Making Transactional Key-Value Stores Verifiably
Cobra: Making Transactional Key-Value Stores Verifiably Serializable Cheng Tan, Changgeng Zhao, Shuai Mu?, and Michael Walfish NYU Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute ?Stony Brook University Abstract. Today’s cloud databases offer strong properties, of its operation. Meanwhile, any internal corruption—as could including serializability, sometimes called the gold standard happen from misconfiguration, operational error, compromise, database correctness property. But cloud databases are compli- or adversarial control at any layer of the execution stack—can cated black boxes, running in a different administrative domain cause a serializability violation. Beyond that, one need not from their clients. Thus, clients might like to know whether adopt a paranoid stance (“the cloud as malicious adversary”) the databases are meeting their contract. To that end, we intro- to acknowledge that it is difficult, as a technical matter, to pro- duce cobra; cobra applies to transactional key-value stores. vide serializability and geo-distribution and geo-replication It is the first system that combines (a) black-box checking, of and high performance under various failures [40, 78, 147]. (b) serializability, while (c) scaling to real-world online trans- Doing so usually involves a consensus protocol that inter- actional processing workloads. The core technical challenge acts with an atomic commit protocol [69, 96, 103]—a com- is that the underlying search problem is computationally ex- plex combination, and hence potentially bug-prone. Indeed, pensive. Cobra tames that problem by starting with a suitable today’s production systems have exhibited serializability vio- SMT solver. Cobra then introduces several new techniques, lations [1, 18, 19, 25, 26] (see also §6.1).
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