NUMBER 43 2013 Printing Works, St John’s Street, Chichester Heathfield Natural Gas Argos Hill Post Mill Offham Smock Mill Turnpike through East Grinstead Turnpikes of the High Weald £5.00 Sussex Industrial History No. 43 • 2013 Journal of the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society AIA Publication Award 2010 and 2011 FORTY-THREE 2013 CONTENTS Page FORMER PRINTING WORKS IN ST. JOHN’S STREET, CHICHESTER Ron Martin 2 HEATHFIELD NATURAL GAS John Blackwell 11 ARGOS POST MILL Bob Bonnett - Past, Present and Future 19 - Evaluation of the Cross-trees by Resistograph Technology 25 OFFHAM SMOCK MILL, HAMSEY Bob Bonnett 26 THE TURNPIKE THROUGH EAST GRINSTEAD M J Leppard 29 EAST SUSSEX TURNPIKES OF THE HIGH WEALD Brian Austen 31 Publications 48 Cover illustration— Painting of Offham Mill, near Lewes, by William Luker, 1865 (Reproduced by permission of Somerset County Council Heritage Service) Edited by Dr. Brian Austen, 1 Mercedes Cottages, St. John’s Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 4EH (tel. 01444 413845, email
[email protected]). Design and layout by Alan Durden. The Editor would be interested to hear from prospective contributors of articles of any length. Shorter notices can be included in the Society’s Newsletters which are issued four times a year. The annual subscription to the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society is £15 payable on 1 April. Life membership is available at fifteen times the annual subscription. Members are entitled to copies of the Sussex Industrial History and the Newsletters without further charge. Membership enquiries to the Hon. Secretary, R.G. Martin, 42 Falmer Avenue, Saltdean, Brighton BN2 8FG (tel.