Frontiers of Statistics and Forecasting in Celebration of the 80Th Birthday of George C
Frontiers of Statistics and Forecasting in Celebration of the 80th Birthday of George C. Tiao Humanities and Social Sciences Building Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan December 17~18, 2013 The Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica DGBAS, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. Welcome Dear Friends: On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my great privilege and honor to welcome you to the conference “Frontiers of Statistics and Forecasting” to celebrate the 80th birthday of Professor George C. Tiao. A leading figure in statistics, George has had a great impact on many econometricians and statisticians around the world, especially in the Chinese community. It is particularly fitting to have the celebration hosted by the Academia Sinica and sponsored jointed by The Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics, Institute of Economics, Institute of Statistical Science, and the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics. Many of you took a long journey, including from Sao Paulo, London, Madrid, Illinois, New Jersey, Washington DC, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo, to join the celebration. To you, we say “thank you”. In the next two days, you will hear many of George’s innovative contributions in statistics and economics. However, the conference cannot cover all of George’s contributions. He is instrumental in the developments of statistical education and research in Taiwan, Beijing, and Hong Kong, and in the establishment of the International Chinese Statistical Association. He is also the founding chair-editor of Statistica Sinica. He has co-established both the annual NBER/NSF Time Series Conference and the Conference for Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business.
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