The Catholic Lawyer Volume 13 Number 2 Volume 13, Spring 1967, Number 2 Article 9 Jurisprudence: Readings and Cases Dr. Miriam Theresa Rooney Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Jurisprudence Commons, and the Natural Law Commons This Book Review is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at St. John's Law Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Catholic Lawyer by an authorized editor of St. John's Law Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. BOOK REVIEW JURISPRUDENCE: READINGS AND CASES by Mark R. MacGuigan University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1966. Pp. 666. $20.00 Reviewed by DR. MIRIAM THERESA ROONEY * This is a worthwhile book. It is or- an Appendix, reviewing the present ganized in less than 700 pages, and is trends and prospects for Jurisprudence in therefore compact enough for basic class- Canada, where Common Law and Civil room use. Within such a limited space Law co-exist under one Constitution, it is amazingly comprehensive. Further- complete the presentation. more, it concentrates upon the problems Although the compiler includes ex- of Jurisprudence of the 1960's, without tensive excerpts from many of the books omitting indications of the more impor- which have become classics in Anglo- tant historical antecedents. American juridical thought, and consist- All the materials, which are highly ently presents them in a respectful and relevant, are skillfully edited, and ar- judicious manner, which ensures the use- ranged in a sequential order of cogency fulness of the book no matter what view- upon points currently at issue.