arXiv:1901.06599v4 [math.AG] 8 Jul 2020 noagnrcsae h ehdi emnl u oKronecke to due seemingly ([ is Hurwitz t method of variables The hands of shape. number generic t dramatic a of a into some taking grip keep on solid to depends no specialization procedure the has for one conditions of sufficient since skeleton rough map the rational than a other even lends, of Alas, algebra degree commutative about. the all at is algebr look geometry i necessarily, sought projective not commonly but classical (typically, The core field maps. a over rational schemes envisaged the of target ie nideal an given ple otestaino ainlmp ewe projectiv between maps rational of objects. t situation theoretic of the kernel the to of applied ca terms one in best normally at procedure, Often, of elements. sort of this sequence to given a to respect pri definite a is case projective the of examination thorough { steRe igo h soitdgae igo niel(see an of ring graded associated idea defining the the or which ring under Rees conditions the find as to is regard this A ierssesoe h ring the over systems linear ntemlipoetv niomn se[ Alth (see varieties. environment projective multi-projective reasonable genera are a the ideal target within in the and stays source (i.e., objective whose ideal this maps that base order its In of map). features main the of oe auae brcone. fiber saturated cone, a 1 vrafil,ntayoei ed hsetistene ocon to need the entails This field. a in anymore not field, a over n atcta a fe okdi og l h a pt gene a to up way the all go to is worked often has that tactic One 2010 var two these between in lie to said be can paper the of core The specializ ideal an when of notion the has [ one way, e.g., related has, a one In crop, recent more a Of proj about talk rather should one precise more become to Now, ts apn hta h ee ftegnrcstainteco the situation generic the of level the at that happens so It h vrl olo hsppri ooti onsfrtedegr the for bounds obtain to is paper this of goal overall The e od n phrases. and words Key a , . . . , ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics Abstract. n sldt eeo h eal frtoa asadtergr their and maps rational of details domain. Noetherian the a develop spe is their to coefficients and led schemes projective is of rest one context method the The to system. applied linear as defining the of coefficients the n ⊂ } EREO AINLMP N SPECIALIZATION AND MAPS RATIONAL OF DEGREE I R ⊂ ftelte sarglrsqec ohon both sequence regular a is latter the if n osdr h eairo h ereo ainlmpund map rational a of degree the of behavior the considers One R 31 narn,oesy that says one ring, a in )i salsiganweeatter feiiainadre and elimination of theory elegant new a establishing in ]) ainlmp,seilzto,szge,Re ler,as algebra, Rees syzygies, specialization, maps, rational A ARNCDRI N RNSIMIS ARON AND CID-RUIZ YAIRON hti,rtoa aswt source with maps rational is, that , rmr:1E5 eodr:1D2 34,13P99. 13D45, 13D02, Secondary: 14E05, Primary: 1. 29 Introduction 3 ,[ ], n [ and ] I 30 pcaie ihrsett euneo elements of sequence a to respect with specializes 1 ,[ ], 47 8 ) ti h rsn uhr’bleeta a that believe authors’ present the is it ]), ,[ ], 45 ]. ial lsd.Atral hsi what is this all, After closed). aically ilztos o h hoyt work to theory the For cializations. ntecasclie fKronecker of idea classical the on s hscasclstpmksi adto hard it makes setup classical this emi etrso h omr The former. the of features main he e yalna ytmdfiigthe defining system linear a by ted ority. uhteei oercn progress recent some is there ough cee n hi eae ideal- related their and schemes e R iiain n oue nrational on focuses one limitation, eseilzto map. specialization he edetnindge theory. degree extension field nydsrb oeobstructions some describe only n pswe h rudrn of ring ground the when aphs fsm elkonrns–such – rings well-known some of l ffiinslv naplnma ring polynomial a in live efficients .. [ e.g., , lo oiyn h ie data given the modifying allow o n a ut ucsfli the in successful quite was and r n on and trs stecs fprojective of case the is nterest smdl eua sequence: regular a modulo es ie ainlmp endby defined maps rational sider eo ainlmpi terms in map rational a of ee ective P naygnrlter that theory general any on A r ain fseilzto as specialization of iations 16 r i oegenerally, more bit a or, ,[ ], R/I rseilzto of specialization er oitdgae ig fiber ring, graded sociated i aeadte find then and case ric schemes 35 alqeto in question tall A . )–seilz with specialize – ]) ssuc and source as sultants. 2 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

r an integral closed subscheme of PA. Much to our surprise, a complete such theory, with all the required details that include the ideal-theoretic transcription, is not easily available. For this reason, the first part of the paper deals with such details with an eye for the ideal-theoretic behavior concealed in or related to the geometric facts. Experts may feel that the transcription to a ground ring situation is the expected one, as indicated in several sources and, by and large, this feeling is correct. However, making sure that everything works well and give full rigorous proofs is a different matter altogether. A tall order in these considerations will be a so-called relative fiber cone that mimics the notion of a fiber cone in the classical environment over a field – this terminology is slightly misleading as the notion is introduced in algebraic language, associated to the concept of a Rees algebra rather than to the geometric version (blowup); however, one will draw on both the algebraic and the geometric versions. As in the case of a ground field, here too this fiber cone plays the role of the (relative) cone over the image of the rational map in question, and this fact will be called upon in many theorems. Another concept dealt with is the saturated fiber cone, an object perhaps better understood in terms of global sections of a suitable sheaf of rings. The concept has been introduced in [8] in the coefficient field environment and is presently extended to the case when the coefficients belong to a Noetherian domain of finite Krull dimension. It contains the relative fiber cone as a subalgebra and plays a role in rational maps, mainly as an obstruction to birationality in terms of this containment. Also, its multiplicity is equal to the product of the degree of a rational map and the degree of the corresponding image. With the introduction of these considerations, one will be equipped to tackle the problem of specializing rational maps, which is the main objective of this paper. An important and (probably) expected application is that under a suitable general specialization of the coefficients, one shows that the degrees of the rational map and the corresponding image remain constant. Next is a summary of the contents in each section. Throughout the ground coefficient ring is a Noetherian domain A of finite Krull dimension. In Section 2, one fixes the basic algebraic terminology and notation. This is a short section which may be skipped by those familiar with the current concepts concerning the Rees algebra (blowup algebra) and its associates. In Section 3, the basics of rational maps between irreducible projective varieties over A are developed. Particular emphasis is set towards a description of geometric concepts in terms of the algebraic analogs. For instance, and as expected, the image and the graph of a rational map are described in terms of the fiber cone and the Rees algebra, respectively. In the last part of this section, the notion of a saturated fiber cone is introduced and studied in the relative environment over A. Section 4 is devoted to a few additional algebraic tools of a more specific nature. With a view towards the specialization of determinantal-like schemes one reviews a few properties of generic determinantal rings. The main tool in this section goes in a different direction, focusing on upper bounds for the dimension of certain graded parts of modules of a finitely generated module over a bigraded algebra. The core of the paper is Section 5. Here one assumes that the ground ring is a A := k[z1,...,zm] over a field k and specializes these variables to elements of k. Thus, one considers a maximal ideal of the form n := (z1 − α1,...,zm − αm). Since clearly k ≃ A/n, the A-module structure of k is given via the homomorphism A ։ A/n ≃ k. One takes a standard graded polynomial ring R := A[x0,...,xr] ([R]0 = A) and a tuple of forms {g0,...,gs}⊂ R of the same positive degree. Let {g0,..., gs} ⊂ R/nR denote the corresponding tuple of forms in R/nR ≃ k[x0,...,xr] where gi is the image of gi under the natural homomorphism R ։ R/nR. DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 3

Consider the rational maps r 99K s r 99K s G : PA PA and g : Pk Pk determined by the tuples of forms {g0,...,gs} and {g0,..., gs}, respectively. The main target is finding conditions under which the degree deg(g) of g can be bounded above or below by the degree deg(G) of G. The main result in this line is Theorem 5.14. In addition, set I := (g0,...,gs) ⊂ R and I := (g0,..., gs) ⊂ R/nR. Let E(I) be the exceptional divisor of r the blow-up of PA along I. A bit surprisingly, having a grip on the dimension of the E(I) ×A k is the main condition to determine whether deg(g) ≤ deg(G) or deg(g) ≥ deg(G). In order to control dim (E(I) ×A k) one can impose some constraints on the analytic spread of I localized at certain primes, mimicking an idea in [16] and [35]. Also, under suitable general conditions, one shows that it is always the case that deg(g) = deg(G). An additional interest in this section is the specialization of the saturated fiber cone and the fiber cone of I. By letting the specialization be suitably general, it is proved in Theorem 5.17 and Theorem 5.20 that the multiplicities of the saturated fiber cone and the fiber cone of I are equal to the ones of the saturated fiber cone and the fiber cone of I⊗A Quot(A), respectively, where Quot(A) denotes the field of fractions of A. Section 6 gives some applications to certain privileged objects. Firstly, one considers the usual duet: equigenerated codimension 2 perfect ideals and equigenerated codimension 3 Gorenstein ideals over a standard graded polynomial ring over a field. Here, the focus is on the relation between the degree of the rational map and the standard degrees of a minimal set of generating syzygies, a subject much in vogue these days (see, e.g., [3, 8, 14, 17, 23, 24, 27, 36, 41, 43, 44]). While this relation is sufficiently available in the respective generic cases, not so much in a typical concrete family of such schemes. This is where the main results on specialization come in to obtain a sharp relation between the two sorts of degrees mentioned. At the end of the section one shows that the so-called j-multiplicity – also very much in vogue (see e.g. [33, 34, 40, 42]) – is stable under specialization. For the more impatient reader, here is a pointer to the main results: Theorem 4.4, Proposition 5.5, Proposition 5.13, Theorem 5.14, Theorem 5.17, Theorem 5.20, Theorem 6.3, Theorem 6.8 and Corollary 6.9.

2. Terminology and notation Let R be a Noetherian ring and I ⊂ R be an ideal. Definition 2.1. Let m ≥ 0 be an integer (one allows m = ∞).

(G) I satisfies the condition Gm if µ(Ip) ≤ ht(p) for all p ∈ V (I) ⊂ Spec(R) such that ht(p) ≤ m − 1. (F) In addition, suppose that I has a regular element. I satisfies the condition Fm if µ(Ip) ≤ ht(p) + 1 − m for all p ∈ Spec(R) such that Ip is not principal. Provided I is further assumed to be principal locally in codimension at most m−1, the condition is equivalent to requiring that µ(Ip) ≤ ht(p) + 1 − m for all p ∈ Spec(R) containing I such that ht(p) ≥ m.

In terms of Fitting ideals, I satisfies Gm if and only if ht(Fitti(I)) > i for all i

Definition 2.2. The Rees algebra of I is defined as the R-subalgebra

n n RR(I) := R[It]= I t ⊂ R[t], ≥ Mn 0 and the associated of I is given by

n n+1 grI (R) := RR(I)/IRR(I) ≃ I /I . ≥ Mn 0 If, moreover, R is local, with maximal ideal m, one defines the fiber cone of I to be

FR(I) := RR(I)/mRR(I) ≃ grI (R)/mgrI (R), and the analytic spread of I, denoted by ℓ(I), to be the (Krull) dimension of FR(I). The following notation will prevail throughout most of the paper. Notation 2.3. Let A be a Noetherian ring of finite Krull dimension. Let (R, m) denote a standard graded algebra over a A = [R]0 and m be its graded irrelevant ideal m = ([R]1). Let S := A[y0,...,ys] denote a standard graded polynomial ring over A.

Let I ⊂ R be a homogeneous ideal generated by s + 1 polynomials {f0,...,fs} ⊂ R of the same degree d> 0 – in particular, I = ([I]d). Consider the bigraded A-algebra

A := R ⊗A S = R[y0,...,ys], where bideg([R]1) = (1, 0) and bideg(yi) = (0, 1). By setting bideg(t) = (−d, 1), then RR(I)= R[It] inherits a bigraded structure over A. One has a bihomogeneous (of degree zero) R- homomorphism

(1) A −→ RR(I) ⊂ R[t], yi 7→ fit.

Thus, the bigraded structure of RR(I) is given by

n n (2) RR(I)= [RR(I)]c,n and [RR(I)]c,n = [I ]c+ndt . ∈Z c,nM ∞ One is primarily interested in the R-grading of the Rees algebra, namely, [RR(I)]c = n=0 [RR(I)]c,n, and of particular interest is L ∞ ∞ n n n [RR(I)]0 = [I ]ndt = A [[I]dt] ≃ A [[I]d]= [I ]nd ⊂ R. Mn=0 Mn=0

Clearly, RR(I) = [RR(I)]0 ⊕ c≥1[RR(I)]c = [RR(I)]0 ⊕ mRR(I). Therefore, one gets L  (3) A [[I]d] ≃ [RR(I)]0 ≃ RR(I)/mRR(I) as graded A-algebras. Definition 2.4. Because of its resemblance to the fiber cone in the case of a local ring, one here refers to the right-most algebra in (3) as the (relative) fiber cone of I, and often identify it with the A-subalgebra A [[I]d] ⊂ R by the above natural isomorphism. It will also be denoted by FR(I). Remark 2.5. If R has a distinguished or special maximal ideal m (that is, if R is graded with graded irrelevant ideal m or if R is local with maximal ideal m), then the fiber cone also receives the name of special fiber ring. DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 5

3. Rational maps over a domain In this part one develops the main points of the theory of rational maps with source and target projective varieties defined over an arbitrary Noetherian domain of finite Krull dimension. Some of these results will take place in the case the source is a biprojective (more generally, a multi- projective) variety, perhaps with some extra work in the sleeve. From now on assume that R is a domain, which in particular implies that A = [R]0 is also a domain. Some of the subsequent results will also work assuming that R is reduced, but additional technology would be required.

3.1. Dimension. In this subsection one considers a simple way of constructing chains of relevant graded prime ideals and draw upon it to algebraically describe the dimension of projective schemes. These results are possibly well-known, but one includes them anyway for the sake of completeness. The following easy fact seems to be sufficiently known. Lemma 3.1. Let B be a commutative ring and A ⊂ B a subring. Then, for any minimal prime p ∈ Spec(A) there exists a minimal prime P ∈ Spec(B) such that p = P ∩ A. Proof. First, there is some prime of B lying over p. Indeed, any prime ideal of the ring of fractions Bp = B ⊗A Ap is the image of a prime ideal P ⊂ B not meeting A \ p, hence contracting to p. For any descending chain of prime ideals P = P0 ) P1 ) · · · such that Pi ∩ A ⊆ p for every i, their intersection Q is prime and obviously Q ∩ A ⊆ p. Since p is minimal, then Q ∩ A = p. Therefore, Zorn’s lemma yields the existence of a minimal prime in B contracting to p.  Proposition 3.2. Let A be a Noetherian domain of finite Krull dimension k = dim(A) and let R denote a finitely generated graded domain over A with [R]0 = A. Let m := (R+) be the graded irrelevant ideal of R. If ht(m) ≥ 1, then there exists a chain of graded prime ideals

0= P0 ( · · · ( Pk−1 ( Pk such that Pk 6⊇ m. Proof. Proceed by induction on k = dim(A). The case k = 0 it clear or vacuous. Thus, assume that k> 0. Let n be a maximal ideal of A with ht(n) = k. By [37, Theorem 13.6] one can choose 0 6= a ∈ n ⊂ A such that ht(n/aA) = ht(n) − 1. Let q be a minimal prime of aA such that ht(n/q) = ht(n) − 1. From the ring inclusion A/aA ֒→ R/aR (because A/aA is injected as a graded summand) and Lemma 3.1, there is a minimal prime Q of aR such that q = Q ∩ A. Clearly, m 6⊆ Q. Indeed, otherwise (q, m) ⊆ Q and since m is a prime ideal of R of height at least 1 then (q, m) has height at least 2; this contradicts Krull’s Principal Ideal Theorem since Q is a minimal prime of a principal ideal. Let R′ = R/Q and A′ = A/q. Then R′ is a finitely generated graded algebra over A′ with ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ [R ]0 = A and m := ([R ]+)= mR . Since Q 6⊇ m, it follows ht(mR ) ≥ 1 and by construction, dim(A′) = dim(A) − 1. So by the inductive hypothesis there is a chain of graded primes ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ 0 = P0 ( · · · ( Pk−1 in R such that Pk−1 6⊇ mR . Finally, for j ≥ 1 define Pj as the inverse ′ ։ ′  image of Pj−1 via the surjection R R . r Recall that X := Proj(R) is a closed subscheme of PA, for suitable r (= relative embedding dimension of X) whose underlying topological space is the set of all homogeneous prime ideals of R not containing m and it has a basis given by the open sets of the form D+(f) := {℘ ∈ X|f∈ / ℘}, where f ∈ R+ is a homogeneous element of positive degree. Here, the sheaf structure is given by the degree zero part of the homogeneous localizations g Γ D+(f), OX | := R = | g,f ∈ R, deg(g)= k deg(f) . D+(f) (f) f k   n o 6 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

Let K(X) := R(0) denote the field of rational functions of X, where f R = | f, g ∈ R, deg(f) = deg(g), g 6= 0 , (0) g the degree zero part of the homogeneousn localization of R at the nullo ideal. s Likewise, denote PA = Proj(S) = Proj(A[y0,...,ys]). The dimension dim(X) of the closed subscheme X is defined to be the supremum of the lenghts of chains of irreducible closed subsets (see, e.g., [22, Definition, p. 5 and p. 86]). The next result is possibly part of the dimensional folklore (cf. [32, Lemma 1.2]). For any domain D, let Quot(D) denote its field of fractions. r Corollary 3.3. For the integral subscheme X = Proj(R) ⊂ PA one has

dim(X) = dim(R) − 1 = dim(A) + trdegQuot(A) (K(X)) . Proof. For any prime P ∈ X, the ideal (P, m) 6= R is an ideal properly containing P, hence the latter is not a maximal ideal. Therefore ht(P) ≤ dim(R) − 1 for any P ∈ X, which clearly implies that dim(X) ≤ dim(R) − 1. From [46, Lemma 1.1.2] one gets the equalities

dim (R) = dim(A) + ht(m) = dim(A) + trdegQuot(A)(Quot(R)).

There exists a chain of graded prime ideals 0 = P0 ( · · · ( Ph−1 ( Ph = m such that h = ht(m) (see, e.g., [37, Theorem 13.7], [5, Theorem 1.5.8]). Let T = R/Ph−1. Since ht(mT ) = 1, Proposition 3.2 yields the existence of a chain of graded prime ideals 0 = Q0 ( · · · ( Qk in T , where k = dim(A) and Qk 6⊇ mT . By taking inverse images along the surjection R ։ T , one obtains a chain of graded prime ideals not containing m of length h − 1+ k = dim(R) − 1. Thus, one has the reverse inequality dim(X) ≥ dim(R) − 1. Now, for any f ∈ [R]1, one has Quot(R)= R(0)(f) with f transcendental over K(X)= R(0). Therefore

dim(X) = dim(A) + trdegQuot(A) (Quot(R)) − 1 = dim(A) + trdegQuot(A) (K(X)) , as was to be shown.  Next, one deals with the general multi-graded case, which follows by using an embedding and reducing the problem to the single-graded setting. Let T = n∈Nm [T ]n be a standard m-graded ring over [T ]0 = A, where 0 = (0, 0,..., 0) ∈ Nm. The multi-graded irrelevant ideal in this case is given by N = [T ] . n1>0,...,nm>0 n1,...,nm Here, one alsoL assumes that T is a domain. Similarly to the single-graded case, one defines a multi-projective schemeL from T . The multi- projective scheme MultiProj(T ) is given by the set of all multi-homogeneous prime ideals in T which do not contain N, and its scheme structure is obtained by using multi-homogeneous r1 localizations. The multi-projective scheme Z := MultiProj(T ) is a closed subscheme of PA ×A r2 rm PA ···×A PA , for suitable integers r1, . . . , rm. (∆) (∆) (∆) →֒ Let T be the single-graded ring T = n≥0 [T ](n,...,n), then the natural inclusion T ≃ (∆) T induces an isomorphism of schemes Z = MultiProj(L T ) −→ Proj T (see, e.g., [22, Exercise II.5.11]), corresponding to the Segre embedding  r1 r2 rm (r1+1)(r2+1)···(rm+1)−1 PA ×A PA ×A ···×A PA −→ PA . Since one is assuming that Z is an integral scheme, the field of rational functions of Z is given by f K(Z) := T = | f, g ∈ T, deg(f) = deg(g), g 6= 0 . (0) g The following result yields a multi-gradedn version of Corollary 3.3. o DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 7

r1 r2 rm Corollary 3.4. For the integral subscheme Z = MultiProj(T ) ⊂ PA ×A PA ···×A PA one has

dim(Z) = dim(T ) − m = dim(A) + trdegQuot(A) (K(Z)) . Proof. From the isomorphism Z ≃ Proj T (∆) and Corollary 3.3, it follows that

dim(Z) = dim( A) + trdegQuot(A) (K(Z)) .

The dimension formula of [46, Lemma 1.1.2] gives dim(T ) = dim(A) + trdegQuot(A) (Quot(T )) . Choose homogeneous elements f1 ∈ [T ](1,0,...,0),f2 ∈ [T ](0,1,...,0),...,fm ∈ [T ](0,0,...,1). Then, one has Quot(T )= T(0)(f1,f2,...,fm) with {f1,f2,...,fm} a transcendence basis over K(Z)= T(0). Therefore dim(Z) = dim(A)+ trdegQuot(A) (Quot(T )) − m = dim(T ) − m, and so the result follows. 

r1 r2 rm A generalization for closed subschemes of PA ×A PA ×A ···×A PA is immediate.

r1 r2 rm Corollary 3.5. For a closed subscheme W = MultiProj(C) ⊂ PA ×A PA ×A ···×A PA one has dim(W ) = max dim (C/p) − m | p ∈ W ∩ Min(C) . 3.2. Main definitions. One restates the following known concept. s Definition 3.6. Let R(X, PA) denote the set of pairs (U, ϕ) where U is a dense open subscheme s of X and where ϕ : U → PA is a morphism of A-schemes. Two pairs (U1, ϕ1), (U2, ϕ2) ∈ s R(X, PA) are said to be equivalent if there exists a dense open subscheme W ⊂ U1 ∩ U2 such s that ϕ1 |W = ϕ2 |W . This gives an equivalence relation on R(X, PA). A rational map is defined s to be an equivalence class in R(X, PA) and any element of this equivalence class is said to define the rational map. 99K s A rational map as above is denoted F : X PA, where the dotted arrow reminds one that typically it will not be defined everywhere as a map. In [21, Lecture 7] (see also [14]) it is explained that, in the case where A is a field the above definition is equivalent to a more usual notion of a rational map in terms of homogeneous coordinate functions. Next, one proceeds to show that the same is valid in the relative environment over A. s First it follows from the definition that any morphism U → PA as above from a dense 99K s open subset defines a unique rational map X PA. Now, let there be given s + 1 forms f = {f0,f1,...,fs}⊂ R of the same degree d> 0. Let h : S → R be the graded homomorphism of A-algebras given by

h : S = A[y0,y1,...,ys] −→ R

yi 7→ fi. There corresponds to it a morphism of A-schemes s Φ(f) = Proj(h) : D+(f) −→ Proj(S)= PA where D+(f) ⊂ Proj(R)= X is the open subscheme given by s D+(f)= D+(fi). i[=0 Therefore, a set of s + 1 forms f = {f0,f1,...,fs} ⊂ R of the same positive degree determines s a unique rational map given by the equivalence class of (D+(f), Φ(f)) in R(X, PA). Definition 3.7. Call Φ(f) the f-coordinate morphism and denote the corresponding rational map by Ff . Conversely: 8 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

99K s Lemma 3.8. Any rational map F : X = Proj(R) PA is of the form Ff , where f are forms of the same positive degree. s Proof. Let U be a dense open subset in X and ϕ : U → PA be a morphism, such that the s equivalence class of the pair (U, ϕ) in R(X, PA) is equal to F. −1 ′ Consider V = D+(y0) and W = ϕ (V ) and restrict to an affine open subset, W = Spec(R(ℓ)) ⊂ W , where ℓ ∈ R is a homogeneous element of positive degree. It yields a morphism ′ ′ ϕ |W : W → V , that corresponds to a ring homomorphism τ : S(y0) → R(ℓ). For each 0 < i ≤ s one has y g τ i = i y ℓαi  0  where deg(gi)= αi deg(ℓ). Setting α := max1≤i≤s{αi}, one writes

α α gi α−αi f0 := ℓ and fi := ℓ = ℓ gi for 1 ≤ i ≤ s. ℓαi

By construction, ϕ |W ′ = Φ(f) |W ′ , where Φ(f) denotes the f-coordinate morphism determined by f = {f0,...,fs}, as in definition Definition 3.7, hence F = Ff where f = {f0,...,fs}.  99K s Given a rational map F : X PA, any ordered (s + 1)-tuple f = {f0,f1,...,fs} of forms of the same positive degree such that F = Ff is called a representative of the rational map F. The following result explains the flexibility of representatives of the same rational map. ′ ′ ′ Lemma 3.9. Let f = {f0,...,fs} and f = {f0,...,fs} stand for representatives of a rational 99K s ′ ′ map F : X PA. Then (f0 : · · · : fs) and (f0 : · · · : fs) are proportional coordinate sets in ′ ′ ′ the sense that there exist homogeneous forms h, h of positive degree such that hfi = h fi for i = 0,...,s. s ′ ′ s Proof. Proceed similarly to Lemma 3.8. Let Φ(f) : D+(f) → PA and Φ(f ) : D+(f ) → PA be morphisms as in Definition 3.7. Let V = Spec (D+(y0)) and choose W = Spec(R(ℓ)) such that −1 ′ −1 ′ W ⊂ Φ(f) (V ) ∩ Φ(f ) (V ) and Φ(f) |W = Φ(f ) |W . ′ The morphisms Φ(f) |W : W → V and Φ(f ) |W : W → V correspond with the ring homo- ′ morphisms τ : S(y0) → R(ℓ) and τ : S(y0) → R(ℓ) such that y f y f ′ τ i = i and τ ′ i = i , y f y f ′  0  0  0  0 respectively. Since this is now an affine setting, the ring homomorphisms τ and τ ′ are the same (see e.g. [19, Theorem 2.35], [22, Proposition II.2.3]). It follows that, for every i = 0,...,s, ′ ′ fi/f0 = fi/f0 as elements of the homogeneous total ring of quotients of R. Therefore, there are ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ homogeneous elements h, h ∈ R (h = f0, h = f0) such that hfi = h fi for i = 0,...,s. The claim now follows. 

In the above notation, one often denotes Ff simply by (f0 : · · · : fs) and use this symbol for a representative of F. r r Remark 3.10. Note that the identity morphism of PA is a rational map of PA to itself with r natural representative (x0 : · · · : xr) where PA = Proj(A[x0,...,xr]). Similarly, the identity morphism of X = Proj(R) is a rational map represented by (x0 : · · · : xr), where now x0,...,xr generate the A-module [R]1, and it is denoted by IdX . The following sums up a version of [44, Proposition 1.1] over a domain. Due to Lemma 3.9, the proof is a literal transcription of the proof in loc. cit. 99K s Proposition 3.11. Let F : X PA be a rational map with representative f. Set I = (f). Then, the following statements hold: DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 9

(i) The set of representatives of F corresponds bijectively to the non-zero homogeneous vectors in the rank one graded R-module HomR(I,R). (ii) If grade(I) ≥ 2, any representative of F is a multiple of f by a homogeneous element in R. Remark 3.12. If R is in addition an UFD then any rational map has a unique representative up to a multiplier – this is the case, e.g., when A is a UFD and R is a polynomial ring over A.

One more notational convention: if f = {f0,...,fs} are forms of the same degree, A[f] will denote the A-subalgebra of R generated by these forms. An important immediate consequence is as follows: ′ ′ ′ Corollary 3.13. Let f = (f0 : · · · : fs) and f = (f0 : · · · : fs) stand for representatives of 99K s ′ the same rational map F : X = Proj(R) PA. Then A[f] ≃ A[f ] as graded A-algebras and ′ ′ ′ RR(I) ≃ RR(I ) as bigraded A-algebras, where I = (f) and I = (f ). ′ ′ Proof. Let J and J respectively denote the ideals of defining equations of RR(I) and RR(I ), as ′ ′ ′ given in (1). From Lemma 3.9, there exist homogeneous elements h, h ∈ R such that hfi = h fi for i = 0,...,s. Clearly, then I ≃ I′ have the same syzygies, hence the defining ideals L and L′ of the respective symmetric algebras coincide. Since R is a domain and I and I′ are nonzero, ∞ ′ ′∞ ′ ′ ′ then J = L : I = L : I = J . Therefore, RR(I) ≃ A/J = A/J ≃ RR(I ) as bigraded A-algebras. Consequently, ′ ′ ′ A[f] ≃ RR(I)/mRR(I) ≃ RR(I )/mRR(I ) ≃ A[f ] as graded A-algebras. 

3.3. Image, degree and birational maps. This part is essentially a recap on the algebraic description of the image, the degree and the birationality of a rational map in the relative case. Most of the material here has been considered in a way or another as a previsible extension of the base field situation (see, e.g., [9, Theorem 2.1]). 99K s Definition-Proposition 3.14. Let F : X PA be a rational map. The image of F is equivalently defined as: s (I1) The closure of the image of a morphism U → PA defining F, for some (any) dense open subset U ⊂ X. (I2) The closure of the image of the f-coordinate morphism Φ(f), for some (any) representa- tive f of F. (I3) Proj (A[f]), for some (any) representative f of F, up to degree normalization of A[f]. Proof. The equivalence of (I1) and (I2) is clear by the previous developments. To check that (I2) and (I3) are equivalent, consider the ideal sheaf J given as the kernel of the natural homomorphism OPs → Φ(f) O . A ∗ D+(f) s It defines a closed subscheme Y ⊂ PA which corresponds to the schematic image of Φ(f) (see, e.g., [19, Proposition 10.30]). The underlying topological space of Y coincides with the closure of the image of Φ(f). Now, for any 0 ≤ i ≤ s, OPs (D (y )) = S and Φ(f) O (D (y )) = A + i (yi) ∗ D+(f) + i R . Then, for 0 ≤ i ≤ s, there is an exact sequence (fi) 

0 →J (D+(yi)) → S(yi) → R(fi).

Thus, J (D+(yi)) = J(yi) for any 0 ≤ i ≤ s, where J is the kernel of the A-algebra homomorphism α : S → A[f] ⊂ R given by yi 7→ fi. This implies that J is the sheafification of J. Therefore, Y ≃ Proj(S/J) ≃ Proj(A[f]).  10 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

99K s Now one considers the degree of a rational map F : X PA. By Definition-Proposition 3.14, the field of rational functions of the image Y of F is

K(Y )= A[f](0), where f = (f0 : · · · : fs) is a representative of F. Here A[f] is naturally A-graded as an A-subalgebra of R, but one may also consider it as a standard A-graded algebra by a degree normalization. .(One gets a natural field extension K(Y )= A[f](0) ֒→ R(0) = K(X 99K s Definition 3.15. The degree of F : X PA is deg(F) := [K(X) : K(Y )] .

One says that F is generically finite if [K(X) : K(Y )] < ∞. If the field extension K(X)|K(Y ) is infinite, one agrees to say that F has no well-defined degree (also, in this case, one often says that deg(F) = 0). The following properties are well-known over a coefficient field. Its restatement in the relative case is for the reader’s convenience. 99K s s Proposition 3.16. Let F : X PA be a rational map with image Y ⊂ PA. (i) Let f denote a representative of F and let Φ(f) be the associated f-coordinate morphism. Then, F is generically finite if and only if there exists a dense open subset U ⊂ Y such that Φ(f)−1(U) → U is a finite morphism. (ii) F is generically finite if and only if dim(X) = dim(Y ).

s Proof. (i) Let Φ(f) : D+(f) ⊂ X → Y ⊂ PA be the f-coordinate morphism of F. One has an equality of fields of rational functions K(X)= K (D+(f)). But on D+(f) the rational map F is defined by a morphism, in which case the result is given in [22, Exercise II.3.7]. (ii) By Corollary 3.3 one has dim(X) = dim(A)+trdegQuot(A) (K(X)) and by the same token, dim(Y ) = dim(A) + trdegQuot(A) (K(Y )). It follows that

dim(X) = dim(Y ) ⇔ trdegQuot(A) (K(X)) = trdegQuot(A) (K(Y )) .  Since the later condition is equivalent to trdegK(Y )(K(X)) = 0, one is through.

Next one defines birational maps in the relative environment over A. While any of the three alternatives below sounds equally fit as a candidate (as a deja vu of the classical coefficient field setup), showing that they are in fact mutually equivalent requires a small bit of work. r 99K s s Definition-Proposition 3.17. Let F : X ⊂ PA PA be a rational map with image Y ⊂ PA. The map F is said to be birational onto its image if one of the following equivalent conditions is satisfied: (B1) deg(F) = 1, that is K(X)= K(Y ). s (B2) There exists some dense open subset U ⊂ X and a morphism ϕ : U → PA such that the pair (U, ϕ) defines F and such that ϕ is an isomorphism onto a dense open subset V ⊂ Y . s 99K r (B3) There exists a rational map G : Y ⊂ PA X ⊂ PA such that, for some (any) represen- tative f of F and some (any) representative g = (g0 : · · · : gr) of G, the composite

g(f) = (g0(f) : · · · : gr(f)) is a representative of the identity rational map on X. DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 11

′ ′ s ′ Proof. (B1) ⇒ (B2). Let ϕ : U → PA be a morphism from a dense open subset U ⊂ X such that (U ′, ϕ′) defines F. Let η denote the generic point of X and ξ that of Y . The field inclusion OY,ξ ≃ K(Y ) ֒→ K(X) ≃ OX,η coincides with the induced local ring homomorphism

′ ♯ ϕ η : OY,ξ → OX,η. ′ ♯  ′ ♯ Since by assumption deg(F) = 1, (ϕ )η is an isomorphism. Then, by [19, Proposition 10.52] (ϕ )η “extends” to an isomorphism from an open neighborhood U of η in X onto an open neighborhood ′ ≃ V of ξ in Y . Now, take the restriction ϕ = ϕ |U : U −→ V as the required isomorphism. ≃ (B2) ⇒ (B3) Let ϕ : U ⊂ X −→ V ⊂ Y be a morphism defining F, which is an isomorphism ≃ from a dense open subset U ⊂ X onto a dense open subset V ⊂ Y . Let ψ = ϕ−1 : V ⊂ Y −→ s 99K r U ⊂ X be the inverse of ϕ. Let G : Y ⊂ PA X ⊂ PA be the rational map defined by (V, ψ). Let IdX be the identity rational map on X (Remark 3.10). Take any representatives f = (f0 : · · · : fs) of F and g = (g0 : · · · : gr) of G. Let G ◦ F be the composition of F and G, i.e. the rational map defined by (U, ψ ◦ ϕ). Since ψ ◦ ϕ is the identity morphism on U, Definition 3.6 implies that the pair (U, ψ ◦ ϕ) gives the equivalence class of IdX . Thus, one has IdX = G ◦ F, and by construction g(f) is a representative of G ◦ F. (B3) ⇒ (B1) This is quite clear: take a representative (f0 : · · · : fs) of F and let G and (g0 : · · · : gr) be as in the assumption. Since the identity map of X is defined by the representative (x0 : · · · : xr), where [R]1 = Ax0 + · · · + Axr (see Remark 3.10), then Lemma 3.9 yields the ′ ′ existence of nonzero (homogeneous) h, h ∈ R such that h · gi(f)= h · xi, for i = 0, . . . , r. Then, for suitable e ≥ 0, e xi gi(f) f0 (gi(f1/f0,...,fm/f0)) gi(f1/f0,...,fm/f0) = = e = , i = 0,...,r. x0 g0(f) f0 (g0(f1/f0,...,fm/f0)) g0(f1/f0,...,fm/f0) This shows the reverse inclusion K(X) ⊂ K(Y ). 

3.4. The graph of a rational map. The tensor product A := R ⊗A A[y] ≃ R[y] has a natural s structure of a standard bigraded A-algebra. Accordingly, the fiber product Proj(R) ×A PA has s a natural structure of a biprojective scheme over Spec(A). Thus, Proj(R) ×A PA = BiProj(A). 99K s The graph of a rational map F : X = Proj(R) PA is a subscheme of this structure, in the following way: Definition-Proposition 3.18. The graph of F is equivalently defined as: s G1) The closure of the image of the morphism (ι, ϕ) : U → X ×A PA, where ι : U ֒→ X is) s the natural inclusion and ϕ : U → PA is a morphism from some (any) dense open subset defining F. (G2) For some (any) representative f of F, the closure of the image of the morphism (ι, Φ(f)) : s → (D+(f) −→ X ×A PA, where ι : D+(f) ֒→ X is the natural inclusion and Φ(f) : D+(f s PA is the f-coordinate morphism. (G3) BiProj (RR(I)), where I = (f) for some (any) representative f of F. Proof. The equivalence of (G1) and (G2) is clear, so one proceeds to show that (G2) and (G3) give the same scheme. Recall that, as in (1), the Rees algebra of an ideal such as I is a bigraded A-algebra. The proof follows the same steps of the argument for the equivalence of (I2) and (I3) in the definition of the image of F (cf. Definition-Proposition 3.14). s Let Γ(f) denote the morphism as in (G2) and let G ⊂ X ×A PA denote its schematic image. The underlying topological space of G coincides with the closure of the image of Γ(f). Then the ideal sheaf of G is the kernel J of the corresponding homomorphism of ring sheaves

(4) O Ps → Γ(f) O . X×A A ∗ D+(f) 12 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

Since the irrelevant ideal of A is ([R]1) ∩ (y), by letting [R]1 = Ax0 + · · · + Axr one can see that an affine open cover is given by Spec A(xiyj ) for 0 ≤ i ≤ r and 0 ≤ j ≤ s, where A(xiyj ) denotes the degree zero part of the bihomogeneous  localization at powers of xiyj, to wit g A A (5) (xiyj ) = α | g ∈ and bideg(g) = (α, α) . (xiyj) n o One has O × Ps (D (x y )) = A and Γ(f) O (D (x y )) = R , for 0 ≤ i ≤ r X A A + i j (xiyj ) ∗ D+(f) + i j (xifj ) and 0 ≤ j ≤ s. Then (4) yields the exact sequence 

0 → J (D+(xiyj)) → A(xiyj ) → R(xifj ).

Let J be the kernel of the homomorphism of bigraded A-algebras A → RR(I) ⊂ R[t] given by y 7→ f t. The fact that R (I) ≃ R , yields the equality J (D (x y )) = J . It i i R (xifj t) (xifj ) + i j (xiyj ) follows that J is the sheafification of J . Therefore, G ≃ BiProj(A/J ) ≃ BiProj(RR(I)). 

3.5. Saturated fiber cones over a domain. In this part one introduces the notion of a saturated fiber cone over a domain, by closely lifting from the ideas in [8]. As will be seen, the notion is strongly related to the degree and birationality of rational maps. For simplicity, assume that R = A[x]= A[x0,...,xr], a standard graded polynomial ring over A and set K := Quot(A), m = (x0,...,xr). The central object is the following graded A-algebra ∞ ^ n ∞ FR(I) := I : m nd, n=0 M   which one calls the saturated fiber cone of I. ^ Note the natural inclusion of graded A-algebras FR(I) ⊂ FR(I). i For any i ≥ 0, the local cohomology module Hm(RR(I)) has a natural structure of bigraded R (I)-module, which comes out of the fact that Hi (R (I)) = Hi (R (I)) (see also [11, R m R mRR(I) R Lemma 2.1]). In particular, each R-graded part i Hm(RR(I)) j has a natural structure of graded FR(I)-module.  Let ProjR-gr(RR(I)) denote the Rees algebra RR(I) viewed as a “one-sided” graded R-algebra. Lemma 3.19. With the above notation, one has: (i) There is an isomorphism of graded A-algebras

F^(I) ≃ H0 Proj (R (I)), O . R R-gr R ProjR-gr(RR(I))   ^ (ii) FR(I) is a finitely generated graded FR(I)-module. (iii) There is an exact sequence

^ 1 0 → FR(I) → FR(I) → Hm(RR(I)) 0 → 0

of finitely generated graded FR(I)-modules.   (iv) If A → A′ is a flat ring homomorphism, then there is an isomorphism of graded A′-algebras


∞ n ˇ Proof. (i) Since RR(I) ≃ n=0 I (nd), by computing Cech cohomology with respect to the affine open covering Spec RR(I)(x ) of ProjR-gr(RR(I)), one obtains L i 0≤i≤r    H0 Proj (R (I)), O ≃ H0 (Proj(R), (In)∼(nd)) R-gr R ProjR-gr(RR(I))   n≥0 M∞ n ∞ = I : m nd ([22, Exercise II.5.10]). n=0 M   ^ = FR(I). 0 (ii) and (iii) From [32, Corollary 1.5] (see also [15, Theorem A4.1]) and the fact that Hm(RR(I)) = 0, there is an exact sequence

0 → [R (I)] → H0(Proj (R (I)), O ) ≃ F^(I) → H1 (R (I)) → 0 R 0 R-gr R ProjR-gr(RR(I)) R m R 0 1   of FR(I)-modules. Now Hm(RR(I)) 0 is a finitely generated module over FR(I) (see, e.g., ^ [8, Proposition 2.7], [10, Theorem 2.1]), thus implying that FR(I) is also finitely generated over FR(I). (iv) Since A → A′ is flat, base change yields

0 0 ′ H (B, OB) ≃ H ProjR-gr(RR(I)), OProjR-gr(RR(I)) ⊗A A ,

′  ′  ′ ′ ′ where B = ProjR-gr(RR(I)) ×A A = ProjR-gr (RR(I) ⊗A A ). Also RR(I) ⊗A A ≃ RR (IR ), by flatness, hence the result follows.  r 99K s r 99K s Let F : PA PA be a rational map with representative f = (f0 : · · · : fs). Let G : PK PK denote a rational map with representative f, where each fi is considered as an element of K[x]. Set I = (f) ⊂ R. Remark 3.20. The rational map F is generically finite if and only if the rational map G is so, and one has the equality deg(F) = deg (G) . In fact, let Y and Z be the images of F and G, r r respectively. Since K(PA) = R(0) = K[x](0) = K(PK) and K(Y ) = A[f](0) = K[f](0) = K(Z), then the statement follows from Definition 3.15 and Proposition 3.16. The following result is a simple consequence of [8, Theorem 2.4]. Theorem 3.21. Suppose that F is generically finite. Then, the following statements hold: ^ (i) deg(F)= FR(I) : FR(I) . ^ h i (ii) e FR(I) ⊗A K = deg(F) · e FR(I) ⊗A K , where e(−) stands for Hilbert-Samuel multi- plicity.    (iii) Under the additional condition of FR(I) being integrally closed, then F is birational if and ^ only if FR(I)= FR(I). r s ∽= Proof. (i) Let G : PK 99K PK be the rational map as above. Since A ֒→ K is flat, FR(I) ⊗A K ^ ∼ ^ FK[x](IK[x]) and FR(I) ⊗A K = FK[x](IK[x]) (Lemma 3.19 (iv)). ^ Thus from [8, Theorem 2.4], one obtains deg(G) = FR(I) ⊗A K : FR(I) ⊗A K . It is clear ^ ^ h i that FR(I) ⊗A K : FR(I) ⊗A K = FR(I) : FR(I) . Finally, Remark 3.20 yields the equality deg(Fh) = deg(G). i h i (ii) It follows from the associative formula for multiplicity (see, e.g., [5, Corollary 4.7.9]). 14 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

(iii) It suffices to show that, assuming that F is birational onto its image and that FR(I) is ^ integrally closed, then FR(I)= FR(I). Since deg(F) = 1, part (i) gives ^ Quot FR(I) = Quot FR(I) .     ^ ,((Since FR(I) is integrally closed and FR(I) ֒→ FR(I) is an integral extension (see Lemma 3.19(ii ^ then FR(I)= FR(I). 

4. Additional algebraic tools In this section one gathers a few algebraic tools to be used in the specialization of rational maps. The section is divided in two subsections, and each subsection deals with a different theme that is important on its own.

4.1. Grade of certain generic determinantal ideals. One provides lower bounds for the grade of certain generic determinantal ideals with a view towards treating other such ideals by specialization (see Section 6). For this part, R will exceptionally denote an arbitrary Noetherian ring. The next lemma deals with a well-known generic deformation of an ideal in R (see, e.g., [45, Proposition 3.2] for a similar setup).

Lemma 4.1. Let n,m ≥ 1, z = {zi,j} (1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ m) be indeterminates and S := R[z]. Given an R-ideal I = (f1,...,fm) ⊂ R, introduce the S-ideal J = (p1,p2,...,pn) ⊂ S, where

pi = f1zi,1 + f2zi,2 + · · · + fmzi,m. Then grade(J) ≥ min{n, grade(I)}.

Proof. Let Q be a prime ideal containing J. If Q contains all the fi’s, then depth(SQ) ≥ grade(I). Otherwise, say, f 6∈ Q. Then one can write pi = z + f2 z + · · · + fm z ∈ R [z] as elements 1 f1 i,1 f1 i,2 f1 i,m f1 of the localization Sf1 = Rf1 [z]. Since {z1,1,...,zn,1} is a regular sequence in Rf1 [z], then so is the sequence {p1/f1,...,pn/f1}. Then, clearly {p1,...,pn} is a regular sequence in Rf1 [z],  hence depth(SQ) ≥ grade (JRf1 [z]) ≥ n. As an expected follow-up, one considers lower bounds for the grade of certain determinantal ideals. The proof of next proposition, provided for the sake of completeness, follows from the well-known routine of inverting/localizing at a suitable entry.

Proposition 4.2. Let r, s ≥ 1. For every 1 ≤ j ≤ s, let Ij = fj,1,...,fj,mj ⊂ R be an R-ideal. Let z = {z } be indeterminates, with indices ranging over 1 ≤ i ≤ r, 1 ≤ j ≤ s and i,j,k  1 ≤ k ≤ mj. Setting S := R[z], consider the r × s matrix

p1,1 p1,2 · · · p1,s p2,1 p2,2 · · · p2,s M =  . . .  . . .    p p · · · p   r,1 r,2 r,s    where pi,j = fj,1zi,j,1 + fj,2zi,j,2 + · · · + fj,mj zi,j,mj ∈ S, for all i, j. Then

grade It(M) ≥ min{r − t + 1, g}, where 1 ≤ t ≤ min{r, s} and g = min1≤j≤s{grade(Ij)}. DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 15

Proof. Proceed by induction on t. The case t = 1 follows from Lemma 4.1 since I1(M) is generated by the pi,j’s themselves. Now suppose that 1

depth(SQ) ≥ grade It (M) Spr,s ′ ≥ grade It−1 M Spr,s ′ ≥ grade It−1 M   ≥ min{(r − 1)− (t − 1) + 1, g}. Therefore, depth(SQ) ≥ min{r − t + 1, g} as was to be shown.  4.2. Local cohomology of bigraded algebras. The goal of this subsection is to establish upper bounds for the dimension of certain graded parts of the local cohomology of a finitely generated module over a bigraded algebra. Analogous bounds are also derived for the sheaf co- homologies of the corresponding sheafified module. The bounds are far reaching generalizations of [8, Proposition 3.1], which has been useful under various situations (see, e.g., [8, Proof of Theorem 3.3], [12, Proof of Theorem A]). The following setup will prevail along this part only. Setup 4.3. Let k be a field. Let A be a standard bigraded k-algebra, i.e., A can be generated over k by the elements of bidegree (1, 0) and (0, 1). Let R and S be the standard graded k- algebras given by R = [A](∗,0) = j≥0 [A]j,0 and S = [A](0,∗) = k≥0 [A]0,k, respectively. One sets m = R = [A] and n = S = [A] . + j>0 j,0 L + k>0 0,k L

Let M be a bigradedL module over A. DenoteL by [M]j the “one-sided” R-graded part

(6) [M]j = [M]j,k. ∈Z Mk Then, [M]j has a natural structure of graded S-module, and its k-th graded part is given by i [M]j = [M]j,k. Note that, for any i ≥ 0, the local cohomology module Hm(M) has a natural k i i hstructurei of bigraded A-module, and this can be seen from the fact that Hm(M) = HmA(M) (also, i see [11, Lemma 2.1]). In particular, each R-graded part Hm(M) j has a natural structure of graded S-module.   By considering A as a “one-sided” graded R-algebra, one gets the projective scheme ProjR-gr(A). M M The sheafification of , denoted by , yields a quasi-coherent OProjR-gr(A)-module. For any finitely generated bigraded A-module M, Hi (M) and Hi Proj (A), M(j) are e m j R-gr finitely generated graded S-modules for any i ≥ 0, j∈ Z (see, e.g., [8, Proposition 2.7], [10, Theorem 2.1]). e The next theorem contains the main result of this subsection. Theorem 4.4. Let M be a finitely generated bigraded A-module. Then, the following inequalities hold i (i) dim Hm(M) j ≤ min{dim(M) − i, dim(S)},  i  (ii) dim H ProjR-gr(A), M(j) ≤ min{dim(M) − i − 1, dim(S)} for all i ≥0 and j ∈ Z.  e 16 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

i i Proof. Let d = dim(M). Since Hm(M) j and H ProjR-gr(A), M(j) are finitely generated S- modules, it is clear that dim Hi (M) ≤ dim(S) and dim Hi Proj (A), M(j) ≤ dim(S). m j e R-gr i (i) By the well-known Grothendieck  Vanishing Theorem (see, e.g., [4, Theorem 6.1.2]), Hm(M)= 0 for i > d, so that one takes i ≤ d. e Proceed by induction on d. 0 Suppose that d = 0. Then [M]j,k = 0 for k ≫ 0. Since Hm(M) j ⊂ [M]j, one has 0 0 0 Hm(M) = Hm(M) =0 for k ≫ 0. Thus, dim Hm(M) = 0.  j k j,k j h Suppose i that d > 0. There exists a finite filtration 0 = M 0 ⊂ M1 ⊂ ··· ⊂ Mn = M of M ∼ such that Ml/Ml−1 = (A/pl) (al, bl) where pl ⊂ A is a bigraded prime ideal with dimension dim(A/pl) ≤ d and al, bl ∈ Z. The short exact sequences

0 → Ml−1 → Ml → (A/pl) (al, bl) → 0 induce the following long exact sequences in local cohomology i i i Hm (Ml−1) j → Hm (Ml) j → Hm ((A/pl) (al, bl)) j. By iterating on l, one gets     

i i dim Hm(M) ≤ max dim Hm ((A/pl) (al, bl)) . j 1≤l≤n j    ∼n   o If pl ⊇ nA then A/pl is a quotient of A/nA = R and this implies that

i i Hm (A/pl) = Hm (A/pl) = 0 j k j,k h i for k 6= 0. Thus, one can assume that pl 6⊇ nA.   Alongside with the previous reductions, one can then assume that M = A/p where p is a bigraded prime ideal and p 6⊇ nA. In this case there exists an homogeneous element y ∈ [S]1 such that y 6∈ p. The short exact sequence y 0 → (A/p) (0, −1) −→ A/p → A/(y, p) → 0 yields the long exact sequence in local cohomology

i−1 i y i i Hm (A/(y, p)) j → Hm (A/p) j (−1) −→ Hm (A/p) j → Hm (A/(y, p)) j. Therefore, it follows that       

i i−1 i dim Hm(A/p) j ≤ max dim Hm (A/(y, p)) j , 1+dim Hm (A/(y, p)) j . Since dim (A /(y, p)) ≤ d− 1, then induction hypothesis gives    o

i−1 dim Hm (A/(y, p)) j ≤ (d − 1) − (i − 1) = d − i and    i 1+dim Hm (A/(y, p)) j ≤ 1 + (d − 1) − i = d − i. i    Therefore, dim Hm(A/p) j ≤ d − i, as meant to be shown.   i i+1 (ii) For i ≥ 1, the isomorphism H ProjR-gr(A), M(j) ≃ Hm (M) j (see, e.g., [32, Corollary 1.5], [15, Theorem A4.1]) and part (i) imply the result. So, i = 0 is the only remaining case. ′ 0 ′ ′ e Let M = M/Hm(M) and A = A/AnnA(M ). One has the following short exact sequence ′ 0 1 0 → M j → H ProjR-gr(A), M(j) → Hm(M) j → 0.       e DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 17

(see, e.g., [32, Corollary 1.5], [15, Theorem A4.1]). From part (i), one has the inequality 1 dim Hm(M) j ≤ dim(M) − 1.   ′ ′ So, it is enough to show that dim [M ]j ≤ dim(M) − 1. If M = 0, the result is clear. Hence, assume that M′ 6= 0. Note that grade(mA′) > 0, and so dim (A′/mA′) ≤ dim(A′)−1 ≤ dim (M)−1. ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ Since A = [A ]0 ⊕ mA , there is an isomorphism [A ]0 ≃ A /mA of graded k-algebras. Therefore, ′ ′  the result follows because [M ]j is a finitely generated module over [A ]0. Of particular interest is the following corollary that generalizes [8, Proposition 3.1]. Corollary 4.5. Let (R, m) be a standard graded algebra over a field with graded irrelevant ideal m. For any ideal I ⊂ m one has i dim Hm(RR(I)) j ≤ dim(R) + 1 − i and    i dim H ProjR-gr (RR(I)) , OProjR-gr(RR(I))(j) ≤ dim(R) − i for any i ≥ 0, j ∈ Z.   

Proof. It follows from Theorem 4.4 and the fact that dim (RR(I)) ≤ dim(R) + 1.  5. Specialization In this section one studies how the process of specializing Rees algebras and saturated fiber cones affects the degree of specialized rational maps, where the latter is understood in terms of coefficient specialization. The following notation will take over throughout this section. Setup 5.1. Essentially keep the basic notation as in Section 3, but this time around take A = k[z1,...,zm] to be a polynomial ring over a field k (for the present purpose forget any grading). r 99K s Consider a rational map G : PA PA given by a representative g = (g0 : · · · : gs), where r PA = Proj(R) with R = A[x] = A[x0,...,xr]. Fix a maximal ideal n = (z1 − α1,...,zm − αm) of A where αi ∈ k. Clearly, one has k ≃ A/n. One views the structure of A-module of k as coming from the natural homomorphism A ։ A/n ≃ k. Thus, one gets

X ×A k ≃ X ×A (A/n) and M ⊗A k ≃ M ⊗A (A/n), for any A-scheme X and any A-module M. r s Then R/nR ≃ k[x0,...,xr]. Let g denote the rational map g : Pk 99K Pk with representative g = (g0 : · · · : gs), where gi is the image of gi under the natural map R ։ R/nR. Further assume that gi 6= 0 for all 0 ≤ i ≤ s. Finally, denote I := (g0,...,gs) ⊂ R and I := (I, n)/n = (g0,..., gs) ⊂ R/nR. Recall that if X stands for a topological space, a property of the points of X is said to hold generically on X provided it holds for every point in a dense open subset of X. Remark 5.2. In the above setup, suppose in addition that k is algebraically closed. One can go back and forth between km and a naturally corresponding subspace of Spec(A), with A = k[z1,...,zm]. Namely, consider MaxSpec(A) := p ∈ Spec(A) | p is maximal with the induced Zariski topology of Spec(A). Then, by Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz, the natural association  m (a1, . . . , am) 7→ (z1 − a1,...,zm − am) yields a homeomorphism of k onto MaxSpec(A). In particular, it preserves dense open subsets and a dense open subset in Spec(A) restricts to a dense open subset of MaxSpec(A) naturally identified with a dense open subset of km. This implies that if a property holds generically on points of Spec(A) then it holds generically on points of km. 18 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

5.1. Algebraic lemmata. In this part one establishes the main algebraic relations between the objects introduced so far. First is the picture of the main homomorphisms which is better envisaged through a commutative diagram. Lemma 5.3. With the notation introduced above, one has a commutative diagram

A[g] RR(I)

A[g] ⊗A k RR(I) ⊗A k

k[g] RR/nR(I). where A[g] (respectively, k[g]) is identified with FR(I) (respectively, FR/nR(I)). Proof. The upper vertical maps are obvious surjections as k = A/n, hence the upper square is commutative – the lower horizontal map of this square is injective because in the upper horizontal map A[g] is injected as a direct summand. The right lower vertical map is naturally induced by the natural maps

R[t] ։ R[t] ⊗A k = R[t]/nR[t]= A[x][t]/nA[x][t] ≃ A/n[x][t]= k[x][t], where t is a new indeterminate. The left lower vertical map is obtained by restriction thereof.  Notation 5.4. For a standard bigraded ring T , a bigraded T -module M and a bihomogeneous prime P ∈ BiProj(T ), the bihomogeneous localization at P is given and denoted by m M := | m ∈ M, g ∈ T \ P, bideg(m) = bideg(g) . (P) g n o Further details about the above homomorphisms are established in the following proposition. ։ Proposition 5.5. Consider the homomorphism of bigraded algebras s : RR(I)⊗A k RR/nR(I) as in Lemma 5.3, where I 6= 0. Then:

(i) ker(s) is a minimal prime ideal of RR(I)⊗A k and, for any minimal prime Q of RR(I)⊗A k other than ker(s), one has that Q corresponds to a minimal prime of grI (R) ⊗A k ≃ (RR(I) ⊗A k) /I (RR(I) ⊗A k) and so

dim ((RR(I) ⊗A k)/Q) ≤ dim(grI(R) ⊗A k).

In particular, dim (RR(I) ⊗A k) = max{r + 2, dim(grI(R) ⊗A k)}. (ii) Let k ≥ 0 be an integer such that ℓ(IP) ≤ ht(P/nR) + k for every prime ideal P ∈ Spec(R) containing (I, n). Then dim(grI(R) ⊗A k) ≤ dim(R/nR) + k. In particular, dim (RR(I) ⊗A k) ≤ max{r + 2, r + k + 1}. (iii) dim (ker(s)) ≤ dim (grI (R) ⊗A k). (iv) After localizing at ker(s) ∈ BiProj (RR(I) ⊗A k) one gets the natural isomorphism ≃ k (RR(I) ⊗A )(ker(s)) −→ RR/nR(I) (ker(s)),

where the right hand side is a localization as a module over RR(I) ⊗A k. Proof. (i) Let P ∈ Spec(R) be a prime ideal not containing I. Localizing the surjection s : ։ RR(I) ⊗A k RR/nR(I) at R \ P , one easily sees that it becomes an isomorphism. It follows that some power of I annihilates ker(s), that is (7) Il · ker(s) = 0 for some l > 0. Since I 6= 0, one has I 6⊂ ker(s). Therefore, any prime ideal of RR(I) ⊗A k contains either the prime ideal ker (s) or the ideal I. Thus, ker(s) is a minimal prime and any DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 19 other minimal prime Q of RR(I) ⊗A k contains I. Clearly, then any such Q is a minimal prime of (RR(I) ⊗A k) /I (RR(I) ⊗A k) ≃ grI (R) ⊗A k. Since dim RR/nR(I) = dim (R/nR) + 1, the claim follows.  (ii) For this, let M be a minimal prime of grI(R) ⊗A k of maximal dimension, i.e.:

dim(grI (R) ⊗A k) = dim((grI(R) ⊗A k)/M), and let P = M ∩ R be its contraction to R. Clearly, P ⊇ (I, n). By [46, Lemma 1.1.2] and the hypothesis,

dim (grI(R) ⊗A k) = dim (grI(R) ⊗A k)/M

= dim(R/P) + trdegR/P (grI (R) ⊗A k)/M = dim(R/P)+dim ((grI (R) ⊗A k)/M) ⊗R/ P RP/PRP ≤ dim(R/P)+dim grI (R) ⊗R RP/PRP  = dim(R/P)+ ℓ(IP)  ≤ dim(R/P) + ht(P/n)+ k ≤ dim(R/nR)+ k, as required. l (iii) This is clear since, by (7), one has AnnRR(I)⊗Ak (ker(s)) ⊃I . (iv) Let K ⊂ RR(I) ⊗A k be the multiplicative set of bihomogeneous elements not in ker(s). l l −1 Since I ⊂ AnnRR(I)⊗Ak (ker(s)) and I 6⊂ ker(s), it follows that K ker(s) = 0, and so the −1 ≃ −1 localized map K (RR(I) ⊗A k) −→ K RR/nR(I) is an isomorphism. Finally, one has that (R (I) ⊗ k) = K−1(R (I) ⊗ k) and R (I) = K−1 R (I) . R A (ker(s)) R A (0,0)  R/nR (ker(s)) R/nR (0,0)       The next two lemmas are consequences of the primitive element theorem and the upper semi- continuity of the dimension of fibers, respectively. Proofs are given for the reader’s convenience. Lemma 5.6. Let k denote a field of characteristic zero and let C ⊂ B stand for a finite extension of finitely generated k-domains. Let b ⊂ B be a prime ideal and set c := b ∩ C ⊂ C for its contraction. If C is integrally closed then one has [Quot(B/b) : Quot(C/c)] ≤ [Quot(B) : Quot(C)] .

Proof. Let {b1, . . . , bc} generate B as a C-module. Setting C := C/c ⊂ B = B/b then the images {b1,..., bc} generate then B as a C-module. Since the field extensions Quot(B)|Quot(C) and Quot(B)|Quot(C) are separable, and since k is moreover infinite, one can find elements c c λ1, . . . , λc ∈ k such that L := i=1 λibi ∈ B and ℓ := i=1 λibi ∈ B are respective primitive u u−1 elements of the above extensions. Let X +a1X +· · ·+au = 0 denote the minimal polynomial P P of L over Quot(C). Since C is integrally closed, then ai ∈ C for all 1 ≤ i ≤ u (see, e.g., u u−1 [37, Theorem 9.2]). Reducing modulo b, one gets ℓ + a1ℓ + · · · + au = 0. Then the degree of the minimal polynomial of ℓ over Quot(C) is at most u, as was to be shown. 

Lemma 5.7. The set p ∈ Spec(A) | dim grI (R) ⊗A k(p) ≤ r + 1 is open and dense in Spec(A).   n n+1 Proof. One can consider the associated graded ring grI (R) = n≥0 I /I as a finitely gen- erated single-graded A-algebra with zero graded part equal to A. Therefore [15, Theorem 14.8 L b.] implies that for every n the subset Zn = {p ∈ Spec(A) | dim grI(R) ⊗A k(p) ≤ n} is open in Spec(A).  20 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

(Let K = Quot(A), T = R⊗AK = K[x0,...,xr] and I = I⊗AK. The generic fiber of A ֒→ grI (R is given by grI(R) ⊗A K = grI(T). Since dim (grI(T)) = dim(T)= r + 1, then (0) ∈ Zr+1 and so Zr+1 6= ∅.  5.2. Geometric picture. In this part one stresses the corresponding geometric environment, along with some additional notation.

Setup 5.8. First, recall from Setup 5.1 that R = A[x0,...,xr] is a standard polynomial ring r over A. One sets PA = Proj(R) as before. In addition, one had A = F[z1,...,zm] and n ⊂ A a given (rational) maximal ideal. Let G and g be as in Setup 5.1. Denote by Proj(A[g]) and Proj(k[g]) the images of G and g, respectively (see Definition-Proposition 3.14). Let B(I) := BiProj(RR(I)) and B(I) := BiProj(RR/nR(I)) be the graphs of G and g, respectively (see Definition-Proposition 3.18). Let E(I) := BiProj (grI (R)) be the exceptional divisor of B(I). Consider the commutative diagrams

B(I) Π (8) Π′ r G PA Proj(A[g]) and B(I) π (9) π′ g r Pk Proj(k[g]) where Π′ and π′ are the blowing-up structural maps, which are well-known to be birational (see, e.g., [22, Section II.7]). Note, for the sake of coherence, that had one taken care of a full development of rational maps in the biprojective environment over the ground ring A, via a judicious use of the preliminary material developed on Section 3, the first of the above diagrams would be routinely verified. Most of the presently needed material in the biprojective situation is more or less a straightfor- ward extension of the projective one. Thus, for example, the field of rational functions of the biprojective scheme B(I) is given by the bihomogeneous localization of RR(I) at the null ideal, that is f K(B(I)) := R (I) = | f, g ∈ R (I), bideg(f) = bideg(g), g 6= 0 . R (0) g R n o Then, the degree of the morphism Π (respectively, Π′) is given by r [K(B(I)) : K(Proj(A[g]))] (respectively, [K(B(I)) : K(PA)]). Likewise, one has: Lemma 5.9. The following statements hold: r (i) K(B(I)) = K(Pk). (ii) Π′ is a birational morphism. (iii) deg(Π) = deg(G).

r Proof. (i) It is clear that K(Pk) ⊂ K(B(I)). Let f/g ∈ K(B(I)) with f, g ∈ [RR(I)]α,β, then β ′ β ′ it follows that f = pt and g = p t where p,p ∈ [R]α+βd and d = deg(gi) (see (2)). Thus, ′ r f/g = p/p ∈ R(0) and so K(B(I)) ⊂ K(Pk). DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 21

(ii) The argument is like the implication (B1) ⇒ (B2) in Definition-Proposition 3.17. Let η r ′ ♯ denote the generic point of B(I) and ξ that of P . From part (i), (Π ) : OPr → OB is A η A,ξ (I),η an isomorphism. Therefore, [19, Proposition 10.52] yields the existence of dense open subsets r ′ ≃ U ⊂ B(I) and V ⊂ PA such that the restriction Π |U : U −→ V is an isomorphism. (iii) This follows from (i) and the definitions.  Thus, one has as expected: Π and π are generically finite morphisms if and only if G and g are so, in which case one has deg(G) = deg(Π) and deg(g) = deg(π). Next is a reformulation of Lemma 5.3 by taking the respective associated Proj and BiProj schemes.

Lemma 5.10. There is a commutative diagram π B(I) Proj(k[g])

p1 q1 k (10) Π ×A B(I) ×A k Proj(A[g]) ×A k

p2 q2 Π B(I) Proj(A[g]) where the statements below are satisfied:

(i) p1 and q1 are closed immersions. (ii) p2 and q2 are the natural projections from the fiber products. Corollary 5.11. The following statements hold: (i) dim (B(I)) = dim(A)+ r. (ii) dim (B(I)) = r.

Proof. (i) It follows from Corollary 3.4 and the well-known formula dim (RR(I)) = dim(R) + 1. (ii) The proof is analogous to the one of (i). 

Lemma 5.12. Assuming that I 6= 0, the following statements hold:

(i) B(I) is an irreducible component of B(I) ×A k and, for any irreducible component Z of B(I) ×A k other than B(I), one has that Z corresponds to an irreducible component of E(I) ×A k and so dim (Z) ≤ dim (E(I) ×A k) . (ii) Let k ≥ 0 be an integer such that ℓ(IP) ≤ ht(P/nR)+k for every prime ideal P ∈ Spec(R) containing (I, n). Then dim (E(I) ×A k) ≤ r + k − 1. In particular, dim (B(I) ×A k) ≤ max{r, r + k − 1}. (iii) Let u be the generic point of B(I) and W = Spec(D) ⊂ B(I) ×A k be an affine open subscheme such that p1(u) ∈ W . The closed immersion p1 yields the natural short exact −1 sequence 0 → q → D → B → 0, where Spec(B)= p1 (W ). Then, one has q 6∈ SuppD(q). Proof. (i) and (ii) are clear from Corollary 3.5, and Proposition 5.5(i),(ii). (iii) Note that the localized map Dq → Bq coincides with the map on stalks

D = OB k = (R (I) ⊗ k) → R (I) = OB = B . q (I)×A ,p1(u) R A (ker(s)) R/nR (ker(s)) (I), u q  Then, Proposition 5.5(iv) implies that qq = 0.  22 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

5.3. Main specialization result. The following proposition reduces the main features of (10) to an affine setting over which Π and π are finite morphisms. In the following result one keeps the notation employed in (10). Proposition 5.13. Under Setup 5.8, assume that both G and g are generically finite. Referring to (10), let ξ be the generic point of Proj(k[g]) and set w = q2(q1(ξ)) ∈ Proj(A[g]). Then, the following statements are satisfied: (i) V = {y ∈ Proj(A[g]) | Π−1(y) is a finite set} is a dense open subset in Proj(A[g]) and the restriction Π−1(V ) → V is a finite morphism. (ii) If dim (E(I) ×A k) ≤ r, then there exists an affine open subset U = Spec(C) ⊂ Proj(A[g]) containing w ∈ U and one obtains a commutative diagram of affine schemes

π |Spec(B) −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 Spec(B)= p1 (p2 (Π (U))) Spec(C)= q1 (q2 (U))

Π |Spec(B) ×A k −1 −1 −1 Spec(B ⊗A k)= p2 (Π (U)) Spec(C ⊗A k)= q2 (U)

Π |Spec(B) Spec(B) = Π−1(U) U = Spec(C)

where π |Spec(B) and Π |Spec(B) are finite morphisms. (iii) If dim (E(I) ×A k) ≤ r − 1, one has the isomorphisms −1 −1 Π (w) ≃ Spec B ⊗C Quot(C) ≃ Spec B ⊗C Quot(C) ≃ π (ξ). Proof. (i) Clearly, Π is a projective morphism, hence is a proper morphism. Thus, as a conse- quence of Zariski’s Main Theorem (see [19, Corollary 12.90]), the set V = {y ∈ Proj(A[g]) | Π−1(y) is a finite set} is open in Proj(A[g]) and the restriction Π−1(V ) → V is a finite morphism. Since Π is generically finite, V is nonempty (see, e.g., [22, Exercise II.3.7]).

(ii) Since q1 and q2 are closed immersions, one obtains k(ξ) ≃ k(w) and a closed immersion −1 −1 .Π (Proj (k[g])) ֒→ Π (Proj(A[g]) ×A k)= B(I) ×Proj(A[g]) (Proj(A[g]) ×A k)= B(I) ×A k −1 −1 Also, note that Π (w)= B(I)×Proj(A[g]) k(w) ⊂ B(I)×Proj(A[g]) Proj(k[g]) = Π (Proj (k[g])). From Lemma 5.12(i), the assumption dim (E(I) ×A k) ≤ r, and the fact that g is generically finite, it follows that dim (B(I) ×A k)= r = dim(Proj(k[g])) . So, the restriction map Ψ : Π−1 (Proj (k[g])) → Proj(k[g]) is also generically finite, and the fiber Ψ−1(ξ) ≃ Π−1(w) of Ψ over ξ is finite. Therefore, w ∈ V . Take the open set V and shrink it down to an affine open subset U := Spec (C) ⊂ V such −1 −1 that w ∈ U. The scheme q1 (q2 (U)) 6= ∅ is also affine because q1 and q2 are affine morphisms −1 −1 −1 (Lemma 5.10). Then set q1 (q2 (U)) =: Spec (C) . Since the restriction Π (U) → U is a finite morphism, Π−1(U) is also affine (see, e.g., [19, Remark 12.10], [22, Exercise 5.17]). Set −1 −1 −1 −1 Π (U) =: Spec(B). Similarly, p1 (p2 (Π (U))) =: Spec (B) is also affine. It is clear that −1 −1 −1 Spec(B ⊗A k)= p2 (Π (U)) and Spec(C ⊗A k)= q2 (U). After the above considerations, one gets the claimed commutative diagram. (iii) Due to the diagram in part (ii), the isomorphisms −1 −1 Π (w) ≃ Spec B ⊗C Quot(C) and π (ξ) ≃ Spec B ⊗C Quot(C)   DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 23

։ ։ follow. The surjections C C ⊗A k C yield that B ⊗C Quot(C) ≃ (B ⊗A k) ⊗(C⊗Ak) Quot(C) and that B ⊗(C⊗Ak) Quot(C) ≃ B ⊗C Quot(C). One has the natural short exact sequence

(11) 0 → q → B ⊗A k → B → 0, and Lemma 5.12(iii) implies that q q (12) 6∈ SuppB⊗Ak( ).

Note that dim(B) = dim(B(I)) = r. The assumption dim (E(I) ×A k) ≤ r−1 and Lemma 5.12(i) imply that dim ((B ⊗A k)/p) ≤ r − 1 for any p ∈ Spec(B ⊗A k) different from q. Since the map g is generically finite, one has dim(C) = dim(Proj(k[g])) = r. It then follows that

B k k q (13) SuppB⊗Ak ( ⊗A ) ⊗(C⊗A ) Quot(C) = { },

p B k k B because for any ∈ SuppB⊗Ak ( ⊗A ) ⊗(C⊗A ) Quot(C) one gets an inclusion C ֒→ ( ⊗A k)/p, thus implying dim ((B ⊗ k)/p)= r. A  Applying the tensor product −⊗(C⊗Ak) Quot(C) to (11) gives the exact sequence

q ⊗(C⊗Ak) Quot(C) → B ⊗C Quot(C) → B ⊗C Quot(C) → 0.

Then, (12) and (13) imply that q ⊗(C⊗Ak) Quot(C) = 0. Therefore, one obtains the required isomorphism Spec B ⊗C Quot(C) ≃ Spec B ⊗C Quot(C) .  Next is the main result of this part.  Theorem 5.14. Under Setup 5.8, suppose that both G and g are generically finite. (i) Assume that the following conditions hold: (a) Proj(A[g]) is a normal scheme. (b) dim (E(I) ×A k) ≤ r. (c) k is a field of characteristic zero. Then deg(g) ≤ deg(G).

(ii) If dim (E(I) ×A k) ≤ r − 1, then deg(g) ≥ deg(G). (iii) Assuming that k is algebraically closed, there is a dense open subset W ⊂ km such that, if n = (z1 − α1,...,zm − αm) with (α1,...,αm) ∈W, one has deg(g) = deg(G). (iv) Consider the following condition: (IK) k ≥ 0 is a given integer such that ℓ(IP) ≤ ht(P/nR)+ k for every prime ideal P ∈ Spec(R) containing (I, n). Then: (IK1) If (IK) holds with k ≤ 1, then condition (b) of part (i) is satisfied. (IK2) If (IK) holds with k = 0, then the assumption of (ii) is satisfied. Proof. (i) Using condition (b), the diagram in Proposition 5.13(ii) corresponds to the following commutative diagram of ring homomorphisms


C B 24 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS with finite horizontal maps, which are injective because π |Spec(B) and Π |Spec(B) are dominant morphisms and B and B are domains (see [19, Corollary 2.11]). Since Proj(A[g]) is given to be a normal scheme then C is integrally closed. By Lemma 5.6,

deg(g) = deg(π) = deg π |Spec(B) ≤ deg Π |Spec(B) = deg(Π) = deg(G).     (ii) Let η be the generic point of Proj(A[g]). By Proposition 5.13(iii) one has that

−1 deg(g) = dimk(ξ) O(π (ξ)) = dimQuot(C) (B ⊗C Quot(C)) where B is a finitely generated C-module andC ≃ C/Q for some Q ∈ Spec(C). On the other hand, −1 deg(G) = dimk(η) O(Π (η)) = dimQuot(C) (B ⊗C Quot(C)) . Applying Nakayama’s lemma one obtains 

dimQuot(C) (B ⊗C Quot(C)) ≥ dimQuot(C) (B ⊗C Quot(C)) (see, e.g., [22, Example III.12.7.2], [19, Corollary 7.30]). So, the result follows. (iii) It follows from Theorem 5.17 and Theorem 5.20. (iv) Both (IK1) and (IK2) follow from Lemma 5.12. 

5.4. Specialization of the saturated fiber cone and the fiber cone. This part deals with the problem of specializing saturated fiber cones and fiber cones. Under certain general conditions it will turn out that the multiplicities of the saturated fiber cone and of the fiber cone remain constant under specialization. An important consequence is that under a suitable general specialization of the coefficients, one shows that the degrees of the rational map and the corresponding image remain constant. The reader is referred to the notation of §3.5. Setup 5.15. Keep the notation introduced in Setup 5.1 and Setup 5.8. Suppose that k is an algebraically closed field. Let K := Quot(A) denote the field of fractions of A and let T denote the standard graded polynomial ring T := K[x0,...,xr] over K. Let G and g be as in Setup 5.1. r s In addition, let G denote the rational map G : PK 99K PK with representative G = (G0 : · · · : .Gs), where Gi is the image of gi along the natural inclusion R ֒→ T. Set I := (G0,...,Gs) ⊂ T Finally, let Y := Proj(k[g]) and Y := Proj(K[G]) be the images of g and G, respectively (see Definition-Proposition 3.14). As in Remark 3.20, the rational map G is generically finite if and only if the rational map G is so, and one has the equality deg(G) = deg (G) . Consider the projective R-scheme ProjR-gr(RR(I)), where RR(I) is viewed as a “one-sided” R-graded algebra. For any p ∈ Spec(A), let k(p) := Ap/pAp. The fiber RR(I) ⊗A k(p) inherits a one-sided structure of a graded R(p)-algebra, where R(p) := Rp/pRp = k(p)[x0,...,xr]. Moreover, it has a natural structure as a bigraded algebra over R(p)[y0,...,ys]= R(p) ⊗A A[y0,...,ys]. Therefore, for 0 ≤ i ≤ r the sheaf cohomology

(14) M(p)i := Hi Proj (R (I) ⊗ k(p)) , O R(p)-gr R A ProjR(p)-gr(RR(I)⊗Ak(p))   has a natural structure as a finitely generated graded k(p)[y0,...,ys]-module (see, e.g., [8, Propo- sition 2.7]). In particular, one can consider its Hilbert function

i i H M(p) , k := dimk(p) M(p) . k   h i  DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 25

Lemma 5.16. For any given p ∈ Spec(A), consider the function χp : Z → Z defined by r i i χp(k) := (−1) H M(p) , k . Xi=0   Then, there exists a dense open subset U ⊂ Spec(A), such that χp is the same for all p ∈U. Proof. Consider the affine open covering

W := Spec RR(I)(x ) i 0≤i≤r  ˇ   of ProjR-gr(RR(I)), with corresponding Cech complex • C (W) : 0 → RR(I)(xi) → RR(I)(xixj ) → · · · → RR(I)(x0···xr) → 0. Mi Mi

Spec (RR(I) ⊗A k(p))(x ) i 0≤i≤r    of ProjR(p)-gr (RR(I) ⊗A k(p)). Hence, from (14) and (15), for any k ∈ Z there is an isomorphism

i i • M(p) ≃ H Lk ⊗Aa k(p) . k i h i   But since each Lk is a finitely generated flat Aa-module, hence Aa-projective, it follows that i i dimk(p) Lk ⊗Aa k(p) = rankAa Lk (see, e.g., [15, Exercise 20.13]) and that r r  i  i i i (−1) dimk(p) M(p) = (−1) rankAa Lk . k i=0 i=0 X h i  X  r i i  Therefore, for every k ∈ Z, χp(k)= i=0 (−1) H M(p) , k does not depend on p. P   26 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

The following theorem contains the main result of this part. By considering saturated fiber cones, one asks how the product of the degrees of the map and of its image behave under specialization. Theorem 5.17. Under Setup 5.15, suppose that G is generically finite. Then, there is a dense m open subset V ⊂ k such that, if n = (z1 − α1,...,zm − αm) with (α1,...,αm) ∈V, one has

g s F ^ F]T I G s Y deg( ) · degPk (Y )= e R/nR(I) = e ( ) = deg( ) · degPK ( ). Proof. Take a dense open subset U like the one of Lemma  5.16, then from Lemma 5.7 one has

V = U ∩ p ∈ Spec(A) | dim grI (R) ⊗A k(p) ≤ r + 1 ∩ MaxSpec(A) m is a dense open subset of MaxSpec(A). From Remark 5.2,V induces a dense open subset in k . From now on, suppose that n ∈V. i i Let W := ProjR(n)-gr (RR(I) ⊗A k), as in (14), H (W, OW ) = M(n) . By a similar to- i i ken, H (W, OW) = M((0)) , where W := ProjR(0)-gr (RR(I) ⊗A K), with R(0) := R ⊗A K = K[x0,...,xr] and (0) denotes the null ideal of A. Now, clearly (0) ∈V and n ∈V. Therefore, Lemma 5.16 yields the equalities r r i i i i (16) (−1) H H (W, OW ), k = (−1) H H (W, OW), k Xi=0   Xi=0   for all k ∈ N. By the definition of V and Proposition 5.5 one gets that dim (RR(I) ⊗A k) = dim(R/nR)+ 1. From Theorem 4.4(ii) (by taking RR(I) ⊗A k or RR(I) ⊗A K as a module over itself), for any i ≥ 1, one has the inequalities i i dim H (W, OW ) ≤ dim (R/nR) − 1 and dim H (W, OW) ≤ dim(T) − 1. 0 0 Therefore, (16) gives that dim H (W, OW ) = dim H (W, OW) = dim( T) = dim (R/nR) , and 0 0 that the leading coefficients of the Hilbert polynomials of H (W, OW ) and H (W, OW) coincide, 0 0   and so e H (W, OW ) = e H (W, OW) . Consider the exact sequence of finitely generated graded (R (I) ⊗ k)-modules   R A s 0 → ker(s) → RR(I) ⊗A k −→RR/nR(I) → 0 ։ where s : RR(I) ⊗A k RR/nR(I) denotes the same natural map of Proposition 5.5. Sheafifying and taking the long exact sequence in cohomology yield an exact sequence of finitely generated graded k[y]-modules 0 ∼ 0 0 ∼ 1 ∼ 0 → H (W, ker(s) ) → H (W, OW ) → H W, RR/nR(I) → H (W, ker(s) ) . Note that  ^ 0 F n (I) ≃ H Proj R n (I) , O R/ R R(n)-gr R/ R ProjR(n)-gr(RR/nR(I)) 0  ∼  ≃ H W, RR/nR(I)  (see, e.g., [22, Lemma III.2.10]).  From the definition of V and Proposition 5.5(iii), it follows that dim(ker(s)) ≤ dim(R/nR). Hence Theorem 4.4(ii) gives dim H0 (W, ker(s)∼) ≤ dim(R/nR) − 1 and dim H1 (W, ker(s)∼) ≤ dim(R/nR) − 2. ^ 0 ] 0 Therefore, one gets the equality e FR/nR(I) = e H (W, OW ) . Since FT(I) ≃ H (W, OW), summing up yields    ^ 0 0 ] e FR/nR(I) = e H (W, OW ) = e H (W, OW) = e FT(I) .       DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 27

Finally, by [8, Theorem 2.4] it follows that

F ^ g s F]T I G s Y e R/nR(I) = deg( ) · degPk (Y ) and e ( ) = deg( ) · degPK ( ), and so the result is obtained.    The following lemma can be considered as a convenient adaptation of [39, Theorem 1.5] in the current bigraded setting. As before, let A be the bigraded A-algebra A = R ⊗A A[y0,...,ys].

φk φ2 φ1 Lemma 5.18. Let F• : 0 → Fk −→· · · −→ F1 −→ F0 be an acyclic complex of finitely generated m free bigraded A-modules. Then, there is a dense open subset V ⊂ k such that, if n = (z1 − α1,...,zm − αm) with (α1,...,αm) ∈ V , the complex

φk⊗Ak φ2⊗Ak φ1⊗Ak F• ⊗A k : 0 → Fk ⊗A k −−−−→· · · −−−−→ F1 ⊗A k −−−−→ F0 ⊗A k is acyclic.

Proof. Clearly, the complex F• ⊗A K, where K = Quot(A), is also acyclic. Denote by Φi the map

Φi = φi ⊗A K : Fi ⊗A K → Fi−1 ⊗A K for 1 ≤ i ≤ k. From the Buchsbaum-Eisenbud exactness criterion (see, e.g., [15, Theorem 20.9], [6]), it follows that F• ⊗A k is acyclic if rank(φi ⊗A k) = ri and grade (Iri (φi ⊗A k)) = grade (Iri (Φi)), with ri = rank(Φi) = rank(φi) for 1 ≤ i ≤ k. It is clear that rank(φi ⊗A k) ≤ ri, and the condition rank(φi ⊗A k) = ri is satisfied when m m (α1,...,αm) ∈ k belongs to the dense open subset U ⊂ k which is the complement of the m closed subset of k given as the vanishing of all the A-coefficients of the ri × ri minors of φi.

Since A ⊗ k and A ⊗A K are Cohen-Macaulay rings, one has that grade (Iri (φi ⊗A k)) = ht (Iri (φi ⊗A k)) and grade (Iri (Φi)) = ht (Iri (Φi)), and that it is enough to check A A (17) dim ⊗ K = dim ⊗ k . I (φ ) A I (φ ) A  ri i   ri i  From [15, Theorem 14.8] and Remark 5.2, there exists a dense open subset U ′ ⊂ km such that, ′ if (α1,...,αm) ∈ U , then the equality (17) is satisfied. Therefore, the result follows by setting V = U ∩ U ′.  m Lemma 5.19. There is a dense open subset V ⊂ k such that, if n = (z1 − α1,...,zm − αm) ։ with (α1,...,αm) ∈ V , then the natural map s : RR(I) ⊗A k RR/nR(I) is an isomorphism. R Proof. To prove that s is an isomorphism, it is enough to show that Tor1 (grI (R), R/nR) = 0; see [35, §2]. Let F• : 0 → Fk →···→ F0 be the minimal bigraded free resolution of grI(R) as a finitely generated bigraded A-module. Let V ⊂ km be a dense open subset as in Lemma 5.18 and m suppose that (α1,...,αm) ∈ k . Thus, since F• ⊗A A/nA is an acyclic complex, one has A R A Tor1 (grI (R), A/nA) = 0. As Tor1 (grI(R), R/nR) = Tor1 (grI(R), A/nA), the result is clear. 

Now one treats the problem of specializing the fiber cone. As a consequence, one shows that the degree of the image of a rational map is stable under specialization. Theorem 5.20. Under Setup 5.15, suppose that G is generically finite. Then, there is a dense m open subset Q⊂ k such that, if n = (z1 − α1,...,zm − αm) with (α1,...,αm) ∈ Q, one has

s k g K G s Y degPk (Y )= e( [ ]) = e( [ ]) = degPK ( ). 28 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

Proof. Let V ⊂ km be the dense open subset of Lemma 5.19 and assume that n ∈ V , then one has that RR(I) ⊗A k ≃ RR/nR(I), and so one obtains the isomorphism [RR(I) ⊗A k]0 ≃ k[g] of graded k-algebras. From the Generic Freeness Lemma (see, e.g., [15, Theorem 14.4]) and Remark 5.2, there m exists a dense open subset W ⊂ k such that, if (α1,...,αm) ∈ W , then e ([RR(I) ⊗A k]0) =  e ([RR(I) ⊗A K]0) . Therefore, the result follows by taking Q = V ∩ W . 6. Applications In this section, one provides some applications of the previous developments. 6.1. Perfect ideals of codimension two. Here one deals with the case of a rational map r r F : Pk 99K Pk with a perfect base ideal of height 2, where k is a field of characteristic zero. The main idea is that one can compute the degree of the rational map ([12, Corollary 3.2]) when the condition Gr+1 is satisfied, then a suitable application of Theorem 5.14 gives an upper bound for all the rational maps that satisfy the weaker condition F0. Below Setup 5.1 is adapted to the particular case of a perfect ideal of height 2.

Notation 6.1. Let k be a field of characteristic zero. Let 1 ≤ µ1 ≤ µ2 ≤···≤ µr be integers with µ1 + µ2 + · · · + µr = d. For 1 ≤ i ≤ r + 1 and 1 ≤ j ≤ r, let zi,j = {zi,j,1, zi,j,2,...,zi,j,mj } µj +r denote a set of variables over k, of cardinality mj := r – the number of coefficients of a polynomial of degree µ in r + 1 variables. j  Let z be the set of mutually independent variables z = i,j zi,j, A be the polynomial ring A = k[z], and R be the polynomial ring R = A[x ,...,x ]. Let M be the (r + 1) × r matrix 0 r S with entries in R given by

p1,1 p1,2 · · · p1,r p2,1 p2,2 · · · p2,r M =  . . .  . . .    p p · · · p   r+1,1 r+1,2 r+1,r    where each polynomial pi,j ∈ R is given by

µj µj −1 µj −1 µj pi,j = zi,j,1x0 + zi,j,2x0 x1 + · · · + zi,j,mj −1xr−1xr + zi,j,mj xr .

Fix a (rational) maximal ideal n := (zi,j,k − αi,j,k) ⊂ A of A, with αi,j,k ∈ k. Set K := Quot(A), and denote T := R ⊗A K = K[x0,...,xr] and R/nR ≃ k[x0,...,xr]. Let M and M denote respectively the matrix M viewed as a matrix with entries over T and R/nR. Let {g0, g1,...,gr} ⊂ R be the ordered signed maximal minors of the matrix M. Then, the ordered signed maximal minors of M and M are given by {G0, G1,...,Gr} ⊂ T and {g0, g1,..., gr}⊂ R/nR, respectively, where Gi = gi ⊗R T and gi = gi ⊗R (R/nR). r 99K r r 99K r r 99K r Let G : PA PA, G : PK PK and g : Pk Pk be the rational maps given by the representatives (g0 : · · · : gr), (G0 : · · · : Gr) and (g0 : · · · : gr), respectively. Lemma 6.2. The following statements hold:

(i) The ideal Ir(M) is perfect of height two and satisfies the condition Gr+1. r r (ii) The rational map G : PK 99K PK is generically finite.

Proof. Let I = Ir(M). (i) The claim that I is perfect of height two is clear from the Hilbert-Burch Theorem (see, e.g., [15, Theorem 20.15]). From Proposition 4.2, ht(Ii(M)) ≥ ht(Ii(M)) ≥ r + 2 − i for 1 ≤ i ≤ r. Since the Gr+1 condition on I (see Definition 2.1) is equivalent to ht(Ir+1−i(M)) = ht(Fitti(I)) > i for 1 ≤ i ≤ r, one is through. DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 29

(ii) Note that I is generated in fixed degree d = µ1 + · · · + µr. Thus, the image of the r rational map G is Proj(K[[I]d]) ⊂ PK. Then the generic finiteness of G is equivalent to having dim(K[[I]d]) = r + 1. On the other hand, FT(I) ≃ K[[I]d]. Now, as is well-known, dim(FT(I)) = dim (FTM (IM)) = ℓ(IM), where M = (x0,...,xr)T and ℓ stands for the analytic spread. The ideal IM ⊂ TM being perfect of height 2 is a strongly Cohen–Macaulay ideal ([28, Theorem 0.2 and Proposition 0.3]), hence in particular satisfies the sliding-depth property ([48, Definitions 1.2 and 1.3]). Since µ(IM) = dim(TM), then part (i) and [25, Theorem 6.1] (also [26, Theorem 9.1]) imply that the analytic spread of I is equal to ℓ(IM)= r + 1, as wished.  The main result of this subsection is a straightforward application of the previous develop- ments.

Theorem 6.3. Let k be a field of characteristic zero and let B = k[x0,...,xr] denote a polyno- mial ring over k. Let I ⊂ B be a perfect ideal of height two minimally generated by r + 1 forms {f0,f1,...,fr} of the same degree d and with a Hilbert-Burch resolution of the form r ϕ r+1 0 → B(−d − µi) −→ B(−d) → I → 0. Mi=1 r r Consider the rational map F : Pk 99K Pk given by

(x0 : · · · : xr) 7→ f0(x0,...,xr) : · · · : fr(x0,...,xr) .

When F is generically finite and I satisfies the property F0, one has deg( F) ≤ µ1µ2 · · · µr. In addition, if I satisfies the condition Gr+1 then deg(F)= µ1µ2 · · · µr.

Proof. Let the αi,j,k’s introduced in Notation 6.1 stand for the coefficients of the polynomials in the entries of the presentation matrix ϕ. Then, under Notation 6.1, there is a natural iso- ≃ morphism Φ : (A/n)[x0,...,xr] −→ B = k[x0,...,xr] which, when applied to the entries of the matrix M, yields the respective entries of the matrix ϕ. Thus, it is equivalent to consider the r r rational map g : Pk 99K Pk determined by the representative (g0 : · · · : gr) where Φ(gi)= fi. Since Ir(M) satisfies the Gr+1 condition (Lemma 6.2(i)), [12, Corollary 3.2] implies that deg(G)= µ1µ2 · · · µr. r Since G is generically finite by Lemma 6.2(ii) and Remark 3.20, its image is the whole of PA, the latter obviously being a normal scheme. In addition, since I satisfies F0, the conditions of Theorem 5.14(i)(iv) are satisfied, hence deg(F) = deg(g) ≤ deg(G) = deg(G)= µ1µ2 · · · µr. When I satisfies Gr+1, then the equality deg(F) = µ1µ2 · · · µr follows directly from [12, Corollary 3.2]. 

A particular satisfying case is when F is a plane rational map. In this case F0 is not a constraint at all, and one recovers the result of [8, Proposition 5.2]. 2 2 Corollary 6.4. Let F : Pk 99K Pk be a dominant rational map defined by a perfect base ideal I of height two. Then, deg(F) ≤ µ1µ2 and an equality is attained if I is locally a complete intersection at its minimal primes.

Proof. In this case property F0 comes for free because ht(I1(ϕ)) ≥ ht(I2(ϕ)) = 2 is always the case. Also, here l.c.i. at its minimal primes is equivalent to G3.  Finally, one shows a simple family of plane rational maps where the degree of the map decreases arbitrarily under specialization. Example 6.5. Let m ≥ 1 be an integer. Let A = k[a] be a polynomial ring over k. Let R = A[x,y,z] be a standard graded polynomial ring over A and consider the following homogeneous 30 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS matrix x zym−1 M = −y zxm−1 + ym  az zxm−1  with entries in R. For any β ∈ k, let nβ := (a − β) ⊂ A. LetI = (g0, g1, g2) := I2(M) ⊂ R and Iβ := (πβ(g0),πβ(g1),πβ(g2)) ⊂ R/nβR be the specialization of I via the natural map πβ : R ։ R/nβR. Let G : P2 99K P2 and g : P2 99K P2 be rational maps with representatives (g : g : g ) A A β A/nβ A/nβ 0 1 2 and (πβ(g0) : πβ(g1) : πβ(g2)), respectively. When β = 0, from [23, Proposition 2.3] one has that g : P2 99K P2 is a de Jonqui`eres 0 A/n0 A/n0 map, which is birational. On the other hand, if β 6= 0, then Iβ satisfies the condition G3 and so one has deg (gβ)= m. Therefore, it follows that 1 if β = 0, deg (gβ)= (m if β 6= 0. Also, note that deg(G) = m. In concordance with Theorem 5.14, by setting k = Q, one can check with Macaulay2 [20] that dim grI(R) ⊗A A/(a) = 4 and that for e.g. β = 1 one has dim gr (R) ⊗ A/(a − 1) = 3. I A  6.2. Gorenstein ideals of codimension three. In this subsection, one deals with the case r r of a rational map F : Pk 99K Pk with a Gorenstein base ideal of height 3, where k is a field of characteristic zero. The argument is pretty much the same as in the previous part §6.1, by drawing on the formulas in [13, Corollary C]. Notation 6.6. Let k be a field of characteristic zero and D ≥ 1 be an integer. For 1 ≤ i < j ≤ D+r r+1, let zi,j = {zi,j,1, zi,j,2,...,zi,j,m} denote a set of variables over k, of cardinality m := r . Let z = z , A = k[z], and R = A[x ,...,x ]. Let M be the alternating (r + 1) × (r + 1) i,j i,j 0 r  matrix with entries in R given by S 0 p1,2 · · · p1,r p1,r+1 −p1,2 0 · · · p2,r p2,r+1  . . . .  M = . . . .    −p −p · · · 0 p   1,r 2,r r,r+1   −p −p ··· −p 0   1,r+1 2,r+1 r,r+1    where each polynomial pi,j ∈ R is given by D D−1 D−1 D pi,j = zi,j,1x0 + zi,j,2x0 x1 + · · · + zi,j,m−1xr−1xr + zi,j,mxr .

Fix a (rational) maximal ideal n := (zi,j,k − αi,j,k) ⊂ A of A, with αi,j,k ∈ k. Set K := Quot(A), and denote T := R ⊗A K = K[x0,...,xr] and R/nR ≃ k[x0,...,xr]. Let M and M denote respectively the matrix M viewed as a matrix with entries over T and R/nR. Let {g0, g1,...,gr} ⊂ R be the ordered signed submaximal Pfaffians of the matrix M. Then, the ordered signed submaximal Pfaffians of M and M are given by {G0, G1,...,Gr}⊂ T and {g0, g1,..., gr}⊂ R/nR, respectively, where Gi = gi ⊗R T and gi = gi ⊗R (R/nR). r 99K r r 99K r r 99K r Let G : PA PA, G : PK PK and g : Pk Pk be the rational maps given by the representatives (g0 : · · · : gr), (G0 : · · · : Gr) and (g0 : · · · : gr), respectively. Lemma 6.7. The following statements hold:

(i) The ideal Pfr(M) is Gorenstein of height three and satisfies the condition Gr+1. r r (ii) The rational map G : PK 99K PK is generically finite. DEGREEOFRATIONALMAPSANDSPECIALIZATION 31

Proof. (i) The first claim follows from the Buchsbaum-Eisenbud structure theorem [7]. The condition Gr+1 is proved to be satisfied by an argument similar to Lemma 6.2(i) (see [13, Lemma 2.12]). (ii) Essentially the same proof of Lemma 6.2(ii) carries over for this case (see [28, Theorem 0.2 and Proposition 0.3] and [25, Theorem 6.1]). 

Theorem 6.8. Let k be a field of characteristic zero, B be the polynomial ring B = k[x0,...,xr] and I ⊂ B be a homogeneous ideal in B. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied: (i) I is a height 3 Gorenstein ideal. (ii) I is minimally generated by r + 1 forms {f0,f1,...,fr} of the same degree. (iii) Every non-zero entry of an alternating minimal presentation matrix of I has degree D ≥ 1. r r Consider the rational map F : Pk 99K Pk given by

(x0 : · · · : xr) 7→ f0(x0,...,xr) : · · · : fr(x0,...,xr) . r When F is generically finite and I satisfies the property F0, one has deg(F) ≤ D . In addition, r if I satisfies the condition Gr+1 then deg(F)= D . Proof. The proof follows similarly to Theorem 6.3. But now one uses Notation 6.6, Lemma 6.7 and [13, Corollary C] instead of Notation 6.1, Lemma 6.2 and [12, Corollary 3.2], respectively. 

6.3. j-multiplicity. Here one shows that the j-multiplicity of an ideal does not change under a general specialization of the coefficients. The j-multiplicity of an ideal was introduced in [1], as a generalization of the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity for the non-primary case. It has been largely applied by several authors in its recent history, including in intersection theory (see, e.g., [18]). Here one uses the notation of Setup 5.15. Let m be the maximal irrelevant ideal m = (x0,...,xr) ⊂ R/nR. The j-multiplicity of the ideal I ⊂ R/nR is given by 0 dimk H In/In+1 j(I) := r! lim m . →∞ r n n  The j-multiplicity of I ⊂ T is defined in the same way. Corollary 6.9. Under Setup 5.15, suppose that I has maximal analytic spread ℓ(I) = r + 1. m Then, there is a dense open subset V ⊂ k such that, if n = (z1 − α1,...,zm − αm) with (α1,...,αm) ∈V, one has j(I)= j(I).

Proof. Let d = deg(gi) = deg(Gi). From [36, Theorem 5.3] one obtains

g s I G s Y j(I)= d · deg( ) · degPk (Y ) and j( )= d · deg( ) · degPK ( ). So, the result follows from Theorem 5.17. 

Acknowledgments We are grateful to the referee for valuable comments and suggestions for the improvement of this work. The first named author was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk lodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 675789. The second named author was funded by a Senior Professor Position at the Politecnico di Torino and a Brazilian CNPq grant (302298/2014-2). Both authors thank the Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico for providing an appropriate environment for discussions on this work. 32 YAIRON CID-RUIZ AND ARON SIMIS

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(Cid-Ruiz) Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Inselstraße 22, 04103 Leipzig, Germany. E-mail address: [email protected] URL:

(Simis) Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche del Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy. E-mail address: [email protected]

(Simis [current address]) Departamento de Matematica,´ CCEN, Universidade Federal de Pernam- buco, 50740-560 Recife, PE, Brazil. E-mail address: [email protected]