Item 8(ii)

Dorset Community Safety Partnership – 15th December 2017

Minutes of Meeting Attendance:

Core Membership Cllr Kerby (Chair) North District Council Cllr Pipe Council Cllr Batstone Cllr Davis Christchurch Borough Council Cllr Butler District Council/Dorset & Fire Authority Cllr Thacker District Council Cllr Drake Borough Council Pam O’Shea Clinical Commissioning Group Chief Insp. Peter Browning Dorset Police Acting Supt. Ian Roe Dorset Police Insp. Steve Yeoman Dorset Police

Attendees Graham Duggan Dorset Councils Partnership Peter Davies Dorset Councils Partnership Andy Frost Dorset County Council Rachel Partridge Public Health Dorset Will Haylock Public Health Dorset Ian Grant Dorset County Council Julia Howlett Christchurch and East Dorset Councils Sally Wernick Dorset County Council – Adult Services David Webb Youth Offending Service Kim Bennett Dorset County Council Mike Hall Dorset County Council – Children’s Services Peter Brandt Community Rehabilitation Company Cllr Johnston Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils

Apologies - Cllr Skeats – East Dorset District Council, Duncan Ireland – National Probation Service, Karen Graham – Purbeck District Council

In Attendance – Kay Wilson-White (DCC) attended for item 1, Kath Saunders (DCC) attended for item 6 and Liz Moorehouse (DCC) attended to take the minutes.

No Item Action

1. Minutes of meeting held on 6th October 2017 and Matters Arising

1.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2017 were agreed as an accurate record.

1.2 Kay Wilson-White informed the CSP that Council have now published their DHR. Kay to provide a link to partners. Kay is also working Kay Wilson- with Torbay to produce a synopsis of learning. White

1 Item 8(ii) 1.3 In respect of DHR 5, the report has been cleared by the Home Office, with only minor changes. DHR 5 will be published on the 8th January to coincide with the publication of the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) report. A press release has been agreed by all key partners.

1.4 Andy Frost advised he had consulted with colleagues in the County Council (inc legal team) on the Modern Slavery Protocol and Guidance. There were some very minor changes and the Protocol will go to the County Council’s Safeguarding Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 30th Jan 2018.

1.5 The Chair had written to the Chief Constable to stress the importance of the Researcher post within the Rural Crime Team continuing.

1.6 Andy Frost will organise a meeting with the DATPC representative on the CSP, Cllr Kerby, himself and Karen Graham to explore links between the Andy Frost DATPC and the CSP.

1.7 Karen Graham will contact the DATPC and arrange to give them a Karen presentation on the Rural Crime Initiative. Graham

1.8 All other actions had been completed with some updates included on the agenda for today.

2. Performance and Delivery Report – Q2 2017/2018

2.1 Ian Grant and Kim Bennett presented the report, referring to the good progress being made on domestic abuse and sexual violence at a strategic level. Ian stressed the importance of continuing to monitor this work.

2.2 Ian also provided the group with an update on the Pan Dorset MARAC Steering Group (PDMSG) and its work to improve the coordination / completion of actions set at MARAC. This included sighting partners on the proposal to create a MARAC Coordinator / Business Managers post.

2.3 Cllr Andrew Kerby recognised the good work being done to tackle domestic abuse and sexual violence but agreed it was important to monitor this work, especially around having confidence that actions are getting completed at MARAC.

2.4 Sally Wernick informed the group of the key findings from the recent Safeguarding Inquiry Day which focused on domestic abuse.

2.5 It was reported that total crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) is continuing to rise.

2.6 A/Supt Ian Roe commented on the challenges in interpreting police data given the changes to police recording standards. A/Supt Ian Roe advised that this would be a key factor to the rising trends.

2.7 The group discussed the need to build on the narrative using statistics from other agencies. This would allow the CSP to have a better understanding of local issues and help shape any actions and interventions the CSP puts in place.

2.8 It was reported that Melcombe Regis continues to see the highest volume of ASB and total crime although East Dorset saw the largest increase in quarter three.

2 Item 8(ii) 3. Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

Dorset County Closure of Intractable Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Cases

3.1 Julia Howlett introduced the ‘Closure of Intractable ASB Cases’ protocol which outlined an approach to dealing with long running neighbour dispute cases.

3.2 The protocol included the steps Partnership Coordinating Groups (PCGs) would need to follow to determine whether an ASB case should be closed and included the need to take legal advice before making any final decision.

3.3 There was a feeling amongst the group that the ‘Closure of Intractable ASB Cases’ protocol needed to be clearer on the cases it would cover.

3.4 It was agreed by the group that the protocol should only refer to those cases where the primary issue is an intractable neighbour dispute, and where all efforts to resolve the case had been exhausted.

3.5 The group felt that the protocol should not be used to ‘close’ difficult cases where a person’s mental health or substance misuse issue was a significant factor. Although it may not be possible or appropriate to resolve these cases using ASB enforcement tools and legislation, it was felt they should be referred to the most appropriate agency/s to pick up and address.

3.6 The group also heard of the work being undertaken by the pan Dorset Community Safety and Criminal Justice Board (CSCJB) who were also considering solutions to deal with similar cases.

3.7 Considering these comments, it was agreed that Julia would refine the Julia protocol including in light of any work being undertaken by the CSCJB, and Howlett bring it back to the CSP for further consideration at a later date.

3.8 Resolved

 Members of the CSP requested the protocol be refined in light of comments made at the meeting and any work being undertaken by the CSCJB and brought back for further consideration at a later date.

 Partners committed to support the process and attend or supply information as required.

ASB Statistical Analysis – Christchurch

3.9 CI Pete Browning introduced a presentation on ‘ASB Statistical Analysis’ for

the Christchurch area.

3.10 The work had been undertaken by an analyst in Dorset Police by

interrogating their internal reporting processes.

3.11 The aim of the analysis was to support the CSP in understanding the true

extent of ASB in the area and the impact this had on workloads for the

police and wider partners.

3.12 This included the ASB incident management process that reports of ASB

go through prior to them reaching a local level for some form of action.

3 Item 8(ii) 3.13 The findings showed that very few reports received by Dorset Police were actionable incidents of ASB.

3.14 A snapshot showed that between April and June 2017 only 11% of the incidents reported to Dorset Police as ASB required further work by the local policing team and / or PCG.

3.15 Whilst the group recognised these findings, questions were asked as to what happened with the things reported that weren’t determined to be actionable i.e. where did they go; would they have benefited from linking in with other services?

3.16 CI Pete Browning noted that a proportion of the reports would have been signposted to other agencies as they did not require a police response.

3.17 Cllr Kerby acknowledged the importance of partnership approach and suggested partners look to develop publicity material on what members of the public should be referring in to the police and/or Local Authorities, wider partners etc.

3.18 Andy Frost agreed to pick up Cllr Kerby’s suggestion through the Andy Frost Community Safety Stakeholders group.

3.19 The group also recognised the need to broaden understanding of how the community feels about crime and how partners were dealing with issues.

3.20 CI Pete Browning agreed to pick up public satisfaction/perception analysis CI Pete up with Police Analyst, David Cregg. Browning

4. Melcombe Regis Board Update

4.1 Graham Duggan introduced a presentation on Weymouth’s Night Time Economy (NTE) and the impact on crime.

4.2 This included an update on the work that the Melcombe Regis Board is undertaking to address the issues.

4.3 Graham reported that Melcombe Regis has the highest ratio of licenced premises anywhere in the county which inevitably impacts on NTE and crime.

4.4 Cllr Pipe asked whether there was an opportunity to undertake licensing visits together i.e. Police and Local Authority.

4.5 CI Pete Browning noted that information from police licensing visits is shared amongst partners and if there is a need to undertake a joint visit then this can happen.

4.6 Whilst this is an important area of work, Graham noted that many of the issues facing the area are happening more frequently away from licensed premises which can be more difficult to resolve.

4.7 Graham also noted that whilst there are issues of crime in relation to NTE (many of which are complex), he felt it was important to stress that Melcombe Regis is a vibrant and great place to visit.

4 Item 8(ii) 4.8 Graham went on to explain that the Melcombe Regis Board is currently considering many different options, which include;

 After Dark Strategy;  Community Safety Accreditation Scheme;

 Local Alcohol Action Areas and;

 applying for ‘Purple Flag Status’

(list not exhaustive).

4.9 This forms part of a detailed action plan which CI Ian Roe and Rachel

Partridge commented was progressing well.

4.10 Graham advised that the Melcombe Regis Board is also working with Public

Health to consider looking at the use of ‘Safe Spaces’ as a possible solution

to providing drug users with a safe environment to consume drugs.

4.11 Will Haydock explained that research into the benefits of ‘Safe Spaces’ was

still in its infancy but set out to the group some of the potential pros and

cons. This included possible alternatives and potential financial costs.

4.12 Ultimately, the group felt it wasn’t in the gift of the CSP to resolve but a

matter for the Melcombe Regis Board.

4.13 Cllr Kerby expressed his concern over the progress being made by the

Melcombe Regis Board and agreed to meet with the Chair of the Board to Cllr Kerby explore issues and see where the CSP may be able to help.

5. Community Safety & Criminal Justice Board Update

5.1 Andy Frost introduced the latest CSCJB progress report which was a requirement under the governance arrangements set out in the CSCJB Terms of Reference.

5.2 Andy noted that the purpose of the report was to provide the CSP with a general progress update regarding the delivery of the delegated functions.

5.3 Of note, Andy advised that the CSCJB is working to pull together the Partnership Strategic Assessment (PSA) in readiness for its next meeting in February.

5.4 This was a statutory duty on CSPs that had been delegated to the CSCJB to complete.

5.5 Ian Roe raised the point about expanding the PSA to include vulnerability. Andy Frost advised members that there is work planned to include vulnerability in the PSA.

5.6 Once complete, the PSA will inform the CSPs and the CSCJB on priorities for the forthcoming year.

6. Family Partnership Zones

6.1 Kath Saunders (Children Services, Dorset County Council) gave a presentation on Family Partnership Zones (FPZs).

5 Item 8(ii) 6.2 Kath explained that whilst FPZs are still developing, the model means that family support is more fluid, with the correct agency taking the lead at the correct time.

6.3 It was recognised that FPZs are linking in well with local Partnership Coordinating Groups (PCGs) but Kath welcomed developing these links further. This included developing the links to local alliances.

6.4 The FPZs are engaged with substance misuse teams. Will Haydock commented that he would be keen to develop any further links re; parents and substance misuse.

6.5 Cllr Kerby was pleased to hear that the FPZs were starting to take shape, with seemingly a lot more substance behind them.

6.6 Andy Frost to incorporate FPZ involvement in the PCG review work Andy Frost

7. Forward Plan

7.1 The Forward Plan was agreed.

8. Date of the Next Meeting

8.1 Thursday 15th March 2018