The Mineral Industry of Albania in 2016
2017–2018 Minerals Yearbook ALBANIA [ADVANCE RELEASE] U.S. Department of the Interior December 2020 U.S. Geological Survey The Mineral Industry of Albania By Sinan Hastorun and Jaewon Chung In 2017 and 2018, the production of mineral commodities— of the mineral industry of Albania can be found in previous notably chromium, copper, crude petroleum, ferrochromium, editions of the U.S. Geological Survey Minerals Yearbook, lime, and nickel—represented only a minor part of the volume III, Area Reports—International—Europe and Central economy of Albania (table 1; National Agency of Natural Eurasia, which are available at Resources, 2019, p. 12–13; U.S. Commercial Service, 2019). nmic/europe-and-central-eurasia. The legislative framework for the mineral industry in Albania is provided by law No. 10 304/2010 on the mining sector, References Cited Decision of Council of Ministers (DCM) 232/2011 on approval National Agency of Natural Resources, 2019, Invest in Albanian natural of the powers of the competent authorities in the mining sector, resources: Tirana, Albania, National Agency of Natural Resources, January, DCM 479/2011 on approval of the mining strategy, and DCM 35 p. (Accessed March 31, 2020, at 7/2012 on the determination of the required procedure and uploads/2019/05/Mineral-Resources.pdf.) U.S. Commercial Service, 2019, Albania—Oil and gas, in Albania country documentation in relation to the collection of the royalty tax. commercial guide: International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Data on mineral production are in table 1.
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