February 11 2019
2010 NATIONAL SICNINC DAY CINTRAL TEXAS SICNIIS BASEBAU Coy"'-· Anderson. uni"t'rsitY of Texas at Isaac Davia., Elgin. TeXilS Midwestern State Dallas A&M4<.ingsvilE'! J.ed Herrick, Hutto, Trinity Andrew Conzales, Elgin, Justin Henry, E.ast View, ObM socaR (girt,) Tetnple COiiege JC AnnoBri.....,cedarPatk. J.lco Gtady, Elgll\ o.tlos Cody Jackson. Logo Vista. Houston Ba!)bst BapbStUnoveMy SOuthW<!Stem ~.. Darting. Round ~--.\li!ndogrift. J....,ilh Johns, LBJ, Arizona Rock. Uli't'Cf"Sity of Texas at Le TOlmCau Univ. Christian uni-v. Dallas Aundoy Jchnson, LBJ. Cisoo oaohM•-· IIASl(fTBAU(girls) JC Elgin.u,ivc,>ityof Ma-Edlef,RoundRock. oe,in Jone$.L8J. HDUSron·V$ctoria Univc,>ity of Texas at Oalas Nortflwt>srem (Ol<la.) Slate Lauren....,-. HomahGroff, Round Rock. Yan!n ltal)'an..-m, Hendridcson. University of H;irdin-Simmons Vandegrift:. Carnegie Melon Texas at Dal.las Joely,,Knigh~ Geoqjetown. (Pa.)Univ. Oldahoma City Univ. SOfTIIAl.L - Smith, Georgetown. Mcl'he<SOn (l<an.) College Kaylee e«dol. Elgin. MCMl.lT)'Univ. 8Brant- -ICemp·-·. Hendri<kson. Anget,na con.go Kaylas«o,Rll<MldRDck. tdd'hcrson (t<an.) College Altm CAthy, Elgin. Univl'r'si~ Hendrix (Nk.) COlcge -K,riey. McNci. of ~.xa.s at Dallas Arizona State N;cole Garcia. HclmCkson. IIASKITBAU. (boys) sam Latham.. McNeil, Texas Texas A&M·KinQsvillc WIIISa><.RllUldRock. t.uth<.Yan La"Shondra Houston, NVOS Uni\ocrsity of Texas at Oalas Kris uws. Ccclar Ridoc. Cl>artcr. Coastal B<nd eon.,. Rood, Regents, Univet,ity of the Pacmc COll<ge HamiltQn (N.V.) College (Calif.) -.,.Aaby,Cedarl'arl<, Cooper IAalce, Bowle, Tulsa U,ive~ofT.,..
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