May 2019 St. Kiilliian Congregatiion 428 Forest Street Hartford, WI 53027 Dennis Vlasak, DRE 262-673-4831 ext. 406 Attendance 262-673-4831 ext. 307
[email protected] Jesus Is the Way to Heaven Death is a tough topic, especially for assure them we’ll always be with Jesus children. It’s challenging to explain in a place with no sadness or pain. As why people die and what happens kids grow older, we can let them know POWERSOURCE to them after they die. Some kids Jesus is the only way to heaven—and PRAY TO JESUS: have little experience with death, any teachings about different paths to while others may have had their eternal life are false. Jesus says, “I am 1. Thank Jesus for dying on the world turned upside-down by a the way, the truth, and the life. No one cross and for rising from the loved one’s passing. can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). tomb to forgive and save us. Death is sin’s ultimate “sting,” but 2. Ask Jesus to remind your family for Christians, Jesus has erased it. During life’s trials and challenges, members of his love and his By rising from the grave, Jesus followers of Jesus can find comfort in promise of heaven. “gives us victory over sin and death” the sure hope of heaven. Yet we don’t (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). Jesus need to wait until we arrive there to 3. Ask Jesus to help you tell others promises to “prepare a place” for us experience Jesus’ presence and about him—and about heaven.