
Climate Change, Rural Poverty and Food and Nutrition Nexus in

Increasing the resilience and reducing vulnerability of smallholders

Tania Santivanez, Marlen Tynaliev, Kanat Tilekeyev 27 October, 2020 Life in Kyrgyzstan Conference


01 Introduction 1.1. Kyrgyzstan and MDF 1.2. Approaching multiple risks

02 Outputs: Responding bottom up to Outline climate change, food security & Covid-19: 2.1. Responding CC/FS 2.2. Responding to COVID-19 03 Questions and answers


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1.1. Kyrgyzstan and MDF

Ø One of the most beautiful countries in Central Asia

Ø Mountains cover over 80% of the country and large Alpine lakes.

Ø Agriculture is key economic sector


1.1. Kyrgyzstan and MDF Ø Kyrgyzstan is highly vulnerable to the effects of CC

Ø 25.6 % of population live below min. subsistence level.

Ø 70% of the poor population live in rural areas.

Ø Country is preparing for the deployment of important climate finance resources from the Green Climate Fund


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Project MDF Creating enabling environments for enhanced climate action and poverty reduction in Kyrgyzstan

12 Months 275.000 USD Problems /Issues to be addressed:

Limited capacities at national and district levels in the use of tools and information (CC and DRR)

Fragmented and incomplete information on CC, food security and rural poverty nexus

Climate Action and Poverty reduction efforts in parallel limited communication with stakeholders


1.2. The project: Addressing multiple risks

Ø 2019 September started the implementation REU/RI3, CO, ADI.

Participatory approach - Ak-Talaa,

Ø 2020 March Combating CC and COVID-19

01 02 Text Here Text Here You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing MDF-1 Increasing the resilience and reducing vulnerability of Text Here smallholders Ak-Talaa, You can simply Suzak, Nookat, Batken, impress your audience FAO-ADI-WFP Leilek and add a unique zing budget re allocation


3 10/28/20

Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019.

Results and Findings

Kanat Tilekeyev, National Expert


Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

Study Idea and Goal

Main idea of the research is to analyze impact of climate change on: Poverty, Agriculture, Food and nutrition security, Migration, Market (districts’ economy) Study was implemented in 2019. It covers 13 villages from all Aiyl Aimaks. Sample size - 259 HHs, 1395 people.


4 10/28/20

Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings


Ak-Talaa Sample Age Distribution by Share of males (51.9 %) higher than that of Gender 80+ females (48.1%) 70-74 60-64 50-54 Average household size - 5.4 persons Male 40-44 30-34 Female In each household: 20-24 10-14 • 2 people under working age (36.8 %), 0-4

• 3 persons in the working age (55.1%), Naryn Province Rural Population Age Distribution by Gender, 2018 • 0.4 people (8% only) above working age. 80+ 70-74 Male Household heads - primarily men (85 %), average 60-64 50-54 Female age -48.7 y., 94.5 % are married . 40-44 30-34 Female household heads - 59.3 y., mainly widows 20-24 10-14 – 87% 0-4


Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

Agricultural land Livestock 94.2% of all rural households have access to Cattle and sheep -main livestock agricultural land production activities in the area. Five agricultural lands: irrigated (58%) and non- irrigated (3%) arable lands, hayfields (34%), Most popular animals are sheep and gardens (0.1%) and kitchen gardens (5%) cows (86 and 81% accordingly). Most popular lands: irrigated arable land Third position held by goats – 61% of (66.8%), average size - 2 ha; kitchen garden all households in Ak-Talaa has goats. (64.9%) average size of 16.8 – are, hayfields - Horses are kept in fourth place by important (37.1%); gardens - minor (6.6% of the their popularity (52%). Only 37% of respondents) farmers keep poultry. 77% of farmers - assess their agricultural land quality 22% of them asses their lands as good Average herd of cattle - 8 heads, and excellent sheep – 31.7, goats – 9.7 and horses - 5.7. 42% of them report about the average quality of their lands and 8% informs that land is bad.


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Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

40.0 38.0 37.8 Poverty measurement results 30.6 30.6 29.2 28.1 30.0 30.6 32.1 25.4 25.6 Absolute and Extreme 20.0 22.4 20.1 Poverty Indexes for Headcount Poverty Indexes Ak-Talaa district, % 10.0 in Ak-Talaa district, % 1.81.2 2.11.2 2.6 0.8 2 0.8 2.2 0.6 2.50.5 0.0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 40 .0 % 8.0% 33.6% 6.9% 35 .0 % 7.0% Naryn Absolute Poverty Rate Absolute Poverty Rate,Kyrgyzstan 30 .0 % 28.6% 6.0% Naryn Extreme Poverty Rate Extreme Poverty Rate,Kyrgyzstan 25 .0 % 20 .0 % 5.0% 7 5.9 15 .0 % 4.0% 6 5.4 5 4.6 10 .0 % 4.1 3.0% 3.7 4.6% 2.3% 4 3.3 5.0% 1.5% 2.0% 3 0.0% 1.6 Households Individuals 1.0% 2 1.4 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.8 Absolute poverty rate 1 0.0% 0 Extreme Poverty rate Poverty Gap Poverty Severity Index Index 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 Poverty Gap Index for Kyrgyzstan Poverty Severity Index for Kyrgyztan


Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

Climate Change - Weather Chronicles, Perception, Information Weather Events History in the Ak-Talaa District is 2014-2015, observations

2014 2015

High temperatures High temperatures High snow 80 Droughts High snow 100 Droughts 60 Blizzards Fl oods 80 Blizzards Fl oods 40 60 40 Cold temperatures 20 High water Cold temperatures 20 High water 0 0 Low snow Reducing of glaciers Reducing of Low snow glaciers

Avalanches Hail Avalanches Hail Landslides Freezing Landslides Freezing Thunderstorm Thunderstorm


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Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

Climate Change - Weather Chronicles, Perception, Information Weather Events History in the Ak-Talaa District is 2016-2017, observations

2016 2017

Hi gh tempe ratures 150 Hi gh tempe ratures High snow Dro ugh ts High snow 20 0 Dro ugh ts 15 0 Blizzards 100 Floods Blizzards Floods 10 0 50 Co ld tempe ratures Hi gh wa te r Co ld tempe ratures 50 Hi gh wa te r

0 0 Reducing of Low snow glaciers Low snow Reducing of glaciers

Avalanches Ha il Avalanches Ha il

Landslides Freezing Landslides Freezing Thunderstorm Thunderstorm


Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

Climate Change - Weather Chronicles, Perception, Information Weather Events History in the Ak-Talaa District is 2018-2019, observations

2018 2019

Hi gh tempe ratures High temperatures 30 0 250 High snow Dro ugh ts High snow Droughts 25 0 200 Blizzards 20 0 Floods Blizzards Fl oods 150 15 0 100 10 0 Co ld tempe ratures Hi gh wa te r Cold temperatures 50 High water 50 0 0 Reducing of Reducing of Low snow Low snow glaciers glaciers

Avalanches Hail Avalanches Ha il

Landslides Freezing Landslides Freezing Thunderstorm Thunderstorm


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Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

Climate Change Causality Interlinkage Agriculture decline

Worse food security and I don't know more rain 2% nutrition loss in 10% animals and plants less rain 10% 30% Increase poverty level no effect yet 2% Lead to low well-being and trees may die migration 8%

increase erosion Makes local market 7% hotter temperatures at stagnating colder temperatures at summer summer 3% 28%


Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

Shocks Coping strategies

POOR NON-POOR Non- Poor Poor 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Rely on own savings 6% 4% Drought 33% Drought 32% Received unconditional support Irregular Rains 29% Irregular Rains 30% from friends and relatives 7% 8% Livestock 19% Non-working members of the Livestock Disease 17% Disease household looking for a job Costs of Inputs 10% 2% 1%

Costs of Inputs 9% Get credit 8% 7% Low Agr Prices 2% Sold livestock 10% 21% Low Agr Prices 6% Fl oods 2% Did not do anything 57% 46% Other options 10% 11% Other shocks 5% Other shocks 6%


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Research Survey of Ak-Talaa District, 2019- Results and Findings

Conclusions • Climate shocks increasing over time in Ak-Taala and affect negatively on rural population • Agriculture – droughts, floods, unpredictable weather limits agricultural production • Food nutrition and security – depends from the purchased products • Poverty – low productivity and agricultural losses destroy the wealth of the local people. Poverty rate and inequality higher – compare to regional poverty indices


1. Further analysis of the impact of climate shocks need to be continued. Local development plans adopted to the improving the situation.

2. New crops, plants and trees resistant to the climate change may improve nutrition patterns. 3. Knowledge and capacity building may reduce vulnerability of local people. 4. Technological decisions designed for small scale production may increase resistance of farmers.


Outputs: Responding bottom up to climate change, food security & Covid-19:

2.1. Responding CC/FS 2.2. Responding to COVID-19

Frost and mudflow in spring 2020 and Closed borders and markets due to COVID-19 increased vulnerability of small farmers


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Community Climate Adaptation plan

Ø Analysis of local context, CC risks & vulnerability Ø Creating local CC council Ø Participatory development of climate community adaptation plan with FAO consultants Ø Community CC adaptation plan consist all local initiatives and activities of various partners (state, municipal, donors) Ø Implementation by local administration under CC local council supervision


Policy and regulatory Support :

ØAssessment on the potential synergies between the different government institutions ØRoadmap for enhanced climate action and poverty reduction efforts in Kyrgyzstan


10 10/28/20

Responding bottom up to climate change, FSN

Workshops at national and local levels Technical assistance to Ak-Talaa district, Naryn: 5 PCs, 5 UPS, 1 multifunctional printer, 1 colored printer National Workshop of Pre-validation workshop of the draft and 1 digital camera. The equipment was handed over MDF Project Assessment Report on to key beneficiaries. September 11, 2019 socio-economic impact of climate change to rural poverty in Ak- Talaa district - December 4, 2019

National Training on Disaster Damage and Loss Validation workshop Assessment in Agriculture of the survey and Monitoring of the in Ak-Talaa district Agriculture Loss Indicators December 24, 2019 of the Sendai Framework and SDG Agenda November 11-14, 2019



Ø Climate Change nexus Social Protection, Migration, Agriculture (Naryn, Dec.2019)

Ø GIS and its application (, Sep.2019, Naryn Nov. 2020, Batken March 2020)

Ø Adaptation Technologies to Climate Change (Naryn, March 2020)

Ø Consultation on developing adaptation plan (February-June, 2020, Ak-Talaa & Batken)


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COVID-19 IMPACT SURVEY /September-October, 2020/

Main objectives: To assess the impact of COVID-19 on the activities of farmers, on the food security of their families and to study their coping strategies. With special focus on migrant's and women headed families and the most suffered from climate shocks (snowfall, frost, flood).

To develop recommendations at the local level on resilience plans based incorporated with local development plans.

To develop recommendation for MoA on policy and COVID-19 consequences responds to support smallholder farmers


Assistance to vulnerable farmers with vegetable seeds

Ø 1140LOREMvulnerable IPSUM DOLOR SIT farmers’ AMET, CU USU families AGAM INTEGRE of 5 IMPEDIT. districts who didn’t get opportunity to buy seeds and who lost seedling from frost and mudflow.

Ø Local varietal seeds were provided by local farmers from seed custodian network “Dyikan Murasy”.

Ø Hybrid seeds were provided from seed companies for free.

Ø UN WFP provided food assistance to project beneficiaries (flour, vegetable oil).


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ТоТ for experienced farmers to be agro-mentors

Certified training online course (72 academic hours) for experienced farmers to be agro-mentors in remote villages

The proposed topics are based on training need assessment, conducted by project in June 2020

Programme developed together with Kyrgyz National Agrarian University that allow to provide state certificate


Online Farmers’ School (YouTube channel)

Ø YouTube channel was created Ø 8 video-tutorials were developed, 3 more are under01 02 developmentText Here Text Here You can simply You can simply impress your impress your audience and add audience and add a unique zing a unique zing 03 04 Text Here You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing


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