Review of the Western Palaearctic species of Curtis (Diptera, Tipulidae)

Pjotr Oosterbroek & Vladimir Lantsov

A review is presented of the seven Western Palaearctic species of the Dolichopeza Curtis, 1825, which represent two subgenera: Dolichopeza (six species) and Oropeza Needham, 1908 (one species). A neotype is designated for the species D. (D.) nitida Mik, 1874, which is considered a senior synonym of D. graeca Mannheims, 1954, whereas D. nitida sensu authors is described here as D. bifida sp. n. Furthermore, D. (D.) hirsuticauda Savchenko, 1968 is considered a senior synonym of D. schahriari Theowald, 1978. The paper includes an illustrated key to the species, details on their distribution and a list of the material examined. Pjotr Oosterbroek*, NCB-Naturalis, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Nether- lands. [email protected] Vladimir Lantsov, Laboratory of Invertebrate Diversity, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Innesi Armand str., 37A, Nalchik 360051, Russia. [email protected]

Introduction Adults usually occur in shaded spots near water, The genus Dolichopeza Curtis, 1825, differs from the such as gullies and stream margins in woodland other genera of Tipulidae to such an extent that it is or, in more open habitats, underneath overhangs generally considered to represent a separate subfam- or tree roots. In flight they spread out their legs. It ily, . The combination of characters then seems as if only a white circle is in flight. This that sets the genus apart is as follows: is especially true for the darker coloured D. albipes, – Rostrum short (fig. 8). the most generally encountered species in northern – Nasus absent. and temperate Europe. Larvae develop in mosses and – Verticils at the basal part of the flagellar segments liverworts that grow alongside small rivers, ponds, not in a distinctly circular arrangement. waterfalls, etc. A detailed account of the larvae and – Wing with vein Rs very short, originating from their feeding habits is given by Byers (1961). vein R very close to the wing stigma (fig. 1). The genus is distributed worldwide with 301 species – Wing with vein m-cu ending in M before the in 11 subgenera (Table 1). The Nearctic fauna was discal cell or discal cell absent (fig. 1). revised by Byers (1961), the Australian by Theisch- – Legs very long and slender (fig. 1). inger (1993, 2000). For the other parts of the world – Tibial spurs inconspicuous. no reviews are available. – First tarsal segments longer than the tibiae (fig. 1). – At least in Western Palaearctic species distal part of the legs coloured white (this white coloura- Material and abbreviations tion includes a large distal part of tarsal segment The present review is based on material from the 1, the entire (lengthened) tarsal segment 2, and Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn (Collection usually 3; tarsal segment 4 ranging from white Mannheims), the Museum für Naturkunde in Ber- to light brown, segment 5 from light to dark lin, the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna, the brown). Zoological Museum in Helsinki, the Zoological

Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 154: 269–281, Figs 1–19, Table 1. [ISSN 0040–7496]. © 2011 Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging. Published 1 December 2011.

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Table 1. Distribution of subgenera and species over biogeographic regions. Dolichopeza Numbers of species after Oosterbroek (2010). NE: Nearctic; NO: Neotropic; AF: Afrotropic: WP: Western Palaearctic; EP: Eastern Palae- arctic; OR: Oriental; AA: Australasian.

Subgenera Total NE NO AF WP EP OR AA

Afrodolichopeza Alexander, 1956 4 4 Dolichopeza Curtis, 1825 83 2 4 6 4 1 67 Eudolichopeza Alexander, 1956 1 1 Eunesopeza Alexander, 1934 2 2 Megistomastix Alexander, 1912 13 13 Mitopeza Edwards, 1916 13 13 Nesopeza Alexander, 1914 124 10 112 5 Oropeza Needham, 1908 27 15 1 8 4 Prodolichopeza Alexander, 1963 4 1 3 Sinoropeza Alexander, 1935 5 1 4 Trichodolichopeza Alexander, 1917 25 24 1

Number of subgenera 11 2 1 5 2 4 7 2 Number of species 301 17 13 34 7 23 140 72

Museum of the University of Amsterdam and the pairs of species: D. albipes and D. bifida (Fig. 17), collections of Jaroslav Starý, Olomouc and Jukka D. fuscipes and D. hispanica (Fig. 18), D. nitida and Salmela, Jyväskylä. D. hirsuticauda (Fig. 19). The following abbreviations have been used: JSOC Collection Jaroslav Starý, Olomouc, Czech 1. Discal cell present. Antenna with 13 seg- Republic. ments ...... D. (O.) modesta JSJF Collection Jukka Salmela, Jyväskylä, Fin- (Central Europe, Russia: Moscow region, Far land. East) [ME] Material examined (identification labels – Discal cell absent (fig. 1). Antenna with 12 are mentioned only for identifications oth- segments ...... 2 er than the present). The 13th antennal segment is sometimes visible ZMHB Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany. as a very small extension without verticils on top NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria. of segment 12. A few specimens of D. fuscipes RMNH NCB-Naturalis (former Rijksmuseum van were studied possessing a well-developed 13th Natuurlijke Historie), Leiden, The Nether- segment with verticils. lands. 2. Upper side of thorax dull and darkened ZFMK Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Mu- with the presutural stripes vaguely indicated seum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany. (hardly by colouration, more so by the hairs ZMAN Zoological Museum, University of Amster- in between the stripes). Male: Aedeagal guide dam, The Netherlands (since 2011 part of without lateral appendages and median ap- NCB-Naturalis, Leiden). pendage of sternite 8 rectangular (fig. 2, 5). ZMHF Zoological Museum, Helsinki, Finland. Female: Hypogynial valve short, triangular ZMKU Zoological Museum, Kiev, Ukraine. and base of upper margin strongly sclerotized / : Separates between labels of type specimens. (fig. 17; in dry specimen the upper margin seems irregular because of the well-developed membrane) (ovipositor as in D. bifida) . . . Key ...... D. (D.) albipes Colour characters mentioned in the key are rather . (Europe) reliable, but less so for older specimens and not In D. albipes the thorax and abdomen are usu- for material preserved in alcohol. Males can eas- ally darkened but this can be less so in older ily be identified by hypopygial characters, whereas specimens, whereas in older D. bifida the tho- the ovipositor is very similar in the following rax can be less shining. In all species except

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D. bifida there is a lighter stripe between the 5. Male: Hind margin of tergite 9 without me- darker postsutural stripes, this stripe continues dian appendage (fig. 3). Female: Distance on the scutellum and dorsal part of medioter- between origin of Rs and end of Sc (x in gite (where it is usually only visible looking in fig. 9) usually half the length of Rs, at most the direction of the abdomen); in D. bifida the ⅔ the length of Rs. [Note that there is over- dorsal part of the thorax is usually much more lap between D. hispanica and D. fuscipes.] . . uniformly coloured light brown...... D. (D.) hispanica – Upper side of thorax shining, in D. bifida – Male: Hind margin of tergite 9 with a medi- usually more or less uniformly light brown, an appendage (fig. 4, 15). Female: Distance sometimes with the three presutural stripes between origin of Rs and end of Sc (x in vaguely indicated (especially in older mate- fig. 10) usually about as long as Rs but some- rial); upper side of thorax in the other spe- times as short as half the length of Rs . . . . cies with three distinct brown to dark brown ...... D. (D.) fuscipes presutural stripes and highly polished . . . . . 3 6. Male: Hind margin of tergite 9 with two 3. Upper part of head light brown to brown small triangles between median appendage with the area between the eyes above the and extended lateral corners (fig. 15); medi- antennae lighter coloured but without a an appendage of sternite 8 apically rounded silvery pruinosity. Male: Lateral append- or rectangular (fig. 11); lateral appendage ages of aedeagal guide bifid; median append- of aedeagal guide broad (fig. 12); sternite age of sternite 8 broadly rounded (fig. 6); 8 provided with long white hair-like setae hind margin of sternite 8 without median (fig. 16). [Characters to separate between V-shaped incision. Female: Hypogynial valve females of D. hirsuticauda and D. nitida are short, triangular and base of upper margin yet unknown.] ...... D. (D.) hirsuticauda strongly sclerotized (fig. 17; in dry specimen – Male: Hind margin of tergite 9 with a broad the upper margin seems irregular because of median appendage only (as in D. albipes, fig. the well-developed membrane) (ovipositor as 4); median appendage of sternite 8 apically in D. albipes) ...... D. (D.) bifida bifid (fig. 13); lateral appendage of aedeagal . (Europe except Mediterranean) guide less broad (fig. 14); setae on sternite 8 – Upper part of head with a silvery pruinos- as on the other sternites. . . . . D. (D.) nitida ity between the eyes above the antennae; this pruinosity, which sometimes continues in the direction of the thorax, contrasts with Species accounts the dark brown to dark gray colouration of the remainder of the head. Male: Lateral ap- Dolichopeza (D.) albipes (Ström, 1768) pendages of aedeagal guide not bifid (fig. 7); Figs 1–2, 4–5, 17 median appendage of sternite 8 not broadly rounded (fig. 7, 11–14); hind margin of Dolichopeza sylvicola Curtis, 1825; Dolichopeza opaca Mik, sternite 8 with a small median V-shaped in- 1869 (for synonymy see Mik 1874, 1900). cision which is closed by a lighter coloured membrane. Female: Hypogynial valve longer Distribution (fig. 18, 19) ...... 4 The most generally encountered species in northern . (Mediterranean species) and temperate Europe. In the west it is distributed 4. Dorsal and lateral parts of head rippled from the whole of Norway (Tjeder 1965) and Swe- (fig. 8; usually much less visible in material den (Tjeder 1955) to the Faroe Islands (Mannheims preserved in alcohol). Male: Antennal seg- et al. 1964), the British Isles (Stubbs 1992, Ashe et ments lengthened, especially segments 3–5 al. 2007, Skidmore 2009; [ME]) to the northern with segment 3 at least four times as long as half of the Iberian Peninsula (Eiroa & Baèz 2002; segment 1. Female: Hypogynial valve more [ME]). In the east it reaches from mid and southern or less triangular with a straight lower mar- Finland (Salmela 2001, pers. comm. 2010 (see ME gin (fig. 18) ...... 5 for details); [ME]), Russia (southern Kareliya; Man- – Dorsal and lateral parts of head without nheims 1954b; [ME]), Lithuania (Pakalniškis et al. ripples. Male: Antennal segment 3 about 2006) to Romania (Ujvarosi 2007) and southwestern 3 times as long as segment 1. Female: Hyp- Ukraine (Savchenko 1966, 1983). The record in ogynial valve not triangular and lower mar- Mannheims (1954b) for northern Finland (Muo- gin not straight (fig. 19) ...... 6 nia) refers to D. bifida [ME]. Material from the

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discal cell absent



lateral appendage of aedeagal guide


median appendage of tergite 9

median appendage of sternite 8 4 5 6 7

C Sc R  9 Rs

C eye Sc R Rs  8 10

Figs 1–10. Dolichopeza species, 1–2, 4–5, D. albipes; 3, 7, 9, D. hispanica; 6, D. bifida; 8, 10, D. fuscipes. – 1, male; 2, male, end of abdomen, lateral view; 3, 4, male tergite 9, dorsal view; 5–7, aedeagal guide, rear view; 8, head, oblique dorsal view; 9, 10, detail of wing. – 1, 3–7: after Mannheims 1951; 2: after Savchenko 1966; 8–10: after Theowald et al 1982.

Leningrad region in Stackelberg (1951) also refers to and Hellrigl (pers. comm. 2001: two localities in D. bifida (teste Savchenko, 1983, as D. nitida). prov. Bolzano)) are in need of confirmation. So far Apart from the single male from southern Kareliya, no material was seen from Italy and the species is not no further material or records are available for Russia mentioned in papers dealing with the Tipulidae of (see also Pilipenko 2009). The records from north- Italy (Mannheims & Theowald 1959, Theowald & ern Italy in Oosterbroek (2008; based on Mannhe- Oosterbroek 1984); in this respect it is of interest to ims (1953: “Südalpen”), Hellrigl (1996: “Südtirol”) note that D. albipes is not known from south of the

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Alps in Switzerland (Dufour 1986) or Austria (Franz, wet decid. forest & meadows, leg. P. Oosterbroek & 1989, 1990; ME]). Confirmation is also required for C. Hartveld, 1/ (dry, ZMAN); León, Picos de Eu- an older record from Slovenia (see Simova-Tošić, ropa, Oseja de Sajambre, 700 m, 21.V.1994, marsh- 1978 and Simova- Tošić & Oosterbroek 2003). land in decid. forest, leg. P. Oosterbroek & C. Hartveld, 4? (dry, ZMAN); León, Peñalba de Santiago, 1050 m, 15.VI.2005, decid. forest along river, leg. P. Oosterbroek Period of flight & C. Hartveld, 1/ (alc., ZMAN); León, 12 km N Tru- From April to September. chas, 1400 m, 17.VI.2005, shrubs along small river, leg. P. Oosterbroek & C. Hartveld, 1?1/ copula, 1/ (alc., Material examined. Austria: Rosenhof [= near Freis- ZMAN); Zamora, surr. of Laguna de los Peces, 8–10 km tadt], 28.VI.1868, leg. Mik, sylvicola det. Mik, 1? (dry, N Lago de Sanabria, 17–1800 m, 19.VI.2005, small river NHMW); Austr. sup., Hammern, 18.VI.1874, leg. Mik, in dry stony land, leg. P. Oosterbroek & C. Hartveld, 1? sylvicola det. Mik, 3? (dry, NHMW); Austr. sup., Freis- (alc., ZMAN); Lugo, Castello de Dorias, 20 km E San Ro- tadt, 17.VII.1876, leg. Mik, sylvicola det. Mik, 1? (dry, man, 550–600 m, 29.VI.2005, decid. forest along river, leg. NHMW); Styria, Koralpe, 1600 m, 23.VII.1953, leg. B. P. Oosterbroek & C. Hartveld, 2? (alc., ZMAN). Mannheims, 1? (dry, ZFMK). Belgium: Noirefontaine, 16.VI.1983, leg. E.A.M. Speijer, 1/ (dry, RMNH); sp. n. 4 km NE Robertville, along Roer, 500 m, 24.VI.1983, leg. Dolichopeza (D.) bifida Exc. Ned. Env. Ver., 6?, 1/ (dry, ZMAN); Liège, Bül- Fig 6 lingen, Jansbach, 3 km ENE Rocherath, 9.31.31. U.T.M., D. (D.) nitida sensu authors, nec Mik, 1874. LA 0595, 26.VI.1983, leg. Exc. N.E.V., IFB G, 5? (dry, ZMAN); Haute Fagne, 3 km NE Sourbrodt, 2.VI.2000, wet conif. forest along river Roer, leg. P. Oosterbroek & Type material. Holotype ?, Austria, Salisburg. Aigen C. Hartveld, 2? (dry, ZMAN). Czech Republic: Franzen- 30.6.85 Mik / Dolichop ? nitida Mik det. M.P. Riedel bad [= Frantiskovy Lazne], VII.1889, 2? (dry, ZFMK). / Dolichopeza nitida Mik Mannheims det. 1947 (dry, Denmark: Faroer Islands, Thorshaven, 2–4.VI.1926, leg. NHMW; condition good, front legs and one hindleg miss- Krijger, 2? (dry, ZFMK). Finland: Kuustö [= Kuusisto, = ing). Paratypes. 9?, 6/, as follows: Austria: Salisburg. zoological province Regio aboënsis (Ab)], leg. Lundström, Aigen 4.7.85 Mik / Dolichopeza nitida Mik Mannheims 1? (dry, ZMHF; abdomen dry in separate vial); Tvärminne det. 1955, 1? (dry, NHMW); Aigen 4.?.85 / 4.7.85 / nitida [= zoological province Nylandia (N)], 13.VI.1933, leg. det. Mik, 1/ (dry, NHMW); Austr. inf. Unterberg 17.7.00 Krogerus, 1/ (dry, ZMHF), Pasila [= (N)], 17.VI.1950, / Dolichop ? nitida Mik det. M.P. Riedel / Dolichopeza 1? (dry, ZMHF). [A list of Finnish Dolichopeza records nitida Mik Mannheims det. 1955, 2? (dry, 1? NHMW, kindly provided by Jukka Salmela (pers. comm. 2010) 1? ZFMK); Austr. inf. Unterberg 19.7.00 / Dolichop / includes additional records for another seven zoological nitida Mik det. M.P. Riedel, 1/ (dry, NHMW); Austr. inf. provinces in the southern half of Finland, as far north as Wien 4.7.59 / nitida det. Mik / Dolichopeza nitida Mik Ostrobottnia kajanensis (Ok)]. France: Aveyron (12), Es- Mannheims det. 1955, 1? (dry, NHMW); Salisburgia taing, 8.V.1999, Chestnut forest, leg. P. Oosterbroek & Golling 17.7.16 Zerny / Dolichopeza nitida Mik Mannhe- C. Hartveld, 1? (dry, ZMAN); Hérault (34), 3 km N La Sal- ims det. 1947, 1/ (dry, ZFMK). Czech Republic: Rippau vetat, 750 m, 10.V.1999, deciduous forest and marshland, [= Repova]) 7 / Dolichopeza nitida Mik Mannheims det. leg. P. Oosterbroek & C. Hartveld, 1? (dry, ZMAN). Ger- 1950 / ex Coll. Berlin / Zool. Mus. Berlin, 1? (dry, many: Bad Elster, VII.1931, leg. Riedel, 1? (dry, ZMHB); NHMW; this is the specimen from Rippau recorded by Frankfurt Oder, no date, leg. Riedel, 2? (dry, ZMHB); Karsch, 1886, as D. sylvicola). Finland: Muonia [= zoologi- numerous specimens in ZFMK. Great Britain: Yorkshire, cal province Lapponia kemensis pars occidentalis (Lkoc)] no date, leg. Cheetham, 2? (dry, ZMHB). Latvia: Kalw- / R. Frey / / blue label 3398, 1? (dry, en?, 27.V.-14.VI.1932, leg. Dr. P. Lackschewitz, 5? (dry, ZMHF); Muonia / R. Frey / Dolichopeza albipes Ström / ZMHB) [Handwritten locality label could read otherwise, blue label 3399, 1? (dry, ZMHF); Muonia / R. Frey / blue such as Gawesen, another “Lackschewitz” locality in Lat- label 3401, 1/ (dry, ZMHF); Muonia / R. Frey / blue label via]. Luxembourg: Bouillon, 1.VI.1985, leg. E.A.M. Spei- 3414, 1/ (dry, ZMHF); zoological province Tavastia borea- jer, 1?, 1/ (dry, RMNH). Netherlands: Numerous speci- lis (Tb): Pihtipudas, Valkeispuro, 7034659:3452879 (Grid mens in ZMAN. Poland: Riesengebirge, Brückenberg, 850 27oE), 17.VI-12.VII.2008, J. Salmela leg., Dolichopeza m, VI-VII.1937, leg. M.P. Riedel, 1? (dry, ZMHB). Por- nitida Mik, 1874 ? J. Salmela det 2008, 1? (alc., JSJF); tugal: Sierra da Estrela, no date, 1? (dry, ZFMK); Braga, Zoological province Karelia borealis (Kb): Rautaavaara, Portela de Leonte, 8 km N Vilar de Veiga, 750–850 m, Nurmespuro, 7034411:3560105 (Grid 27oE), 14.VI- 21.VI.2005, decid. forest along river, leg. P. Oosterbroek 15.VII.2008, J. Salmela leg., Dolichopeza nitida Mik, 1874 & C. Hartveld, 1?, 1/ (alc., ZMAN). Russia: Karely- / J. Salmela det 2008, 1/ (alc., JSJF). [A list of Finn- ia, Petrosaw. [= Petrozavodsk], leg. J. Sahlberg, 1? (dry, ish Dolichopeza records kindly provided by Jukka Salmela ZMHF; abdomen missing; most likely the specimen from (pers. comm. 2010) includes three aditional records, one Petrosawodsk mentioned in Mannheims 1954b, but as each from the zoological provinces Lapponia kemensis leg. Günther). Spain: Sierra de Gredos, 1800 m, V.1955, pars orientalis (Lkor), Lapponia inarensis (Li) and Karelia leg. B. Mannheims, 1? (dry, ZFMK); Cáceres, Puerto del borealis (Kb)]. Germany: Dietfurt / 13.VIII.60 Wutsch / Piornal, 900–1200 m, 3.V.1994, Quercus pyrenaica for- w2 IT9a / Dolichopeza nitida Mik Mannheims det. 1960, est, leg. P. Oosterbroek & C. Hartveld, 1? (dry, ZMAN); 1/ (dry, ZFMK; abdomen glued on separate label). Oviedo, Picos de Europa, Covadonga, 400 m, 20.V.1994, Russia: Kantalaks [= Kandalaksha, Murmanskaya oblast] / R. Frey / pink label 3626 / orbitalis Riedel Lundström det. Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 07:07:37AM via free access 274 Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, volume 154, 2011

lateral appendage of aedeagal guide

median appendage of sternite 8 11 12 13 14

small triangles

15 16

hypogynial valve

membrane lower margin straight 17 18

19 lower margin not straight

Figs 11–19. Dolichopeza species, 11–12, 15–16: D. hirsuticauda; 13–14, 19, D. nitida; 17, D. albipes; 18, D. fusci- pes. – 11–14, aedeagal guide, rear view (11, 13) and lateral view (12, 14); 15, male tergite 9, dorsal view; 16, male, end of abdomen, lateral view; 17–19, ovipositor. – 11–16: after Savchenko 1968; 17–19: original.

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/ Dolichopeza nitida Mik 1874 J. Salmela 2006 det., 1? (as in D. albipes, fig. 4). Inner and outer dististyles (dry, ZMHF; abdomen in glycerine vial on same pin; this simple, as in D. albipes (fig. 2). Lateral appendages is the specimen from Kantalaks mentioned in Mannheims of aedeagal guide bifid (fig. 6). Median append- 1954b under Pales orbitalis [= Nephrotoma lundbecki], and as not yet traced in Oosterbroek 1979 under Nephrotoma age of male sternite 8 broad and apically rounded lundbecki); (fig. 6). Hind margin of male sternite 8 straight, without median incision or cluster(s) of setae. Ovi- Additional material examined. Country unknown: positor as in D. albipes (fig. 17), hypogynial valve printed label with nr 5674, 1? (dry, ZMHB, hypopygium short, triangular and base of upper margin strongly missing). sclerotized.

Diagnosis Etymology As explained below under the species D. nitida Mik, The name bifida refers to the unique bifid shape the interpretation of D. nitida until now does not of the lateral appendages of the aedeagal guide. An refer to the species described by Mik. This D. nitida adjective in nominative singular. sensu authors is described here as D. bifida sp.n. It can easily be recognized by its genital characters, such Distribution as the uniquely bifid shape of the lateral appendages D. (D.) bifida is a species of northern and central of the aedeagal guide (fig. 6). Europe, known from relatively few localities. In almost all cases it was recorded as D. nitida Mik; Description from northern Sweden (Messaure region, Tjeder Male excluding antennae 9–10 mm, wing 10– 1975, Bartsch et al. 2005), central and northern 11 mm; female excluding antennae 12–13 mm, Finland (Salmela 2008, pers. comm. 2010 (see wing 13–14 mm. ME for details); [ME]), northern European Russia Head and rostrum brown, more yellowish around (Murmanskaya oblast [ME, in Salmela 2008 as from and above antennal bases and around the eyes. Scape Kareliya] and Leningrad Region (Savchenko 1983)), and pedicel yellow, flagellar segments brown. Dor- Lithuania (Podénas & Pakalniškis 2000), Germany sal part of head somewhat polished. Nasus absent. (Bayern: Dietfurt; [ME]), Czech Republic (Mora- Antennae somewhat shorter than in other European via: Rippau [= Repova], Karsch 1886 (as D. sylvi- Dolichopeza species, if bent backwards in the male cola), Mannheims & Pechlaner 1963; [ME]), Austria reaching the end of the thorax, in the female reach- (provinces Salzburg, Niederösterreich and Wien, ing the base of the halter. Mannheims & Pechlaner 1963; [ME]), Switzerland Neck and pronotum brown. Thorax shining dorsally (Vaud: Chalet à Gobet, Bern: Weissenburg, Dufour but not as highly polished as in the four Mediter- 1986 and pers. comm. 2010) and southwestern ranean species. Presutural and postsutural stripes Ukraine (Savchenko 1983). The above largely refers and lateral sides of mediotergite brown, remainder to older material, with relative recent data for Ger- of dorsal part of thorax in general somewhat lighter many (1960), Sweden (1965, 1966), Lithuania but sometimes of the same colour as the stripes. Lat- (1996) and Finland (2007, 2008). eral sides of thorax shining, yellowish white to light brown with anatergite, meron, anatergite and lower Period of flight and habitat halves of the katepisternum and katatergite darker. All records are between 2 June and 19 July, except for Coxae light brown, somewhat darker at the bases. Dietfurt in Germany, which is from 13 August. The Trochanters light brown. Femora and tibiae brown. only habitat information is from northern Finland Basal one-third to one-fourth of tarsus 1 brown, where the species was collected at a swampy stream remainder as well as tarsus 2 and 3 whitish, tarsus shore and at a small brook with luxuriant riparian 4 and 5 brown to dark brown. Tibial spurs smaller vegetation (Salmela 2008). than in most other genera of Tipulidae, tibial spur formula: 1.1.2. Wing uniformly coloured, some- Dolichopeza (D.) fuscipes Bergroth, 1889 what brownish with a small darker coloured stigma, Figs 8, 10, 18 stigma without macrotrichia. Discal cell absent (fig. 1). Vein Rs very short (fig. 9, 10). Fork of M1 Dolichopeza algira Vaillant, 1953 (for synonymy see The- and M2 about as long as its petiole. owald et al. 1982). Abdomen brown, as polished as the thorax. Hypopygium somewhat darker, female tergite 10 and Distribution sternite 8 darker, cerci and hypogynial valves yellow- For over 90 years the identity of D. fuscipes remained ish brown. Male tergite 9 with a median appendage obscure until Theowald et al. (1982) established the

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identity of the species. This was based on exami- S. Girolamo, 500 m N roadbridge, 39 50N 09 24E, 550 nation of the female holotype from Algeria and m, 28.V.1981, leg. H Malicky, 1? (alc., ZMAN; label comparison with other material from Algeria and in German); Sardinia, N.S. Lussurgiu, 40 10N 08 39E, ? Corsica, including the types of D. algira Vaillant. 700 m, 4.VI.1981, small source river, leg. H Malicky, 4 , 1/ (alc., ZMAN; label in German); Sicily, Mti Pelori- Since 1982, more material has become available, tani, above Mandanici, 38 01N 15 20E, 420–650 m, 4– showing that the species has a trans-mediterranean 6.VII.1979, leg. Aspöck, Rausch & Ressl, 1?, 1/ (alc., distribution. It is now known from Mallorca, Alge- ZMAN). Spain: Mallorca, N of Estellencs, 39 40N 02 ria, Tunisia, Corsica, southern Italy (Calabria), Sar- 29E, 100 m, 7.V.1978, leg. H. Malicky, 1? (alc., ZMAN); dinia, Sicily, mainland Greece and the islands Lefkas, Mallorca, W of Puigpunyent, 39 37N 02 31E, 200 m, ? Kefallonia, Zakynthos, Kythira, Samothraki, Naxos, 12.V.1978, leg. H. Malicky, 2 (alc., ZMAN); Mallor- ca, S of Lluch, 39 49N 02 53E, 520 m, 14–15.V.1978, Crete and Samos. leg. H. Malicky, 1? (alc., ZMAN); Mallorca, Calobra, 39 51N 02 48E, 90 m, 24.V.1978, leg. H. Malicky, 3? Period of flight (alc., ZMAN); Mallorca, South slope Puig Mayor, N The period of flight is rather long, from mid April to of Soller, 39 47N 02 46E, 700 m, 25–29.V.1978, leg. mid October, but with a distinct peak in May (50% H. Malicky, 3? (alc., ZMAN; label in German); Mal- of all records). lorca, Deia, 75 m, 15.X.1993, leg. H. de Jong, 3?, 1/ (dry, ZMAN). Tunisia: 4 km S Ain Draham, 36 43N 08 40E, 530 m, 17–18.V.1982, leg. H. Malicky, 3?, 2/ (alc., ? / Material examined. Algeria: 1 , 1 paratypes of algira ZMAN); Oued Titria, 5 km E Ain Sobah, 36 56N 08 56E, Vaillant, Rhouffi, VI.1949 (dry, ZFMK); Petite Kabylia, 3.VI.1982, leg. H. Malicky, 1? (alc., ZMAN). 32 km S El Aouana, 1300 m, 25.V.1986, leg. P. Ooster- broek, 1?, 1/ (dry, ZMAN). France: Corse, Vensolasca, 25 km S Bastia, 200 m, 14–24.IX.1981, Castanea for- Dolichopeza (D.) hirsuticauda Savchenko, ests and streams, leg. C. Dufour, J.O. Henriksson & 1968 ? / P. Oosterbroek, 4 , 2 (dry, ZMAN). Greece: Mar- Figs 11–12, 15–16 athea near Gythion, 21–22.IV.1956, leg. B. Mannhe- ims, 16?, 6/ (dry, 15?, 4/ ZFMK, 1?, 2/ ZMAN); D. (D.) schahriari Theowald, 1978, syn. n. Oiti Mts, Gorgopotamos, 800 m, 26–28.V.1956, leg. B. Mannheims, 5?, 3/ (dry, 2?, 3/ ZFMK, 2? Diagnosis ZMHB, 1? ZMAN); Vlachovouni mountains, right sid- eriver of Mornos, at the junction to Koupaki, 38 30N 22 The discriminating characters for D. hirsuticauda 01E, 260 m, 21.V.1990, leg. H Malicky, 3? (alc., ZMAN; males are: Hind margin of tergite 9 with two small label in German); Peloponnisos, near Nomio, 7 km SW triangles between median appendage and extended Monomvaria, watermill river, 6.X.1980, leg. H. Malicky, lateral corners (fig. 15); median appendage of ster- 1? (alc., ZMAN); Crete, Fassas valley, W Chliario, 35 nite 8 apically rounded or rectangular (fig. 11); 24N 23 53E, 270 m, 18–20.V.1977, leg. H. Malicky, 1?, lateral appendage of aedeagal guide broad / 1 (alc., ZMAN); Crete, Kalonichtis, 35 18N 24 23E, (fig. 12); sternite 8 provided with long white hair- 300 m, 14.IV.1978, leg. H. Malicky, 1? (alc., ZMAN); Crete, Perivolia, 35 22N 23 37E, 450 m, 16.V.1979, leg. like setae (fig. 16). these characters are clearly fig- H. Malicky, 4? (alc. ZMAN); Crete, Khania, env. Kha- ured by Savchenko (1968) for D. hirsuticauda, and nia, 2 km W Prases, 18.V.2004, leg. J. Starý, 1? (dry, by Theowald (1978a) for D. schahriari. Therefore, it JSOC); Kefallonia, S Agios Nikolaos, 38 09N 20 43E, is almost certain that in preparing his 1978a paper, 140 m, 2.VI.1977, leg. H. Malicky, 1?, 1/ (alc., ZMAN); Theowald did not know of D. hirsuticauda, the more Kefallonia, S Agios Nikolaos, 38 09N 20 43E, 150 m, so because the latter species is not mentioned in his 27.IX.1980, leg. H. Malicky, 1? (alc., ZMAN); Kefallon- ia, NW Tsanata, 38 09N 20 44E, 90 m, 28.IX.1980, leg. paper. H. Malicky, 5? (alc., ZMAN); Kythira, W of Avlemonas, 36 13N 23 01E, 60 m, 5.X.1980, leg. H. Malicky, 1/ (alc., Distribution ZMAN); Lefkada, 4 km NW Nydri, 20 m, 28.V.2004, The species D. hirsuticauda was described from near waterfall & small river, leg. P. Oosterbroek & Azerbaijan (including Naxcivan), Russia (Krasnod- C. Hartveld, 1/ (alc., ZMAN); Naxos, 16.V.1862, 10976, arskiy kray) and Georgia (Ajaria). The type series of / 1 (dry, ZMHB; this is the specimen from Naxos recorded D. schahriari originated from Iran, provinces Gilan by Karsch, 1886, as D. sylvicola); Samos, below Manolates, 37 47N 26 49E, 160 m, 27–29.V.1979, leg. H Malicky, and Mazandaran, both bordering the Caspian Sea 1? (alc., ZMAN; label in German); Samothraki, Therma, (for details on both type series see ME). Additional 0–100 m, 17.VI.1984, leg. J.W. Dienske, 1?, 1/ (dry, material was examined from Georgia (Abkhazia) and ZMAN); Zakynthos, 6 km S Argasi, 37 44N 20 58E, western Turkey (Bolu). 20 m, 27.V.1977, leg. H. Malicky, 1?, 1/ (alc., ZMAN). Italy: Calabria, Aspromonte, E Sta Cristina, 38 14N Biology 16 01E, 500 m, 10.VII.1979, leg. Aspöck, Rausch & Ressl, 1/ (alc., ZMAN; most probably D. fuscipes); Sardinia, Rio The period of flight is from the end of April until mid September. The usual habitats are “swampy

Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 07:07:37AM via free access Oosterbroek & Lantsov: Western Palaearctic Dolichopeza 277 and mossy forest glades, sheer cliffs around water- RAS, St. Petersburg (Savchenko & Kandybina 1987, pre- falls overgrown with moss and liverworts, damp served dry, not studied), 1?, 1/ are apparently missing; mountain gorges and dense shrub thickets along a / paratype from Krasnodarskiy kray, Sochi, 6.V.1932, leg. Rodendorf is apparently also missing]. Iran: 3?, the banks of mountain torrents and streams. 1/ paratypes of D. schahriari, as follows: Guilan, Foret D. hirsuticauda takes on the wing in the evening d’Assalem, 1.VII.1965, leg. L. Matile, 2? (dry, ZMAN); shortly after sunset, which is also the time when the Guilan, Vallé d’Assalem, 4.VII.1965, leg. L. Matile, 1?, crane emerge from the pupae; newly emerged 1/ (dry, ZMAN). crane flies are characteristically watery green until their integuments harden. During the day the adults Additional material examined. Georgia: Abkhazia are relatively inactive and usually remain concealed [= Ap’khazet’i], Nature reserve Pizunda, border area Müs- in the shade of bushes and rocks (Savchenko 1968). sera, 11.VI.1978, wet deciduous forest, leg. E.N. Savchen- ko, det. D. hirsuticauda Savchenko 1979, 1? (dry, ZMAN; label in German; a second identically labelled male belongs Type material. The type series of D. hirsuticauda, as far as to D. nitida). Iran: Talysh mountains, near Assalem, 780 preserved in the ZMKU, was studied by the second author m, 16.VII.1968, leg. H.M. Steiner, 2? (dry, ZFMK; la- in November 2010; all these ZMKU types are preserved bel in German); Mazandaran, Weisar, SSE Novshar, 1400 dry and have labels in Russian, translated by VL as fol- m, 9–14.VI.1977, leg. Holzschuh & Ressl, 3?, 2/ (alc., ? lows: Azerbaijan: Holotype , Talysh, Astrinskiy district, ZMAN). Turkey: Bolu, 5 km E Yedigöller MP, 55 km NE Shuvinskoe forestry, near village Vaznash, approximately Bolu, 400 m, 30.VII.1996, decidous forest along river, leg. 150–200 m above sea level, 29.IV.1966, leg. E. Savchen- P. Oosterbroek & C. Hartveld, 1? (dry, ZMAN). ko (ZMKU); 3?, 2/ paratypes labelled as the holotype (ZMKU, 1? with hypopygium in glycerine); 1/ paratype Additional females of either D. hirsuticauda or nitida. labelled as the holotype but from deciduous forest and with Georgia: Abkhazia [= Ap’khazet’i], Nature reserve Pizun- date 28.IV.1966 (ZMKU); 1?, 1/ paratypes labelled as da, border area Müssera, 11.VI.1978, wet deciduous for- the holotype but with date 30.IV.1966 (ZMKU) [the orig- est, leg. E.N. Savchenko, det. D. hirsuticauda Savchenko inal description mentions for this part of the type series 1979, 1/ (dry, ZMAN; label in German; of the two 7? (including the holotype) and 8/, of these 5?, 4/ identically labelled males one belongs to hirsuticauda and have been studied, 2? and 4/ are apparently missing]; one to nitida). Turkey: Rize, Ikizdere, 12.VII.1986, leg. ? paratype and paratype without abdomen, Talysh, Len- W. Hurkmans, 1/ (dry, ZMAN); Rize, 1 km SW Findikli, koranskiy district, Girkanskiy forest, mount Suvalash, in 10 m, 1.VI.1995, leg. H. v. Oorschot, H. v.d. Brink & vicinity of village Alekseevka, approximately 250–300 m P. Oosterbroek, 1/ (dry, ZMAN); Rize, env. Guneyce, above sea level, 3.V.1966, leg. E. Savchenko (ZMKU) [the 300 m, 29.V.1995, leg. H. v. Oorschot, H. v.d. Brink & original description mentions for the Talysh part of the P. Oosterbroek, 1/ (dry, ZMAN); Artvin, 5 km E Sar- type series 1?, 2/, apparently one of these is missing; two ibudak, 400 m, 5.VI.1995, leg. H. v. Oorschot, H. v.d. further ? paratypes are preserved in the Zoological Insti- Brink & P. Oosterbroek, 1/ (dry, ZMAN). tute of the RAS, St. Petersburg (Savchenko & Kandybina 1987, preserved dry, not studied]; Naxcivan, ? paratype, in the vicinity of Paraga village, approximately 1500 m above sea level, rocky canyon near stream, 22.V.1966, leg. Dolichopeza (D.) hispanica Mannheims, 1951 E. Savchenko (ZMKU) [the original description mentions Figs 3, 7, 9 22.VI.1966]. Georgia: Adzhar ASSR [= Ajaria or Ach’ara], 2?, 1/ paratypes, Kedskiy district, [in vicinity] of village Mahuntsehi, subtropical forest in gorge, 30.V.1966, leg. Distribution E. Savchenko (ZMKU) [the original description mentions Dolichopeza hispanica is restricted to the western part for this part of the type series 2?, 3/, apparently 2/ are of the Mediterranean. It is known from Morocco missing]; ? paratype and paratype without abdomen, in (High Atlas, up to 2300 m; [ME]), Spain (Cadiz, vicinity of Tshinvali, 500–600 m above sea level, box tree Granada, Mannheims 1951, Theowald 1958; [ME]), along stream, 1.VI.1966, leg. E. Savchenko (ZMKU) [the original description mentions for this part of the type se- southern France (Landes, Pyrénées-Orientales, Var, ries 4?, 1/, apparently three of these are missing]; 5?, Alpes-Maritimes, Hautes-Alpes, Isère, Vaillant 1953, 2/ paratypes (including 1/ allotype), Kobuletskiy dis- Dufour 2003; [ME]) and northern Italy (Piemonte, trict, in the vicinity of Khino, approximately 850 m above Liguria, Oosterbroek & Delmastro 2000; [ME]). sea level, near moss covered stones in forest, 1.VI.1966, leg. E. Savchenko (3?, 2/ ZMKU, 1? ZFMK with label Period of flight in German, 1? ZMAN belonging to the species D. nitida) [the original description mentions for this part of the type The species is on the wing from mid April to mid series 6?, 2/, apparently 1? is missing]. Russia: 1?, October. 1/ paratypes, Krasnodarskiy kray, Tuapsinskiy district, in vicinity of Lazorevskoe, mountain deciduous forest, Material examined. France: Landes (40), Dax, 24.V.1963, leg. E. Savchenko (ZMKU) [the original de- 18.IV.1989, leg. P.F. Dijkstra, 1? (dry, ZMAN); Pyr- scription mentions for this part of the type series 4?, 2/, enéés-Orientales (66), Prades, 22.VII.1955 (is date of of these 1? is preserved in the Zoological Institute of the collecting the larva, ex-larva 15.VIII.1955), leg. Excursie

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Pyreneeën 1955, leg. v.d.Goot & Theowald, 1 larva (in study as well, as listed under the species D. bifida.) glycerine, ZMAN), 1/ and pupal skin on same pin (dry, Mik did not specify type material and no such ZMAN) (description and figures of larva, pupa and ovi- material is present in the NHMW. A male in the positor based in this material in Theowald, 1957, 1958 and 1967); Var (83), Hyères, 15.VI.1970, source Gapeau, NHMW from Gorizia, collected 1872, probably by leg. J. Ollier, 1?, 1/ (alc., ZMAN); Alpes-Maritimes Bergenstamm, was seen by Mannheims and identi- (06), Colomars, 3 km N Menton, 400 m, 16.VI.1997, fied by him as D. graeca. It fits the original descrip- wet deciduous forest, leg. P. Oosterbroek & C. Hartveld, tion of D. nitida and it might well be that Mik 1?, 1/ (dry, ZMAN); Hautes-Alpes (05), leg. had studied this male. To avoid further confusion, C. Dufour, J.P. Haenni, P. Oosterbroek & H. Revier: 6 km this male is selected here as neotype of D. nitida. W Chorges, 800 m, 19.IX.1983, meadows in dry Pinus It is preserved dry, in good condition (one middle forest, 1/ (dry, ZMAN); Valserres, 20 km SW Chorges, 700 m, 22.IX.1983, deciduous forest and stream, 1/ (dry, leg and both hind legs missing), and its pin bears the ZMAN); Isère (38), Alpes du Dauphiné, Claix, 400 m, following labels: Görz [= Italy, Gorizia], 1872 / Coll. 13.VII.1957, leg. Vaillant, 5?, 7/ (dry, ZFMK). Italy: Bergenst. ? / sylvicola det. Bergenst. / Dolichopeza Piemonte, Torino, San Sebastiano da Po, along torrente sylvicola Curtis / Dolichopeza graeca Mhs Mannheims Leona, 165 m, 23.VII.1999, leg. G.B. Delmastro, 1?, 1/ det. 1955 / Neotype Dolichopeza nitida Mik, 1874, (alc., ZMAN; as new for Italy in Oosterbroek & Delmastro P. Oosterbroek des. 2010. 2000, the second record in this paper turned out to belong to D. nitida); Liguria, Savona, Spotorno, Tor. Crovetto, 20 m, 24–26.VII.2008, leg. G.B. Delmastro, 3?, 1/ (alc., Distribution ZMAN). Morocco: Haut Atlas, Oukaimeden, 2300 m, The known records for D. nitida cover a larger part of 30.VI-1.VII.1977, leg. Aspöck, Rausch & Ressl, 5? (alc., the central and eastern Mediterranean. In the west it ZMAN); Haut Atlas, Massif Toubkal, leg. v. Oorschot, reaches as far as the French Alpes Maritimes (Dufour Haukes & Oosterbroek: Arhbalou, 43 km S Marrakech 2003; [ME]) and in Italy it is known from Piemonte ? / (route S513), 1000 m, 3–14.VII.1977, 1 , 1 (dry, [ME]. From here to the east it is known from Ser- ZMAN); Imlil, 17 km S Asni, 1700–1900 m, 7.VII.1977, 1? (dry, ZMAN); Tadmant, 17 km E Asni (route 6036), bia (Simova-Tošić & Oosterbroek 2003; [ME]), 1500 m, 10.VII.1977, 2? (dry, ZMAN). Spain: ? holo- Bulgaria (Theowald & Oosterbroek 1986; [ME]), type, Granada, Andreu / 6 / Dolichopeza nitida Mik det. mainland Greece and the island Thasos (Mannhe- M.P. Riedel 1911 (dry, ZMHB; head, wing and 4 legs ims 1954a, Theowald & Oosterbroek 1986, 1990; missing, fragment of wing glued on first label, hypopygi- [ME]), western Turkey (Mugla, Koç 2004) as well as um in Canada balsem); Cadiz, Algeciras, 12–20.V.’25, leg. eastern Turkey (Erzurum, Rize, Trabzon, Theowald Zerny, 1/ (dry, NHMW). & Oosterbroek 1990; [ME]) and Georgia (Ajaria and Abkhazia) [ME, identified by Savchenko as D. hirsuticauda Dolichopeza (D.) nitida Mik, 1874 , including a paratype of that species]. Figs 13–14, 19 Period of flight D. (D.) graeca Mannheims, 1954, syn. n. From May to mid October.

Neotype designation Material examined. Most of the material mentioned be- Mik gave a short description of this species in 1869, low has been identified previously as D. graeca Mannhe- as D. sylvicola Curt., and again in 1874, as D. nitida ims, 1954. Bulgaria: Katundere, 15 km N Malko-Turnovo, n. sp., from Görz and Goritia respectively [= Gori- 42 04N 27 27E, 200 m, 15–16.VI.1980, leg. H. Mal- icky, 1/ (alc., ZMAN); Pirin Mts, Popina laka, 1200 zia at the Italian-Slovenian border, apparently after m, 18.VI.1990, leg. J. Starý, 2? (dry, JSOC). France: material collected by himself at wet dark forest sites Alpes-Maritimes (06), Colomars, 9 km NNW Nice, (Mik 1869)]. Characters mentioned by Mik (1869 ravin de Danaréo, 70 m, 3.IX.1995, bord de ruisseau, leg. and 1874) [dorsal head with silvery pruinosity, dor- P. Oosterbroek, 6?, 1/ (dry, ZMAN). Georgia: Adzhar sal thorax highly shining with three dark brown to ASSR [= Ajaria or Ach’ara], ? paratype of D. hirsuticauda almost black presutural stripes] clearly indicate that Savchenko, Kobuletskiy district, in the vicinity of Khino, approximately 850 m above sea level, near moss covered this is not the D. nitida sensu authors since Man- stones in forest, 1.VI.1966, leg. E. Savchenko (dry, ZMAN; nheims 1951. Mannheims studied most of the older label in Russian); Abkhazia [= Ap’khazet’i], Nature reserve Dolichopeza material and his interpretation of nitida Pizunda, border area Müssera, 11.VI.1978, wet deciduous is based on specimens identified as D. nitida by Mik forest, leg. E.N. Savchenko, det. D. hirsuticauda Savchenko and Riedel and preserved at NHMW and ZMHB. 1979, 1? (dry, ZMAN; label in German; a second iden- These specimens are not from the type locality Gori- tically labelled male belongs to D. hirsuticauda). Greece: ? zia but all from further north, namely the Austrian holotype of D. graeca Mannheims, Olymp, Kanalon, 800–1000 m, 20–27.VI.1952, leg. B. Mannheims 1952 provinces Salzburg, Niederösterreich and Wien. (dry, ZFMK); 2?, 2/ paratypes of D. graeca Mannhe- (Most of these specimens were examined during this ims, as the holotype (dry, ZFMK); 8?, 1/ paratypes Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 07:07:37AM via free access Oosterbroek & Lantsov: Western Palaearctic Dolichopeza 279 of D. graeca Mannheims, Ossa, 1500 m, 14–17.VI., leg. for this study and/or for their help with the manu- B. Mannheims 1952 (dry, 4?, 1/ ZFMK, 2? NHMW, script: Netta Dorchin (ZFMK, Bonn, Germany), 1? without hypopygium, 2? ZMHB); Olymp, Prioni, Christophe Dufour (Neuchâtel, Switzerland), 3–13.VI.1956, leg. B. Mannheims, 3?, 2/ (dry, 2?, 2/ ZFMK, 1? ZMAN); Magnysia, E of Chania, 39 Herman de Jong (RMNH, Leiden, The Nether- 25N 23 06E, 800 m, 15.VI.1979, leg. H. Malicky, 1? lands), Jukka Salmela (JSJF, Jyväskylä, Finland), (alc., ZMAN); Magnysia, above Portaria, 39 23N 23 01E, Peter Sehnal (NHMW, Wien, Austria), Jaroslav 700 m, 15.VI.1979, leg. H. Malicky, 2? (alc., ZMAN; Starý (JSOC, Olomouc, Czech Republic), Pekka label in German); Paikon mountains, below Kastaneri, Vilkamaa (ZMHF, Helsinki, Finland), Joachim Zie- 40 48N 22 22E, 800 m, 10.VI.1989, mountains river in gler (ZMHB, Berlin, Germany). One of the authors / gorge, leg. H. Malicky, 2 (alc., ZMAN; label in Ger- (VL) is especially indebted to Dr. Evgenij Pisanets, man); Thasos, 2 km NE Marié, 40 42N 24 39E, 400 m, 17.VI.1979, leg. H. Malicky, 1? (alc., ZMAN). Italy: director of the ZMKU, Kiev, Ukraine, for the pos- ? neotype (see above) (dry, NHMW); Görz [= Gori- sibility to study the collection of E.N. Savchenko. zia], V.1872, Coll. Bergenst., 1? (dry, ZFMK); Pie- monte, Torino, Pecetto Torinese, Tetti Rosero, 430 m, 28.VIII.1999, leg. G.B. Delmastro, 1/ (alc., ZMAN; References in Oosterbroek & Delamstro 2000 as D. hispanica); Pie- Ashe, P., J.P. O’Connor, P.J. Chandler, A.E. Stubbs, R.I. monte, Cuneo, S. Michelle Mondovi, Piazza, along tor. Vane-Wright & K.N.A. Alexander, 2007. The crane- / Casotto, 470 m, 1.VI.2000, leg. G.B. Delmastro, 1 flies (Diptera) of Ireland. Part 5. Tipulidae. – Bul- (alc., ZMAN); Piemonte, Cuneo, Rodello, Rio Rodello, letin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 31: 296– 360 m, 26.VII.2001, leg. G.B. Delmastro, 1? (alc., ZMAN). Serbia: Goc mountains, Gvozdac, 43 35 10N 357. 20 29 05E, 850 m, 20–25.VI.1978, leg. D. Simova, 2? Bartsch, H., B. Cederberg, R. Engelmark, K. Hedmark & (alc., ZMAN, label in Dutch); Goc, 20.VI.1978, leg. Si- B. Viklund, 2005. Diptera. – In: Gardenfors, U. (Ed.), mova, 1? (dry, ZMAN); 20.VI.1978, no further data, The 2005 red list of Swedish species. Swedish Species leg. Simova, 2?, 1/ (dry, ZMAN). Turkey: Rize-Cam- Information Centre, Uppsala: 325–337. lihemsin, 1400 m, 28.VII.1967, leg. H.M. Steiner, 6?, Bergroth, E.E., 1889. Ueber einige palaearktische Tip- 1/ (dry, ZFMK; label in German); Rize, coast, 100 m, uliden. – Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 8: 113–120. 2–4.IX.1968, leg. H.M. Steiner, 1? (dry, ZFMK; label in Byers, G.W., 1961. The crane genus Dolichopeza in German); Trabzon, env. Dernekpazari, 150 m, 28.V.1995, North America. – Kansas University Science Bulletin leg. H. v. Oorschot, H. v.d. Brink & P. Oosterbroek, 1? 42: 665–924. (dry, ZMAN). Curtis, J., 1825. British Entomology. London, 2: pls. 51–98. Dufour, C., 1986. Les Tipulidae de Suisse (Diptera, Nema- Dolichopeza (O.) modesta (Savchenko, 1980) tocera). – Documenta Faunistica Helvetiae 2: 1–187, fiches 1–149. Distribution Dufour, C., 2003. Contribution a l’étude des Tipulidae After being described from Kedrovaya Pad, Primor- des Alpes du Sud et de la Côte d’Azur (Diptera, Tip- ulidae). – Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise des Sci- skiy kray in Far East Russia the species has become ences Naturelles 126: 81–92. known from Europe as well, namely the Moscow Eiroa (Alvarez), M.E. & M. Baèz, 2002. Tipulidae. region, Switzerland (Tessin) and Italy (Padova). A In: Carles-Tolra, M. (Ed.), Catálogo de los Dip- review of its distribution including habitat informa- tera de España, Portugal y Andorra. – Monogra- tion with colour photo’s and a summary of other fias Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 8: 79–81 (in species of Tipulidae showing widely disjunct distri- Spanish). butions throughout the Palaearctic is given by Oost- Franz, H., 1989. Familie Tipulidae. – In: Franz, H., (Ed.), erbroek et al. (2001). Die Nordostalpen im Spiegel ihrer Landtierwelt, Dip- tera Orthorapha 6/1: 204–230. Period of flight Franz, H., 1990. Fam.: Tipulidae, Limoniidae, Cylindroto- The species has been collected between mid June and midae, Ptychopteridae. – Catalogus Faunae Austriae mid September. 19A: 1–57. Hellrigl, K., 1996. Die Tierwelt Südtirols. – Ver- öffentlichungen des Naturmuseums Südtirol, Bozen 1: Material examined. Italy: Veneto, Padova, VIII.1974, leg. Minelli, 1? (alc., ZMAN). 1–831 (Diptera: 619–670). Karsch, F.A., 1886. Ueber das Dipterengenus Dolichopeza Curt. (Leptina Mg.). – Berliner Entomologische Acknowledgements Zeitschrift 30: 63–64. Koç, H., 2004. Mugla ili Tipulidae ve Limoniidae fam- The authors are much obliged to the following per- ilyalarinin faunistik ve ekolojik yonden incelenmesi. sons for providing the material and data necessary (Faunistic and investigation of ecological aspects of Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 07:07:37AM via free access 280 Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, volume 154, 2011

Tipulidae and Limoniidae families in Mugla prov- Pilipenko, V.E., 2009. A check list of craneflies (Dip- ince.) – Mugla Universitesi Yayinlari 55 (Rektorluk tera, Tipulidae) of the Central European territory Yayinlari 35): i-xviii, 1–154 (in Turkish with English of Russia. – In: V. Lantsov (Ed.), Crane flies. His- abstract). tory, and ecology (Diptera: Tipulidae, Mannheims, B., 1951. 15. Tipulidae. – In: Lindner, Limoniidae, , Trichoceridae, Ptychop- E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, teridae, Tanyderidae). Memorial volume dedi- 3(5)1, Lief. 167: 1–64. cated to Dr. Charles Paul Alexander (1889–1981), Mannheims, B., 1953. Zur Kenntnis der Tipuliden Italiens Dr. Bernhard Mannheims (1909–1971) and (Dipt., Tipulidae). Ricerche zoologiche sul Massiccio Dr. Evgeniy Nikolaevich Savchenko (1909–1994). del Pollino (Lucania-Calabria), 7. – Annuario dell ‘Is- – Zoosymposia 3: 203–220. tituto e Museo di Zoologia dell ‘Universita di Napoli Podénas, S. & S. Pakalniškis, 2000. 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