In the Service of the Company
Index INDEX Committee of Management of A. A. Company, 68, 610, 611; for cost of convict wrongly sent to Port Stephens Note: References are to letter on Company estate, 40; Mr Dawson, 56, numbers not page numbers 61, 62, 611; Charles Goodluck, 402; Mr Hexham, 250; Francis Mitchell, 402; th 17 Regiment: and drunken soldiers, 344 newspaper, 12a, 15, 68, 184, 258, 265, 57th Regiment: and provision of guards 266, 302, 342, 358, 361; James Norton, for assigned convicts, 23 581; H. C. Sempill, 432; George M. Slade, 16, 22; Thomas Street, 3b; Mr Weaver, 135 A. A. Company: accounts, 63, 108, 109, 151; Annual Report of, 204a; accounts payable to A. A. Company: arrangements relating to lands granted James Bowman, 409; William Buchanan, to or leased by, including further 245; Colonial Committee of Management selection of land, 344a; further grant of A. A. Company, 611, 612; Colonial of land, 605, 621; outlay of, 536; Government, 26, 95, 115, 324, 423; population of estate of, 60; proposals Charles Cooper, 568; Thomas Cowper, re intended grant of land at Newcastle, 244; executors of late John Oxley, 243; 347a; relinquishment of part of estate A. C. Innes, 260; Lamb, Buchanan & of, 240; superintendence of accounts, Co., 315; H. H. McArthur, 408; John 469; see also Agricultural Department; Macarthur, 407; John Piper, 246; Mr Cattle Department; Coal Department; Street, 264; S. Terry, 311a; see also debts Colonial Committee of Management to A. A. Company of A. A. Company; Court of Directors; Achison or Atkinson, Thomas (convict): Court of Directors of A. A. Company; alteration of tickets of leave to Sydney, Department of Accounts; Department of 633 Manufactures (and of Works); Governors Adair, Mr: and appointment of clergyman and Directors of A.
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