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!DlRECTORY.] CORNWALL. PERR.A.NARWOBTHAL, or St. Piran .4-rworthal, PERRAN~:LL U! ~Jarg~ villag~ th..~lf ~ ;n;tile }l~rt~ is a parish and, village {)n the road .from Truro to. Fal from .Perran 1 Wijarf...,~ 1¥, a ,Q.eep • valley, "~nil , tahr" its mouth o.nd on the Rest.ronguet Creek, and is bounded name froJ;U a, chaly'b~atj} ~pring wb,ich. ;ri~es he:ce. ThA on the south by the river Fal; there is a station here little river 'l'arrandean or. 'r,r~wedn~ 1lows tP,ro,ugll ,tp~ ()n the Truro and Falmouth branch of the Great Western village. , , . , railway. The village is 4 miles north from Penryn and The Institute and Reading Rm~m l;J.ere,. a buildipg of 5 south-west from Truro, in the Trur~ division of the stone, was erected iDt x88g1 at, the so~e «;:ost_of ~~- Jose esq. county, hundred and petty sessional division of East Kerrier, Falmouth union and county court district, rural PONSAN,OOTH is a large village, I mile south-west1 deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and part of which is in. this parish, ~he remainder being in diocese of Truro. The church ,of St. Piran is an ancient the parish of St .. Gluvias. Here is a factory of the building of granite, in the Early English and Decorated Cornish Smallware Co. Limited, for the manufacture ot styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch tape and smallware, employing about IOO persons. and an embattled western tower with piDnacles contain Post, M, 0 . .& T. 0., T. M. Q., S. B. & A.. & I, ing 3 bells, of which the treble is undated ~ , the second Office, .Perrana.rworthal.-Miss Ada Treweek, sub-post bears a legend in· Old English letters and the· tenor mistress. Letters received through Perranwell Staljion was cast in 1672: the chancel was rebuilt in 1841~2: S. 0. D~liYeri,es oommence at 7 ·45. a.m. & ;z.~o p.m. i the west window is stained and there js a memorial sundays,.. 7·45 a.m. ; dispat~hed at ;I0"!-5 a.ll).,. ,& 4·45 window in the aisle to John and Mary Henwood, d. p.m. ; sundays, 4·45 p.J:¥ , 1853: the monuments are modern: the communion Post., M. 0. & '+· 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & A. & I. plate dates from 1576: the church was rebuilt in 188-4·5, Office, Perranwell ,Station. (Sub-Office. Letters should at a cost of £1,330, and has 220 sittings. The register have S.O, Cornwall added).-Miss Mildred Treweek, of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1767; sub-postmi:;;trtllss. Deliveries comm.ence at 7· Io a. m, marriage·s, I754· The living is a vicarage, annexed to · .. & 2.;Lo p.m.; sundays, 7.10 a.m.; dispatched at 11.20 tihat of St. Stythian's, joint net yearly value £300, with a.rn. & I2.•So & 5·I5 p.m.; sundays, 7 a.m & 5.I5 p.m residence and 4~ acres of glebe here,. in the gift of Wall Letter Boxes.-Perranwell, cleared at Io.5o a.m. & Viscount Fa.lmoutJh K.C.V.O., O.B. and held since I896 5 p.m. ; sundays, 5 p.m. ; Perran Downs, cleared at by the Rev. William Ralph Daine M.A. of Trinity Col 12. ro & 4.50 p.m. ; sundays, 12.10 p.m. ; Perran lege, Dublin, who resides at St. Stythian's; the Rev. Wharf, cleared at Io.2o a.m. !& 4.25 iP·lll· & Green Sidney John Daltry M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, with Common, 10.45 a.m. & 4·45 p.m. week days only, has been curate-in-chal'ge since 1905. There are Bible Public Elementary School, Perranwell (mixed), built in Christian and Wesleyan chapels. Mellingey is tlhe seat I878, at a cost of £1,2oo, for 250 children; average of Mrs. Jose; Tullimaar is the residence of Mrs. Hearle attendance, II2; George Butler, master ,cock. F. L. Graham esq. and Mrs. Jose. of Mellingey, are the ·chief landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, This school is under the control of tihe Truro & Falrnouth spar. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and green District Education Committee ; Arthur B. Coomb, 46 •crops. The area is I ,763 acres of land, I I of water, 9 of Lemon .street, Tl'Ul'O, sec tidal water and SI of foreshO!I'e; rateable value, £2,89I; Railway Station, Perranwe11, Nat.haniel Davey, station the population in 190I was 9I4. master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Butler Geo. schoo~master, Perranwell Moyle Solomon, farmer, Perran downs. Andrew Thomas, Perranwell Collins Wm.Jn.frmr. Lower Mellingey Nicholls Henry, house decorator Bennett Rev. W. (Bible Christian), Cornish Smallware Co. Limited (The) Opie Charles, market !i.ardener, Old Coombe house, PerranweH (J. J. Blackburn, manager), manu- Carnon bridge . ' Bishop William, Heath house facturers of cotton tapes, all kinds Opie Jas. engineer, Greenwith com Blackburn John James, Moor cottage, of smallware, Ponsanooth mills, Opie John, engineer, Greenwith corn. Perran wharf Perranwell Station S.O. & at 7 Pearoo John, farmer, Plain downs Burgess Miss, Perran wharf Wood Street square, London; TA Perranwell Institute & Reading Room Daltry Rev. Sidney Jn. :M.A. (curate- "Tapes, Ponsanooth" (G. Butler, hon. sec.), Perranwell in-charge), Ghurchtown Davey Natbaniel, station master & in- Philp A.rthur George, foreman Donald Thomas, Perran wharf surance agent, Riverdale Edwards Bros.' mills, Perranwell Edwards Thomas Philip, Perran wharf Edwards Bl'others, millers Gwater), Polkinghorn Edgar, frmr.Low.Bargus Edwards ViTilliam Henry wool buyers, general merchants &c Pope Thomas & Sons, thatchers, Wood Hearle-Cock Mrs. Tullimaar Edwards James, assistant overseer, tenement llewitson Thomas !Mark, ·Woodlands Perran wharf Richards William, shopkeeper & shoe (Letters shou'ld be addressed, Hancock Towan, farmer, Pons~mooth maker, Perranwell Devoran S.O) Harris John, mason, Tanner's downs Row A.rthur, house decorator Jose Mrs. Mellingey Harvey Jeremiah, farmer, Coldwinds, Row George Leach, Norway hotel Lanksbury :Mrs _Greenwitlh common. P.H. Perran wharf Pye ·Edwin, Perranwell H~cks Mrs. fa.rmer, _Biss?e Row Jsph. caryenter, Pe['ran wharf Rabling Wm.F. Vale view,Ponsanootb IHrs~ock Aaron, Mmers A.rms P.H. Row Maud (Miss), grocer, Perran whrf Richards Joseph, Waldens Bissoe . Rowe Joseph,farmer &. cooper,P~ncoose Roolw John Philip Perran wharf Hodge John, farmer, Greenwith corn Rowe Saml. wheelwrig-ht, Perranwell Row Mrs. Perran~ell James Artlhur, carpenter, Ponsanooth Spargo Thos. farmer, Trewedna water Williams Capt. GoMrev T.' Tredea Jenkins ~~ristopher, bldr. Perranwell Teague -vym. Henry, smith,Perranwell • Jory Phihp, monumental & general l'rddy Elrzh. (Mrs. ),grocer,Perranwell <.:OMMERCIAL. mason, Bissoe hill Tiddy Josiah, farmer, Coldwind Andrew Jas. 'farmer, Gillie Tresamble Knuckey Thomas & William, carriers, Tinney Edward, farmer, Churchtown B!lirTettFred,police constable,Perranwll Pesrran downs Trevena James, builder, Pellean cross Bawden Samuel, farmer & market gar- Martin Chas.carrier & frmr.Chyvogue Treweek Ada (Miss), p<lstmistress · dener, Greenwith common Ma,rtin Edgar, butcher, Perrandowns Treweek Mildred (Miss), postmistress 'Bennett Emma (Mrs. ),farmer,Blankid- Martin Henry, manure mer. 'l'rewedna Truan Alfred, market gardener,Green- nick farm Martin Robert Hearle, farmer, Pel- with common Bishop J-ohn, farmer, Pelleai). wartha lean cross, Ponsanooth Williams John Michael, farmer,Green- lJishop J-oseph, farmer, Trewedna May John, farmer, Coldwinds, Green- with common Blarney Clara & Hettie(Misses),shpkprs with common WilHams Thomas Mills, Royal Oak Bray John, shopkeeper, Perranwel~ Millett Jeremiah, frmr.Trewedna water P.H. Pe·rranwell Bray John, wheelwright, Perranwell Millett William Johu,timber merchant, Brown Charles, fa.rmer, Tarrandean PeTTan wharf PERRANPORTH, see Perranzabuloe. "PERRANUTHNOE, or Perran, is a parish on the of the 13th century, originally consisted of chancel, coast. of Mounts Bay, 2 miles south-east from ;Marazion nave, small s~mth transept and ,south porch; mTudor 'Road 11tatiQn on the :West Cornwall (Great Western) tupes a. n.orth aisle was. added and ~Jn embattled tower -railway and 5 miles -east from Penzance, in. the Western with pinnacles ,erected at the west end, now 'Containing divi~ionr ,of.• t~e county, _hundred of Penwith,_ petty 3 bells~. dated r~~ectively. 1832, 1636 and r688: •in I883 seSSional,. diVlSlon,of PenWI~h West, Penzance umon and th~ church was rebuilt, with the e~ception ()f the tower; county, court dist.r~t, . rural deanery ot fenwith, ,arch- pnder .the supetinte01h~nce of Mr. J, JP. St. Aubyn, ·deacon~- of Qprnw~~ and ,dioces.:e qf TxvrP· , ';l'b.~ ,chqrch j p.rchi~c;t>, a( a_ ~4?st pf ,.£r,4IO, and is now chiefly & -;)f SS. Puan Ml~ ~1cJ10l~, '!ll>o'9.t ~~ Jniddl~, \Jupding .of i,r!!ni~ •.. wlth :Jilam Hill stone dressings: ' COltNWALL • • 1 R'*' .