BritishJournal ofOphthalmology 1994; 78: 917-920 917

ORIGINAL ARTICLES - Laboratory science

Effect ofinterleukin 1 receptor antagonist on the blood-aqueous barrier after intraocular lens implantation

Okihiro Nishi, Kayo Nishi, Yasuichi Ohmoto

Abstract patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy," 1 (IL-1) possesses as an intercellu- and in the aqueous humour following intraocular lar signal a wide spectrum of inflammatory, lens implantation in rabbits. 2 metabolic, haematopoetic, immunological, Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-lra) has and reparative properties and can be a media- recently been identified as the first described tor not only ofhost defence but also ofdisease. naturally occurring, endogenous receptor antag- Reduction of IL-1 can decrease the inflamma- onist ofany . It has a molecular weight of tory host response. A human recombinant IL-1 17000-25000 and inhibits IL-1 activities by receptor antagonist (IL-Ira) was used to block competitive binding to a specific receptor."' It is IL-1 after intraocular lens implantation in produced by monocytes, macrophages, neutro- rabbits. Seventeen rabbits underwent intercap- phils, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and other sular phacoemulsification and posterior cham- epithelial cells."' It has been shown in various ber lens implantation. A 100 ig dose (0.1 ml) of animal models of disease'516 as well as in IL-lra (1 mg/ml) was injected into the anterior humans'7-'9 to block the activity of IL-1. It chamber at the end ofsurgery in seven rabbits. effectively reduced the inflammatory response of The 10 rabbits serving as the controls received anterior uveitis caused by intravitreal injection of no IL-lra. Postoperatively, all rabbits were IL-i 20 IL-ira may be effective for reducing observed with a slit-lamp, and the aqueous postoperative inflammation after intraocular lens flare intensity was measured with a laser flare implantation. cell meter at 12 hours, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days and We performed an experiment in rabbits to thereafter at 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks. Aqueous flare examine whether IL-lra is effective in reducing intensity was significantly lower on days 2 and postoperative inflammation after cataract sur- 3, and fibrin deposition much less marked in gery. the eyes treated with IL-Ira, compared with the controls. The results suggest that IL-1 is involved in the postoperative inflammation that Materials and methods occurs after intraocular lens implantation and the use of the IL-lra would be valuable for- SURGICAL PROCEDURE reducing this problem. Seventeen rabbits weighing 1i5 to 2 kg were (BrJf Ophthalmol 1994; 78: 917-920) anaesthetised by the ketamine hydrochloride (5 mg/kg) and xylazine hydrochloride (2 mg/kg). Before surgery the pupil of the rabbit used was The cytokine interleukin 1 (IL-1) functions as an dilated with 1-0% tropicamide and 2 5% phenyl- intercellular signal and regulates locally and, at ephrine. Surgery was performed on one eye only. times, systemically the immunological, inflam- Intercapsular phacoemulsification following a matory, and host response to linear Nishi Eye Hospital reparative injury.' small upper anterior capsulotomy was 4-14-26, Nakamichi, The current studies with recombinant IL-1 in performed. To each 500 ml of balanced salt Higashinari-ku, Osaka human subjects revealed that IL-1 can be a solution (Alcon Inc, Fort Worth, Texas, USA), 1 537, Japan mediator not only of host defence but also of ml ofadrenaline hydrochloride at a concentration O Nishi K Nishi disease. Its over or prolonged production in of 1 mg/ml and 1000 units of sodium heparin either situation, however, will diminish or even were added to facilitate pupillary dilatation and Research Center of impair the normal host functions. Therefore, reduce the fibrinous reaction during surgery. Ohtsuka Pharmaceutical, 463-10, Kagasuno, control of IL-I synthesis or its effects becomes a After a posterior chamber lens with modified C Kawauchi-cho, target oftherapy in many diseases.2 loop and 6-5 mm optic was implanted, the axial Tokushima 777-01, In the ophthalmic field, the intravitreal injec- anterior capsule was removed in such a manner Japan Y Ohmoto tion of IL-I is known to cause an acute anterior so that the remaining anterior capsule covered uveitis in Interleukin 1 Correspondence to: rabbits." is synthesised the intraocular lens margin. Okihiro Nishi, MD, Nishi by various ocular cells such as retinal pigment A 0-I ml aliquot (100 rig) of human recombi- Eye Hospital, 4-14-26, corneal Muller and Nakamichi, Higashinari-ku, epithelial cells,6 cells,7 cells,8 nant IL-Ira, (Ohtsuka Pharmaceutical, Osaka 537, Japan. lens epithelial cells of human cataracts.9 Inter- Tokushima, Japan, 1 mg/ml) was injected into Accepted for publication leukin 1 was detected in the subretinal fluid of the anterior chamber at the end of surgery in 13 September 1994 retinal detachment in humans,'" in the vitreous of seven rabbits, and 0-1 ml of BSS was injected 918 Nishi, Nishi, Ohmoto

into 10 rabbits serving as the controls. A 30 tion increased. Compared with the controls, in gauge disposable needle attached to a 1 ml the eyes treated with IL-Ira, the mean value of syringe was pushed from the limbus across the aqueous flare intensity was lower at every the corneal stroma to make a long channel to measurement, with the exception of the value at prevent leakage of the aqueous humour after week 1. The mean value rather increased towards withdrawal ofthe needle. An antibiotic ointment the end of week 1 and then decreased in the eyes and 1% atropine sulphate ointment were then treated with the IL-Ira injection. The difference instilled. in the mean value of the aqueous flare intensity between both groups was statistically significant on day 2 (p<001) and day 3 (p<005) (multiple POSTOPERATIVE LASER FLARE CELL METRY AND comparisons according to Scheffe's method) SLIT-LAMP EXAMINATION (Fig 1). The anterior segment was carefully observed with a hand held slit-lamp (SL-14, Kowa Co, Japan), and aqueous flare was measured with a SLIT-LAMP EXAMINATION laser flare cell meter (FC-1000, Kowa Co) at 12 Fibrin deposition was seen in every control eye hours, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days, and thereafter 1, 2, 3, on days 1-4, and it needed 2 to 4 weeks to and 4 weeks. At each measurement, one of three disappear. In contrast with the untreated eyes, masked observers measured the flare intensity of fibrin deposition was much less marked and each eye five to 10 times. After the higher or appeared later in the treated eyes, as determined lower readings were omitted, the median value by the slit-lamp examination. among at least five remaining readings was All control eyes showed obvious secondary determined, and the values from seven treated or cataract formation with capsular opacification 10 untreated eyes were then average for each and synechiae on slit-lamp examination 6 months group. The mean value obtained was expressed after surgery. Red reflex from the fundus could as mean flare intensity for each group at each hardly be detected. Two of seven treated eyes measurement in photon counts/millisecond. The showed obviously less secondary cataract forma- regression equation between photon count and tion and less capsular opacification, so that the protein concentration (albumin) determined by red reflex was evident. We submitted these two the manufacturer is Y=-1-55+1-07X; Y=log eyes and one control eye chosen randomly, to y, and X=log x; y is protein concentration in histopathological examination to observe mg/ml, and x is photon count/ms. Coefficient of specifically the capsular bag in those eyes. correlation r=0-95. Accordingly, a reading of 457 photons/ms equals 20 mg albumin/ml. Six months after surgery, all rabbits under- HISTOPATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION went slit-lamp examination again to observe In the capsular bag of the two treated eyes, LEC secondary cataract formation. proliferation was generally much less marked than that in the control eye. In the former, a few lens epithelial cells were observed on the pos- Results terior capsule, whereas lens epithelial cells were thickly layered in the latter. LASER FLARE CELL METRY In the untreated eyes, the mean aqueous flare was at its highest on day 2. At the same time, the Discussion remaining anterior capsule came in contact with Though our results are based only on one experi- the posterior chamber lens, and the lens epithe- ment, they showed that human IL-Ira decreased postoperative inflammation after intraocular lens Figure I Aqueous flare lial cells (LECs) under the capsule began to intensity after intraocular proliferate and opacify. The aqueous flare implantation in the rabbit eye when it was lens implantation in rabbit decreased gradually thereafter, while the anterior injected into the anterior chamber at the end of eyes. * and ** indicate capsule opacification caused by LEC prolifera- surgery. Its significant (decreasing) effect on statistically significant after 2 to 3 differences at p<005 and aqueous flare intensity was manifested p<001, respectively. days. The gradual increase in flare intensity thereafter suggests that IL-ira disappeared grad- E ually. IL-Ira may have been metabolised or 0C cleared in those eyes. 0 Yokoyama'2 reported that the IL-1 B concen- 0 tration in the anterior chamber at day 7 after 0 0 intraocular lens implantation in rabbits was 10 12 (SD 3 96) ng/ml aqueous humour; Rosen- ._ ax baum et a120 injected 75 tg of human recombi- Z._ nant IL-lra intravitreally in rabbit eyes to assess C e the potential activity of the IL-Ira in ocular inflammation induced by the intravitreal injec- C,0) 0) tion of IL-1. In the present study, we chose the e dose of IL-Ira, because it appeared sufficient to 0 block IL-I in the anterior chamber of the rabbit 0) 0~ and, therefore, to assess the effect. 0 I I Even though the IL-Ira used was the human Preop 12h 1 d 2d 3d 4d 1 w 2w 3w 4w antagonist, it effectively blocked IL-1 in the Postoperative period rabbit eye. There are parallel results20 that Effect ofinterleukin I receptor antagonist on the blood-aqueous bamrer after intraocular lens implantation 919

human IL-Ira reduced rabbit ocular inflamma- effects ofPGE2. This can be supported by the fact tion induced by exogenous human IL-1. Inter- that inhibitors of eicosanoid synthesis inhibited leukin 1 is known to induce IL-1 synthesis the ocular inflammatory effects of exogenous during proliferation of cell production.62 These IL-1 ca.5 However, Kulkarni and Mancino34 have facts suggest that human IL-Ira can bind com- reported that ocular inflammation, induced by petitively to the rabbit IL-1 receptor. Although surgical paracentesis or intravitreal endotoxin the aqueous flare intensity reached almost the injection, was not associated with PGE2 same level as that of the control animals, the accumulation in the aqueous humour, so that the significant effect at days 2 and 3 seemed to result eicosanoid inhibitors are not effective for in less marked fibrin deposition in the eyes reducing inflammation, and the presence of IL-I- receiving the IL-Ira injection. Sustained release like activity could not be detected. Our results of IL-lra using a proper drug delivery system and these reports suggest that, with respect to the might work more effectively to reduce disruption pathogenetic process involved, surgically ofthe blood-aqueous barrier. induced inflammation with proliferating residual From the histopathological examination, we LECs shares a common aspect with inflammation were uncertain whether the less marked second- induced by exogenous but not with ary cataract in two of seven eyes was actually that induced by surgical paracentesis or exogen- caused by the effect of IL-lra injection. IL-1 is ous endotoxin in an eye with an uninjured known to increase epithelial cell division in crystalline lens. Proliferating residual LECs may general.' It increased the tritiated thymidine play an important role here. Residual LECs can incorporation into cultured lens epithelial cells of disrupt the blood-aqueous barrier after intra- human cataracts in our vitro study. (Symposium ocular lens implantation,35 which suggests a on Cataracts and Refractive Surgery, 11 April, parallel with the fact that human cataract LECs 1994, Boston) Because only one eye in each synthesise IL-I and PGE2.9 Thus, in the present rabbit was treated surgically in this study, this study, the IL-I and PGE2 synthesis by residual might be due to differences in proliferation of LECs, apart from IL-1 production by other cells lens epithelial cells in the individual rabbit. as a result of surgical trauma, may have been Moreover, not all eyes underwent histo- blocked or decreased by IL-Ira, which contri- pathological examination. Further study is buted to the decrease in disruption of the blood- needed to confirm whether IL-Ira has a suppres- aqueous barrier. sive effect on lens epithelial cell proliferation. In conclusion, the present study suggests that Our results suggest that IL-I is implicated in IL-1 is involved in postoperative inflammation the postoperative inflammation after intraocular after intraocular lens implantation, and IL-Ira lens implantation, as it was detected in the seems to be valuable for decreasing surgically aqueous humour following intraocular lens induced inflammation in the rabbit eye. Deter- implantation in rabbits.12 Interleukin 622 was mining of the role of in ocular inflam- detected in the aqueous humour following intra- mation may lead to new treatments for the ocular lens implantation in humans. Interleukin control of the effects of these important media- 6 caused an acute inflammation subsequent to the tors. intravitreal injection22 and is known to be The authors have no proprietary interest in the methods or induced by IL-12324 in the inflammatory or products mentioned in this paper. 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