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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1927-03-16 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1927). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 163. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i:'~:&^<% Published Weekly by Students of St. Xavier College WVol . XII. CINCINNATI, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1927 No, 24 X Debatisrs Win And Lose COMING EVENTS MAY 29 HISTORIANS No event conflicting with any of the following may be scheduled with Chosen for Mammoth Crusade Unqualified and Mercenary StXavier Clevelanders out ofl[icia! sanction. For open dates Demonstration Claims Phillips apply to the Registrar, Mr, Ronald J, Jeanmougfin, A largo crowd welcomed the last Takes Honors at-Chicago Win Allied Debt Debate What is expected to resemble on a Alumni lecturer of the present year Mar, 16—Chapel Assembly 8: 30 a.m, sniall scale the scenes of the Chicago • •-' " , .. -.©•--•. last Sunday evening. Dr. Charles Friday night, John Carroll Uni Intra-Semester Tests, Eucharistic Congress is promised for On Tuesday evening, March 8th, Mar, 17—St. Patrick Day, Phillips of Notre Datne choose for the St. Xa'vier debating team de versity sent their debating represen May 29, when the Catholic Students' his topic, "The T_rue Washington" tatives to, meet St. Xavier upon the Junior Mass 8:30 a, m. Mission Crusade will stage a convoca feated the team of Loyola University Mar. 18—Senior Mass 8:30 a, m. and centered his talk upon the recent at Chicago, ~ This" was St, Xavier's topic, "Resolved: That the United tion at Corcoran Field, critics of the first President. States should cancel its inter-allied Senior Sodality 11:30 a. m. Present plans call for a .solemn first debate this year. Band Rehearsal, 3 ;00 p. m. He said those writers did not pos The subjeet, "Resolved: That the debts." The visitors defended the fleld mass, to begin abbut 11 a. ni., Mar., 21—Freshman Mass and Sodal sess the primary requisite of a com Volstead Law should. be modifled to riegativelind won the decision, with Rt. Rev. Francis Beckman of ity 8:30 a. m, petent historian—a knowledge of the permit tbe - manufacture of light Dr, Edward P, Moulinier, '87, Dean Lincoln, Neb., National President of Philopedian Society 1:36 p. m, ') times of which they were . writing; . wines and beer,',' is one of the most of the College of Law, presided as the • Crusaders, as celebrant. Most Mar, 22—Sophomore Mass 8:30 a, m. He cited the passage in which George vndely discussed topics in America, Chairinan, and three jurists ,seryed Rev, John T. McNicholas, O, P., of Orientation, 8:30 a. m,. Dr. J. E. Wnshing'ton is accused of snobbish St. Xavier upheld the Negative, The as the judges. They were the Hons, Cincinnati will preach and Rt. Rev, Greiwe. ness because he once wrote that only decision was. given by a single critic Stanley- Roettinger, Joseph Woeste, Francis W, Howard of Covington will Clef Club Rehearsal, 7:30 p. m. gentlemen should be commissioned judge. Professor Mau of Northwest and Wm. Reed. be present. Mar, 23—Chapel Assembly 8:30 a, ni,' ofHcers in the army. em University. The St. Xavier team was the same Ten thousand Crusaders of the Apr, 3—Executive Committee of "In those days the term gentlemen The debate was between tvyo three- that was victorious at Lyola the parochial schools of the city will sing Aluinni Association, 10:15 a, m. meant men who were educated and men teams. George K. Ray, '29; earlier part of the week, William Manzetti's Mass of the Angels, They Apr. 4—Debate. Loyola University polished and had the ability to lead Prank Walsh, '29, and Fraud Naphin, Nolan, '30; James QuiU, '28, and Ed will be trained, under the direction of here. Juniors obliged to attend.," Dr. Phillips said. "Wash '27, represented Loyola, while Wil ward J, McGrath; '28. John CarroU John J. Fehring, Supervisor of Music Jsaseball. Michigan Here, ington had no intention of restrict liam Nolan, '30; James QuiU, '28, sent Ralph.J. Perry, '27; Joseph T. in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, by Apr. 5—-Orientation. ^Mr. -A. H. ing tho higher positions in tjio army and Edward J. McGrath, _;28, upheld Moriarty, '30, and Hubert J. McCaf- parochial school music teachers. Foppe. to a group of well-born Americans," the case of St,-Xavier. feryj^ '27. Thousands of college and high Apr. 6—Alumni Meeting, 8:00 p. ni. school students in the institutions "They accuse WashinRton of Naphin, the first speaker for the Opening the St. Xavier' case, No marrying for wealth and they accuse Affirmative; contended that the VOIT lan declared that it was not the in Apr. 10, 11, 12—The Passion. around Cincinnati are expected, the Apr. 11—Debate. Boston College time of the mass having been ar his v/ii'e of marrying (or position. stead Law was' contrary to a funda tention of the aflSrmative to say that They cannot find any indiscretions mental principle of American gov- the European debts should be can here. Seniors and Freshmen ranged for them to reach Corcoran obliged to attend, Field for the beginning of the serv in the courtship so they invent as cinmcnt Walsh showed the failure celled unconditionally, but that dis much of a bad talc as they can. of the 'Volstead Law to check drink armament of the nations should be Apr, 14, 15,. 16, 17, 38—Easter Re ices. cess. Lay-people, not Crusaders, will "In Washington's friendship with ing and the. increase in crime and demanded in return. Ho alleged that Sally Fairfax—a happy min.x whom la\/lessness due to prohibition. Ray, the present attitude of the United Apr. 19—Classes Resume. also attend in large numbers. .^ ^ Latin Intercollegi!i.te, -Church organists from all parts of I should like to have known—they f-hn ^*^ni..j;^c^£iker- ffjr Lovc-^i* 'cIt?.i''nGd Stat'isis engendering a hostile-f oel-. iind that he was ahvays on the visrge that the proposed modification would ing throughout Europe and ]s promo Apr, 20—Alumni Banquet 6:00 p, m, the United States will be present as . Debate, St. Viator here. Sopho the date of "the convocation coincides of unfaithfulness to his wife. They remedy the ievils described by'the ting economic alliances against this insinuate thus far not daring to make first speaker, . country. mores obliged to attend, with the opening of the convention of Apr. 22—Booklovers' Card Party any open declarations. " Nolan, m opening the case of "the Quill claimed that the AUies were their guild, the Society of St. Greg and Dance, "They call Washington an oppor Negative, took direct issue with Na unable to pay as taxation is already ory. Headquarters for the conven Apr. tunist and a military blunderer be phin's contentions, showing that the too high in Europe, that production 20 — Orientation. Mr, J, D, tion'will be St. Mary Seminary, Nor Cloud. wood, Ohio. cause of the length of the Revolu- , modification would be unconstitution must be increased if the debt is to tionary War. ' They forget that with al, that modification would violate a be paid and that there would be ho Apr. 27—Intra-Semester Tests. The services will probably be May 1—Verkamp Debate. Juniors broadcast and loudspeaker equipment all the modern moans of warfare the •written law, whereas the 'Volstead market for the increased commodi World War lasted six years. They Law at best could only be said to ties, and flnally,.that as Europe could and Seniors obliged to attend. may be installed to carry the service May 26—Ascension Day. to all parts of Corcoran Stadium. forget his stroke at Trenton, prob conflict with some antiquated'cus not pay in gold, merchandise or ter ably ono nf- the greatest pieces of tom ' ritory, there was no means of- paying May 26, 27, 28—May Pete at Cor Arrangements are in the hands of coran Field, strategy in military history. Quill, taking the conditions re the debt. - Rev. Frank Thill, Executive Secretary May 29—C. S, M. C. Convocation at "They say that he had luck when - counted by Walsh, showed that modi - McGrath concluded the Affirma of the Crusaders and Rev. Roger Corcoran Field, , he won. But what is the definition fication would only aggravate them. tive's arguments by proving that it is Straub, Secretary of the local confer June 2—Semester Examinations, ence, -It is planned to make these of luck if it is not making use of, He further demonstrated that dis inexpedient for the United States to one's opportunities? tribution of wines and beer was im For John Carroll, Perry declared June 5, 6, 7, 8—Commencement Ex convocations an annual event in Cin ercises. cinnati, "These writers call Washington a possible - "^ , accept. echeming politician who manouvered j McGrath, the final speaker for St. that the debts are generously funded for years that he might secure the Xavier, denied Ray's contenitons ahd over a period of-sixty-two years and Generalship of the Revolutionary ." showed that there was no substan that: they are reduced as much as THIRTY RAILROADS Army and faked surprise when it was tial sentiment for the modification, 75 per cent; Moriartiy claimed can tendered him because he was ashamed cellation is unnecessary as Europe that while there' exists no example Out for Baseball Should Have Co-operation of his plans.