Congressional Record-House. May 1
4046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MAY 1, . / Also, ·mem-orial of the Boston monthly meeting of Friends, in favor of District of Columbia, in the Territories, and in the Milita-ry and Naval the passage of Senate bil1355, to promote peace among nations, &c. Academies, the Indian and cplored schools supported wholly or in part to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. by money from the national Treasury, .were presented and severally By Mr. COMSTOCK: Petition of J. B. Richardson Post of the Grand referred to the Committee on Education: ..Aimy of the Republic at Harbor Springs, Mich., asking for increase of By :Mr. BRAGG: Of citizens of Fond duLac and Waukeska County, pension for Mary E. Champ-lin-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Wisconsin. .Also, petition of Williams Post, No. 10, Grand .Army of the Repub By 1\lr. E. B. TAYLOR: Of citizens of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. lic, of Ludington, Mich., asking for increase of pension for Mary E. Champlin-to the-same committee. Also, petition of citizens of Kent County, Michigan1 for the enaet ment of such laws and appropriations as will make efficient the work HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. of tlie National Board of Health-to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. GIFFORD: Seventeen petitions of citizens of Dakot-a, pray SATURDAY, May 1, 1886. ing for a division of the Territory on the seventh standard parallel thereof-to the Committee on the Territories. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. By 1\Ir~ GROSVENOR: Evidence to support the bill for the relief of William Jack-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.
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