Registration Starts Monday

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Registration Starts Monday ser t a ~ s t e pt. 5 CYCLE SOUNDS THE Memoria L i b ra~Y ITUDENT CENTER . ANNOY NEWARK Ca.:n pus t.l ai Dl SCUSSIONS see page 4 GO TO POT see page 11 -VOL. 87 NO. 30 MAY 13, 1966 Uof D Officials Have Success Registration In Legislature compiled from News-Jour­ Starts Monday_ nal . University officials met wU:h action. cons i'derable success in the Next week, students current­ and the schedule se.quence num­ ly ·enrolled in the Under­ General Assembly on Tuesday. ber for each class are required. graduate Division are to reg­ After conferring with The latter is found to the left ister in advance fo:r the coming George M. Worrilow, vice­ of the department symbol for fall semester by turning in their president for university re­ each class; the schedule se­ M 5-3 fall registration forms at the quence number for each course I lations, and James M. Turner, -at- Student Center Lounge between chairman of the board of is to be entered on the "re­ e eigt,, , started to struggle 1~45 and 4~45 p.m. trustees, Rep. William E. Al­ quest" form in the · order of Early registration for sum­ just c .. ... <·nwhile Waldman set- sip, D-Brookside agreed to preference, listing first the mer session will take place at pledgi .,, .. ..1 to retire the side trim the scope of his propos­ course most desired. the same time. on,_ for two innings be- ed audit of university furids. Students will have their re­ .. ... s pulled. Each student who is expect­ quests for courses and sections Alsip, one of the university's ing to return next fall is to plan tu• ·ts scored thir sec­ chief legislative critics Dan Peterson, new basketball coach, discu.sses his ideas thereof processed fn much the 1 a program of courses distribut­ , ''1rough some beauti- agreed to revise his res­ with Bill Morley, a member of the university basketball team. same order of priority as in .· .. ··Jcuted baseball (U. of D. Photo) ed across the full class week past registrations. The time of olution to provide that the audit and free of conflict in class ' ' · · Orth led off only cover the fiscal year 1965. entry of the ~tudent's "re­ hours and duplicate examina­ ·:ingle to left Originally, Alsip's proposal quest" card into the computer tion codes. Schedules of class­ ' ven then got th called for the audit to ex­ being likened to his entFy into ~il , ·.· ··. sign, and tend back to 1963. es and a trial roster form are the Field House. being sent to all students cur­ off for second, Dan Peterson Selected Each student will be sent a a. ··· The agreement with Alsip rently enrolled in the univer­ oi . ·.• ~- l ted a beautifully listing of the cl~sses assigned was reached after Tunnell sity. anklffi ,. · ~ behind the noted that enabling legisla­ during August. Students who Camp .. ;,, t field. This There are two forms to be have failed a course this se-­ tion providing for the audit of filled out. Students should note 1 mester, have changed their as 11. · · ' ird where he s university funds was not passed As Basketball Coach when filling in the course and chapte eeze bunt by pltcheliBI college or major, taken a until _ near the end of fiscal section request form that only 19 64. Before that, Tunnell After almost amonthofeval­ 140 pounds, the new coach will course during the summer, had uating 70 (plus) candidates, the the student's name and number said, the university had been be assuming his duties -star t­ enrolled for a course which was university athletic department intermingling state funds with ing Monday, and will probably cancelled or noted the avail­ named Dan Peterson to succeed funds received from private be devoting full time to bas­ WAGNER _ ability of a desired course not Irv Wisniewski as Delaware ketball, as coach and chief re­ shown in the attached Schedule benefactors and other sources. basketball coach. Concluding his series of cruiter. four lectures on city gov• of Classes may request a Commenting on another Peterson, who is 30 years measure proposed by Alsip Although he never played high ernment, Robert Wagner, change of course(s) by re­ old, coached the f'llebe team at '1e which would · take a way the uni­ school or college basketball, former mayor of 'New York turning to the Records Office ~ the u.s. Naval Academy_ · last City, wi II discuss ••The the printed schedule with the annu; . "' tS are now left with Peterson has been ''a student versity's fiscal autonomy, year. His college coaching ca­ ,Future of Municipal Gov• univ ·c · '··ct. of the game" since he Wfi:'> a appropriate change(s) noted Tunnell said that such ac­ reer has been limited to ernment," Tuesday at 8 tion would endanger the uni­ schoolboy. p.m. in the Ewing Room of thereon. freshmen teams, but he has "Dan Peterson is just the the Student Center. The Records Office would versity's position with its compiled a very successful ~:~~~- iii ties benefactors. (Continued to Page 12) 2! (Continued to Page 5) record, and has been highly "People who give money recommended by many bas­ have the notion that they ought ketball luminaries. E-S2 Stages Goldsmith Farce ~ I dents (Continued to Page 10) An energetic, 5' 5" and Vietnam War Correspondent Comedy Climaxes Season E-52 University Theatre opened last night, and -will will pcesent the play in the will present its last major continue to run for a 2 p.m. style of the original produc- To Dis·cuss Asian Problem production of the semester this and 8 p.m. performance tOday, . tion, with complete period weekend with its performance and another at 8 p.m. tomorrow costumes and musical accom­ Fresh from the battle fronts Kirkbride Room in the Student of Oliver Goldsmith's 11 She night. paniment by the Brandywine of Viet Nant, famed war cor­ Center. stoops to Conquer.'' The play will be directed by Recorder Consort, under the This 18th Century classic respondent Stan Swinton .. · of Swinton will detail co:ldi­ Brooks McNamara, a faculty leadership of Calvin Bour­ th e Associated · Press· · will tions in Viet Nam as they exist member of the Dramatic Arts geault. speak at 7 tonight at the for the fighting man and the DRAFT TEST and Speech department. He 'reporter who covers the scene. The Selective Service Following his talk he will Test will be g-iven in Sharp answer questions on the Viet Laboratory at 1 p.m. (to· Nam situatio:l as a r eporter morrow) and May 2·1 in• sees it. stead of 8:30 a.m. as an• Taylor Gym Swinton has covered the Vi et . nounced in the Bulletin of . ough· Friday 7 - 10 Nam situation since its begin­ Information. or ad ~ ... .. : nd Sunday 1 - 5 ning with the Indo- Chinese The test will not be gtven on June 3 at the• Dove i F J · ng for men War, and _is one of the fe w usic -; r s a week. University because of final American reporters to inter ­ exams, but an additional PIC . -, ter Field House view Ho Chi Minh, the N0rth test will be administered on '" o ugh Friday 6 - 10 P• Vietnamese leade r . He had June 24. 5 nn d Sunday 1 - P• not one but several inter ­ Students wh o have not yet applied for the test may or Tennis Cau:!~ views with the Com munist ~ .,) urts are 1 oca leader who engineered the de­ make application for the rep..,;, : rpenter Field June 24 date on forms avail· feat of the French in Indochina. from their local board or EKEN I: '-I courts next Swinton, whose byline has n'iS from the fr om the Counseli ng and appeared on dispatches from Testing Office , 216 Hulli· more than 100 countries, is hen Hall. Applications for ny further informotl Ken McC~,~IIough, AS6,. and Joyce Eckhard,- ' c anve~se • 1 facilities one 'of a series of special the June .24 test date must at 7 .. --•ttona I' Dire speakers being sponsored this be postmarked not later In their roles as Mr. and Mrs. Hardcastle In E- 52 ,! product1on .. am Bres ,n, . of Oliver Goldsmith's ••she Stoops to . Conquer. (Photo by . ' ral s and Recreat• than June 1, 1966• (Continued to Page 9) Mike Billingsley) Hall STAN SWINTON ;; &??&VA? r PAGE 2 -Personnel Ask Union; University Is Neutral Movement toward.unioniza­ sary to have a 32% vote in tion for the university employ­ fav()r of it,'' said Shirley ees took steps toward the final Lockhart, of the maintenance election on May 4, department. Discussion revolved around A simple majority of the a petition for unionization which employees is required to esta­ was presented to the adminis­ blish such a union. "The pe.. tration last Monday. "To peti­ tition for union recognition was tion for a union, it is neces- ceremo filed with the Department of Other Labor with a substantial majo­ Jng ye rity of the university employees McDowe Moving Up Day favoring it,'' said Robert preside Proby, AFL-Cin field repre­ second sentative assigned to assist Pyle, A Features AWS the American Federation of tary; F State, County, and Municiple One of a battery of computers to be ·used in courses in statistics and computer science. (Photo by Fred· Sinter) respond ' Employees for the Delaware Landis, area. Beeson, Scholarship The Delaware Department of Charlie Traditional Moving Up Day Labor and Industrial Relations geant -at will be held on Thursday at 6:30 met with university officials The e Wednesday to verify the num­ New Computer Course p.m.
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