Engro Corp Vision1
statement of financial position as at december 31, 2018 (Amounts in thousand) Note 2018 2017 (Amounts in thousand) Note 2018 2017 Rupees Rupees ASSETS EQUITY & LIABILITIES Non-current assets Equity Property, plant and equipment 5 514,837 464,128 Share capital 14 5,237,848 5,237,848 Share premium 13,068,232 13,068,232 Intangible assets 6 58,248 8,514 General reserve 4,429,240 4,429,240 Long term investments 7 24,652,289 21,171,987 Remeasurement of post employment benefits - Actuarial loss (12,721) (12,656) Long term loans and advances 8 49,796 32,425 Unappropriated profit 62,380,565 60,660,171 Total equity 85,103,164 83,382,835 Deferred taxation 9 - 9,878 Liabilities 25,275,170 21,686,932 Non-current liabilities Current assets Retirement and other service benefit obligations 50,365 35,459 Loans, advances and prepayments 10 350,121 1,234,859 Deferred taxation 9 249 - 50,614 35,459 Receivables 11 499,462 574,159 Current liabilities Accrued interest / mark-up 353,503 456,972 Trade and other payables 15 1,386,693 1,319,426 Short term investments 12 64,488,556 63,916,579 Provision 25.1 3,243,130 2,354,637 Taxes payable 1,431,589 274,696 Cash and bank balances 13 1,609,160 810,916 Borrowings 16 998,164 994,841 67,300,802 66,993,485 Accrued interest / mark-up 64,357 64,358 Unclaimed dividends 17 298,260 254,165 TOTAL ASSETS 92,575,972 88,680,417 7,422,193 5,262,123 Total liabilities 7,472,808 5,297,582 Contingencies and Commitments 18 TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES 92,575,972 88,680,417 The annexed notes from 1 to 39 form an integral part of these financial statements.
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