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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 15m DECEMBER 1981 15933 all on or in the vicinity of the routes of the new trunk Road (Al) where the carriageways bifurcate; the roads and Trunk Road (Al) and providing for the transfer southbound carriageway proceeding for about 810 of each of the said new highways to the West Yorkshire metres (883 yards) to a point on the Trunk Road Metropolitan County Council or the highway authority (Al) about 1400 metres (1526 yards) north of Bram- specified therefore in the Order as from the date on which ham Cross Roads and the northbound carriageway he notifies the Council or authority that the new highways proceeding for about 600 metres (654 yards) to a have been completed and are open for through traffic. point on the new trunk road 1200 metres (1312 yards) Copies of the draft Orders and of the relevant plans north of Bramham Cross Roads; may be inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours (ii) routes for slip roads to connect the route de- from 15th December 1981 until 16th March 1982, at the scribed above with the Leeds—Pontefract Road Department of Transport, 2 Marsham Street, London (A639) at Stourton; Pontefract Lane at Temple New- S.W.1 ; Departments of Environment and Transport, sam ; the Leeds^Selby Trunk Road (A63) at Swilling- Yorkshire and Humberside Region, at City House, Leeds ton Common and the Leeds—Scarborough Trunk and at Windsor House, Cornwall Road, Harrogate, North Road (A64) at Potterton. Yorkshire; North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, (b) authorise him to construct as part of the road on the Northallerton, North Yorkshire; West Yorkshire Metro- main route a bridge over the navigable waters of the politan County Council, County Hall, Wakefield; Leeds Aire and Calder Navigation at Stourton; and Metropolitan District Council, Civic Hall, Leeds; Wake- 2. An Order under sections 12, 14 and 125 of the High- field Metropolitan District Council, Town Hall, Wood ways Act 1980 authorising him: Street, Wakefield; Post Offices at Dishforth, Thirsk, North Yorkshire; Collingham, Wetherby, West Yorkshire; (a) to carry out the improvement of highways, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire; Bramham, Leeds; (b) to stop up highways, Aberford, Leeds; Barwick-in-Elmet, Leeds; Austhorpe, (c) to construct new highways, Leeds; East Keswick, Leeds; Thorner, Leeds; Scholes, Leeds; Swillington, Leeds; and Kirkhamgate, Wakefield; (d) to stop up private means of access to premises, and and the public libraries at Garforth, Seacroft, Wetherby, (e) to provide new means of access to premises, Rothwell, Leeds Central and Halton. all on or in the vicinity of the route of the new trunk road Any person may not later than 16th March 1982 or on the main route mentioned above and providing for the within 13 weeks from the date of publication of this transfer of each of the said new highways (other than a notice if such period shall expire later, object to the making highway constructed for temporary purposes) to the West of the Orders by notice to the Secretary of State at his Yorkshire Metropolitan County Council from the date on address at the Department of Transport, Yorkshire and which he notifies the authority that the new highways have Humberside Region, Windsor House, Cornwall Road, been completed and are open for through traffic. Harrogate, North Yorkshire, quoting Ref. CNE 3. An Order under section 10 of the Highways Act 1980 399/2/26/05, and stating the grounds of objection. In the providing that a route of a road which he proposes to' con- preparation of an objection and the statement of grounds struct at Swillington Common in the Metropolitan District of objection it should be borne in mind that the substance of Leeds in the Metropolitan County of West Yorkshire of any objection or representation may be communicated which forms a roundabout to connect the new trunk road to other people who may be affected by it. with the Trunk Road (A63) (as proposed to be improved) /. Haylor, Controller of Administration, Departments and with the slip roads numbered 7 and 9 described in of Environment and Transport, Yorkshire and Schedule 2 of the Kirkhamgate to Dishforth Trunk Road Humberside Region. (Stourton to Bramham Cross Roads Section and Slip Roads) NOTE. The proposals contained in the present draft Order 198 about 610 metres (667 yards) in length measured Line and Slip Roads Order and De-Trunking Order super- along its centre line starting at a point where it crosses the sede the relevant proposals contained in draft Orders southern boundary of the Trunk Road (A63) about 95 published on 15th January 1981 for the Kirkhamgate— metres (104 yards) south east of its junction with Buller- Dishforth route. Objections to the previous draft Ciders thorpe Lane, having a centre point marked ' A' on the will be treated as objections to those now published. relevant plan and end radii of approximately 70 metres (77 yards), the centres of which are 84 metres (92 yards) apart 1st December 1981. (13 SI) and equidistant from point ' A' shall become a trunk road as from the date when the Order comes into opera- tion. HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 4. An Order under section 10 of the Highways Act 1980 providing that a route of a road which he proposes to The Kirkhamgate to Dishforth Trunk Road (Stourton to construct at Metropolitan County of West Yorkshire start- Bramham Cross Roads Section and Slip Roads) Order ing at a point on the Trunk Road (A64) about 110 metres 198 (120 yards) east of Mangrill Lane then going in a north- and easterly direction for a distance of about 250 metres (273 yards) to where it forms a roundabout to link with the The Kirkhamgate to Dishforth Trunk Road (Stourton to northbound slip road, then going in a south-easterly direc- Bramham Cross Roads Side Roads) Order 198 tion for a distance of about 220 metres (241 yards) to and where it joins the Trunk Road (A64) about 10 metres (11 The Leeds—Selby Trunk Road (Swillington Common yards) west of the entrance to Woodlands Farm shall Interchange) Order 198 become a trunk road as from the date when the Order and comes into operation; and 5. An Order under sections 14 and 125 of the Highways The Leeds—Scarborough Trunk Road (Potterton Moor Act 1980 authorising him: Diversion) Order 198 and (a) to carry out the improvement of highways, (b) to stop up highways, The Leeds—Scarborough Trunk Road (Potterton Moor Diversion Side Roads) Order 198 (c) to stop up private means of access to premises, and (d) to provide new means of access to premises, The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice all on or in the vicinity of the route of the above- that he proposes to make the following Orders: mentioned new trunk road. 1. An Order under sections 10, 41, 106 and 108 of the Highways Act 1980 which will: Copies of the draft Orders and of the relevant plans may be inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours (a) provide that roads which he proposes to construct from 15th December 1981 until 16th March 1982, at the along the following routes shall become trunk roads as Department of Transport, 2 Marsham Street, London from the date when the Order comes into operation: S.W.1 ; Department of the Environment and Transport, (i) a route between Stourton and Bramham Cross Yorkshire and Humberside Region, at City House, Leeds Roads about 164 kilometres (10-17 miles) in length and at Windsor House, Cornwall Road, Harrogate, North starting at a point about 310 metres (338 yards) north Yorkshire; North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, of the boundary of Pontefract Road (B6481) going in Northallerton, North Yorkshire; West Yorkshire Metro- a generally north-easterly direction passing Newsam politan County Council, County Hall, Wakefield; Leeds Green, Swillington Common, Barwick-in-Elmet, Potter- Metropolitan District Council, Civic Hall, Leeds ; Wakefield ton and Becca Moor to a point west of the Trunk Metropolitan District Council, Town Hall, Wood Street, A3.