Find Yourself. Hit Your Target. Issue #11 - WINTER 2011 Get Inspired! Art & Poetry Project Open for Submissions Featured Artist Stephanie Cabral LIVE REVIEWS/PICS: In This Moment The Black Crowes Insane Clown Posse MGMT and MORE For Artists, Musicians, and Writers Who Want to Avoid Starvation Find Yourself. Hit Your TargeT EDITORial LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send letters to the editor at Welcome to Winter 2011 issue #11
[email protected] “Find Yourself. Hit Your Target” SonicBids Feedback I believe most writers, and most likely fine artists, musicians and even other indepen- Ellen Eldridge is one of the most conscientious and hard dently minded creators and busines owners working promoters I have encountered in my seven years in get that overwhelming sense of frustration the music biz. And I am writing this BEFORE I see my review. and desire to throw in the towel and allow Whatever the verdict on my music is, I feel comfortable television to suck them into an alternate re- saying Target Audience Magazine deserves our uncompro- ality. Well, this summer, 2011, will complete mised support. We (Sonicbids members) have all had our four years for Target Audience Magazine and share of disappointments, so my lonely voice says let’s sup- we have no desire to quit now. port the real good ones. This issue is dedicated to all those who Ric Zweig push through the temptation to wear out; those who continue to make art when even friends and family advise finding more “practical” means of survival. For many of us, living off our passion for art may be a long time coming, but to those who perservere..