5 - 11 MARCH 2018 ISSUE N: 62 President Margvelashvili Paid Working Visit to Brussels 8-10.03.2018 BRUSSELS • The President of Giorgi Margvelashvili held meetings with the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Council Donald Tusk. EU side gave Georgia the highest assessment in terms of the implemented reforms and expressed readiness to continue supporting the country in the future. • The President held a meeting with the NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to discuss Georgia’s integration to the Alliance, dynamics of the current cooperation and future plans. • President Giorgi Margvelashvili participated in the Brussels Forum. More Mikheil Janelidze Paid His First Official Visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia 5-6.03.2018 SARAJEVO • Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Mikheil Janelidze paid his first official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina and met with FM, Igor Crnadak, representatives of the Presidential Council and other officials. Parties discussed Development of sectoral cooperation. MFA’s of the two countries signed a Memorandum of Cooperation that underlines the fundamental principles of international law - sovereignty and territorial integrity. More 7.03.2018 BELGRAD • During the visit in Serbia, Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze held meetings with President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimović. • The Serbian President highlighted the friendly relations with Georgia expressing readiness to support the development of cooperation in various fields. • The Georgian and Serbian foreign ministers signed a visa free agreement between the two countries. More Georgia and Europol to Deepen Cooperation 9.03.2018 HAGUE • Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs Giorgi Gakharia and Europol's Director Rob Wainwright have signed a Liaison Agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding on secure communication line protocol. The Georgian authorities intend to post a Liaison Officer to Europol headquarters in the upcoming months, which also aims at improving cooperation between the agencies on organised crime. More The Swedish Minister of Defence Peter Hultqvist Visited 6.03.2018 TBILISI • The Swedish Minister of Defense, Peter Hultqvist visited Tbilisi and met with the President, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence of Georgia. The Swedish-Georgian defence relationship were the top issues discussed by the Ministers. Minister Izoria noted the importance of the engagement of Swedish experts in JTEC. • Minister Hultqvist concluded his visit by holding a lecture at the Army Hall of the Ministry of Defence on Swedish defence policy priorities. More Announcing the Vacancies for the Commercial Attachés 6.03.2018 TBILISI • Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia launched a competition to choose commercial attachés to appoint to Georgian embassies abroad. “Establishment of the Commercial Attaché institution is of outmost importance for our country,” – noted First Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Dimitry Kumsishvili. • Commercial Attaché responsibilities will cover facilitation of the export and attraction of investments. As commented, this is a pilot project and during the first stage, the selected Commercial Attachés will operate in six partner countries: USA, FOLLOW US ON: Germany, Turkey, Great Britain, United Arab Emirates and People’s Republic of China. More Exhibition: “Women in Politics – Experience of the Democratic Republic of Georgia” /mfageorgia/ 8.03.2018 TBILISI /MFAgovge /janelidzeMkh • The Gender Equality Council hosted the Exhibition: “Women in Politics – Experience of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921)” dedicated to the International /MFAGEO Women’s Day and the 100th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. DEVELOPED BY: Strategic Communications Unit • “A century ago our legal arrangement was fairly considered as one of the progressive in Political Department Europe. Our ancestors spoke about equality and democratic values.” Stated First Vice MFA of Georgia Speaker, Chair of the GEC, . More [email protected]