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1School of Mathematical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, [email protected]

2Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Liverpool, UK, [email protected]

3Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia, [email protected]

To each edge (i, j), i < j, of the complete directed graph on the integers we assign unit weight with probability p or weight x with probability 1 − p, independently from edge to edge, and give to each path weight equal to the x sum of its edge weights. If W0,n is the maximum weight of all paths from 0 to x n then W0,n/n → Cp(x), as n → ∞, almost surely, where Cp(x) is positive and deterministic. We study Cp(x) as a function of x, for fixed 0 < p < 1, and show that it is a strictly increasing convex function that is not differentiable if and only if x is a nonpositive rational or a positive integer except 1 or the reciprocal of it. We allow x to be any real number, even negative, or, possibly, −∞. The case x = −∞ corresponds to the well-studied directed version of the Erdos-Rényi˝ (known as Barak-Erdos˝ graph) for which Cp(−∞) = limx→−∞ Cp(x) has been studied as a function of p in a number of papers.

1. Introduction. The classical Erdos-Rényi˝ random graph model on the set of integers Z admits a straightforward directed version: a pair (i, j) of vertices, i < j, is declared to be an edge directed from i to j with probability p, independently from pair to pair. This was introduced by Barak and Erdos˝ [2]. Graph and order-theoretic properties of it were studied in [2,1,4]. A quantity of interest for this graph is the behavior of the random variable Ln defined as the maximum length of all paths between two vertices at distance at most n. Motivated by the theory of food webs in mathematical ecology, Newman and Cohen [19, 18] showed that Ln/n converges in probability to a positive constant Cp, as n → ∞. It is known that Cp is a continuous function of p and its properties in the light connectivity regime where studied; in particular, the derivative at 0 is equal to e. Using different methods, we showed in [6] that the limit above is in the almost sure sense and obtained good bounds of the function Cp on the whole interval 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 first by relating the graph to a Markov process (the so-called Infinite Bin Model), and second by studying the convergence of it to stationarity. More recently, Mallein and Ramassamy [16, 17] related the infinite bin model to a dynamical ∗ arXiv:2006.01727v3 [math.PR] 11 Jul 2021 system on the set N words from the alphabet N, the set of positive integers, obtained explicit estimates for Cp and showed, in particular that Cp is an analytic function of p for p > 0. Another area where versions of the Barak-Erd˝osrandom directed graph appear is the stochastic modeling of parallel processing systems. When jobs arrive randomly in continu- ous time and cannot be processed independently because of constraints between them then it is known that the stability of the resulting stochastic dynamical system is intimately related to the longest or heaviest path in a random graph representing ordering preferences among jobs; see [9, 10]. In these systems it is often necessary to introduce weights on the vertices of the

MSC 2010 subject classifications: 60K35, 05C80, 60K05. Keywords and phrases: random graph, maximal path, last-passage percolation, skeleton point, critical point, regenerative structure. 1 2 graph as well. In such a case, Ln has to be modified to measure not length but total weight. Letting then Wn be the maximum weight of all paths between vertices at distance at most n, [8] shows that the growth of Wn is very different depending on whether the second moment of the typical edge weight is finite or not. The situation for both edge and vertex weights was studied in [7] and included the possibility that vertex weights are negative. Yet another appli- cation of a continuous-vertex extension of Barak-Erdos˝ random directed graphs appear in the physics literature: Itoh and Krapivsky [11] introduce a version, called “continuum cascade model”, of the stochastic ordered graph with set of vertices in [0, ∞) and study asymptotics for the length of longest paths between 0 and t, deriving recursive integral equations for its distribution. When weights are introduced, the weighted Barak-Erdos˝ type of graphs can be seen as long-range last-passage percolation models. These models appear in physics and other areas and are typically defined by giving i.i.d. random weights to the points and/or edges of a lattice and asking for the behaviour of the maximum weight path. Whereas in the Barak- Erdos˝ weighted or unweighted graphs the underlying lattice is not a priori given, it appears as a result of the analysis: there exists an bi-infinite collection of random vertices on which i.i.d. random weights appear. These special random vertices have been called skeleton points in Denisov et al. [5] or as posts in the literature concerning order theoretic properties of unweighted Barak-Erdos˝ graphs [1,4]. We mention, in passing, that in Denisov et al. [5] the edge probability p was made to depend on the endpoints of the edge also. In the same paper, the vertex set was extended to be Z×{1,...,K} where K is a finite integer and was seen that the existence of posts resulted in a non-trivial CLT, identical to those obtained in last-passage percolation problems and in longest-subsequence problems. Namely, the CLT associated to Ln resulted in a non-normal distribution but in one that governs the largest eigenvalue of a certain K × K random matrix. More striking is the result when K → ∞ [14] where the use of skeletons of the directed random graph on Z × Z was made to resemble the last-passage percolation model of [3] with a corresponding CLT yielding a Tracy-Widom distribution. The constant Cp has so far only been studied as a function of the edge probability p. It is natural therefore to ask how it depends on the weight distribution in a weighted Barak- Erdos˝ graph. In this paper, we study the following weight distribution: for two integers i < j, we assign weight 1 to the edge (i, j) with probability p or weight x with probability 1 − p, independently from edge to edge. We call Gp(x) this random weighted directed graph, allowing for x to range in [−∞, +∞]. The weight of a path is the sum of the weights of its edges. If we let Πi,j be the collection of all finite increasing sequences (i0, i1, . . . , i`) such that i0 = i, i` = j then every element of the nonrandom set Πi,j is a path in Gp(x). However, in the Barak-Erdos˝ graph, the set of paths from i to j is random. We can unify the two pictures by letting Gp(−∞) denote the Barak-Erdos˝ graph declaring that a path with weight −∞ is not a feasible path. We first observe that the growth rate of the heaviest path, denoted by Cp(x), exists almost surely and in L1, when x > −∞ and that it is a strictly positive constant. When x = −∞, the Barak-Erdos˝ graph, Cp(−∞) is the same as the constant Cp studied in [6, 16, 17] and also in [19, 18] (with a different notation). In this case, the growth rate of the heaviest=longest 1 path is in the almost sure but not in the L sense. We have that limx→−∞ Cp(x) = Cp(−∞). We then study the behaviour of Cp(x) when −∞ ≤ x ≤ ∞. We show that it is a convex function on [−∞, ∞] and then study its smoothness properties showing that it fails to be differentiable when x is a non-positive rational number, a positive integer other than 1, or the inverse of such a positive integer. We use entirely probabilistic-combinatorial methods based on the use of the aforementioned skeleton points and on the construction of paths that have certain criticality properties. We finally discuss extension of the model Gp(x) and pose some intriguing open problems. LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 3

Problems of differentiability of percolation constants arise in models in statistical physics and have appeared previously in the context of first-passage percolation. Steele and Zhang [20], motivated by an old problem due to Hammerlsey and Welsh, studied differentiability of 2 the first passage percolation constant µ(F ) on the integer lattice Z when edge weights are i.i.d. nonnegative random variables with common distribution F (typically, F is Bernoulli distribution pδ1 + (1 − p)δ0). Specifically, if a0,n denotes the infimum of the weights of all 1 paths between (0, 0) and (n, 0), then µ(F ) = limn→∞ a0,n/n, a.s. and in L , by Kingman’s subbaditive ergodic theorem. Replacing F by Ft, the distribution of the edge weight shifted by t, Steele and Zhange proved that the concave function t 7→ µ(Ft) fails to be differentiable at t = 0 when p is in some left neighborhood of 1/2. Although this model is different from ours, there is a certain similarity in that both papers use a combination of the probabilistic techniques with a sample-path analysis of a class of deterministic graphs and produce ex- amples of paths having desired properties. Very recently, Krishnan, Rassoul-Agha and Sep- päläinen [13] extended the result of [20] by studying a higher-dimensional models, more general weight distributions and first passage percolation constants along general directions and showed, in particular, non-differentiability of µ(Ft) at points other than 0. Reurning to the model studied herein, the main theorem of our paper, see Theorem3 below, identifies completely all the points of non-differentiability of the last-passage percolation constant x 7→ Cp(x). At the end of the paper we make some remarks concerning how one could generalize the methods and results to more general edge-weight distributions.

2. The model and some basic properties. Let p be strictly between 0 and 1 in order to avoid trivialities. We construct the family of random weighted directed graphs Gp(x), −∞ ≤ x ≤ ∞, by first letting {αi,j : i, j ∈ Z, i < j} be an i.i.d. collection of random variables on some probability space (Ω, F , P) such that P(αi,j = 1) = p, P(αi,j = 0) = q = 1 − p, and then letting the weight of (i, j) be x (1) wi,j := αi,j + x(1 − αi,j), x > −∞. −∞ x If x = −∞, then wi,j := limx→−∞ wi,j , which is 1 if αi,j = 1 or −∞ otherwise. If we agree that −∞ denotes the absence of an edge, then, for the special case when x = −∞, we interpret Gp(−∞) as the the Barak-Erdos˝ graph, an unweighted random directed graph. It is often more convenient to be thinking of the complete directed graph K(Z) with ver- tices the set Z of integers and edges the set {(i, j) ∈ Z × Z : i < j}. Then the subgraph of K(Z) consisting of all edges (i, j) with αi,j = 1 is Gp(−∞). It is often convenient and more descriptive to call an edge (i, j) of K(Z) blue if αi,j = 1 or red if αi,j = 0. A path π in K(Z) is any finite increasing sequence (i0, . . . , i`) of integers. The pairs (ik−1, ik), 1 ≤ k ≤ `, are the edges of π. The number ` of edges of π is its length, also denoted by |π|. Such a path is a path in Gp(−∞) if αik−1,ik = 1 for all 1 ≤ k ≤ `. We let

Πi,j := {(i0, . . . , i`): i = i0 < i1 < ··· < i` = j, ` ∈ N} be the set of all paths in K(Z) from i to j. (The cardinality of Πi,j is the same as the number j−i−1 of subsets of {i + 1, . . . , j − 1}, that is, 2 .) The weight of a path π = (i0, . . . , i`) of Gp(x) is wx(π) = wx + ··· + wx . (2) i0,i1 i`−1,i` −∞ This works even when x = −∞. Indeed, w (π) = ` if αik−1,ik = 1 for all 1 ≤ k ≤ `; otherwise, w−∞(π) = −∞. We are interested in the quantity x x (3) Wi,j := max{w (π): π ∈ Πi,j}. 4

Note that setting x = −∞ in this equation we obtain ( −∞, if there is no path of G (−∞) from i to j, W −∞ = p i,j max |π|, otherwise,

−∞ where the last maximum is over all paths π in Gp(−∞) from i to j. Hence Wi,j is the maximum length of all paths from i to j in Gp(−∞), provided that such a path exists. In other words, formula (3), appropriately interpreted, gives the quantity of interest in all cases, i.e., for all graphs Gp(x), −∞ ≤ x ≤ ∞.

THEOREM 1 ([6]). The following holds almost surely: −∞ + −∞ + (W0,n ) E(W0,n ) Cp := lim = inf , n→∞ n n≥1 n 1 where Cp > 0. The first limit also holds in the L sense.

As observed in [6], perhaps the quickest way to obtain this is to prove that the quantity Li,j , defined as as the maximum length of all paths in Gp(−∞) starting and ending at points between i and j, satisfies Li,k ≤ Li,j +Lj,k +1 for all i < j < k, and hence, using Kingman’s subbaditive ergodic theorem [12, Theorem 10.22], we have limn→∞ L0,n/n = Cp, almost 1 surely and in L , for some deterministic Cp, and Cp = infn≥1 EL0,n/n > 0. The quantity −∞ + (W0,n ) , being the maximum length of all paths in Gp(−∞) from 0 to n, is obviously ≤ L0,n. On the other hand, as shown in [6], we have that that eventually the sequences L0,n −∞ + and (W0,n ) are equal almost surely.

THEOREM 2. For −∞ < x < ∞, we have x x + W0,n (W0,n) Cp(x) = lim = lim , n→∞ n n→∞ n almost surely and in L1.

x x One way to obtain this result is to observe that we have superadditivity: Wi,j + Wj,k ≤ x 1 Wi,k. Again, by Kingman’s theorem, the first limit exists almost surely and in L and equals a deterministic constant Cp(x). It is a positive constant because Cp(x) ≥ Cp(−∞) = Cp > 0. The main result of this paper is stated as follows.

THEOREM 3. The function x 7→ Cp(x) is differentiable everywhere except when x is a nonpositive rational or equal to k or 1/k for some integer k ≥ 2.

This theorem will be proved in two steps. First, by proving that Cp(x) is not differentiable at x if and only if x is “critical” (in the sense of Definition2 below), see Theorem4. Second, by identifying the set of critical points, see Theorem5.

2.1. Skeleton points and a representation of the inter-skeleton structure. To obtain fur- ther information about the constant Cp(x) as a function of x we need the notion of skeleton points. We recall the notion below, along with a fresh look at its structure. We will say that a path is blue if all its edges are blue (that is, αe = 1 for all edges e of the path) or red if all its edges are red A blue path is a path in the graph Gp(−∞). We say that i is a skeleton point [6,5,7] (or post, in the terminology of [1,4]) if for all j < i < k there is a blue path from j to k that contains i. The random set of skeleton points is denoted by S. Clearly, S is LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 5 stationary (i.e., it has a law that is invariant under translations), it has infinitely many points almost surely, and the probability that a fixed integer i is contained in S does not depend on i. This probability is the rate of S and is given by ∞ Y k 2 γ := P(i ∈ S) = (1 − q ) , k=1 which is strictly positive. We let Γ0 be the largest skeleton point that is less than or equal to 0, and Γ1 be the next skeleton point after Γ0. We thus let S = {Γk : k ∈ Z}, where

··· < Γ−1 < Γ0 ≤ 0 < Γ1 < Γ2 < ··· The constant γ can be alternatively expressed as 1 1 γ = = , E(Γ1 − Γ0|Γ0 = 0) E(Γk − Γk−1|Γ0 = 0) for all k ∈ Z, thanks to stationarity. When u ≤ v are two integers, we write [u, v] for the set of integers j such that u ≤ j ≤ v. We also use the abbreviations

Gp ≡ Gp(−∞),Gp,u,v = the restriction of Gp on the set of vertices [u, v]. From previous work, we know that

(n) LEMMA 1 (Gp regenerates over S,[6,7]). If Gp = Gp,Γn−1,Γn is the restriction of the (n) graph Gp on [Γn−1, Γn], then the marked with points at Γn and marks Gp , n ∈ Z, forms a stationary regenerative process. In particular, (i) S is a stationary renewal process and (n) (ii) conditional on the event {Γ0 = 0} we have that Gp , n ∈ Z, is an i.i.d. sequence of finite random directed graphs.

For a proof of this lemma, see [5, Lemma 4]. Let

∆ := Γ2 − Γ1. Due to Lemma1(i) 1 1 γ = = , k 6= 0. E∆ E(Γk+1 − Γk) Then P(Γ0 = 0, Γ1 = n) P(∆ = n) = P(Γ2 − Γ1 = n) = P(Γ1 = n|Γ0 = 0) = . P(Γ0 = 0) Let {i j} denote the event that there is a blue path from i to j. Define \ \ Au,v := {j v},Bu,v := {u j} u≤j

\ \ Ai := {j i},Bi := {i j}. ji Then

{i ∈ S} = Ai ∩ Bi. 6

Define also n−1 \   F0,n := {i 6 j for some 0 < i < j} ∪ {j 6 i for some j < i < n} . j=1 Then

{Γ0 = 0, Γ1 = n} = {0 ∈ S, 1 6∈ S, . . . , n − 1 6∈ S, n ∈ S} c c = A0 ∩ B0 ∩ (A1 ∩ B1) ∩ · · · ∩ (An−1 ∩ Bn−1) ∩ An ∩ Bn

(4) = A0 ∩ B0,n ∩ F0,n ∩ A0,n ∩ Bn. The reason for this equality is elementary. If we let F := {1 6∈ S, . . . , n − 1 6∈ S} then {0 ∈ S} ∩ F ∩ {n ∈ S} = {0 ∈ S} ∩ F0,n ∩ {n ∈ S}. This is because if we know that 0 and n are skeleton points then the event F , that for some point 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1 fails to be reachable from a lower point or fails to reach a higher point, is necessarily equivalent to F0,n. Thus, {0 ∈ S, 1 6∈ S, . . . , n − 1 6∈ S, n ∈ S} = A0 ∩ B0 ∩ F0,n ∩ An ∩ Bn. Furthermore, B0 ∩ Bn = B0,n ∩ Bn and A0 ∩ An = A0,n ∩ An. This proves (4). It is convenient to group together the middle three events on the right hand side of (4) and let

H0,n := B0,n ∩ A0,n ∩ F0,n, so that {Γ0 = 0, Γ1 = n} = A0 ∩ Bn ∩ H0,n. Since A0,H0,n,Bn are independent we have

P(Γ0 = 0, Γ1 = n) = P(A0)P(Bn)P(H0,n). On the other hand,

P(Γ0 = 0) = P(A0 ∩ B0) = P(A0)P(B0), and since P(Bn) = P(B0) we have obtained that


P(∆ = n) = P(H0,n), where H0,n is the event that for any vertex j between 0 and n there is a blue path from 0 to n containing j and there is a vertex i 6= j such that there is no blue path from min(i, j) to max(i, j).

REMARK 1. The essence of this result is that even though the event {∆ = n} depends on the whole random graph Gp = Gp(−∞), it has the same probability as the the event H0,n that depends only on the restriction of the graph on the set [0, n].

With a quite similar argument, we also have that

PROPOSITION 2. If ϕ(Gp,Γ0,Γ1 ) is a deterministic real-valued functional of Gp,Γ0,Γ1 then ∞ X E [ϕ(Gp,Γ0,Γ1 )|Γ0 = 0] = E [ϕ(Gp,0,n); H0,n] , n=1 provided that the expectation on the left exists.

The skeleton points S for Gp = Gp(−∞) remain skeleton points for Gp(x) for −∞ < x < 2 in the following sense: LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 7

∗ x ∗ x ∗ LEMMA 2. Let −∞ < x < 2. If π ∈ Πi,j is maximal, that is, w (π ) = Wi,j , then π contains all skeleton points between i and j.

∗ PROOF. Let s ∈ S, i < s < j, such that s is not in π . Then let i0 be the largest vertex of ∗ ∗ ∗ π below s and j0 the smallest vertex of π above s. Hence (i0, j0) is an edge of π . Since 0 s is a skeleton point there is a blue path π = (i0, i1, . . . , ik = s) from i0 to s and a blue path 00 ∗∗ π = (s, j`, j`−1, . . . , j0) from s to j0. Consider now the path π that contains the vertices of π and of π0 and π00. We have wx(π∗∗) = wx(π∗) − wx + k + `, i0,j0 ∗ 0 00 since the edge (i0, j0) of π has been replaced by the edges of π and π and the weights of π0 and π00 are k and ` respectively because their edges have weight 1 each. Since wx < 2 i0,j0 we have wx(π∗∗) > wx(π∗) − 2 + k + ` ≥ wx(π∗), contradicting the fact that π∗ is maximal. Hence s must belong to π∗.

2.2. Scaling property and side derivatives. The following scaling property allows us to treat cases x > 1 as well. Recall that q = 1 − p.

PROPOSITION 3 (Scaling property of Cp(x)). For x > 0,

Cp(x) = xCq(1/x).

x  1  PROOF. For i < j write (1) as wi,j = x αi,j + x (1 − αi,j) , where

αi,j := 1 − αi,j.

Hence the weight of edge (i, j) in Gp(x) is x times its weight in Gq(1/x). Using (3) and Theorem2 we conclude that Cp(x) = xCq(1/x).

We pass on to some preliminary analytical properties of the function x 7→ Cp(x). We first obtain a different expression for the function that is a consequence of Lemma2 and standard x . Indeed, due to Lemma2 we can write the maximum weight W0,n of all paths in Π0,n as the sum of maximum weights of paths in ΠΓk−1,Γk , the sum taken over k ≥ 1 such that Γk ≤ n, plus the maximum weight of paths in Π0,Γ1 , plus the maximum weight of paths in ΠΓk,n. By the strong (see also [6,7] for similar arguments) we obtain

PROPOSITION 4. For x < 2, ∞ X C (x) = γ [W x ] = γ [W x |Γ = 0] = γ [W x ; H ]. p E Γ1,Γ2 E Γ0,Γ1 0 E 0,n 0,n n=1

The latter equality is due to Proposition2.


lim Cp(x) = Cp(−∞). x→−∞

PROPOSITION 5. The function Cp(x) is convex over x ∈ R.

x x PROOF. By Theorem2, Cp(x) = limn→∞ EW0,n/n = supn EW0,n/n. By (1), (2) and x (3), the function x 7→ W0,n is a.s. the supremum of affine functions and hence convex. There- x fore x 7→ EW0,n/n is convex and so x 7→ Cp(x) is convex, being the supremum of convex functions. 8


Cp(x) lim = C1−p(0). x→∞ x

PROOF. Convexity implies continuity. The result then follows from the scaling property and continuity at 0.

− + Since Cp(x) is convex, left and right derivatives exist. Letting D ,D denote left and right differentiation, respectively, we have D±C (x) = γ D±W x , p E Γ1,Γ2 due to the dominated convergence theorem that is easily justifiable. See (5) below. Our goal is to identify all points at which the left and right derivatives of Cp(·) differ. For

π ∈ ΠΓ1,Γ2 let us write its weight as x w (π) = NGp (π) + xN Gp (π), where NGp (π) is the number of blue edges of π (that is, the number of edges of π that are also edges in Gp), and N Gp (π) the number of red edges (the number of edges of π that are not edges in Gp). Then consider Π∗,x = {π ∈ Π : wx(π) = W x }, Γ1,Γ2 Γ1,Γ2 Γ1,Γ2 the set of paths with maximal weight. Then + x − x D WΓ ,Γ = max N Gp (π),D WΓ ,Γ = min N Gp (π). 1 2 π∈Π∗,x 1 2 π∈Π∗,x Γ1,Γ2 Γ1,Γ2 This is rather trivial: all we are saying is that if the function ϕ is the maximum of affine functions, say, ϕ(x) = maxj(aj +bjx), then its right (respectively, left) derivative at x equals the maximum (respectively, minimum) of all bj such that aj + bjx = ϕ(x). The only thing we did is to translate this obvious fact in our notation. Since |D±W x | ≤ Γ − Γ , (5) Γ1,Γ2 2 1 and since E(Γ2 − Γ1) = 1/γ < ∞, the dominated convergence theorem applies and so + + x D Cp(x) = γED WΓ ,Γ = γE max N Gp (π) 1 2 π∈Π∗,x Γ1,Γ2 Similarly, − − x D Cp(x) = γED WΓ ,Γ = γE min N Gp (π). 1 2 π∈Π∗,x Γ1,Γ2 As a consequence of the above we obtain the auxiliary result:

LEMMA 3. If x is irrational then Cp is differentiable at x.

PROOF. By the scaling property, it suffices to show the claim for x < 1. Consider the expression for C (x) from Proposition4. The set of points at which x 7→ W x fails to be p Γ1,Γ2 differentiable is included in the set of points x for which there are two paths π1, π2 from Γ1 x x to Γ2 such that w (π1) = w (π2) with N Gp (π1) 6= N Gp (π2). This implies that (N Gp (π2) −

N Gp (π1))x = NGp (π1) − NGp (π2), i.e. that x is rational. Hence the left and right derivatives of x 7→ W x coincide at irrational points. Hence the left and right derivatives of x 7→ C (x) Γ1,Γ2 p coincide at irrational points.

To precisely identify the points of non-differentiability we define the notion of criticality. LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 9

3. Criticality and nondifferentiability. By directed graph G on [0, n] = {0, 1, . . . , n} we mean any graph with edge directions compatible with the natural integer ordering. Let Gn be the set of all directed graphs on [0, n].

DEFINITION 1. Let Hn be the set of all directed graphs G ∈ Gn such that for all j ∈ [1, n − 1], 1o ) there is a path in G from 0 to n containing j; 2o ) for some i 6= j there is no path in G from min(i, j) to max(i, j).

REMARK 2. The set Hn is nonempty for all positive integers n 6= 2 but H2 = ∅. For n ≥ 3, every G ∈ Hn contains the edges (0, 1) and (n − 1, n).

REMARK 3. For the Barak-Erdos˝ random directed graph Gp, let {Gp,0,n ∈ Hn} ⊂ Ω be the event such that Gp, restricted on [0, n], is in the class Hn. Then

{Gp,0,n ∈ Hn} = H0,n, where H0,n is the event appearing in Proposition1.

For π ∈ Π0,n and G ∈ Gn we let NG(π) be the number of edges of π that are also edges of G, and N G(π) be the number of edges of π that are not edges of G.

DEFINITION 2. We say that x ∈ R is critical if there is a positive integer n and a graph G ∈ Hn possessing two paths π1, π2 such that o 1 ) NG(π1) + xN G(π1) = NG(π2) + xN G(π2) = maxπ∈Π0,n (NG(π) + xN G(π)) o 2 ) N G(π1) 6= N G(π2).

REMARK 4. Note that, for x > 0, if x is critical then 1/x is also critical because, in the definition of criticality, we can replace G by the graph G whose edges are the non-edges of G.1

o REMARK 5. If x 6= 0 is critical then 2 ) of Def.2 can be replaced by NG(π1) 6= NG(π2).

REMARK 6. If x is critical then the n of Def.2 can be taken to be at least 3.

THEOREM 4. Cp is not differentiable at x if and only of x is critical.

PROOF. It suffices to prove the statement for x < 2. By Proposition4 and the dominated convergence theorem, ∞ + − X  + x − x  D Cp(x) − D Cp(x) = γ E D W0,n − D W0,n; H0,n . n=1

Suppose that x is critical. Let n ≥ 3 and G ∈ Hn be as in the definition of criticality. Since H0,n = {Gp ∈ Hn} ⊃ {Gp = G}, we have + −  + x − x  D Cp(x) − D Cp(x) ≥ γE D W0,n − D W0,n; Gp = G .

The event {Gp = G} is simply the event that for all edges (i, j) of G we have αi,j = 1, x whereas for all non-edges (i, j) we have αi,j = 0. Obviously, on this event, w (π) =

1A non-edge (i, j) of G, where i, j are vertices of G, means that (i, j) is not an edge of G. 10

x NGp (π)+xN Gp (π) = NG(π)+xN G(π) for all π ∈ Π0,n. Since W0,n = maxπ∈Π0,n (NGp (π)+ xN Gp (π)), we have + x − x (6) D W0,n − D W0,n = max N G(π) − min N G(π), on {Gp = G}, where both the max and the min are taken over all π ∈ Π0,n such that NG(π) + xN G(π) = x W0,n. Let π1, π2 be as in the definition of criticality. Then NG(π1) + xN G(π1) = NG(π2) + x xN G(π2) = W0,n and N G(π1) 6= N G(π2). Hence + x − x D W0,n − D W0,n ≥ N G(π1) − N G(π2) > 0, on {Gp = G}. + − Since P(Gp = G) > 0, we conclude that D Cp(x) − D Cp(x) > 0 if x is critical. Con-  + x − x  versely, if Cp is not differentiable at x then there is n such that E D W0,n − D W0,n; H0,n > + x − x 0. Hence P(D W0,n − D W0,n > 0; H0,n) > 0. Then there exists ω0 ∈ H0,n such that + x − x D W0,n(ω0) − D W0,n(ω0) > 0. But ω0 ∈ H0,n is equivalent to Gp ≡ Gp(ω0) ∈ Hn. For this ω0, let Gb(ω0) be the graph with edges precisely those (i, j) for which αij(ω0) = 1. Then Gb(ω0) ∈ Hn. Using (6) we obtain that the conditions of Definition2 are satisfied with G = Gb(ω0).

4. Identifying critical and noncritical points. We have reduced the problem of finding the points of nondifferentiability of Cp(·) to the problem of finding all critical points in the sense of Definition2. This is a graph-theoretic, completely deterministic, issue that we tackle in this section. For x ∈ R, G ∈ Gn and π ∈ Π0,n we use the term (x, G)-weight for the x quantity wG(π) = NG(π) + xN G(π); we say that π is (x, G)-maximal (or, simply, maximal) x x 0 0 if wG(π) ≥ wG(π ) for all π ∈ Π0,n. Whenever no confusion arises, we omit the superscript x and the subscript G from the symbols above. To show that an x is critical we will proceed by giving an explicit construction of an appropriate graph. To show that x is not critical we must show, for every n ≥ 3 and every G ∈ Hn, that either there is a unique (x, G)-maximal path or every (x, G)-maximal path has the same N G(π).

THEOREM 5. The set of critical points is the union of 1) nonpositive rationals; 2) positive integers except 1; 3) the reciprocals of positive integers except 1.

The theorem follows from a number of intermediate results. We point out that Lemmas4 and5 are special cases of Propositions7 and8, respectively.

LEMMA 4. 1 is not critical.

1 PROOF. For every n ≥ 3, every path π ∈ Π0,n, and every G ∈ Gn, we have wG(π) = |π|, the length of π. The maximum of |π| over all paths from 0 to n is obviously n. Clearly, the only path with length n is the path (0, 1, 2, . . . , n).

LEMMA 5. 0 is critical.

0 PROOF. For any n ≥ 3, any path π ∈ Π0,n and any graph G ∈ Gn, we have wG(π) = NG(π). Let n = 3 and let the edge set of the graph G be LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 11

E(G) = (0, 1), (1, 3), (0, 2), (2, 3)

Clearly, G ∈ H3. Consider the paths in Π0,3. There are just 4 paths: the path (0, 3) of length 1, the paths (0, 1, 3) and (0, 2, 3) of length 2, and the path (0, 1, 2, 3) of length 3. Considering 0 all 4 possible paths in G, we easily see that WG = 2 and this is achieved by π1 = (0, 1, 3) and π2 = (0, 1, 2, 3). Since N G(π1) = 0 6= N G(π2) = 1, we conclude that x = 0 is critical.

PROPOSITION 6. For any positive integer k ≥ 2, k and 1/k are critical.

PROOF. By Remark4, it is enough to show the criticality of x = 1/k for some integer k ≥ 2. We will take n = k + 2 and exhibit a graph G ∈ Hn satisfying the condition of the definition of criticality. Consider the graph G with edges

n−1 [ E(G) = (0, i), (i, n) ∪ (1, n − 1) i=1

It is easy to see that G ∈ Hn. Indeed, for every i ∈ [1, n − 1] the sequence (0, i, n) is a path in G containing i; if 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 2 then there is no path in G from j to j + 1; for j = n − 1 x there is no path in G from n − 2 to n − 1. We now show that WG = 3. If π ∈ Π0,n has x length at most 3 then wG(π) ≤ 3 since the weight of each edge is at most 1. If π ∈ Π0,n has length ` > 3 then π = (0, i1, . . . , i`−1, n), and we see that NG(π) = 2, N G(π) = ` − 2, so x 1 x wG(π) = 2+x(`−2) ≤ 2+ k (n−2) = 3. The path π1 = (0, 1, n−1, n) has wG(π1) = 3. So x x WG = 3, as claimed. Consider also the path π2 = (0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1, n). Again, w (π2) = 3 as well. However, NG(π1) = 3 but NG(π2) = 2. Hence x = 1/k is critical.

4.1. Properties of maximal paths; identifying non-critical positive points. Showing non- criticality requires a bit more work. This relies on identifying some properties of maximal paths. We explain these properties in the four lemmas below and then show that all positive real numbers, except those that are equal to k or 1/k where k ≥ 2 is an integer, are non- critical. We need some auxiliary terminology: • Every edge of the form (i, i + 1) is called short. Otherwise, it is called long. • We say that edge e = (i, j) is nested in e0 = (i0, j0) if i0 ≤ i < j ≤ j0 and e 6= e0. The usefulness of this notion is as follows. Let π0 = (i0, i, j, j0) (maybe i = i0 or j = j0 here). Clearly, if wx(π0) > wx(e0) then no maximal path may contain the edge e0. The next lemma specifies several cases when this condition holds. To ease language, we think of all edges as being either blue (these are the edges of G) or red (the non-edges of G). Blue edges have weight 1. Red edges have weight x. So, for an arbitrary path π, NG(π), respectively N G(π), is the number of blue, respectively red, edges of π.

LEMMA 6. Assume the edge e = (i, j) is nested in e0 = (i0, j0) and one of the following conditions holds: 1) x > 0 and e and e0 have the same color; 2) 0 < x < 2 and e is blue; 3) 0 < x < 2 and e0 is red. Then wx(π0) > wx(e0), where π0 = (i0, i, j, j0), where we allow the possibility that i0 = i or j0 = j. 12

PROOF. Since e 6= e0, the path π0 contains at least one edge other than e. Denote it by e00. Then wx(π0) − wx(e0) ≥ wx(e) + wx(e00) − wx(e0) ≥ wx(e) + min{x, 1} − wx(e0). 1) If e and e0 are of the same color then wx(e) = wx(e0), so the right-hand side of the above display equals min{x, 1} which is positive. 2) If e is blue then wx(e) = 1 and so wx(π0) − wx(e0) ≥ 1 − max{x, 1} + min{x, 1} = min{x, 2 − x} > 0, since 0 < x < 2. 3) If e0 is red then wx(e0) = x and so wx(π0) − wx(e0) ≥ 2 min{x, 1} − x = min{x, 2 − x} > 0, since 0 < x < 2.

LEMMA 7. If 0 < x < 2 then every maximal path contains all short blue edges.

PROOF. Let π be a maximal path and assume there is a short blue edge e = (j, j + 1) which is not an edge of π. Then the path π must contain an edge e0 = (i0, j0) such that e is nested in e0. Let π0 = (i0, j, j + 1, j0). Then by the second part of Lemma6, wx(e0) < wx(π0). This contradicts the maximality of π because we can replace the edge e0 of π by (i0, i, j, j0) and obtain a path with weigh strictly larger than the weight π.

LEMMA 8. If 0 < x < 2 then every long edge of a maximal path π is blue (in other words, every red edge of π must be short).

PROOF. Let π be a maximal path having a long edge e0 = (i0, j0). Since j0 − i0 ≥ 2, there exists an edge e = (i, j) that is nested in e0. If e0 is red then by the third condition of Lemma6, wx(e0) < wx(i0, i, j, j0), contradicting the maximality of π.

REMARK 7. Lemmas7 and8 tell us that if 0 < x < 2 then the edges of a maximal path are classified as follows; Long edges: they are all blue. Short edges: they include every possible blue edge and, possibly, some red ones.

The next lemma follows directly form the first condition of Lemma6.

LEMMA 9. If x > 0 then no blue edge of a maximal path can be nested in a different blue edge of another maximal path.

0 0 Let π, π ∈ Π0,n. We say that the interval [i, j] ⊂ [0, n] is (π, π )-special if the set of ver- tices k ∈ [i, j] that belong to both π and π0 consists of i and j only.

0 LEMMA 10. Let 0 < x < 2. Then for every pair π, π ∈ Π0,n of maximal paths such that 0 0 N G(π) 6= N G(π ) there is a (π, π )-special interval I such that 0 N G(π|I ) 6= N G(π |I ) and 0 NG(π|I ) − NG(π |I ) ∈ {−1, 1}.

0 PROOF. Let π, π be two (x, G)-maximal paths, where 0 < x < 2 and G ∈ Gn. Since x and G are fixed throughout this proof, we omit them in superscripts or subscripts and, e.g., x simply write w instead of wG. Let


0 0 be the common vertices of the two paths and let πk, πk be the restrictions of π, π , respec- 0 tively, on the set of vertices [sk−1, sk], k = 1, . . . , n. Any of these intervals is (π, π )-special, but we pick it in a way that 0 (7) N(πk) 6= N(πk). 0 Pr Indeed, if we had N(πk) = N(πk) for all k, we would have N(π) = k=1 N(πk) = Pr 0 0 k=1 N(πk) = N(π ), in contradiction to the assumption. On the other hand we have 0 (8) w(πk) = w(πk). 0 Indeed, if there were a k for which w(πk) < w(πk) then we would have obtained a path of 0 weight strictly larger than w(π) by simply replacing the subpath πk with πk in π. We now focus on the (π, π0)-special interval

I = [sk−1, sk] =: [i, j] 0 and show that N(πk) − N(πk) = ±1. We already know that 0 (9) N(πk) − N(πk) 6= 0 because of (7), (8) and the assumption that x > 0. Consider the structure of maximal paths, as shown in Lemmas7,8 and9. For either of the paths π, π0, every long edge is blue and every short edge is red. A typical maximal path has blue (long) edges interlaced by intervals of red (short) edges. Bear in mind that the latter intervals may be just a single point. See Figure1 0 0 for an illustration. Let N be the set of blue edges of πk. Similarly, N for πk. To prove the claim, we need to define the following set of intervals:

G := Gint ∪ Gfirst ∪ Glast, where  Gint := [u, v]: i < u ≤ v < j ∃a, b such that (a, u), (v, b) ∈ N ,  Gfirst := [i, v]: i < v and ∃b such that (v, b) ∈ N ,  Glast := [u, j]: u < j and ∃a such that (a, u) ∈ N . 0 0 We similarly define G for πk. Elements of G are referred to as “gaps”, meaning spaces between successive blue edges. Note that a element [u, v] of Gint may be a single point if u = v and is the point where a blue edge finishes and another one starts. If it is not a point then, necessarily, the short edges on that interval are red. The elements of Gint are “internal intervals”. Note also that the set Gfirst is either empty (if the first blue edge starts at i) or a singleton. In the latter case, the short edges within the unique interval [i, v] of Gfirst are red. Similarly Glast is either empty or a singleton containing an interval of the form [u, j] such that all the short edges in it are red. Let Γ := |G | and notice that (10) Γ − N ∈ {0, −1, 1}. 0 We establish a bijection ϕ : G → N , from the set of gaps of πk onto the set of blue intervals 0 0 of πk that can simply be desribed as follows. If g ∈ G , there is a unique e ∈ N such that g 0 is strictly nested in e . We need to show that this is possible. Let g = [u, v] ∈ Gint. If u = v 0 then, by virtue of the fact that πk and πk have no common vertices other than i and j, there is a blue edge e0 = (a0, b0) ∈ N 0 such that a0 < u = v < b0. If u < v then there can be no 0 0 0 0 0 gap [u , v ] ∈ G such that [u, v] ∩ [u , v ] 6= ∅ otherwise the two paths would have common internal vertices. Again, there is a unique e0 = (a0, b0) ∈ N 0 such that a0 < u < v < b0. If 14

0 0 0 0 g = [i, v] ∈ Gfirst then i < v. Let (a , b ) ∈ N be the leftmost blue edge of πk. We cannot have 0 0 0 0 a > i because, in this case, [i, a ] ∈ Gfirst which would imply that [i, v] ∩ [i, a ] 6= ∅ and then the two paths would have common internal vertices, which is impossible. Hence a0 = i. The endpoint b0 of the blue edge [i, b] must be strictly larger than v, otherwise, again, the two 0 0 paths would have had common internal vertices. Hence if g ∈ Gfirst there is e ∈ N such that 0 0 0 g is strictly nested in e . Completely simmetrically, we have that if g ∈ Glast there is e ∈ N such that g is strictly nested in e0. The mapping ϕ : G → N 0 has thus been constructed. It is clear that this mapping is one-to-one. We therefore have (11) Γ = N 0. We now consider the three possible values of Γ − N as in (10). If Γ − N = 0 then (11) gives N = N 0, in contradiction to (9). If Γ−N = ±1 then (11) gives N 0 −N = ±1. This concludes the proof.

Figure 1: Two maximal paths on an interval [i, j] having no common vertices other than i and j

PROPOSITION 7. Every 0 < x < 2 that is not the reciprocal of an integer is not critical.

PROOF. We prove the contrapositive: if 0 < x < 2 is critical then x = 1/m for some integer m. So suppose that x is critical and 0 < x < 2. Then there is n ≥ 3 and G ∈ Hn (edges of G are called blue and non-edges red) and two maximal paths π1, π2 with different number of red edges: N G(π1) 6= N G(π2). By the Lemma 10, there is a (π1, π2)-special interval [i, j] such that NG(π1|I ) − NG(π2|I ) ∈ {1, −1}. Since x x 0 = wG(π1|I ) − wG(π2|I ) = (N G(π1|I ) − N G(π2|I ))x + (NG(π1|I ) − NG(π2|I )), it follows that 1 x = , |N G(π1|[i, j]) − N G(π2|[i, j])| and hence the reciprocal of a positive integer.

4.2. Criticality of negative rationals. We finally show that negative rational numbers are critical. This is done via an explicit construction of an appropriate graph. We deal with negative integers first.


PROOF. Let −` be a negative integer. Let n = 2` + 3. Define G by listing its edges:

` 2`+2 [ [ E(G) = (i, i + 1) ∪ (i, i + 1) ∪ (0, ` + 2), (` + 1, 2` + 3) . i=0 i=`+2

Note that G ∈ Hn because, for all j ∈ [1, n − 1] there is a path in G from that contains 0, j and n as vertices. Moreover, every j ≤ ` + 1 is not connected to ` + 2 and every j ≥ ` + 2 is not reachable from ` + 1. We see that the maximal weight over all paths is −` WG = ` + 2 and is achieved by the path π = (0, 1, . . . , `+1, n) that contains only blue edges. On the other hand, the path π0 that contains all vertices between 0 and n, namely π0 = (0, 1, . . . , ` + 1, ` + −` 0 2, . . . , n), has weight wG (π ) = (` + 1) · 1 + (−`) + (` + 1) · 1 = ` + 2, i.e., it has maximal weight. Notice that π0 contains exactly one red edge: the edge (` + 1, ` + 2). The paths π and π0 both achieve the maximal weight ` + 2 but contain different number of red edges (π has no red edges but π0 has 1). Hence −` is critical.

To show the criticality of negative rational numbers that are not integers we use a conse- quence of Sturm’s lemma [15] to construct the graph G in the definition of criticality. Since this consequence is not proved in [15] we provide a proof below.

LEMMA 11 (Corollary to Sturm’s lemma). Let N, n be positive integers, N ≥ n. Then there exists a unique finite sequence v = (v1, . . . , vN ) of elements of {0, 1} such that, for all 0 ≤ i < j ≤ N, the following hold: X  n   n  (12) v ∈ (j − i) , (j − i) , k N N i

(14) v1 = 1.

PROOF. Fix integers 1 ≤ n ≤ N. From [15, Lemmas 2.1.14, 2.1.15] we have that there ex- ists V = (Vk, k ∈ Z) ∈ {0, 1}Z such that V is periodic with (least) period N and “balanced”, meaning that X  n   n  (15) V ∈ (j − i) , (j − i) , for all − ∞ < i < j < ∞. k N N i

Let now V0 be a subword of V of length sN. We can write V0 as the concatenation of s subwords of length N each. Every subword of length N has, by (12), weight n. Hence V0 has weight sn. On the other hand, we can write V0 as the concatenation of N subwords of length s each. By (16) and (17) we have that each of these subwords has weight at least a + 1. Hence the weight of V0 is at least N(a + 1) = sn + (N − b) > sn, a contradiction.

We use the terminology “(N, n)-balanced sequence” for a sequence v = (v1, . . . , vN ) satisfying the conditions (12), (13) and (14) of Lemma 11.

PROPOSITION 9. Every negative rational number that is not an integer is critical.

PROOF. The case where x is a negative integer has been dealt with in Proposition8. Assume then that x is a strictly negative rational but not an integer. We can then write s x = −` + , t where `, s, t are positive integers, t > 1, with s, t coprime, s < t, `t − s > 0. Define m := t(` + 3) − (s + 1) n := 3m.

For this n = n(x), we shall exhibit a graph G = G(x) ∈ Gn by first defining a set of special vertices a0, . . . , at and then by defining its edges. Let (v1, v2, . . . , vt) be the (t, t−s)-balanced LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 17

Pt sequence, as in Lemma 11. Thus, v1 = 1, vt = 0 and j=1 vj = t − s. Then set

a0 := m,

a1 := a0 + (` + 1) + v1,

aj := aj−1 + (` + 2) + vj, j = 2, . . . , t. Note that

a0 = at − a0 = n − at = m. Indeed,

t t X X at − a0 = (aj − aj−1) = (` + 1 + v1) + (` + 2 + vj) j=1 j=2 = (` + 1) + (t − 1)(` + 2) + (t − s) = t(` + 3) − (s + 1) = m.

Hence the vertex set [0, n] is split into three sections, [0, a0], [a0, at] = [m, 2m], [at, n], of length m each. We use the term pivot vertices for the vertices a0, . . . , at. We now define the edge set E(G) of G as the union of  E1 = (i, i + 1) : i ∈ [0, n − 1] \{a0, a1 − 1, a1, a1 + 1, . . . , at−1 − 1, at−1, at−1 + 1, at − 1} ,  Epiv = (a0, a1), (a1, a2),..., (at−1, at) ,  Ehop = (aj − 1, aj + 1) : 0 ≤ j ≤ t − 1 ∪ {(at − 1, at)},    Ehyper = (0, a0 + 1) ∪ (0, aj + 2) : 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1 ∪ (aj + 1, n) : 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1 .

Figure 2: The graph G for the proof of Proposition9. The pivot vertices are a0, . . . , at. Edges between successive pivots comprise the set Epiv. Edges of the form (aj − 1, aj + 1), j = 1, . . . , t − 1 and the edge (at − 1, at) comprise the set Ehop. The edges in Ehyper are not all shown. The segments [0, m] and [2m, 3m] contain only short edges and are not in scale. Edges in G are colored blue and non-edges red. The union of short blue edges contained in an interval between successive pivots is called blue island. To each rational number x < 0, which is not an integer, there corresponds a graph G of the form shown in the figure. See Remark8 below for a concrete example.

As per our convention, each edge in E(G) = E1 ∪ Epiv ∪ Ehop ∪ Ehyper is coloured blue and has weight 1. All non-edges are coloured red and are given weight x = −` + s/t. If π is a path between two vertices its weight equals the number of blue edges of π plus x times the number of its red edges. We next define some special paths that we call blue islands: ( (aj−1 + 2, aj−1 + 3, . . . , aj − 1), if 1 < j ≤ t Ij := . (a0 + 1, a2 + 2, . . . , a1 − 1), if j = 1 18

Each Ij is a graph whose edges belong to G and so, by convention, are all blue. Note that

(18) Ij has length ` + vj − 1 for all 1 ≤ j ≤ t.

A blue island may be empty: this happens if and only if ` = 1 and vj = 0. Hence if x is a negative rational number with |x| > 1 then all blue islands are nonempty. It is important to observe that the way an “interior” island Ij , 2 ≤ j ≤ t − 1, sits within the interval [aj−1, aj], is different that the way that a “boundary” island I1 or It does. For j = 2, . . . , t − 1, there are two red short edges preceding Ij and one short red edge succeeding it within [aj−1, aj] The first island I1 has one short short red edge before and one after it in [a0, a1]. The last island It has one short short red edge before and one blue short edge after it in [at−1, at]. We next show that G is in Hn. We check the conditions of Definition1. (a) We show that for each k ∈ [1, n] there is a blue path from 0 to k (abbreviate this as 0 k). (i) If 1 ≤ k ≤ a0 then 0 k via short edges. (ii) If k is a pivot then 0 a0 via short edges and a0 aj via edges in Epiv. (iii) If aj + 2 ≤ k ≤ aj+1 − 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1, then there is an edge in Ehyper from 0 to aj + 2 and then aj + 2 k via short edges. The case j = 0 is similar. (iv) If k = aj + 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1, then there is an edge (aj − 1, aj + 1) and then 0 aj − 1 by (iii). If k = a0 + 1 then (0, a0 + 1) ∈ Ehyper. (b) We can similarly show that for each k ∈ [0, n − 1] there is a blue path from k to n. (i) If at ≤ k ≤ n − 1 then k n via short edges only, (ii) If k = aj then aj n via edges in Epiv and Eshort. (iii) If k = aj + 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1 then (aj + 1, n) ∈ Ehyper. (iv) If aj + 2 ≤ k ≤ aj+1 − 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1, then k aj+1 − 1 via short edges, (aj+1 − 1, aj+1 + 1) ∈ Ehop and aj+1 + 1 n by (iii). For j = 0, we have that a0 + 1 a1 − 1 via short edges, (a1 − 1, a1 + 1) ∈ Ehop and reduce to (iii) again. (c) We next show that for any k ∈ [1, n−1] there is an i such that k and i are not connected via a blue path. (i) If 1 ≤ k ≤ a0 then take i = a0 + 1. (ii) If a0 + 1 ≤ k ≤ a1 − 1 then take i = a1. (iii) If k = aj , 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1, then take i = aj + 1 (iv) If k = aj + 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1, then take i = aj (v) If aj + 2 ≤ k ≤ aj+1 − 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 2 then take i = aj+1. (vi) If at−1 + 2 ≤ k ≤ n then take i = at−1 + 1. The arguments of (a), (b), (c) above show that G ∈ Hn. To simplify notation in what follows, we simply write w(π), N(π), N(π) for the weight, number of blue edges, number of red edges, respectively, for any path π with arbitrary end- points. Thus, w(π) = N(π) + xN(π). We next show that the weight of each path π from 0 to n is at most 2m + t:

(19) w(π) ≤ 2m + t, for all π ∈ Π0,n. We observe that this weight is achievable by the path

(20) π1 = (0, 1, . . . , a0 − 1, a0, a1, . . . , at, at + 1, . . . , n), consisting of the first m short edges of [0, m], the t edges of Epiv and the last m short edges of [m, 2m]. Since it has no red edges its weight equals its length, i.e., 2m + t. We first show that (19) holds if π contains an edge from Ehyper. Suppose that π ∈ Π0,n has an edge in Ehyper of the form (0, k). Then k > a0 = m. Since the restriction of π on [k, n] has weight at most n − k, the weight of π is at most n − k + 1 < n − m + 1 = 2m + 1 < 2m + t since t > 1. Similarly, if π uses a an edge from Ehyper of the form (k, n), we have k < 2m and therefore the weight of π is at most k + 1 < 2m + t. 0 We next show that if π ∈ Π0,n has no edges in Ehyper then there is a path π ∈ Π0,n contain- ing all short blue edges in [0, m] and all short blue edges in [2m, 3m] such that w(π0) ≥ w(π). Let 0, u1, u2, . . . , ur be the vertices of π on the segment [0, m], listed in increasing order, and let u be the vertex of π succeeding ur. So ur ≤ m < u. Replace the subpath (0, u1, . . . , ur, u), that has weight r + x, by the subpath (0, 1, . . . , m, u), that has weight m + x ≥ r + x. So it LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 19 suffices to show the statement (19) for paths that contain all vertices [0, m] and, similarly, all vertices in [2m, 3m]. Such paths have weight 2m plus the weight of their restriction on [m, 2m] = [a0, at]. Therefore, it is enough to show (19) for all π ∈ Π0,n that contain all short blue edges in [0, m] and all short blue edges in [2m, 3m]. Such a π, necessarily, has no edges in Ehyper. 0 0 Moreover, w(π) = 2m + w(π ) where π ∈ Πa0,at . Hence (19) will be proved once we prove that

(21) w(π) ≤ t, for all π ∈ Πa0,at .

To show this, we need to consider the edges of any π ∈ Πa0,at that are in Epiv, each of which contributes 1 to the weight of π, as well as the restiction of π on the intervals between the end of a pivot edge and the beginning of the next one. Suppose that the following claim is true.

Claim 1. If, for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ t and any path π ∈ Πai,aj that contains no edges from Epiv, we have w(π) ≤ j − i then (21) holds.

To see how (21) follows from this claim, let ej := (aj−1, aj), 1 ≤ j ≤ t, be a labelling of the elements of Epiv, and consider a path π ∈ Πa0,at . Let ej1 , . . . , ejr be the edges (j1) of π that are in Epiv, where 1 ≤ j1 < j2 < ··· < jr ≤ t. Consider the restrictions π , (j2) (jr ) (jr+1) π , . . . , π , π of π on the sets of vertices [a0, aj1−1], [aj1 , aj2−1],..., [ajr , at], re- spectively (noting that some of these restrictions may be trivial). Since none of these restric- tions contain edges from Epiv, we have, by Claim1,

(j1) (jk) (jr+1) w(π ) ≤ j1 − 1, w(π ) ≤ (jk − 1) − jk, k = 2, . . . , r, w(π ) ≤ t − jr. Hence r+1 X w(π) ≤ w(π(jk)) + r, k=1 where the last r is the total weight of all edges of π from Epiv; see Figure2. Thus r−1 r X X w(π) ≤ j1 − 1 + ((jk − 1) − jk−1) + (t − jr) + r = j1 + (jk − jk−1) + (t − jr) = t. k=2 k=2

It remains to prove Claim1, and this will be done in a few steps. First consider π ∈ Πai,aj that touches every blue island between ai and aj , meaning that for each i < k ≤ j, π has a vertex from Ik. Such a π, necessarily, has no edges from Epiv.

Claim 2. For all 0 ≤ i < j ≤ t, and all π ∈ Πai,aj that touch each blue island between ai and aj , we have w(π) ≤ j − i.

PROOF. To see this, let π be a path as in the statement of the claim. The number N(π) of blue edges of π is at most the number of all blue edges between ai and aj . This is at most P the sum i

Since v = (v1, . . . , vt) is (t, t − s)-balanced, we have, by (12), X  t − s t − s v − 1 ≤ (j − i) − 1 ≤ (j − i) k t t i

We next need to see what happens when the premise of Claim2 fails, that is, when a path

π ∈ Πai,aj avoids some island between ai and aj . We first consider the case where π avoids an Ik other than the last island Ij .

Claim 3. Let 1 ≤ i < j ≤ t and π ∈ Πai,aj that contains no edges from Epiv and avoids 0 0 some island Ik 6= Ij . Then there is another path π that includes Ik and w(π ) > w(π).

PROOF. Consider a path π from ai to aj with no edges from Epiv, avoiding some Ik 6= Ij . Then π contains an edge (a, b) such that a is strictly smaller than the minimum vertex of Ik and b strictly larger than the maximum vertex of Ik. Since π has no edges from Epiv, (a, b) is red. – If b = ak, then, since k 6= j, there is a vertex c of π such that (b, c) is an edge of π. Necessarily, (b, c) is red. Consider the subpath σ = (a, b, c) of π that has weight w(σ) = 2x. 0 Replace σ by the path σ with vertices a, all the vertices of Ik, ak+1 and c. We estimate the 0 0 0 0 weight w(σ ) = N(σ ) + xN(σ ) from below. It has N(σ ) = |Ik| + 1 blue edges (the edges 0 of Ik and the blue edge (ak − 1, ak + 1) ∈ Ehop) and N(σ ) ≤ 2 red edges. This is because 0 the first edge of σ is red whereas the last edge, (ak + 1, c), if it exists (that is, if c 6= ak + 1), 0 is also red. Hence w(σ ) ≥ |Ik| + 1 + 2x = ` + vk + 2x > 2x = w(σ). Thus, replacing σ in π by σ0 we increase the weight. 0 – If b > ak, replace σ = (a, b) by the path σ with vertices a, all the vertices of Ik, ak+1 and b. 0 By exactly the same estimation as in the previous case, w(σ ) ≥ |Ik|+1+2x = `+vk +2x ≥ ` + 2x. Now, since x > −`, we have ` + 2x > x, so w(σ0) > w(σ). Again then, replacing σ in π by σ0 we increase the weight.

Claim 4. Let 1 ≤ i < j ≤ t and π ∈ Πai,aj that contains no edges from Epiv and includes each of the Ii+1,...,Ij−1. Then w(π) ≤ j − i. LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 21

PROOF. Fix a π from ai to aj with no edges from Epiv that includes each of the Ii+1,...,Ij−1. Then either π touches Ij or not. If it does, use Claim2 to conclude that w(π) ≤ j − i. If it does not, let a be the vertex preceding aj in π. Since π does not touch Ij we have that a ≤ aj−1 + 2, provided that j 6= 1. Since π includes Ij−1, it follows that a ≥ aj−1 − 1. Since π is not allowed to have an edge in Epiv, we must have a 6= aj−1. Hence the only possible values of a are aj−1 ± 1. The weight of the edge (a, b) is x. – If a = aj−1 − 1, let τ be the subpath of π from ai to a. Hence w(π) = w(τ) + x. Now 0 let π be the path consisting of τ and followed by the edges (a, aj−1) and (aj−1, aj); the 0 first is red, the second blue as it is in Epiv. Hence w(π ) = w(τ) + x + 1 > w(π). But the path σ together with the edge (a, aj−1) is a path from ai to aj−1 containing all blue islands between ai and aj−1 and, by Claim2, has weight at most (j − 1) − i. Hence w(π) < w(π0) ≤ (j − 1) − i + 1 = j − i. – If a = aj−1 + 1, let c be the vertex of π preceding a and let τ be the subpath of π from ai to c. The weight w(c, a) of the last edge (c, a) of τ is either 1 if z = aj−1 − 1 or x, otherwise. Hence w(π) ≤ w(τ) + 1 + x. Consider now the path π0 consisting of τ and followed by the 0 red edge (c, aj−1) and the blue edge (aj−1, aj) ∈ Ehop. Hence w(π ) = w(σ)+1+x ≥ w(π). On the other hand, arguing as above, w(π0) ≤ j − i. Hence, again w(π) ≤ j − i. It remains to consider the case j = 1. Then i = 0 and so we must consider a path π from a0 to a1. If π touches I1 then, by Claim2, it has weight at most 1. If it does not, then, necessarily, π consists of the single edge (a0, a1), which is impossible since (a0, a1) ∈ Epiv.

PROOFOFCLAIM 1. Consider a path π ∈ Πai,aj with no edges from Epiv. If this path touches each blue island between ai and aj then, by Claim2, it has weight at most j − i. If it 0 avoids some of the Ik, i < k < j, then, by Claim3, there is another path π that includes all of 0 0 the Ik, i < k < j, such that w(π) ≤ w(π ). But π , by Claim4, has weight at most j − i.

To finish the proof of Proposition9, it remains to show that there are two different maximal paths from 0 to n, i.e., both with weight 2m + t, but with different number of edges. The first one is π1 defined by (20). The second one is

π2 := (0, 1, . . . , a1 − 1, a1 + 1, . . . , a2 − 1, a2 + 1, . . . , at−1 − 1, at−1 + 1, . . . , n).

It contains [0, m]∪[m, 2m] (as it should). It also contains all blue islands, all edges in Ehop and has a nonzero number of red edges. To find its weight we count the number of edges of each color. Blue island Ij has length `−1+vj for all 1 ≤ j ≤ t. In addition to these, π2 contains all Pt t − 1 edges in Ehop and the blue edge (at − 1, at); hence, in total, π2 has 2m + j=1(` − 1 + Pt vj) + t = 2m + `t + j=1 vj = 2m + `t + (t − s) blue edges. On the other hand, it contains exactly t red edges, the edges (a0, a0 +1), (a1 +1, a+1+2),..., (at−1 +1, at−1 +2). Hence its weight is xt + (2m + `t + t − s) = 2m + t. This concludes the proof of the criticality of each rational x < 0 which is not an integer.

REMARK 8 (Sturm graph). In the proof above, we constructed, for each negative rational number x, a graph G ≡ G(x) that depends only on x, in fact, on its representation as x = −` + (s/t), where −` = bxc and s, t coprime positive integers. (Actually, the coprimality of s and t is not important in the proof above.) The graph is on n = 3t(` + 3) − 3(s + 1) vertices and has edges distributed according to the unique binary word of length t that is (t, t − s)- balanced, as obtained by Lemma 11, a corollary to Sturm’s lemma. Hence the map x 7→ G(x) is a bijection. For lack of any terminology, we refer to G(x) as a Sturm graph. This remark might be of independent interest in future research on properties of weighted Barak-Erdos˝ graphs. 22

REMARK 9 (An example). As an example, we take x = −11/7 = −2 + (3/7). Then ` = 2, s = 3, t = 7, m = 31, n = 93. Figure2 above is actually drawn for this example. We can check that (v1, . . . , v7) = (1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) is the (7, 4)-balanced sequence. Hence the pivots a0, . . . , a7 are at distances a1 − a0 = ` + 1 + v1 = 4, a2 − a1 = ` + 2 + v2 = 5, a3 − a2 = 4, a4 − a3 = 5, a5 − a4 = 4, a6 − a5 = 5, a7 − a6 = 4. In the proof of (9), we showed that the maximum weight of all paths from a0 to at is t and that there is a maximal path from a0 to at that includes all blue islands. However, if i 6= 0 or j 6= t, even though the maximum weight of all paths from ai to aj is j − i, it is not necessarily true thay there is a maximal path from ai to aj that includes all blue islands in between. Indeed, let i = 1 and j = 3 and consider the path

π = (a1, a1 + 2, a1 + 3, a2 − 1, a2 + 1, a2 + 2, a3 − 1, a3).

This path contains the blue islands I2 and I3 and has weight 4 + 3x = −5/7. Consider also the path 0 π := (a1, a1 + 2, a1 + 3, a2 − 1, a2 + 1, a3) that avoids I3. See Figure3. It has weight 3 + 2x = −1/7, larger than the weight of π.

0 Figure 3: Consider two paths, π, π , from a1 to a3. The first one, π, is represented by the solid gray 0 line. The second one, π , coincides with π up to vertex a2 + 1 and then uses the dotted edge. We have w(π) < w(π0) even though π0 does not use the second blue island.

PROOFOF THEOREM 5 AND THEOREM 3. By Lemma5 and Propositions8 and9 every rational number that is less than or equal to 0 is critical. By Lemma4 and Proposition6, every number of the form k or 1/k, where k is a positive integer other than 1, is critical. Theorem4 says that the set of critical points is precisely the set of points where Cp is not differentiable. By Lemma3, if x ≥ 0 and irrational then Cp is not differentiable at x and, by Theorem4, x is not critical. By Proposition7 every number in [0, 1), except the reciprocals of positive integers, is not critical. Using the scaling property (Proposition3) we have that every number in (1, ∞) that is not an integer is not critical. Hence the set of critical points is precisely the one described in the statement of Theorem 5, and so this theorem has been proved. By Theorem4, the set of critical points coincides with the set of points at which Cp is not differentiable, and hence Theorem3 has been proved as well.

5. Additional remarks. The problem we studied is a special instance of a more general one where the edge weight is a random weight whose distribution F = Fθ depends on a parameter θ. The rate of growth of the heaviest path (the analog of Cp(x); see Theorem2) exists. Let it be denoted by C(Fθ). We can immediately translate the results of this paper to cover some instances of this problem exhibiting the behaviour of the function θ 7→ C(Fθ). LAST PASSAGE PERCOLATION IN WEIGHTED RANDOM DIRECTED GRAPH 23

We may continue to fix p and to consider θ = x. Suppose that Fx = (1 − p)δx + pQ where Q is a probability measure on (0, ∞). Then we expect that the behavior of C((1−p)δx +pQ) as a function of p may be derived by using the techniques developed in [16, 17], provided R 2 that y Q(dy) < ∞. As a function of x, C((1 − p)δx + pQ) is continuous and convex. Let K := {x < 0 : −x ∈ Q} ∪ {x > 0 : x ∈ N \{1}} ∪ {x > 0 : 1/x ∈ N \{1}} (this is the set that appeared in Theorem5).

THEOREM 6. Assume that Q is supported on (0, ∞). Then the set at which C((1 − p)δx + pQ) is not a differentiable function of x is the set {x ∈ R : ∃y such that Q{y} > 0 and x/y ∈ K}.

In particular, if Q has no atoms then C((1 − p)δx + pQ) is differentiable at all x ∈ R.

To prove this, it suffices to consider the case Q = δy, y > 0. Then, by an obvious scaling,

C((1 − p)δx + pδy) = yCp(x/y), where Cp(·) is as in Theorem2. The claim then follows from Theorems4 and5. If Q has positive mass on the negative real numbers then the behaviour is more involved and may lead to studying completely different situations. For example, if Q is supported on (−∞, 0), then, switching the signs, the maximization problem is transformed into a mini- mization one. To analyse the latter, a different technique is required. One may introduce fur- ther weights on vertices like in [7] and/or like in [5] and analyse similar (non)differentiability questions. These extensions may lead to a new interesting direction of research with many open problems. Another direction would be to study further analytical problems of C(Fx), like existence of further derivatives in the case where Q is a continuous distribution. Another direction would be to study properties of C(Fθ) as a function of two-dimensional parameter θ = (x, p).

Acknowledgements. The research of TK was supported by joint grant (19-51-15001) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Centre National de la Recherche Sci- entifique, France. The research of SF was supported by the Akademgorodok Mathemati- cal Centre under agreement no. 075-15-2019-1675 with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The research of AP was supported by state contract of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (project no. 0314-2019-0014). The authors would like to thank an anonymous referee who read the manuscript in great detail, made us aware of references [13] and [20], and suggested various improvements. The referee’s remarks helped us to largely improve the presentation of the paper, and, in particular, to provide a proof for Lemma 11 and substantially refine the proof of Proposition9.


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