagion which causes dandruff and fall- ggy voting lives, in, upon which subdued lights shed To say of a man he will make that ing hair. It's clearness, purity and exquisite odor commend Herpi- t an altogathei delightful radiance, The n good husband Is much the same sort Newbro's Now Arrival lat BoatOn hotel) i'tn dinner wns sen isl at small tables and of n compliment as to say of a hnrso cide lo every refined taste. have a private bath ? Was on a pm with the other features that he is perfectly safe for a woman EAT I of Clark hope so, sir. the entertainment, Music was (ut to drive. Puck, II a a a nlshed by the Riahl orchestra. you would escape baldne s, the regular anc intelligent use of The next big dunce of the Thirties I A It picide a and delight. It 1 What You Like RKt'KPTION IT TRM11.B. STl .lt. is duty a stops itching of the scalp due to it. I'I druff will be liming week, It 1 Cordiality was in the atmosphere t'hrlstmas and A wedding of interest in Albuquer-- almost instantly. every voice nl is planned to have at that time a func- iUe, on account or the former resl- - nnd In handclasp anil fully Stuarts Dyspepsia lablets the big reoiptlon given by the Par tion that will equal the one of dence In this city of the bride and lo r VoaW - Inst week. ' Send for a trial bottle Hiul Mail Kk'. postage Help Sli.inn. li and ui teachers' association to the con- family, occurred laal Saturday in booklet. or silver, to Tin: Do Not Thus,, present at the Thurs-ria- ) in ii nn. uep. IL'N-- in ii, ,n MICH. Applications ;, . bar- - Won i. e teachers In Masonic temple dance Ynmu. Ariz, when Miss Bdna Kan in in.. bettor nigh I were: Mr, Mrs. .1 ocr vim.,,.,. x,,,! MI ",nrnn!ooil al toilet uimmI. Mom lav afternoon. True, there was and Will nnd Mr. Ralph Lester Were United all counters. it sage i i McMlllln, Mr. Mrs. wag r Meau hi such a nn wub hundred pen and Hen Skinner. In marriage Miss Farr born in lll llsteea Mr, and Mrs It J. Hutchinson, Mr years past I le Hint spacious bull room hlraquerque, but for some lyipepala, indigestion, slum-- . there the Mtd Mrs H II II. weak mnl almost to hold Price, Mr and Mrs. ha been living In Hiverslde, Calif. iiid names simply mean corridors refused K. Dugartt Mr. Mrs. It. It. Illll, similar them nil. Hut in an assemblage ol ami Th,. following account of the wedding t the supply of digestive Juices la Miss Margaret Cook, Miss Lena - culture aUCh ns was gnthend there ltna- Is from the Hiverslde I' of last dequate That Is where Stuarts ston, of l.aji Veg.'is. llss Sadie Tookel. Wednesday was in i i'ii w u g and In spile of the spepala come In by sup-- of Helen, MisH Kthel Kleke, Miss ljiu- - t Tablets fact that many OOUld not see the "Nl caring for the formality of a mg this detlclency. reen Aeselin, Miss Jeaalca Bdwarda, or large w eddlng, nnd also desiring to gin iii numbers, smiles and the' best of nttnvllle, Pa,; good humoi prevailed ns professors Miss .Mill Hope, Miss surprise their friends, Miss Kdna is.. Heii. Miss Beatrice llfeld. Miss Helen ran. second eldest daughter of lati tlinnltai les local folk and tvaeh OOOOOOOOOOOOOO mingled scarlet Katherlne MeMUten, Miss Kleanor Mr. mid Mrs. Willlnm Farr, of ;!ii Q OO0000 0 00000000000 0 000000 pop oooooooooooooo ooooo ooooooooooooo era Decorattona of Vaughey. Miss Irene streamers drooping from chandeliers ll.rkellhl.ff. Miss Lam os street, and Mr) Ralph Jackson Mheri Hawthorne, Bald-ridg- e, i 'nnd large flags gave a setting mis Alma Lester, of Xngule. Arlr... were mar- festive oi Hollywood, Calif.; a miss Ruth ried ut high boon last Saturday, No- o Removed From 519 West Central Avenue to f.n remnrkabl) fine entaftaimment rOmpktns, Bi- numbers, Miss Aura Mo is. Miss vember go. iu Yuma, Ari., at tile o ll, Myers, itos-we- Mis Man Cooper, of Qrace M K, ring ser- Th. etai of tin evening was Miss church. The vtis.s Katheripe Speckard, Miss vice was read by Hev li. Lo ve- 209 SOUTH i Irving SECOND STREET iiaabeth 'n.-'- thi eompoaai whose lev I'.er-nle- e shli von Wncbenliaiisen, Miss to', and was witnessed bv Olllj (he genius is all. ad. brlngthl to her and Miss Hi I Hesselden. Helen lick. Of o lie state Interstate renown Hn npa Hetlolt Miss i'i. (In Vkn Patloll. of sang ,, o requefl miss .lain ii iwo ui Vegas Miss Alice Mo.Millin, .MWs 0 own compositions a dedicated Katherlne Conway, Miss ffasel Maloy o the Meallls valley and the other' i,ss Julia Hodet of San Antonio! E o W. J. FLYNN HEADACH FROM o ' ft, N M I'.vpbally New T, v. M is.s Julia Knleher, Mlsa Sadie DISTRIBUTOR FOR in in sentinn nl nnd inilslc, these vioii is Messrs. Ira lloldt, s I Paul Itutt, "Beilevp M- RnkV) M Meals S ., i to .lll hi nearer in. n,,b ttm .an Decker, Alie,, Bruce, 0 inn. No I i t Limit ai "i MMeaMejtrr, club of tin i ns v.'gns Normal n i nlx ,r ,t (,; rjiodell, Gordon 0 j ith. r, u ini. I Have -. The Rudolph Wurlitzer uinn's ralti snug three rollicking, Louis Hesselden. Frank A llub-- 11 0 Company's lo i nit Hid k t , . COLD? o ic.ia Tablet noa s'll nw lionise.-- The lilae. club of belt. Jr., Itulph Kel-'her- USUI! I 0 III,. stute Him. isitv directed bv t .mbk. Willlnm Mcl'liirken Jack 0 FAMOUS If you will a Kiu Dyspep . et .it Hedar, sane in splendid stte M.Tiinoiigh. William McUonalil, Leo 5 Tablet eacg RlSal j after and one ek lion, ami Mis. Uartlett'h Murphv. iborge Ncln r, tieorge Myers, 0 yan go bed yon i, n liefore to win ( land ,,i Runshlne. Thi-i- N ! Newman, 0 Pianos and Player Pianos and thai Is no harm In -- v. nun Arthur sisk. Lloyd "Pape's Cold Compound" ends thera mi wait, iv thm bv six youns Ml urges. It Scvv.'ll. J. c j .ie i alaarly plain ti Iwlllum. o reaaaa iii Spanish dress The verses Hred White. W. .1 White. Knv Krver, c m bv k the proper digest severe colds or grippe Automatic Musical lined ll) tour misses with tarn i w Miller .1. Roberta H. Uonaker, 6 Instruments e- - m ike annj meals Jun to eaalli ,i in, .nol the chorus In the Misses itngh Bryan, ll vVohlenberr. I. j. in few hours, 0 geated. Stuart's Ilyspepsia Tubl com- - spin ia with astenttb s The l.ltttell, of Mian. i. Arls.; Herndon oi the stomach and other .uguiir, poaer, Mi- Itartlett. was present and Lehr, of silver Cttyi I'l.r, e Knitey, 0 digestive ivhc ONE-PRIC- tin nparntiin the was delighted with the fine singing nn.i Brooks Brantry. Tour cold will break and all grippe 0 THE ONLY E PIANO HOUSE i.i fadd. ami interpretation. a misery end after taking dose of o i a o n. i .in ion. frotn eny drug si. physical "Won't ypg my seat ' Pape's Cold CnmpOUndi every m THE STATE OF NEW coupon The demonstration of the take said the two o and uv them, or Send the grace city man In the site, t hours until p ultiiie and culture of the car. as he lifted his three doses are taken MEXICO lice dial schools as present. ,1 bv Miss I'.ulnet f hat to the prettl Klrl It promptly opens clogged-u- p nos- 0 tin- brought No. you." she replied; passages o pupils front high school thank "I've trils and air in the head, o i of gave visi- been ikatlngaaii stops miAii opvnWi mnds applause and to the afternoon ami Pm naslv discharge or nosr run- 0 ma tors a of charming grace that tired of .ilting down." ning, relieves sick headache, dullness, o Price Pluinh Marlfvd Instrument I' Sluart Co., 210 Muan r fleets great credit on Miss Kadn. i a a feverlshness. sore throat, sneezing, o on Evcri i iiiiibiing Maisdwll, Mkaai . semi m nil I hi schools. The precision of the ii wksi.m soreness nnd stiffness. 0 w Want You to Sec and im. rtim. 0 Hear Some of These a of Miss lila.tys gave a stuffed-up- ! at Ones free trial package Indian elub .irin given hj forty misses Mandell Thanks- Don't stay Quit blowing I 0 Player-Pianos- . Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets of th high school freshmen class was giving parte last night at her bono n and snuffling! Ease your throbbing o utd gr. at. Nothing "ouiit be i.n ttler than North Twelfth strait oompltmentan head nothing elss in the world elves o Name the airy grace i the gardatj dance, to her niece, Mist norence Weiller. tiiicri prompt relief ns 'Tape's fold o by who o Street preaanted twent) elaht hlah school celebrated her sixteenth birthday rompound." which costs only 'J5 cents o 209 South Second ALBUQUERQUE tb.- .1 anppet Phone 778 Citv Btste girls in quaint, full kirt. gowtis annlvuraarj sad nmeavare at any drug store. It nets without as- o of i s in Profeaaor Mitchell acted as follow i d by dancing sistance, tastes nice, and causes no tn- - proar.un gllMUIwai and wns assisted Heebies the guest of honor there otiv enlrn.e. Accept no substitute. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo0o000000000000000000000000000000ooooooooo ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1915. THREE


SAILM-ACIIO- you get m your purchase this 1 1 Dainty Things from Our Baby Corner HE in Free Delivery M it .raen f T'store is a measure ol our service to you all our merchandise Out of Given f II the phases of every transaction a e guided toward bunging Town by Prompt f imost ot satisfaction to every' cu1 Injured and Careful v Parceli Pent Attention niu I U ft The Economist K.i I. II WE DO MORE THAN WE ADVERTISE lr

A Big Timely Sale of Large The Ladies Home Journal READY-TO-WEA- Sizes but Small Prices R SPECIALS Patterns On Sale Here on Comforters FOR THIS WEEK TO 7 " Comforti ire by by I .1 I MANY NEW ARRIVALS, SI PPLEMENTED MANi GARMENTS REDl t I D FROM IK II R I'KH Our enli reduced l'i this We B. I I II l PRH MAKE I I' A WONDERFUL ARRAY OF C OATS, 8 AND DRISES AT till Hi iMI III H lv regular price was $1.10, Beta rTrl regular price was Sale I'ri si. IS j t regular price was 12.10, Sale I'ri regular price was It.TS, Sale Pri Fashions regular price was 18.90, Sale Pri lu-hi- regular prict was $3.50, Sale Pr nlborll reduced In like ivere dwith Si k ol ine. Satin I ilk Tufted Willi the told weather ROW hen . you ran

Women's and Children's Knit Underwear v High in Quality Odds and Ends Low in Price G li;u. CLEAN II' M VI I'll. sli. Royal .nit - i rwear department an assortment ol odds and i nils, 1 i hat have accumulated during the heavy selling of the J- I Worcester lVw weeks. Included in this assortment are women's ii sun ests and pants. I'hev are all cotton, wool Wl I Corsets 11 MISSES WHO WOULD BE otton and cotton and wool, Tli er ' all sizes AN OFFERING THAT WILL BE WELCOMED BY WOMEN AND - t lot for women and hlldren, a ud prlci are one- CLOTHED, EVEN AT THE CLOSE OF THE SEASON YOU WII L AVE NO BIT IK OPPORTUN-RESSE- S less than regular. ITY TO PICK AND CHOOSE A "RACTTVE IT TS AND AI ll PRICES QUOTED ft DRESSES THE COATS t1 I White Goods, Linens THE SUITS THE Remnants, c every one of lliem. Smart and banning l I authentic styles made of B A upcib oci lion (or every kind Are Beautiful dresses made liom Satin I, 1 Serge, and wear, sheet, allcinoon, tr&velll and Towels cloth. Gabardine Whipcords ( barmcuse, Serges, Velvet, lalletas, 1 tormg or diesi occaiibni. Made ol Coi I Mixtures. Colors, Blue, Black, Brown, ( 1 He Georgelle Crepe, Crepe de bine, Crepe Green and Grey. Fur trimmed and durov, Mixtuet, Diagomli and Bioad 1 ,1 in possession of a bi irtmenl ol short Meteor and combination ol Serge and itylii h, per ourselves vclvel and braid tnmmi d. All redllc-icus- , braid trimmed. Sizes 14 lo etotht; ii lllll' pieces that we are going to close unusual misses, Silks. Dresses for evety occasion; all scl lions. We are Including mercerii! and other 44 bust measure. Regular values to sizes for BUMCI and women. Remtrk' i sizes for misse or women. Values to T plecei of pule limn; also reinnai linen sheeting, $32.50. able value the special I toweling, a. id napkin materials, tui as short pieces $29 00, at very II VIOlll'I.S Id ll( i of all kinds of white poods. Hen chance to buy L08EU OCT t any of the above at very low price Sale Price $17.50 Price of $15 At $15 Each uaiiui t 1 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY VA Oft Stl.HH wjirmumm t Cloakings Reduced to Close t Semi-Annu- Trimmed Hats Price Our al Sale X nsistinB of polo Cloaking, Strife, Plaids and Half at Art Needlework chiila; iidors, red, tan, brown, bint in Beginning Monday we shall hold m:i annual Novembci i $"..." price, new line of Stamped PJeee u6 Inches wide. Values are 1 I of rimmed Millinery. Every Trimmed lat in our is the laws! and mot ekpi)tti $ per yard fielualVO offered at just half the regular pine. I Ins sale inclu Many Ol these iIcsIkiis are not be seen elsew hi rc in tllD pity, lii Model Hats, Trimmed and Tailored Hals, as well as all Children's A erj attrm live line of low m ami 'in mi stamped on excellent iiuolltj ol line Nainsook. I 1 rimmed Mats. I hey all marked ly plain figures and an are in pf HTAMPED COH8BT COVKH8 at S& and "" Blanket Robeing will be offered at Half Price until sold. ttTAMPEO HH1KT WAists. the new 1 f and It.Oo, from :i"c to Rl.l T these Jim BTAMPRp TOX two-ton- e printed Hats bought in this sale at pri n( vtlitetl I wide in ffeets (WAMPED PTtXOw PA8KH at ir' pair. n light and dar shades. sent on approval. 8TAMPKI) IjINEN CltNTEftPlBCBH, I . M il 4 e, Sale Price, yar to . mbrotder, at lid and 5nc ai J This Half Price Sale includes all ( ) BTAMPKD PILLOW COVKRA oOl IX'i'KI.INCi PI JOE OK In a big ri And each. Feathers, bancies, Buckles, Ornaments, mini;4 50c ""''' A t for klmonas and house dresses, light ai laiirc line of stum enieriu' J 'I hey all go at HALF PRICES, Ily pi i.ui o hi. 1. inf. I oiitiRs. Special, per yard 1

young men were Invited for an In-- 1 VcRas; m iss Beatrice Belttman, of ciiiK floors. The music was excellent the Murphy thor- fornml Infor-,11,11- Kapta Ke; aleaara, Dentater and those who danced bad Coming Attraction at Pastime .Will II, FIclJ was n luncheon Mrs Clark M Carr fave an .Mr. oughly big Mrs. and Gordon llussey, of Uoswell. delightful rvctiiiiK. The noun l''rlduy, ontertainillg mill for .Mrs. I'ba-ve- s, hostess at SOCIETY n'HIelly Mi. Aniado crowd stroll' d through the handsome i Frank and twelv. young ladicM Inforinally. 'aim. il . club in between From I'nre Two.) Jr. rooms the intervals Miss Stern was hostess Thurs- dancing, ami many were the expres- Aline m day ut an Infoimal Thanksgiving day Vfondu afternoon Htyn, Wallace Baron, Hlckey, I I. US' K. sions of admiration for the taste And if Mrl i 'aim. There were Herbert l).( elegance displayed It) equipment '(orge lioolittle, Lyman Thaekery, Although informal, the dance given the Mm lop, of building. At Miss Amado Stephen Dbudd by Elks Wednesday ev.nill was 'and furnishing the hi Rroofci were Chaves. Jr., the midnight were in, inbei s of r wd German Hacarach. of Las Vegaa. one of the really enjoyable affaire of retreanmenta nerved. ternoon at her a Hi. ii luune the week. It was in the nature of a Miss Ueatrli e ellgm eui, or ml I'' I II WKHCrVING WCA. MISS (I V FNTVItT celebration Ol the opening of the ren- Itiri IS. remodeled club house and A ThanksgiviiiK tea was KhcM liy Mis KiiHieiine Il'ltlcllv entertained ovated and guild Friday W4Besday .was attended by several hundred of the ladies of st. John's evening iit a dinner at the afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Alfaiado to a few friends and their the Host I'eopit mil their ladies. ! rile ball room, which was used for K. ,ewhall, on West Hold avenue, and Ruets. proved a social as well as a financial Too mucli lurkey TBofc present were Miss Florence (the first time, is easily the tarfeat in WfilUi, the citv anil bus one of the Deal dan success. Mrs i.eona fireenclay, of On the reception committee were Mrs. Amiido Chives, Mrs. Newhall. Mis. Hugo C, Meyer and Mrs. L I! Mitchell. Mrs. Bullock and Mrs. 0, L. Brooka poured, with the young Indies of St. Margaret's guild assisting. There was a pan els post social, home cook- ing and fancy work. ft MMtltlF.ll I, 11 1: Till: I'IKST DAY Hill bile Brewkfast Time. He: Isn't it cold this morning? She: Yes. What? 11. The weal her, of course. i ih, I thought you meant tbf and (bred She: Comes Peeled Hi r th ifllc

She: I d. Ill some muah Ready for Use m And h did, and then all at once 'l

11 uniiKC anea cniie, neeus ,no Lunch Time. , M-i- l ( 11)1 He: IJmmm! Tills Is good. Anil MM-KH- VfNCt ViVN I soaking, peeling;, stemming or cor- c s lade it yourself? mK loftKiin ,'',,('.ytfV;' "X ing. Comes ready to use. Fresher, She: Do you ically like It? j J I you Lbe more flavory than green chile as He: Can kiss at table' .. gad ft, She; Why not ? aptIIlam fm will prrwem at the Paatlmo theater, iic.cinber usually marketed, because it is is mounccd llir He: That's right why not? lli.da Hani In .boola yrJOH "f Oilmen. This picked at its best and canned with- The) do, ami suddenly it Is grdtrsl st reeii pln or the age. in 24 hours; comes to you with its Supper Time. She: You don't know how happ - mis a dance in original vine flavor. m. ihe home of he.- parents Friday even- their fin at vacation y evening, Among He: How happy W8 are, dear. ing compllinent.HA to lor guest. MUM H hull Tics.lav ll H "1 '"Wl, Mrs. 1vlnh-n- c Mildred Mvers. ..f Las Vegas. Thirty "..lests wc. DrcAx? M 1 n J young girls (pent a most enjoyable C, Donald, of ?anta Pe, and Miss u i Vega t, irunto uiiui tu luiltj ou may kiss me. evening as her guests. Una Parker, ot More Delicious and suddenly it Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ilfeld have If--1 The Foilnighlly clUb will give i. Doea your stomach "bloat?" llreakfusl Time. mnmA Invltatltma for n dinner dam e , nt s evening TueSdttJ at the Hash, left-ove- of all kinds, steaks, salads, vege- PUCK temple Thursday ev horn, of Mrs. I;. S. Hoib y. Kai-l- mem- Do B tables, at the Masons yon have "heartburn?" chickens and dressing, game, and scores of eiihiir in bom, of tlrnir guest, Miss ber of the club is privileged to bring something otner dishes seem new dishes in- II put off coming to us for Look tor ott itiKTiniyy party. Fd wards. two friends. There is to be an so, do not when endued with unique K2H program re- comes from the the lahrl. Mr. and Mrs. Dun Miller, of BUWtOd M. All. right and her teresting musical and to relieve yon. Most severe sickness flavor of 8-- Y Chile. Improves Mrs. Bouth Broadway, gave a dinner party are vlaltlng lira, A- freshments will he served. The com- neglecting the stomach. almost anything requiring sea- iv.o children d of Mrs. overloading and then FrMav afternoon in celebration of the lbrights mother ai the Ashley Pond mittee in .barge is ompos' soning. Recipes and premium is. s. Itodey, Airs. w. D, Bryan, in and drug offers eighteenth birthday anniversary ol ram b, near Sanlu l''e. it. Whatever be your needs medicines on back of label. Mrs Noa lll'eid. Mrs Isaac Rarth, Mrs. You their so,, Chester. The Kfieftl "I the .Mi. and Htl AH" it come to us for them. will net The frielnls of, T. ii. Winfrey, .vtiss Barbara Harrla toreithings, occasion were the members of the 61 Pe, will b, Intereet- - Clancy, ftanta Mr.-- . B, S-- Y and C Bradford, the best made. Chilt it a food aid to a h orchestra. id to learn thai a daughter was Pom Ol pink and while .Mrs. Ada Morlev, of Datlli N M., ar- - us. digestion. The decorations to them on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. After you see your doctor, see effective, a llcs-seb- b pan week for 1 carnations were specially Clam y was formerly Mbs Lillian rivid Hi" early ol the being placed at MOh I'latc. a visit of three Weeks or more with carnation n, of this It) . A musical program, together With ti b uds Jn this city. it. V Wiley was a luncheon At Your readings by Miss Parteh. con- Mrs. evening Mrs. I F. Pegfqo Company Grocert. mmm Irene hostess Friday noon for t party "f Thursday Otwell Drug de- -r stituted the amusement of a most ..ewe, during wK e mi Informal dinm r for h- sister-in-la- Free Recipe lightful six ladles. The guests 222 W. Central Ave.. Albuquerque afternoon. the afternoon. Mrs. Cann. .w Book I.UBCHA'a' ft ft ft sorority Mia Lorna Letter entertained STORE WHERE COURTESY ABIDES" ZrTUPi I J sun s in so( ii:ty. The Alpha C.aruma df the "Till: Mr a University el New Meatce entertained .Marcelln Matson gave fancy Mls IsUtHUtton und Later a n Cn 0SHkk' costume masquerade dancing parly at the students of the FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1915.

Win." V hat In All Sorts of Weather Peruna Is An II.. v. ytHl ko dt will report ..n the stt. a V M Lungs Weak? jl.jr. V V I Ml I UOIHST - Ml c.ll- - I I llltrrvillo-d- s le- t IH IK II .1:111 MKT III Nul- - Ideal Protector u ri'i- - ni Trial of Kiiiuih. I'liv. lU' lleimdv. vWOSIX. Mr ages Catarrh !...! nrdatll) in iip.i ii ff. Xo of Bron- most I Wl.l I II M I ,.,-- . " 'i Ta. II I I! .

chial Th. .. IV DirMI .0.1 nil ..Ihrr rrlur.Hr. fatally r a re . .:nm'.tr,i Tubes r'ndav morning V hia, c ectil Bailie Alottrbb Who hi.ifi Edward. S' liiii and t soon lonnJ that I had t.. ill rmtx r. wht will, hap tn pers lladcu Parsonage, Sou d II .11 N'v jod frit'ridff Jtiit ud Jen - ;. ill Hi tl K X eelera Hud . t.. net an MpanaltemJenl ! Boitoi k, Paato hti Qrier Home Sallia at I help I look Perm Exposed .f tflgglna 1 ih until studio lea in honor Mr. at f ishl ktpera t.. he the hati Uui nlng .plendld medicine took rtgni I v tul I y. thrine forea. kii h members ihr Hfomaaa club. th- uori.i to uaaume charce lonpel." ine, drove everv bit of Ihe Kc Colony, of . "f the Santa art the of .III hah axyltnii. Inn vc prow -- nln BvenlBf-;- "thtlthftilAeate- I out. slid bulb me up until to Cold Send. I'e lull ind nlhere, ni"l .Ml loin of (rtenaVa hi Inn praj r and itermoii.1 a m. the hn ekoice. r .1 ijood ItarvMl ilraan r u.uu i had Cm rwn Higglns Tea Was .11 HM Judy lit tun. ui ciuir.'. is the Ju.h Suiulav m hool 1:41 a. ver I liae leen agpoeed lorn rr.eptiofi room. Violets mcl ol ltadd loti!T..F" Hud h miirhi ai - in Inif a liirMKlnK tn all pie Of reetotegih Drenching Jlittlue i;:i(li"av..r .11 :: p .pis. door tWajnl ii' the t plot e. hi-- Ap.'i-tc- to Bronchitis, Asthma. enler know ttnethinf. at I' no p. Ceach, u nn n ideel protector iikllie'a tlns. :tl ui ill 1. ivhaupbx etc amd MAk. letten are . h i BOnCbKT . nrt dI wreathed Th, ,V Mexico .lull re- - to Th. hun outirii Me Itiahop Howden, win iiiii laailaiaaiaHi Rains laliiM.i rlrten ihc Pcfldtetaaaa, t.. Rordon vettlne;, tliln trratmrnt and htm- a 'I ha lifohalilv i - I'minn urrd ptoawra yowr rompani Hallo, k, tin- nUMfta In se iiiiih( ihf ti rlsiiii; lilIK politirian MldwaHt v yejr own keaaa at but i of catarrh than ,nj olhc .1 . of CI ova mors, Man-- i Bible tmh the lha to whom h half NMMi Ud t t p SANOtlN. DeM. Unit u in existence Catarrh pea s p. m many r.pp .rtunltfrji j My, Nuvi'i It, m in. private r Itobin MacRae, In old r. ! dour pa-to- WIIH depend upon d v Tin Kilwai.1 s J ji.ta. 1 I.. Ml inncnta lew of the first informal xhiiii.oii s. .:, h ili i Ian v. h r iiirnal Kraal ...nir nh.rl uualr enter IVrmia l a natural 11 wart b members of tbe cieb atiemjr of th,. tin i4i tin- l 1 . lint NMMn system m illll I III lllUlll iio-.l- l i ' Wash-- j their iixmii. 'iilraii' on Another author Who n hwe 11 rajM )Host I tiria the catarrhal hern I III! HUM procure Iviiiim lal iiixton avenue. Inez - mi, ll..vne tiilluinic About tin' OP- have thousand., of uli. 1t.1l leta - IliUa tin- New M'i. .1 ' .111111 1110 I'timii .if her new hook The oiUvaai how society ( make i Initial to local orphans," there la 1, touch aybtch y U ii i i. - It iN lo be a vM.rlh-v- i liiii i on tak-- - C0OO000OO 3 the family ..f ihr o o 0 f Mi. 1, a ii l n 1.V.1 i v .h ill. than iiunuii in ui .iini and tnr i msi.i nt 11 r o o o photographe of New Mexico 'a inenm- - tit oner-- . o heart Their lejralty to Ihe o o o parable laadacapea, lie well as me 10 neeiuor) ..f theli father and mother, o o Miliums, por- o Santa Society studies of Mill life, of which uppcatn from tinu to tune r, I o o o Fe Notes limn-trui- o i will be exhibit, by o V traits, on all too, f nothing ahoii of beautiful, o o o Santa I. will ue iislouiided Ii k Ihe thing whb b guldea o then o o Q .11 the skill iif nun like PpJ. Halph K j aright in th. problems which arise o T - o o 'i witi hell .mil otherg in frouplht anh- (from time to time as when Ann. the o o o Mils ssm Alllllll HHV.S '.i)i. V'letOI I liKBlnf, a '111. ago art-li- t, e. - ,no taking plctnrea, revealing ' hright, lovable youngest o o o t aiater, doea j MOM s M n ' o o wim han hi u a repeated pri Ihe atttxtl' side of Hon nilnle. the hetta over in modern style and o 0 T ftrr th. hmtaeai RteetLaii ..r the IwlnBar, apaat tin- - lull. Milium o u and banlehea the picture of Uenerai MtUI-- 1 o o WoHMUl'l rkih nn Tiu h.Iiii MfH Oei jeftrb In l 111 o fall Tu. mni thi read of Will- - IN( N (J, from lb.. Ilvlnir room 01 whan o o 1 aid t'aaald)', no, hi 111 11 0 uulhoi. arlmt and hi vlalt th. ij mi old pin'lilo liaa ev-j"- red-need- o o . .Mr Will 1: Prince, on Tueeday ti 'b'1 necond brother o woikr-r- nave 11 riHiKhtrul talk un "In- - (Main a o o s.iiik oi plrturea thai mark il . tin-!- ' "meg home on New eve i 0 " enina at at drunk Yc.r's I rtan llaiiil.-raf- i Kh. has apei UK a co worM). niterlatn. anls 1 o o hmi mot in ih .nt in ir tn. se yruitig people a o 1 -- I'nnce home un Kast PaUKe avenue. are little o o mn. h time among the lad) aim, unit deaplte hlg "ar-rivril- ." o fact, irouth, ha ban Mr.- -. slangy d. i n. o lu-a- d Tile guests wife: Mr. Don and decidedl the o ln thfir i ruflx and a mova-- Where la u and o o 1 Iheer JohnMton, Mr and .Mre. Kenrirlli men attd women are g,too tie- - o o mrnt for lia developmi-n- ttpt of : 'fni o in the Iraatmant iiia 1 Idedly human and o o ' t'luipmiiii, Mr. mid Mrs William J. delr tieveral typeai o oi Um haadli rail woe aa4 - a irunk-- I i t o eihJbltad tlii'mi h. there iilao .are drawn with ctearneag 0 t the which mncli (I Knk'i1iI in haaketi aeag gatonlahoa Darker, .Mle tlrme Jolinstoti, lir. o o admin thai mnne peopMi T testifies to o o a MiirHTli lolli'i waa James A. Mussle, II I'atklnirM and the author's study of life o o 2 imn ahown and Iplaaataj othert and grouaea lha reaaot-- J I a, it exists in Beaton or any 1 o o avmbnla eiplulnad. - II. M. Thomas. other! 1 their mont of a few. i,H hklf- huvc tle American city, for that maiter" todaj o o oi j effect of unutterable vgatneag KUf. 41 1 o o i The Alundny club met witii Mrs. Tile nuthor'n desciiptlrms are all her J 0 X THK IIM.I.INs I ftHMe aXtlt light: aolld rnaaeea, hix o o MIIIUT. hla Leonldaa smith m the Bplacopal ici Iowa, The cigarette cases of hei young o o o Thi- in i oaa-rn- ai the nm o X ethlbii Hiaaowli mountains urr not so tui ,,u Kant Palace avenue, The apa men at- largely monogram, and Rd Horn Ii 8 5 o bwi"t h.m ever aaaa," .iya tho mH ' mutter "I eoiiiriiHl av of color. - C Wil- ; . CMI guest- were Mis Kninclp Olltvaotj the oldest brother, almost 0 art lat . Carlo- - Vierrn. of the Hikriiih it different, gaitg modern in o o son. Airs. Chester M. Wells ami Mis invariably wears immaculate evening o 111 palare ..r tlm his treatment, a o o o nhibit the th Ihr artist strikes dia Krank Mera dress. Hut this is the ri suit of hel o o I o t bubbling, ne enthusiasm, I o o o TI.e r 1.1 . lull was ihe cuest of winch puts life mto every page 01 tin o o o you e O O Mr Levi A. Hughes, the Wallace cltihj Kaepi Interested at o o o 1 A Iiuit Sat-;'1- ' tmn in uu vuung men ami women o of Mrs. Chillies Wheelun. o o 0 1 urdnv, and with Mis Florence i.. and ineit friends in the various walks o o o Rertlett reeterday. The Thirteen club of life. I'erhitps the vary best chap- o o o was guest of Mrs. Charles 0, Cat ter of aii is the one entitled "Rol) o o o the comes O O ron. Through," which tenia witii o o o the wlnnliiK buck to 0 t a a the home circle o o 0 Tlie Dancing Club met with Mrs of the youngest brother o o o 1 Ither lute books wh o o Anna Towns, ml on Mondai evening rriendi o o 0 Th,. Twenty-fle- e gave haVa liked: O club i dance o o o at Ubrafy hall n Kridtn evening, The Story of Julia Page Si iris. o o gtralghl Down o t Mrs. Waiter U Kegel gave dance In the Crooked Ianc o o 0 1 honor of Miss Myrtle Cole and Mian Runkle. o o o Around o o DodgbBrothers Winifred HhUler, of Raton, The guests Old Chester Detand, o o 1 Michael O'Malloran. o of the Dahclng ClUb on Monday at the Portei o o o I Spoon Anthology. C.utu right home, w en f and Mi s, River Meatera o o 0 I Hulls. Mi ami Mrs. Walter I. Kegel, When a Man Comes t.. Himself !. o o o 1 Mr. and Mr- - Austin Brady, Mr, and Wilson. Bookworm oooooooooo Oooooooooo Mis. !iiv Turbs, .lodge and Mrs. K 1 C. AbboM, .Mrs E. A, I'lske, Mrs 1 H. Prince, Mra, T. a Harden, Mrs Sunday Services C. Wilson, Miss Carey Williams, audi 1 Mcsnr lteese h"ullertoil, Kgrl I. me at the Churches ridge. B. C, Wtide, Morris Thomas T and s u, Cartwrlght. i 1TH NT BAPTJHT ' nt t.i ii irner Broadway and Lead avenue, WASHBURN CO. I. Taylor, :ifl L i Pastor, I, lit liftIHl lv u . South Waller Leoal was much Interested atreet. Plow ltiHr, Protectxxi from the weather s.i.i'i Bermoa at u a. m ami ; 11 p, m. T this week 111 the Wrddlllg of Attoliiev Runday echool, 9 : 4 ce -- Mleit a. m. t con-nien- I. iiiiis i). Pullen, or It.. well nmi z with real comfort and Bunbegm hgnd. - p. m. ViiHhii Smith, a talented mtisictun. of. v. p, :i X Alva, dklu., who met All. PUllen, while Itinior ii. i'., p m. has been the prime Senior II. Y. P. p. she wan a gueal of her sister, Mrs, H. i'., H.lln in. it THE EOR I.. NOah at Ito swell. Mission Sunday school, siivenih STORE MEN" ookraderiteon. eel mi,) Mountain road. :: p. in. Sermon the Mission by Bev K. 01.MlVH at i MEET1NO. niTKftA , Parker. 4 fe in Of The Fifteen luh was the guest of atarrdard limousine height, Mrs Paul A. K. IVattl r oil Kasl Pal. ice! ITItsT CONGRJDQATIONAIi kvenuCi on Friday afternoon. After, it affords In reaponaa riimni. '$ ample head room. "quotatlona" i" roil call, Corner Ceal and Broadway, The Men Store Sends Out a Ringing a paper by K. Mrs. U Jones on the Ti lluikei'. .Minister. Hes. fins: "Panania-Odtllforn- ia Kxpoeitlon," li t South Edith Mlteet, Entrance and is facili- lUatrated With superb phologlaphs nt' Sunday achool, 0:45 e. m. exit m,s ,i frleaea In Message of Preparedness daman Btnlth'a hej Preaching eervlcea at 11: eg building, j California and other art and 7:aa p. ni. tated by doors which open .uui exhibits woik archaeotoaTtcal from Morning iermon bi the pi Si hool of .rchacolog , the American Ring by Mrs. J, hi, Heald, All Good Men Looking I ? Now easily and wide. wm lira, . of Albuquerque Are read b William h. V. P. s. c. B. ' so p. m. Mrs Waiter read "Something flue,"! i f hv una lab- events cloned Current ITltST METHODIHT KI'IW OI'AI, Into the Replenishing Their Wardrobes With Ihe program. The nests in addition of Perfect ventilation is at the i ii t 1. ii ito the cluii memberi were Misn Myr--1 Cornet Lead avenue passengers oommaiKi tie COle, of Union: Mrs lTotenre L. I and Smith Third t New Haberdashery, New Hats, New Shirts, New f by a Mrs. B. street BartUtt, lana Johnson and Chuiirs Oscar Pgiitor. All - Cat ell. Hickman, simple adjustment of the door Miss l inli Oorby, Deaconess. Neckwear, New Hosiery and Underwear, New Sci motis by the pastor at II a, m. OF INDIAN Mt!MO, l glasses, with clear vision on OONCKHT and hit p. m. The first production of the Indian Sunday achool, 9:4!V a. m. i Shoes and Stormy Weather Wear of all Sorts all sides. music records presented to the mu-- ; lOpworth league, 6,30 p. m. aeiim hy I'rof. Thutlow MBrani f will be at the tea to be given by the New EVANt.IXH'AIi I t TIIKIiAN All These New Things Are Now Ready for You at Mexico Camera club on Monday ev-- , III RCIL Lt Designed to continue the enlng at the nid Ifaleoe, Comer of Kdlth atreet nntt Central The following will be the program: avenue, in the library. the Big Men s Store. graceful lines of the car, each JlcariHa Apache tear dunce aong. Carl Bch mid, Paator. I in medicine I'M'.' songs, belong- Sunday achool. a. In. ing "Hig II body is fitted individually at to Medicine," of the "Crowe." Herman service, i on a. m. lite la i on dan. . sou, Kecorde t FOR A GOOD SHIRT the factory. atop lieno, near the cutter hat U)M Y tiiiusTiAN cmmcH. I Bates-Stre- et tie field, sung by illcllle Corner Sold avenue ami Broadway. We Recommend or Wilson Bros. f ' A and other Indians Randolph Cook, minister, test-I- 81lver-thro.i- .1 "My t Sioux i , . , . eve .lea. i, lea si,, mo i'h.,,1... Nationally Known Brands, $ 1 , $ 1 .50, $2J50 In the Spring it may be quickly lov,. song, 1711. $2 and songs. ill! ami dm liute and love Sunday si'hool at :45 a. m. Mr. J changed to an open touring KiOWa flute song. Dearing. Superintendent song of pueblo. 'a FlUte Taos Preaching at II . m.. BEST BRANDS OF UNDERWEAR Cheyenne flute anna. t car or roadster. Misa Carrett, of lis Crucea, wiM. i"w o pilfble flute song". nine .it the morning service, also Mis J Lewis and Duofold Underwear. We Recommend J songs, -- A Two Jemc flute s it. Miller win sing race to Knee," I Two flute melodtea Sioux from the Preaching at J II p m te. them, I lxiv song and lulluhy--- ' Piip-oot- v $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 and $5 1 Young 0 iiTi," people's meeting at i and "Deer Flower. p. n A "At Ms lit Near the Pueblo." r the Suit A dance s,ong. . i Ilulfalo ITRRT cm-itni- ' I PREBnYTRIttAN Song of victory, let in the Fifth and Silver avenue. The motor la SO-S- S hcawpowe 1 Klvn." WALK-OVE- R Hugh A. Cooper, Pastor. STETSON AND SHOES iuii dance. Services nt II a p Ta prWe f (he Waiter Tour lot Cegfar Xadater dance song. m. mid Turtle Sunday u t t aehool at 1:11 These Are Best Money Can Buy, . r recoka uaahaar tup. W Walking on parade Brands the That t. us.iubl melody, The Young People's societ 1 Buffalo dance p. m. 1M (f. a b. Detroit) Sit e, gong ha dunce Tlie prayer eTe $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $6 and $6.50 Machgchlti mmi meeting omivi Ceeaaheai ark Mi (artd freight from Den oat. dance Wednesday at 7: IT. p. m. Spl An awl dam a song song Nrrics of topics bus been 'tang X before battle. with 1 STEIN-BLOC- H War dance song twelve different leadei for th and KUPPENHEIMER lleM twelve weeks. 1 a cordial Invitation is ai all serv ices of the rhUTCh. CLOTHES AT THE LIBRARY t UIHISTIAN SCIKNCK StM liriT 1 In his lAttOblograph) issued some Chllatlaa Science aervlrea are held! Are Known From Ocean to Ocean. We Are Exclu- twel-,,- . months ago, S S. AleClure al-- I In Ibe Woman's club building, at the lOWed it 1" he known that he had an corner of Beventh atreet and Gold sive Distributors in This City for Them. r Doo6 I faculty (or detecting iivenne, every Sunday morning at II X Brothers! Dctroit I good work in unknown anthers and o'clock. I, oltsldet aide , outage In placing that Wednesday evening aervlcee are at: SUITS $15,$16.50, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, x w ork before the public, Jian Weh-Iste- r. I o'clock. nuthor of "Iadd long. bus," and The public Is cordially lnvltej to i $27.50 and $30 jollier lueceaaful storli s, relates one attend these services 1 I Incident in Mr. McClure'i magaaiae Sunday school at 8:45 o'clock. 1 1 1 i - OVERCOATS 5, $ 6.SO, li.neer which he, no dOUbt, Inadver- Heading room in the N. T. Arml)o $ $ 8, $20, $22.50, deinl, overlooked This experience building. Room No, U, open each1 X I dates hack to the time shortly after week day from " to c p. m. $25, $27.50 and $30 CUDABAC MOTOR co. her graduation fioin Vassal when she X collected aomc of her college writ- IMMACVTjATE CONCEPTION to $15-A- 11 X .123 W. Contrul Phone 748 ings umbo the title When Patty Went i ill R4 H. MACKINAWS $6.50 Wool to College" and H ied to sell them 1" Sodality mass, 7:00 a. m. X 1 Mr. MrCIure. Children s mass for children only, BRADLEY SWEATERS His bitei of rejection rani "ilear S:"0 a. m. $2.50 to $6.50 Mls Webster If ou lia.l rend our High mass and aermon bv V M Mi - 1 Nationally t magaalwe as cat efnllv as we have read' Nitlly, S. J., o'. lock Advertised i ipt von would Evening aerviof . sermon by t tills inanus. know that reear) X it Is not fitted for Us I thank you rather McNulty. j J. and benedict for euhmittlng it. and hope to aee T something lu the future. X "Yours irulv. I spilt HKItVIt I H ' '!. B Mi CUl'KK." Will be held ait no,j,.y hall. Uni- MAIL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE I I liter the storlee w ere aceepted by versity campus, at 4 e'nk"'k Sunday ' 1 t j ilie Cchturv and proved rwniilair. afternoon Ahoui six montlia after publication! Miss Louise J.ownei win spi