Shipwreck Coast Master Plan – Stage One | Engagement Summary
Acknowledgement of Country Privacy Definitions Aboriginal people, through their rich culture, Parks Victoria is committed to protecting ‘Parks’ – Parks Victoria manages many sites such have been connected to the land and sea, for privacy and personally identifiable information as piers, waterways, ports, bays, historic tens of thousands of years. by meeting our responsibilities under the building, trails, urban parks, small conservation Parks Victoria respectfully acknowledges Victorian Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian reserves, and large national and state parks. For Aboriginal Traditional Owners, their culture Privacy Principles 2014. the sake of brevity, these are collectively and knowledge, their continuing connections, For the purposes of community engagement for referred to as ‘parks’, unless a specific type of and cultural obligation, to care for their this project, we have collected personal site is stated. Country. information from individuals, such as email addresses, contact details, demographic data ‘Community’ – Community is a broad term used and feedback. This information is stored on to describe residents, visitors, groups and secure servers for the duration of our project. businesses who have an interest in a project or Comments provided through submissions area. A community may be defined by a marked ‘confidential’ may be used in this geographic location, a set of similar interests report, however are not attributable to any such as an industry or sporting club, or a shared individuals. Diligence is taken to ensure any sense of identity such as a culture or a comment or sensitive information does not generation. become personally identifiable in our reporting. ‘Stakeholder’ – Stakeholders are those individuals and organisations who will be directly affected by the plan.
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