Stiechen the Photographer

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Stiechen the Photographer THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART NO* 30 11 WEST 53 STREET. NEW YORK 19, N. Y. Friday, Maroh tk, 1961 TILfPHONI: CltCLI 5-8900 or after AboUt 300 photographs of stage and screen personalities are Included in gtelchon the thotoffrapharj an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, Rev York, on view Maroh 28 throng ltey 21. The one-man show, a total of 300 works, will open at a preview on March 27# Bdward SUlehan's 82nd birthday* While most of the theatrical studies in the exhibition date from the twenties md thirties, whan Mr* Stelohen was chief photographer for Vanity fair and Vogue, linger Yvettc Ouilbert and playwright Maurice Maeterlinck ware photographed in 1901* Beooora Dues in 1903, and George Bernard Shgw In 1907• Among movie actresses of th« later period are Jeanne Bagsls, Gloria Swansea, Lillian Olah, Mary Plokford, Joan Crawford, Myrna Loy, Mariana Dietrich, Merle Obaron, Anna May Wong, Pole Megrl, Sylv: Sidney, and Dolores Dal Bio* Actresses primarily of the stags are Bern Le Gellienne, Gertrude Lawrence, Beatrice Lillie, Katharine Cornell, Helen Hayes, Pauline Lord, fUsabsth Bsrgner, Lynn Fontanne, Clare Barnes, Eugenie Leontovitoh, Haalmova, and Ruth Draper* Some of the stars were photographed repeatedly over a span of years* Actors include John Barrymore as Hamlet (1928), Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, George ArUss, Maurice Chevalier, Charlie Chaplin, Paul Robeson (The Bmpsror Jonas)* Paul *"& (Key Larpo), Fred Astalre and Douglas Fairbanks. Among portraits of other celebrities in the wide range of the theatrical arts are those of playwrights Bugene b'Beill, Luigi Pirandello and Charles MacArthur; comedians Jimmy gavo and Bd wynn; dancers Martha Graham, Isadora Duncan and the • oe Marcos; musicians Leopold Stokowski, Vladimir Horowitz, Lawrence Tibbett, Jascha Heifeti, Lttoresla Bori and George Gershwin| Walt Disney with Mickey Mouse; and such versatile perennials as Alexander Woollcott, George M» Cohan and Noel Coward* "Im­ provisations " of actors in The front Page, What Price Glory?, Ah, Wildarnessl, and Ethan froma are also on view. Prominent figures in the worlds of society, finance, diplomacy and the visual arts are also represented in the show, along with city and landscapes, nature studio nudes, the "Balsac Moonlight Series" (1909), abstractions, combat scenes, and adver­ tising. Edward Stelohen, the dean of American photographere, selected his retrospective from 30,000 negatives and prints* As Director of the Museum's Department of Photo* e*apby since 19*7, he has directed ko exhibitions, including his greatest s*hlav«smn g» ^mlly of Man (1953). As movie maker, he supervised The Fighting Lady (19M) fc toe U*8. Bavy, and for the past two years has been filming In color the Shad-blow tree at his Connecticut home. Kx*ograpfcs and additional amsllmbls from Herbert Brojuetelo, Assoetate Publicity Director, Museum of Art* U Vast 35 Street, New York, **Y* CI 3-89C CHECKLIST STEICHEN THE PHOTOGRAPHER • • ——— i .in—•——.———«— March 28 - May 21, 1961 flAT.T.gRY I 1695 - 1911* 1. My Little Sister (Lillian Steicnen at the piano, now Mr*. Carl Sandburg,) 1893. Solio print 2, The Lady in the Deorway. 1897* Eecorative Depression. j# self Portrait - Composition Study. 1898. Platinum print. Gift of Alfred Stieglitz. Lent oy The Metropolitan Museum of Art *. Girl Reading Keats. 1898. platinum print. 5* lift anA Lamp' l8^9# platinuBl P*int» 6. Landscape. 1899. Platinum print. Lent by The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. 7« Landscape. 1899. Platinum print. Lent by The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. 8. The Rivulet Milwaukee. l899» Platinum print. Gi£t oTXEBKSf Siieglftz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 9. The pool - Evening. lC99« Platinum print. The Alfred Stieglitz Collection. Lent by The Art Institute of Chicago. 10. My Little Sister. 1899. Platinum print. 11. Self portrait with Sister (Lillian Steicnen, now Mrs. Carl Sandburg.) 1900. Platinum print. 12. F. Holland Day. 1901. Platinum print. 13. Portrait of Lady Slckert. 1901. Platinum print. i*. Maurice Maeterlinck. 1901. Pigment print. Gift of Alfred Stieglit2. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 15. The Black Vase. 1901. Ozotype print. Gift of Alfred Stieglitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 16. Alphons Maria Mucha. 1901. Platinum print (made in 1902.) Lent by Philadelphia Museum of Art. 17* Madame Georgette Leblanc. 1901. Brush developed platinum print. 18. Vitality - Yvette Guilbert. 1901. 19. Franz von Lenbach. 1901. Pigment print. Gift of Alfred Stieglitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 20. Franz von Lenbach. 1901. Pigment print. Gift of Alfred Stieglitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 21. Rodin - Le gpnecur. 1902. Platinum and gum print. Lent by Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hammerskiold, Stockholm 22. (Hude) The Little Round Mirror. 1902. Platinum print. Gift of Alfred Stieglitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. rotelcben the Photographer Checklist- eontM) tilery I 1895 - 19l"0 1 •2- 8« (Mude) Figure with Iris, 1902. Pigment print* Oiti of Alfred attleglitz. Lent lay The Metropolitjhn Museum of Art. g^# Qeorge Frederick Watts. 1902. Pigment print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 25. Bodln. 1902. Platinum print. 26. Clarence H. White. 1903* Platinum print made in 1908. The Alfred Stiegiitz Collection. Lent by The Art institute of Chicago. 7» ISBEES BBSS Hale* 3.903. Pi©nent print. 28. Moonlight - Winter. 1905. Platinum and gum print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Big White Cloud. 1903. Platinum and gum print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. , Portrait of Mercedes de C. (Mercedes de Cordova Carles, Mrs. Arthur B« Carles.) 1904. Gift of Alfred''. Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1. Moonlight m The Pond. 190^. Stained platinum, gum and ferroprussiate print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2. Horse-chestnut Blossoms, Long Island. 190U. Platinum print. 3. (Nude) in Memoriaa. 190^» Platinum and gum print. Gift of Alfred Stieglttz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. K Portrait. 190^. Experiment in multiple pigment printing. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 5. Sadakichi Hartmann. 190**. pigment print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 6« Winter Landscape Lake George. 190*1-5 • Three-color gum print. 7. Cyclamen - Mrs. Philip Lydig. c.1905. Pigment print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. • Stiegiitz and ftltty. 1905. Platinum and gum print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 9. Mary and Her Mother. 1905* Pigaent print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Mstropolitan Museum of Art. * fo^ffiiechase Day. Pnrlsf After the Races. C.1905» Pigment print. Gift of All rod Stiegiitz. "Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Steeplechase pay, Paris: Grand stand, e.1905. Pigment print. Girt of A;3ed Stieglllz. Lent*by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. T|e Flatlron - Evening. 1905 • Platinum and ferroprussiate print. Gift of Alh'od Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Portrait of Sdvard Stiegiitz. 1905. Pignent print. Gift of Alfred Stiegiitz. font by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. gichard etrausB. 1906. pigment print. The Alfred Stiegiitz Collection. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. ?be Garden of the Gods. 1906. pigaent print. Girt of Alfred Stiegiitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Mrs. Conde* NaBt. Parle, 1907. Pigment print. Collection of The Museum of Modern Art. Ceorge Bernard Shay. 1907. Platinum print. *ae Alfred Stieglttz Collection. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. George Bernard Shav. 1907. Lumiere autoehrome, reproduced in '•Camera Work", B. &, April, im. more... (Steichen the Photographer Checklist * tteklfd) (Gallery I 1895-191^) j -3- l*9* On the House-boat » "The Log Cabin", 1907< Lumiere autochrome reproduced In ^Camera Work," No, 22, Afcrll, 1908. -50. Late Afternoon - Venice, c.1907. pigment print, 5!H O£ Aiired gi'Iegliiz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, •51. Balzac - Towards the Light, Midnight. 1908, Pigment print, 7 8R of Alfred ^ieglitzT tent oy the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 52• Balzac - The Open Sky. 1908, Pignent print. Gift of Alfred Stieglitz, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 53, Balzac - The Silhouette, k a, m. Pigment print. Gift of Alfred Stieglitz. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, % William Howard Taft. 1908, For "Everybody fs Magazine", Pigment print. Gift of Alfred Stiegl&z, Lent by The Metropolitan teiseum of Art. 55. Theordore Roosevelt, 1908. For "Everybody^ Magazine". Pigment print. Collection of The Museum of Modern Art, #• Carl BfifiBSt* W08« Platinum print, 57. Anatole trance, 1909• Platinum print. Alfred Stieglitz Collection. Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 58. Edward Steichen, 1910, Brush, ink, wash, color wash and gilt paint by Marius de Zayas. Alfred Stieglitz Collection, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 59 • Rodin and Edward J, Steichen. 1910, Caricature by Marius de Zayas. Reproduced in "Camerawork," No. 46, April, 19lW 60* Mrs, Eugene Meyer, 1910, pigment print, 6l, Nocturne - Grangerie staircase, Versaillesf c.1910. Pigment print. Lent by Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, ^2* Heavy Roses, France, 191^• GALLERY II Stage and Screen "Ah, Wilderness!", George M, Cohan and Eugene O'Neill, 1933 • For "Vanity Fair J 6k George Arliss in "Old English", 192lf, For "Vanity Fair," 65 Fred Astalre, 1927, For "Vanity Fair". 66 John Barryaore in "Hamlet"• 1922, Two-color process (Palladium and ferroprus- siate print, J 67 Elisabeth Bergner in "Escape Me Never", 1935. For "Vanity Fair", 68 Lucrezia Bori, 1931. For "Vanity Fair? 69 Charlie Chaplin, 1925. For "Vanity Fair". &*• Charlie ghaplj?* 1931. For "Vanity Fair", 70 four ice Chevalier, 1929• For "Vanity Fair", 71 Katharine Cornell - Bnprovigationt Greek Tragedy. 192fc 72 Katharine Cornell in "Candida", 1925. For "Vanity Fair", 73 Katharine Cornell in "The Barretts of Wimpole Street", 1931.
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