by Cross Segment Attention

Michal Lukasik, Boris Dadachev, Kishore Papineni, Gonc¸alo Simoes˜ Google Research {mlukasik,bdadachev,papineni,gsimoes}

Abstract Early life and marriage: Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, in the Document and discourse segmentation are two Hudson Valley town of Hyde Park, New York, to businessman James Roosevelt I and his second wife, Sara Ann Delano. (...) fundamental NLP tasks pertaining to breaking Aides began to refer to her at the time as “the president’s girl- up text into constituents, which are commonly friend”, and gossip linking the two romantically appeared in the used to help downstream tasks such as infor- newspapers. mation retrieval or text summarization. In this (...) work, we propose three transformer-based ar- Legacy: Roosevelt is widely considered to be one of the most important chitectures and provide comprehensive com- figures in the history of the United States, as well as one of the parisons with previously proposed approaches most influential figures of the 20th century. (...) Roosevelt has on three standard datasets. We establish a new also appeared on several U.S. Postage stamps. state-of-the-art, reducing in particular the er- ror rates by a large margin in all cases. We Figure 1: Illustration of text segmentation on the ex- further analyze model sizes and find that we ample of the Wikipedia page of President Roosevelt. can build models with many fewer parameters The aim of document segmentation is breaking the raw while keeping good performance, thus facili- text into a sequence of logically coherent sections (e.g., tating real-world applications. “Early life and marriage” and “Legacy” in our exam- ple). 1 Introduction Text segmentation is a traditional NLP task that A related task called discourse segmentation breaks up text into constituents, according to prede- breaks up pieces of text into sub-sentence elements fined requirements. It can be applied to documents, called Elementary Discourse Units (EDUs). EDUs in which case the objective is to create logically are the minimal units in discourse analysis accord- coherent sub-document units. These units, or seg- ing to the Rhetorical Structure Theory (Mann and ments, can be any structure of interest, such as Thompson, 1988). In Figure2 we show examples paragraphs or sections. This task is often referred of EDU segmentations of sentences. For example, to as document segmentation or sometimes simply the sentence “Annuities are rarely a good idea at the text segmentation. In Figure1 we show one ex- age 35 because of withdrawal restrictions” decom- ample of document segmentation from Wikipedia, poses into the following two EDUs: “Annuities are on which the task is typically evaluated (Koshorek rarely a good idea at the age 35” and “because of et al., 2018; Badjatiya et al., 2018). withdrawal restrictions”, the first one being a state- Documents are often multi-modal, in that they ment and the second one being a justification in the cover multiple aspects and topics; breaking a doc- discourse analysis. In addition to being a key step ument into uni-modal segments can help improve in discourse analysis (Joty et al., 2019), discourse and/or speed up down stream applications. For segmentation has been shown to improve a number example, document segmentation has been shown of downstream tasks, such as text summarization, to improve by indexing sub- by helping to identify fine-grained sub-sentence document units instead of full documents (Llopis units that may have different levels of importance et al., 2002; Shtekh et al., 2018). Other applications when creating a summary (Li et al., 2016). such as summarization and Multiple neural approaches have been recently can also benefit from text segmentation (Koshorek proposed for document and discourse segmenta- et al., 2018). tion. Koshorek et al.(2018) proposed the use of

4707 Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 4707–4716, November 16–20, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics Sentence 1: 2 Literature review Annuities are rarely a good idea at the age 35 k because of withdrawal restrictions Sentence 2: Document segmentation Many early research Wanted: k An investment k that’s as simple and secure as a efforts were focused on unsupervised text segmen- certificate of deposit k but offers a return k worth getting excited tation, doing so by quantifying lexical cohesion about. within small text segments (Hearst, 1997; Choi, Figure 2: Example discourse segmentations from the 2000). Being hard to precisely define and quan- RST-DT dataset (Carlson et al., 2001). In the segmen- tations, the EDUs are separated by the k character. tify, lexical cohesion has often been approximated by counting repetitions. Although compu- tationally expensive, unsupervised Bayesian ap- proaches have also been popular (Utiyama and Isa- hierarchical Bi-LSTMs for document segmenta- hara, 2001; Eisenstein, 2009; Mota et al., 2019). tion. Simultaneously, Li et al.(2018) introduced However, unsupervised algorithms suffer from two an attention-based model for both document seg- main drawbacks: they are hard to specialize for a mentation and discourse segmentation, and Wang given domain and in most cases do not naturally et al.(2018) obtained state of the art results on dis- deal with multi-scale issues. Indeed, the desired course segmentation using pretrained contextual segmentation granularity (paragraph, section, chap- embeddings (Peters et al., 2018). Also, a new large- ter, etc.) is necessarily task dependent and super- scale dataset for document segmentation based vised learning provides a way of addressing this on Wikipedia was introduced by Koshorek et al. property. Therefore, supervised algorithms have (2018), providing a much more realistic setup for been a focus of many recent works. evaluation than the previously used small scale and often synthetic datasets such as the Choi dataset In particular, multiple neural approaches have (Choi, 2000). been proposed for the task. In one, a sequence label- ing algorithm is proposed where each sentence is However, these approaches are evaluated on dif- encoded using a Bi-LSTM over tokens, and then a ferent datasets and as such have not been compared Bi-LSTM over sentence encodings is used to label against one another. Furthermore they mostly rely each sentence as ending a segment or not (Koshorek on RNNs instead of the more recent transformers et al., 2018). Authors consider a large dataset based (Vaswani et al., 2017) and in most cases do not on Wikipedia, and report improvements over un- make use of contextual embeddings which have supervised text segmentation methods. In another been shown to help in many classical NLP tasks work, a sequence-to-sequence model is proposed (Devlin et al., 2018). (Li et al., 2018), where the input is encoded using a In this work we aim at addressing these limita- BiGRU and segment endings are generated using a tions and make the following contributions: pointer network (Vinyals et al., 2015). The authors report significant improvements over sequence la- 1. We compare recent approaches that were pro- beling approaches, however on a dataset composed posed independently for text and/or discourse of 700 artificial documents created by concatenat- segmentation (Li et al., 2018; Koshorek et al., ing segments from random articles from the Brown 2018; Wang et al., 2018) on three public corpus (Choi, 2000). Lastly, Badjatiya et al.(2018) datasets. consider an attention-based CNN-Bi-LSTM model 2. We introduce three new model architectures and evaluate it on three small-scale datasets. based on transformers and BERT-style con- textual embeddings to the document and dis- Discourse Segmentation Contrary to document course segmentation tasks. We analyze the segmentation, discourse segmentation has histor- strengths and weaknesses of each architecture ically been framed as a supervised learning task. and establish a new state-of-the-art. However, a challenge of applying supervised ap- 3. We show that a simple paradigm argued for proaches for this type of segmentation is the fact by some of the earliest text segmentation algo- that the available dataset for the task is limited rithms can achieve competitive performance (Carlson et al., 2001). For this reason, approaches in the current neural era. for discourse segmentation usually rely on exter- 4. We conduct ablation studies analyzing the im- nal annotations and resources to help the models portance of context size and model size. generalize. Early approaches to discourse segmen-

4708 tation were based on features from linguistic anno- In Figure 3(a) we illustrate the model. The input tations such as POS tags and trees (Soricut is composed of a [CLS] token, followed by the two and Marcu, 2003; Xuan Bach et al., 2012; Joty contexts concatenated together, and separated by a et al., 2015). The performance of these systems [SEP] token. When necessary, short contexts are was highly dependent on the quality of the annota- padded to the left or to the right with [PAD] tokens. tions. [CLS], [SEP] and [PAD] are special tokens intro- Recent approaches started to rely on end-to-end duced by BERT (Devlin et al., 2018). They stand neural network models that do not need linguistic for, respectively, ”classification token” (since it is annotations to obtain high-quality results, relying typically for classification tasks, as a representation instead on pretrained models to obtain word or of the entire input sequence), ”separator token” and sentence representations. An example of such work ”padding token”. The input is then fed into a trans- is by Li et al.(2018), which proposes a sequence- former encoder (Vaswani et al., 2017), which is ini- to-sequence model getting a sequence of GloVe tialized with the publicly available BERTLARGE (Pennington et al., 2014) word embeddings as input model. The BERTLARGE model has 24 layers, and generating the EDU breaks. Another approach uses 1024-dimensional embeddings and 16 atten- utilizes ELMO pretrained embeddings in the CRF- tion heads. The model is then fine-tuned on each Bi-LSTM architecture and achieves state-of-the-art task. The released BERT checkpoint supports se- results on the task (Wang et al., 2018). quences of up to 512 tokens, so we keep at most 255 word-pieces for each side. We study the effect 3 Architectures of length of the contexts, and denote the context configuration by n-m where n and m are the num- We propose three model architectures for segmen- ber of word piece tokens before and after the [SEP] tation. One uses only local context around each token. candidate break, while the other two leverage the full context from the input (by candidate break, we 3.2 BERT+Bi-LSTM mean any potential segment boundary). All our models rely on the same preprocessing Our second proposed model is illustrated in Fig- technique and simply feed the raw input into a ure 3(b). It starts by encoding each sentence with word-piece (sub-word) tokenizer (Wu et al., 2016). BERTLARGE independently. Then, the tensors We use the word-piece tokenizer implementation produced for each sentence are fed into a Bi-LSTM that was open-sourced as part of the BERT release that is responsible for capturing a representation of (Devlin et al., 2018), more precisely its English, the sequence of sentences with an indefinite size. uncased variant, which has a vocabulary size of When encoding each sentence with BERT, all 30,522 word-pieces. the sequences start with a [CLS] token. If the seg- mentation decision is made at the sentence level 3.1 Cross-segment BERT (e.g., document segmentation), we use the [CLS] For our first model, we represent each candidate token as input of the LSTM. In cases in where the break by its left and right local contexts, i.e., the se- segmentation decision is made at the word level quences of word-piece tokens that come before and (e.g., discourse segmentation), we obtain BERT’s after, respectively, the candidate break. The main full sequence output and use the left-most word- motivation for this model is its simplicity; however, piece of each word as an input to LSTM. Note that, using only local contexts might be sub-optimal, because the context is short for the discourse seg- as longer distance linguistic artifacts are likely to mentation task, it is fully encoded in a single pass help locating breaks. Using such a simple model using BERT. Alternatively, one could encode each is a departure from recent trends favoring hierar- word independently; considering that many chical models, which are conceptually appealing to consist of a single word-piece, encoding them with model documents. However, it is also interesting a deep transformer encoder would be somewhat to note that using local context was a common ap- wasteful of computing resources. proach with earlier text segmentation models, such With this model, we reduce the BERT’s inputs as (Hearst, 1997), which were studying semantic to a maximum sentence size of 64 tokens. Keeping shift by comparing the word distributions before this size small helps reduce training and inference and after each candidate break. times, since the computational cost of transformers

4709 pred pred pred pred 1 ... n 1 ... n

BiLSTM Transformer Document Document pred sentences sentences s1 ... sn s1 ... sn

Transformer Cross-segment Transformer Transformer tokens Sentence Sentence [CLS] [SEP] tokens tokens t-k ... t-1 t1 ... tk [CLS] t1 ... tk [CLS] t1 ... tk Left context Right context (a) Cross-Segment BERT (b) BERT+Bi-LSTM (c) Hierarchical BERT

Figure 3: Our proposed segmentation models, illustrating the document segmentation task. In the cross-segment BERT model (left), we feed a model with a local context surrounding a potential segment break: k tokens to the left and k tokens to the right. In the BERT+Bi-LSTM model (center) we first encode each sentence using a BERT model, and then feed the sentence representations into a Bi-LSTM. In the hierarchical BERT model (right), we first encode each sentence using BERT and then feed the output sentence representations in another transformer-based model.

(and self-attention in particular) increases quadrat- word-piece embeddings. ically with the input length. Then, the LSTM is We study two alternative initialization proce- responsible for handling the diverse and potentially dures: large sequence of sentences with linear computa- • initializing both sentence and document en- tional complexity. In practice, we set a maximum coders using BERTBase document length of 128 sentences. Longer docu- • pre-training all model weights on Wikipedia, ments are split into consecutive, non-overlapping using the procedure described in (Zhang chunks of 128 sentences and treated as independent et al., 2019), which can be summarized as a documents. ”masked sentence” prediction objective, anal- In essense, the hierarchical nature of this model ogously to the ”masked token” pre-training is close to the recent neural approaches such as objective from BERT. (Koshorek et al., 2018). We call this model hierarchical BERT for consis- tency with the literature. 3.3 Hierarchical BERT 4 Evaluation methodology Our third model is a hierarchical BERT model that also encodes full documents, replacing the 4.1 Datasets document-level LSTM encoder from the BERT+Bi- We perform our experiments on datasets commonly LSTM model with a transformer encoder. This used in the literature. Document segmentation ex- architecture is similar to the HIBERT model used periments are done on Wiki-727K and Choi, while for document summarization (Zhang et al., 2019), discourse segmentation experiments are done on encoding each sentence independently. The [CLS] the RST-DT dataset. We summarize statistics about token representations from sentences are passed the datasets in Table1. into the document encoder, which is then able to re- late the different sentences through cross-attention, Wiki-727K The Wiki-727K dataset (Koshorek as illustrated in Figure 3(c). et al., 2018) contains 727 thousand articles from a Due to the quadratic computational cost of trans- snapshot of the English Wikipedia, which are ran- formers, we use the same limits as BERT+Bi- domly partitioned into train, development and test LSTM for input sequence sizes: 64 word-pieces sets. We re-use the original splits provided by the per sentence and 128 sentences per document. authors. While several segmentation granularities To keep the number of model parameters com- are possible, the dataset is used to predict section parable with our other proposed models, we use boundaries. The average number of segments per 12 layers for both the sentence and the document document is 3.5, with an average segment length encoders, for a total of 24 layers. In order to use of 13.6 sentences. the BERTBase checkpoint for these experiments, We found that the preprocessing methodology we use 12 attention heads and 768-dimensional used on the Wiki-727K dataset can have a notice-

4710 able effect on the final numerical results, in particu- Docs Sections Sentences lar when filtering lists, code snippets and other spe- Wiki-727K Train 582,146 2,025,358 26,988,063 cial elements. We used the original preprocessing Wiki-727K Dev 72,354 179,676 3,375,081 script (Koshorek et al., 2018) for a fair comparison. Wiki-727K Test 73,233 182,563 3,457,771 Choi Train 450 4,500 31,075 Choi Dev 50 500 3,291 Choi Choi’s dataset (Choi, 2000) is an early Choi Test 200 2,000 14,039 dataset containing 700 synthetic documents made Docs Sentences EDUs of concatenated extracts of news articles. Each RST-DT Train 347 7,028 19,443 document is made of 10 segments, where each seg- RST-DT Test 38 864 2,346 ment was created by sampling a document from the Brown corpus and then sampling a random segment Table 1: Statistics about the datasets. length up to 11 sentences. This dataset was originally used to evaluate un- 4.2 Metrics supervised segmentation algorithms, so it is some- what ill-designed to evaluate supervised algorithms. Following the trend of many studies on text seg- We use this dataset as a best-effort attempt to allow mentation (Soricut and Marcu, 2003; Li et al., comparison with some of the previous literature. 2018), we evaluate our approaches using Precision, However, we had to create our own splits as no Recall and F1-score with regard to the internal standard splits exist: we randomly sampled 200 boundaries of the segments only. In our evalua- documents as a test set and 50 documents as a tion we do not include the last boundary of each validation set, leaving 450 documents for training, sentence/document, because it would be trivial to following evaluation from Li et al.(2018). Since categorize it as a positive boundary, which would the Brown corpus only contains 500 documents, lead to an artificial inflation of the results. the same documents are sampled over and over, To allow comparison with the existing literature, necessarily resulting in data leakage between the we also use the Pk metric (Beeferman et al., 1999) different splits. Its use should therefore be discour- to evaluate our results on the Choi’s dataset (note aged in future research. that lower Pk scores indicate better performance). k is set, as is customary, to half the average seg- RST-DT We perform experiments on discourse ment size over the reference segmentation. The segmentation on the RST Discourse Pk metric is less harsh than the F1-score in that it (RST-DT) (Carlson et al., 2001). The dataset is takes into account near misses. It is important to composed of 385 Wall Street Journal articles that note that Pk metric is known to suffer from biases, are part of the Penn Treebank (Marcus et al., 1994), for example penalizing false negatives more than and is split into the train set composed of 347 arti- false positives and discounting errors close to the cles and the test set composed of 38 articles. We document extremities (Pevzner and Hearst, 2002). found that the choice of a validation set (held out 5 Results from the train set) has a large impact on model performance. For this reason, we conduct 10-fold In Table2, we report results from the document cross validation and report the average over test set and discourse segmentation experiments on the metrics. three datasets presented in Section 4.1. We in- Since this dataset is used for discourse segmenta- clude several state-of-the-art baselines which had tion, all the segmentation decisions are made at the not been compared against one another before, as intra-sentence level (i.e., the context that is used in they have been proposed independently over a short the decisions is just a sentence). In order to make time period: hierarchical Bi-LSTM (Koshorek the evaluation consistent with other systems from et al., 2018), SEGBOT (Li et al., 2018) and Bi- the literature we decided to use the sentence splits LSTM+CRF+ELMO (Wang et al., 2018). We also that are available in the dataset, even though they include the human annotation baseline from (Wang are not human annotated. For this reason, there are et al., 2018), providing an additional reference cases in which some EDUs (which were manually point on the RST-DT dataset to the trained mod- annotated) overlap between two sentences. In such els. We estimate standard deviations for our pro- cases, we merge the two sentences. posed models and were able to calculate them from

4711 Wiki-727K RST-DT Choi Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1 F1 Pk Bi-LSTM (Koshorek et al., 2018) 69.3±0.1 49.5±0.2 57.7±0.1 --- -- SEGBOT (Li et al., 2018) --- 91.6 92.8 92.2 - 0.33 Bi-LSTM+CRF (Wang et al., 2018) --- 92.8 95.7 94.3 -- Cross-segment BERT 128-128 69.1±0.1 63.2±0.2 66.0±0.1 92.1±0.8 98.0±0.4 95.0±0.5 99.9±0.1 0.07±0.04 BERT+Bi-LSTM 67.3±0.1 53.9±0.1 59.9±0.1 94.4±0.5 96.0±0.4 95.2±0.3 99.8±0.1 0.17±0.06 Hier. BERT 69.8±0.1 63.5±0.1 66.5±0.1 93.8±0.7 96.7±0.5 95.2±0.4 99.5±0.1 0.38±0.09 Human (Wang et al., 2018) --- 98.3 98.2 98.5 --

Table 2: Test set results on text segmentation and discourse segmentation for baselines and our models. Where possible, we estimate standard deviations by bootstrapping the test set 100 times. the hierarchical Bi-LSTM, whose code and trained decreased the F1-score by 0.4%. It is also worth checkpoint were publicly released. noting that several known LSTM downsides were To train our models, we used the AdamW opti- particularly apparent on the Wiki-727K dataset: the mizer (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017) with a 10% model was harder to train and significantly slower dropout rate as well as a linear warmup procedure. during both training and inference. Learning rates are set between 1e-5 and 5e-6, cho- Regarding the hierarchical BERT model, differ- sen to maximize the F1-score on the validation sets ent initialization methods were used for the two from each dataset. For the more expensive mod- document segmentation datasets. On the Choi els, and especially on the Wiki-727K dataset, we dataset, a HIBERT initialization (a model fully pre- trained our models using Google Cloud TPUs. trained end-to-end for hierarchical BERT, similarly We can see from the table that our models out- to (Zhang et al., 2019) was necessary to get good perform the baselines across all datasets, reducing results, due the small dataset size. On the contrary, the relative error margins from the best baseline by we obtained slightly better results initializing both 20%, 16% and 79% respectively on the Wiki-727K, levels of the hierarchy with BERTBase on the Wiki- RST-DT and Choi datasets. The improvements are 727K dataset, even though the model took longer statistically significant for all datasets. The errors to converge. Other initializations, e.g., random for are impressively low on the Choi dataset, but it is both levels of the hierarchy or BERTBase at the important to point out that it is a small-scale syn- lower level and random at the upper level, gave thetic dataset, and as such limited. Since each doc- worse results. ument is a concatenation of extracts from random Perhaps the most surprising result from Table2 news articles, it is an artificially easy task for which is the good performance of our cross-segment a previous neural baseline achieved an already low BERT model across all datasets, since it only relies error margin. Moreover, on this dataset, the cross- on local context to make predictions. And while the segment BERT model obtains very good results BERT checkpoints were pre-trained using (among compared to the hierarchical models which do not other things) the next-sentence prediction task, it attend across the candidate break. This aligns with was not clear a priori that our cross-segment BERT the expectation that locally attending across a seg- model would be able to detect much more subtle ment break is sufficient here, as we expect large semantic shifts. To further evaluate the effective- semantic shifts due to the artificial nature of the ness of this model, we tried using longer contexts. dataset. In particular, we considered using a cross-segment Hierarchical models, with a sentence encoder BERT with 255-255 contexts, achieving 67.1 F1, followed by a document encoder, perform well on 73.9 recall and 61.5 precision scores. Therefore, the RST-DT dataset. As a reminder, this discourse we can see that encoding the full document in a segmentation task is about segmenting individual hierarchical manner using transformers does not sentences so there is no notion of document context. improve over cross-segment BERT on this dataset. In order to study whether the hierarchical structure This suggests that BERT self-attention mechanism is really necessary for discourse segmentation, we applied across candidate segment breaks, with a also trained a model without the Bi-LSTM (that limited context, is in this case just as powerful as is, making predictions directly using BERT): this separately encoding each sentence and then allow-

4712 ing a flow of information across encoded sentences. Cross-segment BERT Base Hier. Bi-LSTM In the next section we further analyze the impact 70 of context length on the results from the cross- 60 segment BERT model. 50 6 Analyses 40 F1 score 30 In this section we perform additional analyses and 20 ablation studies to better understand our segmenta- 128 64 32 16 0 tion models. Right context length (# word-pieces) Experiments revolve around the cross-segment BERT model. We choose this model because it has Figure 4: Analysis of the importance of the right con- several advantages over its alternatives: text length (solid red line). Dashed blue line denotes • It outperforms all baselines previously re- the hierarchical Bi-LSTM baseline encoding the full ported as state-of-the-art, and its results are context (Koshorek et al., 2018). competitive with the more complex hierarchi- cal approaches we considered. • It is conceptually close to the original BERT whether the performance drops because of smaller model (Devlin et al., 2018), whose code is trailing context or because of smaller overall con- open-source, and is as such simple to imple- text. To answer this, we ran another experiment ment. with 256 tokens on the left and 0 tokens on the • It only uses local document context and there- right (256-0). With all else being the same, this fore does not require encoding an entire docu- 256-0 experiment attains F1 score of 20.2. This is ment to segment a potentially small piece of much smaller than 64.0 F1 with 128 tokens on each text of interest. side of the proposed break. Clearly, it is crucial One application for text segmentation is in assist- that the model sees both sides of the break. This ing a document writer in composing a document, aligns with the intuition that word distributions be- for example to save them time and effort. The task fore and after a true segment break are typically proposed by Lukasik and Zens(2018), aligned with quite different (Hearst, 1997). However, presenting what industrial applications such as Google Docs the model with just the distributions of tokens on Explore provide, was to recommend related entities either side of the proposed break leads to poor per- to a writer in real time. However, text segmentation formance: in another experiment, we replaced the could also help authors in structuring their docu- running text on either side with a sorted list of 128 ment better by suggesting where a section break most frequent tokens seen in a larger context (256 might be appropriate. Motivated by this applica- tokens) on either side, padding as necessary, and tion, we next analyze how much context is needed tuned BERTBASE with all else the same. This 128- to reliably predict a section break. 128 experiment attains 39.1 F1 score, compared to 64.0 with 128-128 running text on either side. 6.1 Role of trailing context size This suggests that high-performing models are do- ing more than just counting tokens on each side to For the aforementioned application, it would be detect semantic shift. helpful to use as little trailing (after-the-break) con- text as possible. This way, we can suggest sec- 6.2 Role of Transformer architecture tion breaks sooner. Reducing the context size also speeds up the model (as cost is quadratic in se- The best cross-segment BERT model relies on quence length). To this end, we study the effect of BERTLarge. While powerful, this model is slow trailing context size, going from 128 word-piece and expensive to run. For large-scale applications tokens down to 0. For this set of experiments, we such as offline analysis for web search or online held the leading context size fixed at 128 tokens, document processing such as Google Docs or Mi- and tuned BERTBASE with a batch size of 1536 crosoft Office, such large models are prohibitively examples and a learning rate of 5e-5. The results expensive. Table3 shows the effect of model size for these 128-n experiments are shown in Figure4. on performance. For these experiments, we initial- While the results are intuitive, it is not clear ized the training with models pre-trained as in the

4713 Architecture Parameters F1 Architecture Parameters F1 L24-H1024-A16 336M 66.0 L4-H256-A4 11M 63.0 L12-H768-A12 110M 64.0 L6-H128-A8 5M 62.5 L12-H512-A8 54M 63.4 L12-H256-A8 17M 62.3 L6-H256-A8 13M 60.2 Table 4: Distillation results on the Wiki-727K dataset. L4-H256-A4 11M 58.2 L12-H128-A8 6M 59.2 L6-H128-A8 5M 57.9 models trained directly on the training data without L12-H64-A8 2.6M 55.5 a teacher, increasing F1-scores by over 4 points. We notice that distillation allows much more com- Table 3: Effect of model architecture on Wiki-727K re- pact models to significantly outperform the pre- sults. vious state-of-the-art. Unfortunately, we cannot directly compare model sizes with (Koshorek et al., BERT paper (Devlin et al., 2018). The first two 2018) since they rely on a subset of the embed- dings from a public archive that includes experiments are initialized with BERTLARGE and over 3M vocabulary items, including phrases, most BERTBASE respectively. Overall, the larger the model, the better the per- of which are likely never used by the model. It formance. These experiments also suggest that, in is however fair to say their hierarchical Bi-LSTM addition to the size, the configuration also matters. model relies on dozens of millions of embedding A 128-dimensional model with more layers can parameters (even though these are not fine-tuned outperform a 256-dimensional model with fewer during training) as well as several million LSTM layers. While the new state-of-the-art is several parameters. standard deviations better than the previous one (as reported in Table2), this gain came at a steep cost 7 Conclusion in the model size. This is unsatisfactory, as large In this paper, we introduce three new model ar- size hinders the possibility of using the model at chitectures for text segmentation tasks: a cross- scale and with low latency, which is desirable for segment BERT model that uses only local context this application (Wang et al., 2018). In the next around candidate breaks, as well as two hierar- section, we explore smaller models with better per- chical models, BERT+Bi-LSTM and hierarchical formance using model distillation. BERT. We evaluated these three models on docu- ment and discourse segmentation using three stan- 6.3 Model distillation dard datasets, and compared them with other recent As can be seen from the previous section, perfor- neural approaches. Our experiments showed that mance degrades quite quickly as smaller and there- all of our models improve the current state-of-the- fore more practical networks are used. An alterna- art. In particular, we found that a cross-segment tive to the pre-training/fine-tuning approach used BERT model is extremely competitive with hierar- above is distillation, which is a popular technique chical models which have been the focus of recent to build small networks (Bucila et al., 2006; Hinton research efforts (Chalkidis et al., 2019; Zhang et al., et al., 2015). Instead of training directly a small 2019). This is surprising as it suggests that local model on the segmentation data with binary la- context is sufficient in many cases. Due to its sim- bels, we can instead leverage the knowledge learnt plicity, we suggest at least trying it as a baseline by our best network —called in this context the when tackling other segmentation problems and ’teacher’— as follows. First, we record the predic- datasets. tions, or more precisely the output logits, from the Naturally these results do not imply that hierar- teacher model on the full dataset. Then, a small chical models should be disregarded. We showed ’student’ model is trained using a combination of they are strong contenders and we are convinced a cross-entropy loss with the true labels, and a there are applications where local context is not MSE loss to mimick the teacher logits. The rela- sufficient. We tried several encoders at the upper- tive weight between the two objectives is treated as level of the hierarchy. Our experiments suggest a hyperparameter. that deep transformer encoders are useful for en- Distillation results are presented in Table4. We coding long and complex inputs, e.g., documents can see that the distilled models perform better than for document segmentation applications, while Bi-

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