Dempsey Asks Further Stay in State Reapportionment

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Dempsey Asks Further Stay in State Reapportionment ■■■■ ¥ ‘ 1: • i _ _ , • \ __ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1964 ik^ .'^(ii^ ‘ ^ I D ^ T T -T W O jiattrliiPBter ¥i?rttl$ Manchester Voters Go fo the Polls Monday^ 8 a. nt. to 8p, nt. 'f ' It? j-2 AYsrsge DsUy Net Press Run Thf Wssthsr of t. S. W eathm : For the Week Ended Jtllh '■i^K ^ ' September 38, 1384 Smmy aad warm teday, Mb; fair aed eeel tonight, 1 3 ,7 1 5 40e; partly eloudy Member of the Andlt nttie temperature ehaugu. Bureau of drouiatton M tm ehm t 0r ‘ —A C iiy « / VUlaga Chirm MANCHESTER, CONN;, SATURDAY, OCTOBER S, 1964 (Olaeeifled AdvcrtislBg ea Fage 14) PRICE SEVEN CENT* Q < A lk 9 VOL. LXXXIV, NO. S (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) Events Dempsey Asks Further Stay In State Piimey Denies In State Reapportionment Lupto.n Role when HARTFORD . (AP) — special session of the exlBtlng<^the 19S5 Assembly to be elected^ald bill Thursday night on Nov. 3 aa stipulated In the the meaeure cleared a Joint Gov. John N. Dempsey has aasembly to act on reapportion As Spokesman ment. state cohatltutlon. Senate-House conference. asked a three-judge Fed­ The court stayed further ac­ As an alternative, the gover­ 'The Republicans, In their pro­ eral Court to stay further tion In the case only on condi­ nor suggested allowing the ex­ posals to the court, suggested HARTFORD (AP) — that a special session be con­ John Lupton "has no au­ action in the Connecticut tion that the special session be isting General Assembly to re­ summoned and that a special main in office with normal leg­ vened Nov. 5 to again attempt reapportionment case until to reapportion the House, re- thority to make any kind election for the 1965 Assembly islative powers next year. distrtet the Senate and summon of statement for the Re­ next July 1. be scheduled for sometime after Dempsey, In his proposals, ‘The orderly conduct of the a constitutional convention, r- publican party,” Republi­ Nov. 3. referred to the U.S. Senate’s state government Is In danger non-bindtng “sense of Congress” An earlier attempt to aotve Pirn S t m t can State Chairman A. of complete disruption by the All parties In the case were the reapportionment problem at given until Monday to file a resolution which had been tack­ Searle Pinney said last court’s decree,” said Dempsey ed on the foreign aid authoriza­ a apecial session ended in fatil- timetable in accomance with Hartford Road night. in proposals filed yesterday in tion measure as a rider. ‘The ure Sept. 10 when neither ttte F^ney made Uie comment In Federal Court, New Haven. the decree.- resolution said that It was the Democrats nor the Republicans M anchester rebpldng Lupton, director of the The governor was referring The Repiiblicana submitted a “ sense of Congress” that states could agp'ee on when the recon­ State Republican Campaign to the court’s decision last week timetable, but Dempsey, acting be given adequate time to act stituted Assembly should be Committee, for a itatement de­ which ruled out a Nov. 3 elec­ in behalf of the state. Instead on reapportionment issues. elected. nouncing Republicans ^who “ by tion for' the 1BS8 General As­ proposed a stay until next July. The reapportionment rider ___I >,) acts of omission or commission sembly and called for another He asked the court to allow was stripped from the foreign (See Page Bight) OPEN try to disassociate themselves from Barry Ck)Wwater!” 10 1o 10 Pinney called the Lupton statement, issued yesterday af­ ternoon. "a great disservice to Speed, Drink ttiose who hfve been working to SELF-SERVICE DEPT STORE preserve and advance the cause ■ ... r ^ ; ; • 'm im of unity, precarious though it Seen Causes may be.” Lupton is one of the leaders of the state Gold water campaign. Of Accident ‘Those of us,” said Pinney, “ who sincerely believe that the BRIDGEPORT (AP) — High Republican party is the one ef­ fective opponent of the current speed and liquor, ttie Fairfield wheeler - dealer administration County coroner said today, This Campaigner CouldnH Care Less In Washington want earnestly to were responsible for an auto focus our party’s attention on accident in which an unlleenM While the big folks in San Antonio listen and wave pla^fds for Republican the evils of the Johnsoin regime vice presidential candidate William Miller, Lisa Totticrlin, 2*/4, rested perhaps rather than on an occasional In- teen-age-, Stamford driver and stance of ommlssion or eonimis. his passenger were killed Sept. to listen and wave on another day. (AP Photofax.) ________________________ __ Sion by a few of our members.” 5, after they had been drinkiim Pinney said "w e are doing our at a wedding party and while • *1 utmost to win this election, but police were pursuing the vehi­ unwarranted remarks like Mr, Lupton’s serve only to aggrav­ cle. .. Salinger Joining Humphrey, ate our problem.” The driver, Jeffrey Johnsan, 18, caused his own death and Church Name that of his companion, Thoirtot HAR’TFORD (AP> — Congre I W. Sarentos, 18, both of Stain- Barry Hits Red China Tieup gaUonalists of OonneoUcut will ford, by Ills (Johnson’s) crimi­ be asked to assume the name of nal conduct. Coroner Isadore Jli. ‘The United Church of .Christ at Kotler said. Calif tike mock dafhate and itolntartoass, Nixon, as they expcMsed BAKERSFIELD, to ijp aecm SoS the 11X4. Jolinaon was driving lirttli '^the other. r i s S s s t s a , " ’?’’* Sarentos as his passenger (AP) — Sen. Hubert H. from Arizona Humphrey -J contends ' ttat ’Tha nnHlay coofefsnos i^ll . ‘"The senator ' when the car struck a pole em Humphrey of Minnesota has been shouting for a great (Soldwater’s views arc out of tn'Uto United Congrega- Joint with . othsr RepubU j^ ' 1i| llrid g m rt with Stillwater Road, Stamford, aSd goS8 whistla. Stopping Sebate, and 1 Ibiiik he’s enntled ocgupfuitq W(FS )dncA “ ._.^ to; one " „ leaden an^ slMkesmen. ^ ^ Ist4rs SM toy 4el- HiFAcigh. California today Ih a sort of dbuble expn&Te, iiraag tte . The auto was proceedtog” with script and co-star, “ So r d like to auffi®®t *<> W™. "erratically at a high rate of a a a worthy adversary, his new*, the whistle *top lets Salinger, In to tbb\«tote eon- a tbu|^ senatorial election bat­ and violated Teep rlgbV Sen. Pierre Salinger. found friand, Dick NUon, the ference. Sessions will itait Tuaa- l^m phrey, the DemocraUc tle mth Republican. George day at U Sj*. tc. ' irectlons,” according to the could-be secretary of state in Murphy, share the lim ell^t coroner. Stamford police were vice presidential nominee, ran the Imaghiary Goldwater Cabi­ ‘The recommteddtlons for eeh- with Humphrey. ttittiUonal' changes that will obaalng the Johnson vehicle up the curtain on the production net.” Stainless Steel In remarks for a rally here: “I .’They campidgned side by aide hereafter have the Congrega­ with warning lights flaMiing Hundreds of Se A a W O O L hereby announce the first In a Goldwater Indicated recently through Los Angeles Friday, tional chut-chbs functioning aa and siren sounding. Lycra' series of the great debates of that Nixon might be his choice winding up at a DemocraUc fete the Connecticut Conference of As the fleeing oar gained: s a u c e OR 1964 — the debate between Bar­ for secretary at state If he Is at Shrine Auditorium. the United (jhurch of Christ will speed it sideewiped a stone tf's Reversiblef elected president. Men’s In8ula,trf YARK ry. Goldwater and his fellow Milton BeWe was master of be presented by the Rev. Wil- wall,, struck a teleiAone pole Boys’ 100% Nyloii PROPORTIONED Republicans.” ‘Die idea of the debate, said eeremonies, and the performers frid J. MacLean of Norwich, and turned over after traveling M*n'» Burlington t h e r m a l FRY PAN ‘The advance casting calls for Humphrey, Is to compare the chairman of the conference 284 feet from the first lihpaet, Humphgey to take one side of views o6 Goldwater, and In this Boaurd of Directors. Mrs. David Nelson of New Orleans spells out her feelings as shS attaches tape the finding said. The action will follow by seven WASH-WEAR Shirts or Drawers SKI JACKET g ir d l e 4 01. Siieln Coroner Kotler ssesrted to years ths union of the Congre- to store window — as a protection as well as an appeal for divine assistance. part: gaUonal Christian Church with (AP Photofax.) SLACKS Completely Destroyed, ISo Survivors the Evangelical Reformed ' “The youngsters had attsnd- |C Church to form the United ed a wedding party and both Church of Chrtst. had been drinidng. The Tellhig New conference officers will State laboratory report gave R/8 a t sauce pan, 6% fry 140,000 Evacuate Homes the passenger (Sarentos) O.IS Double sUtched j X p o S t ‘ ^ 1&e,“ eavy,gauge, quick even Find French Airliner per cent alcohol and the driver I wannth without weight! Long front. Roll-a-way ho^- Lycra Spandex sl (See Page Bight) I riew rtUrtUd ankle leni^ dj»w- SJ.n*v' finish resists oil, grewy u S t e r . W er-w ea rin g. White. S- White, black and 18 other colors. heat. Basy to clean. 0.19 per cent Both grades ftexM Md actUte Mawta IST^Sriartlc waist Sire. 8 -M- spelled out drunkenness, n ie s f f i 4 wck. royal, burgundy. 1 M-L-XU ^SSTtwlrt vdA flMiiiel flnUto. I l -XU Won’t shrink . In Sierra Mountains seddent was brought about bjr C k a reo u i gray, Sizes S to 18.
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