New Lines of Alliance New Spaces of Liberty New Lines of Alliance, New Spaces of Liberty Félix Guattari & Antonio Negri Minor Compositions Autonomedia MayFlyBooks Copyright @ 2010 Autonomedia Main text originally published in French in 1985 as Les nouveaux espaces de liberté . First English edition, 1990, published under the title Communists Like U s. ISBN 978-1-57027-224-0 ebook ISBN: 978-1-906948-12-2 Special thanks to Mitch Verter, Arianna Bove, and Matteo Mandarini. Translated by Michael Ryan, Jared Becker, Arianna Bove, and Noe Le Blanc Edited by Stevphen Shukaitis. Released by Minor Compositions, London / New York Website: E-mail:
[email protected] Autonomedia PO Box 568 Williamsburgh Station Brooklyn, NY 11211-0568 USA Website: E-mail:
[email protected] Published in conjunction with MayFlyBooks. Website: E-mail:
[email protected] Table of Contents Introduction: Organising Communism Matteo Mandarini 7 1. Communists Like Us 26 2. The Revolution Began in 1968 33 I. Socialized Production II. Beyond Politics III. The New Subjectivities 3. The Reaction of the 1970s: No Future 48 I. Integrated World Capitalism II. North/South: Terror and Hunger III. The Right in Power 4. The Revolution Continues 63 I. Recomposition of the Movement II. The Terrorist Interlude 5. The New Alliance 77 I. Molecular Method of Aggregation II. Machines on Struggle III. Today, New Lines of Alliance 6. Think and Live in Another Way 92 Postscript, 1990 Antonio Negri 102 Appendix One: The New Spaces of Freedom Félix Guattari 116 Appendix Two: Archeological letter. October 1984 Antonio Negri 128 Organising Communism Matteo Mandarini 1 It is said that in the days of the first World War, Vladmir Illic Lenin and Tristan Tzara frequented the same bar in Zurich, without ever encountering one another.