Congressional Record—Senate S1866
S1866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 31, 2014 Clearly, we have a lot of work to do, management. The Paul Simon Water dreds of millions of people this luxury but this important legislation will help for the Poor Act of 2005, a bill which I is not close to a reality. While we have us be smarter about community-based strongly supported, was the first major made progress in bringing clean water care that will keep people out of the legislation enacted to make access to and sanitation to millions across the emergency rooms and out of our jails, clean water and sanitation a U.S. for- world, there is still much work to be keeping them from becoming the men- eign policy priority. Each year, as done. tal health clinics of last resort. chairman of the Appropriations Sub- f As Chris Imhoff, an official with the committee on the Department of State GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE Washington State Department of So- and Foreign Operations, I have in- cial and Health Services, remarked: cluded increasing amounts of funding Mr. LEVIN Mr. President, on March It’s exciting for a community when some- to implement the Paul Simon Act. 14, 2014, a popular teacher named thing like this happens. It helps us not We should reflect on the legacy of the Michelle Wilcox got into an argument. strand people with psychiatric emergencies late Senator Simon and take a moment People get into arguments all the time. in emergency rooms, which is a good thing. to recognize and appreciate his con- It is part of life.
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