28Th DEC 1St शिफ्ट GS क़ुएस्तिओन्स

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28Th DEC 1St शिफ्ट GS क़ुएस्तिओन्स The Nobel Prize award was first conferred in 1901. It is given in the name of Alfred Nobel who was a Swedish inventor The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly to the individuals or organizations who do an extraordinary job in the field of- The Nobel Prize award was first conferred in 1901. It is given in the name of Alfred Nobel who was a Swedish inventor The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly to the individuals or organizations who do an extraordinary job in the field of- • Physics The Nobel Prize award was first conferred in 1901. It is given in the name of Alfred Nobel who was a Swedish inventor The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly to the individuals or organizations who do an extraordinary job in the field of- • Physics • chemistry The Nobel Prize award was first conferred in 1901. It is given in the name of Alfred Nobel who was a Swedish inventor The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly to the individuals or organizations who do an extraordinary job in the field of- • Physics • chemistry • literature The Nobel Prize award was first conferred in 1901. It is given in the name of Alfred Nobel who was a Swedish inventor The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly to the individuals or organizations who do an extraordinary job in the field of- • Physics • chemistry • literature • peace The Nobel Prize award was first conferred in 1901. It is given in the name of Alfred Nobel who was a Swedish inventor The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly to the individuals or organizations who do an extraordinary job in the field of- • Physics • chemistry • literature • peace • physiology or medicine The Nobel Prize award was first conferred in 1901. It is given in the name of Alfred Nobel who was a Swedish inventor The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly to the individuals or organizations who do an extraordinary job in the field of- • Physics • chemistry • literature • peace • physiology or medicine • Economics (1968) - THE NOBEL PRIZE 2020 - THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2020 - THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2020 - World food program वि�ि खा饍य काययक्रम THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL LITRATURE PRIZE 2020 – Louise Gluck लुईस 嵍लक • THE NOBEL LITRATURE PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL CHEMISTRY PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL CHEMISTRY PRIZE 2020 - Emmanuelle Charpentier Jennifer A. Doudna इमनै ुएल ब褼ई जेननफर ए। डोडना • THE NOBEL CHEMISTRY PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL PHYSICS PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL PHYSICS PRIZE 2020 - Roger Penrose Andrea Ghez Reinhard Genzel रेनहा셍ड जेन焼ेल रोजर पेनरोज एंड्रिया घी焼 • THE NOBEL PHYSICS PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL PHYSIOLOGY & MEDICINE PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL PHY& MEDICINE PRIZE 2020 - Charles M. Rice Michael Houghton Harvey J. Alter चार्लसड एम राइस माइकल यूटन हार्वे जे ऑर्लटर • THE NOBEL PHY& MEDICINE PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL ECONOMIC SCINCES PRIZE 2020 - • THE NOBEL ECONOMIC SCINCES PRIZE 2020 - Paul R. Milgrom Robert B. Wilson पॉल आर ममलग्रोम रॉबटड बी वर्वर्लसन • THE NOBEL ECONOMIC SCINCES PRIZE 2020 - • Who won the Nobel Prize 2020 in Literature? • साहि配य मᴂ नोबेल पुरस्कार 2020 ककसने जीता? • A. Bob Dylan • B. Kazuo Ishiguro • C. Peter Handke • D. Louise Glück • Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice won Nobel Prize 2020 in which field? • िािे जे ऑ쥍टर, माइकल ह्यूटन और चा쥍स य एम राइस ने ककस क्षेत्र मᴂ नोबेल पुरस्कार २०२० जीता? • A. Physiology or Medicine • B. Literature • C. Peace prize • D. Economic Science • Who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the method for genome editing? • जीनोम संपादन के ललए विधि की खोज के ललए नोबेल पुरस्कार ककसने जीता? • A. George Smith, Frances Arnold and Greg Winter • B. Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna • C. Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson • D. John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino • Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? • नोबेल पुरस्कार जीतने िाली पिली महिला कौन थीं? • A. Mother Teresa • B. Shirin Ebadi • C. Marie Curie • D. Elizabeth H. Blackburn • Name the youngest Laureate who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. • २०१४ मᴂ नोबेल शांनत पुरस्कार प्राꥍत करने िाले सबसे कम उम्र के पुरस्कार विजेता का नाम । • A. Malala Yousafzai • B. Arthur Ashkin • C. James P. Allison • D. Yoshinori Ohsumi • Which of the following fields was not included in the Nobel Prize category at the time the Nobel Prizes were first established? • Which of the following fields was not included in the Nobel Prize category at the time the Nobel Prizes were first established? • A. Medicine • B. Economics • C. Physics • D. Literature • A. Medicine • B. Economics • C. Physics • D. Literature • What is the maximum number of people who can share a Nobel Prize? • नोबेल पुरस्कार साझा कर सकते िℂ जो लोग की अधिकतम संख्या क्या िै? • A. 4 • B. 2 • C. 3 • D. 6 • When does the formal Nobel Prize ceremony take place every year? • औपचाररक नोबेल पुरस्कार समारोि िर साल कब िोता िै? • A. 10 December • B. 10 October • C. 10 January • D. 10 November • Nobel Peace Prize 2020 has been awarded to: • नोबेल शांनत पुरस्कार 2020 को प्रदान ककया गया िै: • A. International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) • B. Abiy Ahmed Ali • C. World Food Programme (WFP) • D. Juan Manuel Santos.
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