United States Patent to 11, 3,996,141 Updike 45 Dec
United States Patent to 11, 3,996,141 Updike 45 Dec. 7, 1976 54 DALYSIS MEMBRANE 2,971,850 2/1961 Barton ............................. 195/63 X 3, 158,532 11/1964 Pall et al. ... ... 210/503 X 75 Inventor: Stuart J. Updike, Madison, Wis. 3,282,702 1 1/1966 Schreiner ........................ 195/63 X (73) Assignee: Wisconsin Alumni Research 3,327,859 6/1967 Pall .............. ........ 210/266 3,526,481 9/1970 Rubricius ........... ... 210/321 X Foundation, Madison, Wis. 3,766,013 10/1973 Forgione et al. .................... 195/63 22) Filed: Jan. 17, 1974 3,809,613 5/1974 Vieth et al. ...................... 195/68 X 3,824, 150 7/1974 Lilly et al. ... ... 195/DIG. l l X 21 ) Appl. No.: 434,231 3,846,236 1 1/1974 Updike ......................... 23/258.5 X Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner-Frank A. Spear, Jr. (63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 191,720, Oct. 22, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-McDougall, Hersh & Scott 1971, Pat. No. 3,846,236. 57 ABSTRACT 52 U.S. Cl. ................................ 210/501; 427/245 (51) Int. Cl. ......................................... B01D 13/04 A semi-permeable membrane containing a catalyst for 58 Field of Search .............. 210/22, 23, 321,500, conversion of hydrogen peroxide introduced from one side of the semi-permeable membrane to molecular 210/501, 502; 23/258.5; 195/18, 63; oxygen which is released from the opposite side of the 106/194; 264/41, 49; 427/245 semi-permeable membrane. The catalyst is preferably 56) References Cited in the form of a ruthenium oxide or sulfide and prefer UNITED STATES PATENTS ably in assymetrical distribution in the membrane.
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