International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences, 2020, 18(1): 76-91 International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences ISSN:2166-286X Journal Florida, USA Article The Numerical Solution of Helmholtz Equation Using Modified Wavelet Multigrid Method S. C. Shiralashetti1, A. B. Deshi2,*, M. H. Kantli3 1Department of Mathematics, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India-580003 2Department of Mathematics, KLECET, Chikodi, India-591201 3Department of Mathematics, BVV’s BGMIT, Mudhol, India-587313 *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:
[email protected] Article history: Received 11 June 2020, Revised 23 July 2020, Accepted 1 September 2020, Published 14 September 2020. Abstract: This paper presents a modified wavelet multigrid technique for solving elliptic type partial differential equations namely Helmholtz equation. The solution is first obtained on the coarser grid points, and then it is refined by obtaining higher accuracy by increasing the level of resolution. The implementation of the classical numerical methods has been found to involve some difficulty to observe fast convergence in low computational time. To overcome this, we have proposed modified wavelet multigrid method using wavelet intergrid operators similar to classical intergrid operators. Some of the numerical test problems are presented to demonstrate the applicability and attractiveness of the present implementation. Keywords: Wavelet multigrid; Helmholtz equation; Intergrid operators; Numerical methods. Mathematics Subject Classification: 65T60, 97N40, 35J25 1. Introduction The mathematical modelling of engineering problems usually leads to sets of partial differential equations and their boundary conditions. There are several applications of elliptic partial differential equations (EPDEs) in science and engineering. Many physical processes can be modeled using EPDEs.