Bobbi Misiti Yoga & Health Coaching 717.443.1119
[email protected] TOPIC OF THE MONTH July 2015 Inside Out Posturing . Continued. Garbha Pindasana and Kukkutasana continued. Also on Garbha Pindasana Threading your arms through your legs also presses your left heel in deeper to your liver, hence the extra liver cleansing (for more information on yoga and your liver see the inside out research on ardha baddha padma paschimattanasana (click this link and scroll to May 2013 topic : http:// Furthermore, the arms squeezing through the calf and thigh exerts pressure on the lymphatic vessels of the arms helping to cleanse the lymph tissue. Lymph has a very important job in our body, it filters the water and other fluids that leak from our cells -- killing the bad bacteria and disease in the fluid then transporting the clean fluid back to our heart where it is mixed in with our blood. Our lymphatic system is kind of like municipality water . It is waste water that is filtered and cleaned and dumped back into the heart to be used a water in our blood. It’s really an interesting process . Here is another overview of your Lymph system: As our blood courses through arteries, pressure from the flow makes fluid including wastes, salts, pieces of cells, proteins, urea, glucose, and various other compositions depending on what we are putting in our body leak from our capillaries. Our capillaries are known as “little leakers” ;) Our lymphatic vessels are similar to veins in that they have thin walls and many of the vessels lie just beneath the skin (there are deeper lymphatic vessels as well).