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Name Altname RA Decl Const. Type Mag. SB Dia. P.A. S&T Page Last Observed Objects until 01.08.2010 S&T Name Altname RA Decl Const. Type Mag. SB Dia. P.A. Last Seen Page NGC 224 - Andromeda A - M 31 Andromeda Galaxy - 00h42m44s 41d16' Andromeda Gx 3.5 13.4 189.1'x61.7' 35 3 Andromeda Nebula 20090815 M 32 NGC 221 - Arp 168 00h42m42s 40d52' Andromeda Gx 8.1 12.2 8.5'x6.5' 170 3 20090601 M 110 H400 6 - NGC 205 00h40m22s 41d41' Andromeda Gx 7.9 13.5 19.5'x11.5' 170 3 20090601 Caldwell 22 - H400 394 - PK NGC 7662 23h25m54s 42d32' Andromeda PN 9.4 6.4 17.0''x17.0'' 72 106-17.01 - Blue Snowball 20090814 NGC 7640 HII 395 - UGC 12554 23h22m07s 40d51' Andromeda Gx 11 13.9 10.0'x1.9' 167 72 20090919 H400 14 - UGC 718 - Mirach's NGC 404 01h09m27s 35d43' Andromeda Gx 10 12.8 4.3'x3.9' 3 Ghost 20090831 Caldwell 23 - H400 36 - UGC NGC 891 02h22m33s 42d21' Andromeda Gx 9.9 13.6 13.1'x2.8' 22 2 1831 - Silver Sliver Galaxy 20090831 HII 355 - PK 045-04.01 - Cr NGC 6804 19h31m36s 9d14' Aquila PN 11 9.6 35.0''x35.0'' 64 400 20100709 NGC 6778 PK 034-06.01 - NGC 6785 19h18m25s -1d36' Aquila PN 12.3 9.2 16.2''x16.2'' 67 20100709 NGC 6781 H400 358 - PK 041-02.01 19h18m28s 6d32' Aquila PN 11 12 1.8'x1.8' 65 20100709 NGC 6751 PK 029-05.01 19h05m56s -5d59' Aquila PN 12 9.4 20.5''x20.5'' 67 20100709 Caldwell 55 - H400 377 - PK NGC 7009 21h04m11s -11d22' Aquarius PN 7 5.1 28.5''x28.5'' 77 037-34.01 - Saturn Nebula 20100708 M 72 NGC 6981 - Mel 233 20h53m28s -12d32' Aquarius GC 9.3 12.6 5.1'x5.1' 66 20100708 M 2 NGC 7089 - Mel 235 21h33m27s -0d49' Aquarius GC 6.5 11.6 11.7'x11.7' 77 20100711 NGC 772 H400 32 - UGC 1466 01h59m20s 19d00' Aries Gx 10.3 13.8 7.5'x4.3' 130 4 20091020 H400 60 - OCL 434 - Cr 66 - NGC 1907 05h28m05s 35d20' Auriga OC 8.2 12.2 7.0'x7.0' 12 Mel 35 20100408 NGC 1931 H400 61 - OCL 441 - Stock 9 05h31m24s 34d15' Auriga H-II 0 0 3.0'x3.0' 12 20100417 NGC 2099 - Auriga Salt-and- M 37 Pepper - January Salt-and- 05h52m18s 32d33' Auriga OC 5.6 12.2 24.0'x24.0' 12 Pepper - Cr 75 - Mel 38 20090411 1/18 01.08.2010 (c) Constantin Lazzari Observed Objects until 01.08.2010 S&T Name Altname RA Decl Const. Type Mag. SB Dia. P.A. Last Seen Page NGC 1960 - Pinwheel Cluster - M 36 05h36m18s 34d08' Auriga OC 6 11.1 12.0'x12.0' 12 Cr 71 - Mel 37 20090411 NGC 1912 - Starfish Cluster - M 38 05h28m42s 35d51' Auriga OC 6.4 12.8 21.0'x21.0' 12 Cr 67 - Mel 36 20090411 IC 2149 PK 166+10.01 05h56m24s 46d06' Auriga PN 11.2 14.3 8.5''x8.5'' 12 20091209 H400 56 - OCL 411 - Cr 56 - NGC 1664 04h51m05s 43d41' Auriga OC 7.6 13.6 18.0'x18.0' 12 Mel 27 20100103 NGC 1893 Cr 63 - Mel 33 05h22m44s 33d25' Auriga OC 7.5 12.4 11.0'x11.0' 12 20091226 H400 68 - OCL 418 - Cr 78 - NGC 2126 06h02m33s 49d52' Auriga OC 10.2 13.8 6.0'x6.0' 23 Mel 39 20100103 H400 59 - OCL 428 - Cr 61 - NGC 1857 05h19m05s 39d21' Auriga OC 7 10.6 6.0'x6.0' 12 Mel 32 20100103 H400 82 - OCL 446 - Cr 116 - NGC 2281 06h48m18s 41d05' Auriga OC 5.4 11 15.0'x15.0' 23 Mel 51 20100218 NGC 5466 H400 298 - GCL 27 - Mel 124 14h05m27s 28d32' Bootes GC 9 13.6 9.2'x9.2' 44 20100319 ADS 9372 - Epsilon Bootis - Izar - Epsilon Boo - Epsilon STF 1877 14h45m00s 27d04' Bootes DS 2.7 0 2.9'' 339 44 Bootis - Epsilon Bootis - Epsilon Boo 20090601 NGC 2715 UGC 4759 09h08m06s 78d05' Camelopardalis Gx 11 13 4.8'x1.6' 22 31 20100319 H400 119 - UGC 4637 - Arp NGC 2655 08h55m38s 78d13' Camelopardalis Gx 10 13 4.9'x4.1' 85 21 225 20100319 Caldwell 7 - H400 99 - UGC NGC 2403 07h36m51s 65d36' Camelopardalis Gx 8.1 13.9 23.4'x11.8' 127 21 3918 20090421 H400 50 - OCL 383 - Cr 45 - NGC 1502 04h07m49s 62d20' Camelopardalis OC 6.9 11.2 8.0'x8.0' 11 Golden Harp Cluster 20100305 NGC 1501 H400 49 - PK 144+06.01 04h07m01s 60d55' Camelopardalis PN 11.8 11.2 0.9'x0.9' 11 20100305 NGC 1961 H400 62 - IC 2133 - Arp 184 05h42m04s 69d23' Camelopardalis Gx 10.9 13.5 4.5'x3.1' 85 11 20100305 M 30 NGC 7099 - Mel 237 21h40m22s -23d11' Capricornus GC 7.2 11.7 8.9'x8.9' 77 20100708 H400 398 - OCL 269 - Cr 460 - NGC 7789 23h57m24s 56d42' Cassiopeia OC 6.7 12.5 16.0'x16.0' 72 Mel 245 20100711 NGC 281 IC 11 - PacMan Nebula 00h52m48s 56d36' Cassiopeia H-II 0 0 17.0'x15.0' 80 3 20100721 2/18 01.08.2010 (c) Constantin Lazzari Observed Objects until 01.08.2010 S&T Name Altname RA Decl Const. Type Mag. SB Dia. P.A. Last Seen Page Caldwell 11 - HII 394 - LBN NGC 7635 23h20m42s 61d11' Cassiopeia H-II 0 0 13.0'x4.0' 150 71 549 - Bubble Nebula 20090730 Caldwell 13 - H400 16 - OCL 321 - Dragonfly Cluster - ET NGC 457 Cluster - Owl Cluster - Phi 01h19m33s 58d17' Cassiopeia OC 6.4 11.7 13.0'x13.0' 3 Cassiopeiae Cluster - Mel 7 - Cr 12 20090831 NGC 7654 - Cassiopeia Salt- and-Pepper - October Salt- M 52 23h24m50s 61d36' Cassiopeia OC 6.9 12.2 13.0'x13.0' 71 and-Pepper - Cr 455 - Mel 243 20090831 NGC 278 H400 11 - UGC 528 00h52m05s 47d33' Cassiopeia Gx 10.7 12.3 2.4'x2.4' 3 20091020 Caldwell 18 - H400 5 - UGC NGC 185 00h38m58s 48d20' Cassiopeia Gx 9.3 14.3 12.5'x10.4' 35 3 396 20091020 NGC 147 Caldwell 17 - UGC 326 00h33m12s 48d30' Cassiopeia Gx 9.4 14.3 13.5'x8.2' 25 3 20091020 Caldwell 2 - H400 1 - PK NGC 40 00h13m01s 72d31' Cepheus PN 10.7 13.7 0.8'x0.8' 1 120+09.01 20100721 H400 371 - OCL 217 - Cr 423 - NGC 6939 20h31m30s 60d40' Cepheus OC 7.8 12.1 8.0'x8.0' 61 Mel 231 20090730 NGC 7538 LBN 542 23h13m42s 61d30' Cepheus H-II 0 0 5.0'x4.0' 75 71 20090730 Caldwell 1 - OCL 309 - Mel 2 - NGC 188 00h47m28s 85d15' Cepheus OC 8.1 13.6 14.0'x14.0' 1 Cr 6 20100123 M 77 NGC 1068 - Cetus A - Arp 37 02h42m41s -0d01' Cetus Gx 8.7 12.6 7.3'x6.3' 70 6 20090919 NGC 1087 HII 40 - UGC 2245 02h46m25s -0d30' Cetus Gx 10.7 12.8 3.9'x2.3' 5 6 20090919 NGC 1055 H400 43 - UGC 2173 02h41m45s 0d27' Cetus Gx 10.6 13.7 7.6'x3.0' 105 4 20090919 NGC 779 H400 33 - MCG -01-06-016 01h59m43s -5d58' Cetus Gx 11.1 12.6 4.1'x1.2' 160 6 20091020 NGC 720 H400 30 - MCG -02-05-068 01h53m00s -13d44' Cetus Gx 10.2 12.4 4.4'x2.2' 135 6 20091020 NGC 615 H400 24 - MCG -01-05-008 01h35m06s -7d20' Cetus Gx 11.7 13.1 3.4'x1.4' 155 6 20091020 NGC 596 H400 21 - MCG -01-05-005 01h32m52s -7d02' Cetus Gx 10.8 12.5 2.8'x2.1' 40 6 20091020 NGC 584 H400 20 - IC 1712 01h31m20s -6d52' Cetus Gx 10.4 12 2.8'x1.9' 61 6 20091021 HII 108 - LBN 1041 - Duck NGC 2359 07h18m36s -13d12' Canis Major WRN 0 0 33'x22.0' 40 27 Nebula - Thor's Helmet 20100218 3/18 01.08.2010 (c) Constantin Lazzari Observed Objects until 01.08.2010 S&T Name Altname RA Decl Const. Type Mag. SB Dia. P.A. Last Seen Page IC 468 07h18m12s -13d09' Canis Major WRN 0 0 10.0'x4.0' 95 27 20100218 NGC 2287 - Cr 118 - Canis M 41 06h46m00s -20d45' Canis Major OC 4.5 12.1 38'x38' 27 Major cluster - Mel 52 20100305 Caldwell 64 - H400 94 - OCL 633 - Mexican Jumping Star - NGC 2362 07h18m41s -24d57' Canis Major OC 4.1 8.4 8.0'x8.0' 27 Tau CMa cluster - Cr 136 - Mel 65 20100305 Tuft in the Tail of the Dog - Cr 140 07h23m54s -32d11' Canis Major OC 4.2 12.1 42'x42' 29 Tuft in the tail 20100305 NGC 2632 - Beehive Cluster - M 44 Manger - Praesepe - Cr 189 - 08h39m57s 19d40' Cancer OC 3.1 12.7 95'x95' 24 Mel 88 20090411 M 67 NGC 2682 - Cr 204 - Mel 94 08h50m50s 11d49' Cancer OC 6.9 14 30.0'x30.0' 24 20100218 Caldwell 48 - H400 124 - UGC NGC 2775 09h10m20s 7d02' Cancer Gx 10.3 13.1 4.5'x3.6' 155 35 4820 20100218 Caldwell 38 - H400 260 - UGC NGC 4565 12h36m21s 25d59' Coma Berenices Gx 9.5 12.9 14.9'x2.0' 136 45 7772 - Needle Galaxy 20100605 NGC 4826 - Black Eye Galaxy - M 64 12h56m44s 21d41' Coma Berenices Gx 8.4 12.4 10.3'x5.0' 115 45 Sleeping Beauty Galaxy 20100418 NGC 4147 H400 212 - NGC 4153 12h10m06s 18d33' Coma Berenices OC 9.3 12.1 4.1'x4.1' 45 20100418 NGC 5053 HII 270 - GCL 23 - Cr 267 13h16m27s 17d42' Coma Berenices GC 9.5 14 8.9'x8.9' 45 20100418 M 53 NGC 5024 - Mel 117 13h12m55s 18d10' Coma Berenices GC 7.6 13.1 14.4'x14.4' 45 20100418 NGC 4494 H400 251 - UGC 7662 12h31m24s 25d46' Coma Berenices Gx 9.7 12.7 4.5'x4.3' 45 20090319 NGC 4725 H400 277 - UGC 7989 12h50m27s 25d30' Coma Berenices Gx 9.2 13.6 10.4'x7.2' 35 45 20090411 NGC 4889 Caldwell 35 - NGC 4884 13h00m08s 27d59' Coma Berenices Gx 11.5 13.1 2.8'x2.0' 80 45 20090411 Cr 256 - Coma Star Cluster - C Mel 111 1222+263 - Lund 613 - OCL 12h25m06s 26d07' Coma Berenices OC 1.8 14.2 275'x275' 45 558 - MEL 111 20090411 Caldwell 36 - H400 259 - UGC NGC 4559 12h35m58s 27d58' Coma Berenices Gx 9.5 13.6 11.0'x4.9' 150 45 7766 20090411 NGC 4394 H400 235 - UGC 7523 12h25m56s 18d13' Coma Berenices Gx 10.8 13.1 3.4'x3.2' 160 45 20090421 M 85 NGC 4382 12h25m24s 18d11' Coma Berenices Gx 9 12.8 7.4'x5.9' 5 45 20090421 4/18 01.08.2010 (c) Constantin Lazzari Observed Objects until 01.08.2010 S&T Name Altname RA Decl Const.
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