23rd Public Economics Meeting, University of Vigo February 4 and 5, 2016 Inequality of Opportunity: a Parametric Approach Jos´eMar´ıaSarabia1, Vanesa Jord´a,Faustino Prieto Department of Economics, University of Cantabria, Avda de los Castros s/n, 39005-Santander, Spain Abstract In this paper we measure the extent of inequality of opportunity us- ing a new parametric approach. We rely on the idea that differences in earning can be ethically fair if they come from choices that indi- viduals are completely responsible for, called efforts. Unacceptable disparities are those come from external factors called circumstances. We use a flexible parametric form to model the joint distribution of circumstances and efforts. Our model avoids the need to break con- tinuous variables of circumstances into groups, while also allowing for the use of categorical variables such as gender or race. Using data from Living Conditions Survey, we estimate the level of inequality of opportunity in Spain in 2005. Our results are robust to different parametric functional forms and indicators of parental education. JEL Classification: D31, D63, J62 Key Words: Multivariate distributions; Inequality of opportunity; Theil in- dices; Decompositions 1 Introduction Income inequality has been of great interest in the economic literature, be- ing also a sort of concern as regards redistribution policies. It is however argued that disparities driven by different levels of efforts of individuals are 1E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (J.M. Sarabia). 1 less objectionable than those arise from differences in the characteristics of these individuals which are exogenous to them. Among the last kind of fea- tures we can highlight race, gender, familiar background or region, among others.