Springpre Visitingparent Group Scheduling Enjoys Folks Festival Folks' Festival Got Off to a Good Perfo~Ng As a Small German Start Friday Night at the PE Build Band
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nm OCE LAM RON VOLUME XXVIII OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUOATION, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1951 NUMBER 10 SIGMA EPSILON Pl INITIATES THREE SpringPre Visiting Parent Group Scheduling Enjoys Folks Festival Folks' Festival got off to a good perfo~ng as a small German start Friday night at the PE build band. Members of this band were In Offing ing where there were two basketball John Herbert, Dick Harry, Harry games and at the half-time, enter Jahnke, Leon Duerksen and George Students planning to register for tainment by the Square Dance club Slawson. Also adding to the spirit spring term should be thinking and an odd group of individuals' of the evening was the OCE band. ·about their spring term courses. Registration for the parents was Pre-scheduling for spring term is done in Maple hall Saturday mom- planned for the week beginning ing. Then students took their par March 12 and ending March 16. All ·1 G..I. Upset, Flu ents to the places of interest on the students are urged to arrange a con .idem·ic campus. The elementary i;;chool, Ar- ference with their advisers during Ep a,·ts nold Arms, West house, Todd hall pre-scheduling week so that their I and the Administration building spring term schedules can be plan 1 The months of January and Feb- were open for the tours of parents. ned in a thoughtful and orderly ruary have developed into "misery" And in the art room was an inter fashion. months for most students of the esting hobby show visited by many Students who do not pre-schedule OCE campus. A bad epidemic of guests and students. will not be permitted to register un Shown above are Betty Anderson, , initiates. Juanita Griffin and Pat Icolds has broken out. At 11 a.m. in Campbell hall audi- til after 10 a.m. on registration day Juanita Roberts and Shirley Oliver, ! Keep were unable to be present Th\Health Serv.~ce calls this all- torium a_ program was presented by or until the initial rush is over. three of the five Sigma Epsilon Pi when the picture was taken. ment G. I. Upset. Translated, this the music department. Featured Steps in pre-scheduling are meant gastro intestinal flu. (As it were Darlene Glaske a,t the organ; 1. students will obtain two copies attacks the stomach as well as the three numbers sung by the male of yellow study list and one copy of Moms See Coeds head and lungs.) It is spread by a quartet, whose members are Ruban schedule changes from the regis Air Force Team droplet infection, from one person Maize, Wade Sheasley, Homer 01- trar's office. Model Campus Dress to another. Ifert, and Keith Holdorf; a song 2. A' proposed study schedule will Interviews Men Miss Jennie Jackson, OCE health by Edithanne Simpson, accompani- be prepared in rl\lplicate prior to Highlighting the Mothers' visit nurse, reports that much penicillen Ied by Darlene Glaske; a marimba conferences with counselor. I Juniors and seniors interested in to Folks' Festival last week-end was is being used to counteract this G. I. 1 solo by Keith Holdorf; and the pro 3. Counselor and student will dis-1 officer oppcrtunities in the U. S. Air the style show. The modeling of the upset. Most of this has not been j gram was concluded with three cuss sche:i1'1" and make any neces- Force will have a chance to find out favorite costumes of the campus paid for as yet. ~ plea comes from i numbers by the girls' double trio, sary changes. Counselor will initial . took place on Saturday afternoon the Health Service for students to consistng of Janice Crenshaw, Dru one copy and return it to student, Iall the answers soon, right h e_rc _on from 3 :00 to 5 :00 o'clock in Maple pay their bills, as no new penicillen I.sma Hughson, Katherine Miller, and retain one copy for files. the campus. An air force aviat10n hall. can be bought until these shots are . Margaret Mackford, Mary Lou Rob- 4. student will present initialed , cadet selection team :Wil.l be ~ere on Costumes appropriate for day and paid for. 1inson and Glenna Parks. copy of schedule at registrar's office J April 11. The team :win interview _an night were featured. Spor:-5 and cas- The Heal~h Service is having dif- In Todd hall at 1 p.m. a luncheon and obtain registration materials. persons interested m a career with ual outfits included swts, coats, ficulty gettmg students to come in was served for students and their These materials will be completed the, air fore~ and will arrange for cottons and pajamas. Semi-formal I with their colds for treatment be- I parents. Two numbers sung by and retained by student until regis- mental and physical examinations and formal dresses were also model- fore they get beyond control. Keith Holdorf and group singing tration d'ly, on Monday, March 26. I for applicants for pilot and naviga- ed. Other campus costumes were I were enjoyed by all. 5. Counselor will initial main I tor training. those belonging to the various clubs I Council Hears Report A Mot hers' club meeting was held white schedule card after student I Men succes~fully proc~ssed on ~he --Collecto Coeds, Staff and Key, , • in the Todd hall living room and a has .been admitted to all classes on . campus for pilot or navigator tram Pep club and the Rally squad. I On Grove Receipts Dads' club meeting at Arnold Arms, registration day. I ing will have an excellent chance Specials were a knit suit and a both at 2:30 p.m. for final selection to aviation cadet blouse from the Work Basket. Some- The twelfth meeting of the joint In Maple hall at 3 :30, a style Training Applications I tra~ing. By applying at this. time, thing different was a "Moo Moo" council was called to order by Pres- show was held for the mothers. And applicants may request selection to . I from Hawaii, modeled by Rita Bak- ident Paul Lee on Monday, Febru in the PE building a "smoker" was , M ust Be F1n1shed Soon a flying class 1mmediate1y after er. Lila Mae Poppish and LaVae ary 19. Bob Norton asked where the given for the fathers. The program Students are r eminded that all completing their college education. Griffith presented a Charleston act, $2.00 student-union fees are now be- consisted of two wrestling matches, applications for admission to teach- At the present time, the normal complete with "flapper" costumes. ing placed. Mr. Stebbins replied that Itwo boxing matches, and a free-for- er training must be complete and waiting period for entrance into a Helen Stevens, Alice Hardy, Jan part of this money is being used for all by Varsity "O" initiates who returned to the education office by flying training class· is from four to Crenshaw, Drusilla Hughson, Meg ~he maintenance of ~he stu~ent ~- I were blindfolded and an egg bound March 9. Speech tests will be given Isix months. Mockford, Bunny Walton, Joan wn and the remamder is bemg' to their heads. With rolled news by Mr. Harding in accordance with Aviation cadet pilot or navigator I Sickler, Pat Johnson, Mary Campy- I transferred to other funds. papers as weapons- eggs and paper the schedule to be announced. The · training consists of one year of in I nol and Lenore and Dorothy Lund Mr. Sayre reported that the act- r (Continued on Page Four) Health Center will issue notices of I tensive schooling in all phases of (the latter two as twins) modeled ual cash receipts for Groves sales I hours during which health exam- aviation. Cadets receive $105 per the various costumes and styles. I amount to $1008.23. The council was Hobby Show Features inations may be scheduled. 1 month during training and upon asked how many extra Groves I Students should watch for these graduation are awarded commis should be ordered. n was the gen- Many Unusual Displays announcements and arrange for sions as second lieutenants. Ordered Joint Music Concert eral opinion of the council that the their examinations at designated I to active duty as. flying officers, training school staff should be con- In working with the Folk's Festi times. College entrance examina-1 these men earn pay and allowances Planned for March 14 tacted for possible orders, and that I val committee, Kappa Pi, national tion scores must be secured by writ- amounting to almost $5000 a year. no more Groves be ordered than the art fraternity, sponsored an all- ing to the college or university at- I Cadets who do not complete any March 14 the musw department, I figures indicate will be needed. faculty, all-student hobby show last tended if entrance examinations I of the training courses are return- under the direction of Mrs. Florence week-end. Many different and in- were not taken here. ed to civilian life. HuJ;chi~son and Mr: _Charles Sto- , Student Teachers Are teresting hobbies were displayed, wel~ will prese_nt a JOmt band .andl I Asked to Attend Meet among which was Daron Dierk's and choir concert m the Campbell hal , h Noxon Plans Summer Trip To. f urope auditorium at 8:00 p.m. · All student teachers and all stu- Howard Humphreys photograp Y Special organ music will be play- dents currently enrolled in supervis display. Many faculty and students A workshop in the Geography I Oslo, and on to Rattvik and Stock- ed and the OCE band and choir will ed teaching who wish assignments had as their hobbies interesting and Culture of Northern and W est- holm in Sweden.