Environmental Report (PDF)
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Non Technical Summary This is a Non Technical Summary of the Scoping Report on the Draft Monaghan County Development Plan 2013-2019 (Incorporating the draft development plans for the Towns of Monaghan, Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, Clones and Ballybay). The Planning and Development Acts 2000-2010 require that a Strategic Environmental Assessment (pursuant to the SEA Directive) and an Appropriate Assessment (pursuant to the EU Habitats Directive) be carried out as part of the Development Plan Process. The review of the existing Monaghan County Development Plan 2007-2013 (Incorporating the Development Plans for the Towns of Monaghan, Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, Clones and Ballybay) and the preparation of the new draft development plans run in parallel with the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) and both of these processes will influence the drafting of the County Development Plan. The SEA process is a statutory requirement designed to ensure that significant environmental effects arising from policies, plans and programmes are identified, assessed, mitigated, communicated to decision-makers and monitored. The Environmental Report is the primary element in the SEA process and is required to indentify, evaluate and describe the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the draft development plans. The Environmental Report shall be published alongside the Draft Monaghan County Development Plan 2013-2019 (Incorporating the draft development plans for the Towns of Monaghan, Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, Clones and Ballybay). Steps in the SEA Process Scoping – Consultation with Statutory bodies and other Completed interested parties on the scope and level of detail to be considered in the assessment. Preparation of Environmental Report – An assessment of the Ongoing likely significant impacts on the environment as a result of the Plan. Consultation on the Draft Monaghan County Development Current Stage Plan and associated Environmental Report and Appropriate Assessment. Evaluation of submissions and observations made on the To be completed Draft Monaghan County Development Plan, Environmental Report and Appropriate Assessment. Preparation of an SEA Statement identifying how To be completed environmental considerations and consultation have been integrated into the Adopted County Development Plan. In accordance with the European Directive (2001/42/EC), Environmental issues arising in the Environmental Report will be considered under the following headings: Biodiversity including flora and fauna Population Human Health 1 Soil Water Air Climatic Factors Material Assets Cultural Heritage – including Architectural and Archaeological Landscape The interrelationship between the above. In the first instance the Environmental Report details the Current State of the Environment of County Monaghan within each of the headings set out above and interrelationships between each of the environmental topics. The Environmental Report then examines significant environmental pressures that may affect each of the environmental topics and the Current State of the Environment. Policy Context As part of the review of the County and Town Development Plans, the Plans must be considered within the context of a hierarchy of policies, plans and strategies of international, national, regional and local level as detailed in figure 2 of Section 3.0. Appropriate Assessment An Appropriate Assessment has been carried out in accordance with Article 6 of the Habitats Directive. It is a parallel, but separate process to SEA and will be documented accordingly. Appropriate Assessment is an evaluation and assessment of the potential impacts of policies and objectives in the draft development plans on Natura 2000 sites and their conservation objective, both within and outside the County. The Appropriate Assessment determined that there was no requirement to proceed to Stage 3 given that there is no significant detrimental effect identified as the result of the implementation of the Plan on the integrity of any Natura 2000 site. A Natura Impact Report shall be published parallel to the draft development plans and Environmental Report. Alternative Approaches to Making the Draft Development Plans Part of the SEA process requires the consideration of ‘reasonable alternatives’. In selecting SEA Alternatives, cognisance must always be taken of parent strategies and documents which have a key influence on how alternatives were framed. The following three scenarios were formulated and considered: . Growth with Relaxed Planning Policies . Growth with Restrictive Planning Policies . Planned Growth with Regulatory Planning Policies Scenario 3 was considered the most appropriate development model for the future development of County Monaghan. Scenario 3 affords for the most effective way of focusing growth and development within the county whilst ensuring the economic, environmental, cultural and social prosperity of the county. 2 Significant Environmental Pressures Section 5.0: of the Environmental Report describes in detail the current Environmental Pressures in the country using available environmental data and theses are summarised in the Table below: Topic Environmental Issue/Pressures Biodiversity, Fauna Increases in population, their associated activities and and Flora settlement patterns increase pressures on biodiversity. Certain developments and activities associated with agricultural activities, forestry, urban developments, windfarms, quarries, tourism, peat extraction, infrastructural works including road works, water abstraction, wastewater disposal that are located within or close to ecologically sensitive sites. Invasive non-native plants such as Rhododendron which is apparent on Sliabh Beagh as well as non native animals such as Fallow Deer. Both non native plant and animal species pose a threat to biodiversity. County Monaghan contains 1 SAC, 1 SPA, 1 NHA and 39 pNHAs – these sites are sensitive to certain development works and activities. Population and Human Increases in population, their activities and settlement Health patterns have the potential to place increased pressure on a variety of areas including water quality, landscape, cultural heritage and air. In particular increased pressure on water quality arising from pollution can have a significant impact on human health. Higher than normal levels of radon in buildings in the south of the county as well as issues surrounding road safety also have the potential to impact upon the human health of the county. Soil Certain development types and associated infrastructure including urban and rural development, windfarms, waste disposal, afforestation, recreation and agricultural activites can place significant pressure on the soils of the County. Climate change, in particular, changes in precipitation arising from global warming may also have a significant impact on slope stability which could in turn impact upon soils and water quality. Water Development and activities can often impact on water quality including groundwater and drinking water. Waste water disposal, surface water disposal, landfills, quarries, illegal dumping, agricultural activities, water recreational activities and afforestation can have significant impacts on water quality. Some of the most significant risks to water quality include excessive inputs of nutrients, namely phosphorous and nitrogen. Air and Noise With regard to air and noise no significant impacts have been identified within the County. However emissions from traffic and industrial units are associated with air pollution. Climatic Factors Increased in greenhouse gas emissions have been linked with climate change resulting in increases in intensity and frequency of flooding. Reliance on the car as a result of 3 the dispersed settlement pattern and lack of adequate public transport facilities will also have a contribution on climatic factors through increases in greenhouse gases. Material Assets Material assets comprise a wide range of natural and man made assets which include infrastructural services, cultural heritage, quarries, water resources. Developments and activities can often impact on these assets, some of which have been referred to herein. Although vacancy rates in the County are not a major concern, they do represent an underutilised resource and if left idle can deteriorate and detract from the character of the surrounding area. Cultural heritage, Pressures can arise from certain developments and including architectural activities on or near sites of heritage value. The visual and archaeological amenities and character of urban and rural areas and items of architectural, archaeological and historical importance may be placed under pressure by such works. In terms of cultural heritage it is noted that there are circumstances where development works can often have a positive impact. Landscape Development and activities can impact on visually sensitive areas, for example designated landscapes. Interrelationship Cumulative impacts and interaction of the above between the above mentioned issues can give rise to increased pressures on topics the environment. The impacts and interactions will obviously vary in extent and nature. In particular issues with respect to water quality, climate change and one off housing in the countryside traverses a number of environmental topic areas. Population increases and changes in settlement patterns can impact on a wide range of the topics mentioned above. Summary