Every Mother Knows This Remedy I DR. D. JAYNE's
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,4 Ardmore, Tuesday, July 2, 1337. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAQE (EVEN BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. Not to Be Fooled. LITERARY CLUBS. FRATERNAL. BRYAN COLONEL TELLS US WHERE HE STANDS. A resident f n New lhuilniiil town Who una f.,r lna great kliulnc-t- o Ladles of the Leaf. Woodmen Circle. In tho United States Court for the President. Mrs. Niu.i VanDenberg; nnlmiils leMtl tlu II horse e.ir-wi- th Meets the llrst Monday afternoon fit 1st View Southern District of Indian Territory. dismay. s President. Mrs Kltaitbtith and the third Friday evening In c.ch "It'" sheer thin OotHlwIn; 2nd Vice what It he Insisted, mid the pleii President, Mr. month at K of P. hall; Omtrdian M In tho matter of John C. Mulkey, Minnie Wall; Itecording Secretary. 0. IlHrgraie: Advisor, of euiiwiiletiee or neecselty hsd mi In Jnnnn.t It V bankruptcy. Mrs. Ida Alexander I'lirrtjsiiuniUnK orts; Mice Staples. M.ir, bankrupt, In tluence upon tit its. Attendant. Secretary, Mrs. Daisy Dunham; clan, Vina Young; Hanker, P.m irio tho Honorable lloscn Townsend, nlk to Huston mid Imek To "I'll liefore Treasurer, Mrs. Florence Dexter; Cole; Inner sentinel, Allle V. Doll ns Judgo of tho District Court of Un- I'd mid n Hitinil' to what t h Critic, Mrs, Itltln Ledbetter. Outer sentinel, Llsslo llelsev. M,i". etesture linve to drag," he Program united States for the Southern Dis- Committee Mrs. Rll nors Sophronln Iltillton. L. P. nnd nn persuasion eould luiltice Potterf, .Mrs. Uurn Marr, Mm l'.Msii Lena Y Honnrr; Physician trict of tho Indian Territory: J II. him to ride In h street ear dntKicril l? belli Monti win, Mrs. .Nnnnltt Itonnle, Ilnrgrnvo. Clerk, Sallle L. Sturg-o- John 0. Mulkey of Ardmore, overworked, tired horses. When elee Mrs. "oienee Dexter. Royal Neighbors, In tho Southern District of tho triclty una applied mill tlio ear wen The ctuh holds Its regular meetings Meet the llrst and third Tuesi ev- every Indian Territory, In said district, re- MiiiNithly nloiitc without the horaen, Ilia oilier neck from the flrat week enings In each month at 7 .10 ocl u In October to the In June, K. of P. M spectfully represents that on tho 2nd mii an Id: llrst tteek nt tho hall; Oracle "Now, father, you ran rtde on on Mondays, with It members ns re- Fannlo (Soli; Vice oracle, Mrs, V al day of March, last past, ho corded lu tho minimi MHry without vitirrylnat "Imi : jeiir boo'. ling; Past oracle, MrJ. Hmw was duly adjudged bankrupt tinder er Musle roiiiuilttw (lertrude man; Chancellor, Mm. W. Hutch ImrHeN. Von en n itu Into IliHton n' .ir. tho acts of Congress relating to bank- Oullh.t. Miss lhiy lliirnltt, Mrs. Car- or; Physician, J. M. Vnden. your oe now." rie McCoy, ruptcy; that ho has duly surrendered ".Iiiiiiik." nniil the old iiinu, ".ion l Lady nit his property and rights of proper- wit) pitli nt colirluatiiii. You don't Maccabees. Chautauqua Class, Meet tho llrst nnd third Monday af- study lulu thlniM an I do. I ty, and lias fully compiled with all Don't reml The CliHiitaitiiua class meetii Friday ternoons of each month In the Odd 111 HNitlt every tho requirements of said acts and of the Mipt'p eiir iisvlni: of each week with one f Its in em- Fellows hall: lidy Commander. Mrs. to have ihi rutieli honHKivNer? Ami tho orders of tho court touching his bers. W. It. Ingram; Past commander, Mia. f don't I know well enough wlmt tlui! President, Mrs. Priwton II. Woods; 1. H. Mason; Lieutenant commander, bankruptcy. , lueHim?" And the old iieiitleman algli Vlco President, mtu. Wiley II. Itlenk-more- ; Mrs. A. II. Holcomh; Chaplain. Mr-- prays may be Whereforo, ho that he til. "It "Imply meitus, uiy oii, thai Secretary, Mrs. 11. It. Penning- llottto Taylor; Heeord and Finance decreed by tho court to have n full the xmr hiirn-- niv beluit uorkeil Just ton. Keeper, Mrs. Fnnnlo (loft; Sergeant, dlschargo from all debts provablo no Iiiird mid Junt an iiinny hours, onl; Mrs. Sulllo Jordan; Mistress nt Arms, against his estate under said bank- ue don't are 'em. Orlo Club. Mrs. Hass; Physician, W. T, Uoglo, 1 rupt acts, except such debts as are "Thiaie aiwer hoiiMMi eould tell tnli. President, Mr. O. L. McCsnn; 1st I rtvkiiti. .No, mi more (or Vice Presltleiit, Mrs. O. II. Webb. 2nd Knights o.' Pythias. excepted by law from dlschargo. I'to iiao htreet eiirx imtv t lilt I eer hud, illi.l Vice President, Mrs. Walter Hardy; Mvrtlo No. 7, Knights of Dated this SOtli day of Juno, A. D., - Corresponding Secretary,, Mrs. C. H for the slime reitaou." Voiitli's Oini- Pythias Sandlln, chancellor com- 1907. Cnrter: Treasurer, Miss Zoo Olive; Iianlon. mander; C. C. Wntklns, keeper of rec JOHN C. MULKEY, Auditor, Mrs. II. F. McKlioy; Libra- Barber's Hair Cut. rian, Miss Sue Frame. ords nnd soul. Meet", every Thursday Bankrupt. Program Miss "Wlihial I lir.d time to go nut and get Committee Vera night. Olive, Mrs. T. Mrs. my hair cut," remarked a burlier as hr Norman, J. S. Benevolent and Protective Order Elks Ter- Dnwnnnl, Mrs. C. S. Maupln. Southern District of tho Indian returned part of the lather from tlio Ardmore Ixidge. No. C18, Henevolent ritory ss. Itegiilur meetings of tho club aro customer's llpn tilth his second linger held otory Friday of each tteek from nnd Protective Order of Elks Clmi On 20th day of A. D 1007, to go iiihI get It eutV re this June, "Time out 2:30 to K:30 p. m., with ono of lis D. Cnrter, exalted niter; It. L. San pouted the mini In the chair, Willi the on reading tho foregoing petition, It members. der, secretary. Meets ovory Tuesday Is ordered by the Court that a hear- cmpliaslH mi "out." "Are Jou like Hie eat In his own reatmi night In Elks' nail. ing bo had upon the samo on tho 3rd mini that won't Mothers' Club. runt? Aion't you willing to (nut one day of July, A. D., 1907, boforo said President, Mrs. Milton Ikard, Vlco of Juiir ou men to cut Jour hiilrt" 1'roshlont, Mrs. J. II. Hinder, Secre- K. & L. of Security. Court at Ardmore, In said District, at "Oh, I'd trust them, nil right!" audi tary, Miss Virginia llrooks; Treas- Knights ntul of Security 10 o'clock In the forenoon, and that Hint, hut you the burlier. "It Isn't urer, Mrs. Joseph Plttmau. meet every Mondny night In Odd notice thereof bo published In hardly ever see a burlier getting his This club meets tho fourth Thurs- Tho Follows hall. Members and visiting Ardmorelte, a newspaper printed In hair cut In his nun place. The ntlier day In each mouth nt tho Fourth ward nil like to go home school building. members nro welcome. said District, and that all known cred- harhers prmnptli lit quitting time, ami If one of us gets WILLIAM MULLEN, itors and other persons In Interest work dene during the day there Is Mire Ferndale Review Club. Secretary. may appear at the said tlmo and place President, Mrs. Milton Vice to ho a rush nlHiiit Hint time, ami It Ikard; ''!" and show cause. If any they have. makes a custiiiiier 'sore' If he Iiiih to President,, Mrs. J, M. London; Secre- In an interview William J. Bryan declared that under certain conditions he would be a candidate (or the Ardmoro Commnnanry, No. 6, why tho prayer of said petitioner wait with two barbers right here mid tary, Mrs. W. II. Iiumpass; Treasur- Nev.1 Item. er, Mrs. Andcrton, Knights Templar A. II. Palmer, em- should not bo granted. not waiting on him. He doesn't like to Webster In Chicago Inter Ocean. Tho club meets on Wednesdays of inent commander; Geo. II. Bruce, And It Is further ordered by the wait around while one barber cuts barber's hair." Clevehtnd Plain each week with tino of Its members, Meets first Tuesday In ench Court that tho clerk shall send by from 3 to C p. m. Dealer. month In Mnsonln temple. mall to all known creditors, copies of i Ardmore Chnpter, No, 11, Itoyal said petition and this order, nddrcsj Denver In May and June. 1901, nnd Philippine nnd Panama Canal Se- Hla Impression. Christian Church. Arch Mnsons O. II. Ilruco, high ed to them at their placo of residence the notions and sentiments of miners rvicesJuly 22, 1907. Mr. White Tell me. t'nclii Unfits, priest; John L. Gait, sccrctnry. Hcg-ula- r as stnted. and proceedings of the llstrlct con- Experts nnd speclnl agents (male how ill. I )oii feel when that savage Iicntod on A street, northwest; every morning 11 meeting second Tuesday night Witness, Tho Ilonorablo Hosca vention jf the UnitJd Mine Workers and female) llureati of Labor, De catamount Juiiism1 on your back us you services Sunday nt were mining through woiuls In Hie o'clock, mid evening at 7:30; mid- In each mouth. Townsend, Judge of of America in Colorado In I'.HK!. partment of Commerce and I.tbor) the said Court, and nnd togitn to rend yuu? week prayer meeting on Wednesday July 21, 1907. dark claw and Ardmoro Council, No. 11, Iloynl and the seal thereof at Ardmore, In Bald Uncle ltufUM ltmik L'h, well, sail, tell evening at 7:30. When thor Is tho slightest Indica- Applicants onco apply S. II. Select Masters Robert II. Henry, district on tho 20th day of Juno, 1907.